Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 53: #53

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book contains occasional use of words that aren't appropriate for children. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 53: Overthink


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I asked Alice.

We're now going to the hotel and she decided to go back to work. It has been a week and she knows that there's a lot to cope with.

"You asked me that for like a hundred times already," she laughed. "Liv, I'm okay. I promise."

I just nodded as she drive the car. I can't help but think if she'll be able to work comfortable around Mr. Whitmore after what happened. I wish he won't do anything stupid that will make her cry again. Even though I don't want Alice to get near to him, I like the idea of them talking somehow so that Alice's mind will be cleared. She deserves an explanation and clarifications.

"You? Are you doing good with your boss these days?" she glanced at me.

"Yeah. We're doing great. The load of work is rising every day and I think I'm being used to it," I answered.

The new hotel is getting bigger and bigger. I can't wait to see it for the next years... if I'm still working for him, of course. But I'm ninety percent sure that I am.

"Is he still giving you hints?"

My heart almost skipped a beat. I remembered that I haven't told anyone yet about me and Mr. Parker. Should I tell her already? Or should I wait for the perfect time? Gosh, I don't even know when is the perfect time.

"Uhm... yeah, sometimes. But it's not something I can't handle," I just said to make ends.

After thirty minutes of driving, we already arrived at the hotel. When I took off my seat belt, I noticed that Alice looks nervous. I caressed her shoulder and told her to take a deep breath so she did.

"Everything's going to be fine, Alice. I'm sure of it," I said and smiled at her. She nodded at me before we got out of her car.


"Sir, do you want coffee? Or tea?" I asked. I'm standing in front of his desk and I can see that he's very tired. He must have been working overnight to review some reports and surveys.

"I'm good," he said while his head is on the top of his arms on the table. His voice was weak and he needs to get some rest.

"Mr. Parker you should rest even just a little bit. You can't work like that," I said before going beside him. I held his shoulders so he can stand up. He no longer objected so he stood up.

I accompanied him until we got into his penthouse. I opened the door for him and when we entered, we went straight to his bed. I got the blinds down so he won't hurt his eyes while he's sleeping.

"Liv?" I heard his voice. I glanced at him and I saw that his eyes are closed.

I gently sat on the bed, facing him. "Yes?"

"Do you hate me?" he suddenly asked which made me furrow my eyebrows.

"I don't. Why would you ask that?"

He paused for seconds. "No particular reason," he whispered. I just smiled before placing the blanket on top of him.

I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge to get some water. Things came into my mind as I drink. Is something wrong with him? Is he overthinking again about me and Sean? I have no idea how to make him feel that I like him more than he knows. I haven't been in a relationship before which makes me dumb when it comes to this.

I washed the glass I used before putting it back to it's respective place. I was about to go out when my feet decided on it's own to walk towards the bedroom.

I saw him sleeping peacefully and I had a little smile on my face when I saw how innocent his face is while sleeping. No wonder a lot of woman likes him. And because of that, I'm worried somehow. What if he'll realize that there's someone better than me? Will he leave without saying goodbye?

I shook my head, getting disappointed on myself. We haven't been dating for a month yet but I'm thinking about silly things. I wonder if he's thinking the same thing, even though he dated a lot of women before.

I then got out of his penthouse and went back to my cabin. I made my daily report for at least an hour before putting it into a folder. I also talked to the handler of the budget on making the new building because they're going to deliver loads of materials tomorrow.

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It was almost lunch time and Mr. Parker is still in his penthouse. I called Rowan to buy him his favorite sandwich so he won't need to go down because he might get tired easily while not having enough rest. I fixed my things on my table before getting my bag.

I went to Alice's cabin so we could have our lunch together. But I saw them talking and they looked at me. Alice doesn't look bothered but she doesn't look happy also.

"We're going to have our lunch, Sir," Alice said formally to Mr. Whitmore.

"Yeah, sure." He glanced at me before going inside. Won't he have his lunch? Or maybe he'll just use a food delivery app.

Alice stood up before getting her bag. We walked together towards the elevator. "How's your day with him?" I asked as we enter the lift.

"We're good. I'm happy he doesn't bring it up. It feels like I'm not ready to talk about it yet," she answered before hanging her bag into her shoulder.

"Yeah. It's not good to rush things up. But whenever you're ready, it's also a great idea to talk to him to make everything clear," I said and she nodded.


"Don't tell me you got into another fight again." I was looking at Summer while cooking our dinner. She looks grumpy and upset about something since I got home.

"I didn't," she almost whispered while fixing the plates on the table because I'm almost done here.

"But you look like you wanna kill someone. Care to share?" I asked before turning the stove off.

She sighed before walking towards me to help transfer the food into a clean plate. "Dylan and I had a misunderstanding. He thought I'm flirting with someone else."

"Why would he think that?" I asked before wiping the sauce on the counter top because I spilled a little.

"I was just talking about silly things with Polly's cousin, James. And everybody knows that James had a crush on me a year ago," she explained.

"Are you sure it's already a year ago? Did he tell you that he's not into you anymore?" I asked and she paused for a second, realizing what I've said.

She then shook her head. "No, he didn't."

"Then, he might still have feelings for you. You also said that everybody knows about it. Dylan must have been jealous of James when you talked to him," I told her. "But what did he tell you?"

"Nothing. Dylan just asked me if why am I so happy while talking to him. I said we're just having fun. And then he just avoids me the whole day," Summer answered before pouring water on two glasses.

"It bothers you, doesn't it?" I put the food in the dining table and sat on the chair. Summer sat in front of me.

"It does. I can't help but think about it so I called him lately but he keeps on acting weird," she said.

"I'm assuming your boyfriend got hurt, Summer. And I think his reason is valid," I explained to her.

She started eating and I did too. "Should I reach out to him again?" she asked for an advice.

"For me, I think you should. It's not good to leave a misunderstanding between the two of you," I said and continued eating.

She sighed before drinking water. "I think I should too. I'll call him later," Summer said. "Wait, I've never heard you making an advice about these things before. You suddenly know many things about relationship."

I swallowed even I don't have food inside my mouth. "Uhh... I've read so many books," I lied.

"No. You're dating your boss," she suddenly said.


Hi, VCakes! I'm hoping that you're all having fun while reading my first ever story here in Webnovel. English is not my native language so please bear with me but I promise to improve my skills from time to time. I'm open for any suggestions and constructive criticisms. Feel free to message me on my following accounts:

Email: [email protected]

Discord: Mj#1916

Wattpad: VampeeCake

I'm more active on Discord so you can message me there anytime.. I'm also open for businesses and collaborations if there will be an opportunity. Looking forward to it soon! Thank you for your support!

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