Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 55: #55

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book contains occasional use of words that aren't appropriate for children. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 55: Third Month


Days went so fast. Three months have passed and it was just like a blink of an eye. Nothing changed but some of my colleagues already knew about me and Kellen. I thought they were going to be surprised but they didn't. They said it was not something no one can notice.

"You've spent like four hundred dollars of my money already," I said to Alice while we're walking around the ladies' apparel.

I told her that I'll buy her a dress for no particular reason. It may be comsidered as a gift even it's not her birthday yet.

"That's your payment for not telling me that you're with your boss already," she said while looking for another dress.

I said I'll buy her one but she already bought three using my card. True friends are terrifying these days.

"What? I told you about it a long time ago," I defended myself.

"Yeah, in like a month ago." I thought she already moved on about it because I didn't tell her right away. I was being cautious it would spread around the hotel and I don't want it to affect our work. "I'm your one amd only best friend but it felt like I was the last one to know it."

Alice is now looking for cosmetics. She's somehow into those things because when she was in high school, she used to compete in beauty contests. It's the complete opposite of my life back then. I was just someone who prioritizes studies over extracurricular activities. But sadly, I didn't have the chance to finish school. But it's no big deal to me now. I just want Summer to achieve her dreams and that's more than enough for me.

"Geez, I thought we're good about that already." I rolled my eyes while she's trying some of the lipsticks on. "Fine. I'll buy you another item."

Her face lit up like a child who's now getting what she wants. "That's a real friend." She smiled before walking around again like a kid.

Speaking about her, Alice had a hard time but I'm happy that she recovered well. Mr. Whitmore and she decided to settle things between the two of them. No strings attached they said. But I know it was hard for Alice. I even asked her if she wants to quit her job but she said she'll be okay.


"Are you ready for out flight to Ohio tomorrow?" He asked while he's driving. We're heading towards the hotel.

Ever since our first month together, he decided to pick me up every single day. At first, I didn't agree but he insisted because he wants that he'll be the first person I'll see every morning. Sweet, isn't he?

"I'm excited," I told him. "You also have friends who live there, right?"

He nodded. "My classmates from high school. I'm keeping in touch with them more than my friends back in college."

I remembered he told me he didn't have much friends in college because almost all of them looks up to him. He's the top of the class and his grandfather is the co-owner of the school he's studying on.

"I'll introduce you to them when we get there," Kellen said which made me smile like an idiot while looking at the window.

Then, the day went so fast because we reviewed a lot of reports and we went to New Jersey to checkup on the building. He drove me home and after I had dinner with Summer, I went to my room to double check my things in case I forgot to put something inside my luggage.

Summer went inside while I was zipping my bag. She sat on my bed and hugged a pillow. "It's weird."

"What's weird?" I asked before putting the bag down so I can sit beside her.

"I kept remembering things like... deja vu?"

"Deja vu? Like what?" I asked.

"I was painting at the gallery room lately. My painting looks familiar even I haven't painted something like that yet. It makes me overthink," Summer told me.

"Maybe you did have a painting like that before," I told her.

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"I didn't. I know every single painting I made. The main question is why does it look familiar and... it's like a memory of something," she said.

At this moment, I've realized something. Does it mean she's remembering something from... the past? I don't get it but I felt different. I was scared to know the idea of her, getting hints from her life before mom and dad adopted her.


"Are you okay? You look puzzled," Kellen said, looking at me. I didn't even realize he asked a question so I didn't answer which made him hold my chin to face him. "Liv, are you okay?" he repeated.

I simply nodded when I came back to myself. "Yeah," I said.

"If you are, why do you look bothered? Did something happen?" he asked me.

I took a deep breath before adjusting my position so I could lean my head on his shoulder. We're inside the car with Rowan who's driving for us to the airport.

"It's just about my sister," I told him, closing my eyes because I'm a bit sleepy. I did not have enough sleep, thinking about Summer last night.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked before fixing the hair to my ears that was covering my face.

"No. I'm pretty sure it's something I don't need to worry about anymore," I said before dozing to sleep.

The airport is a bit far from the hotel so we had a long trip which is an advantage because I could sleep comfortably. Unlike when we're already on the plane, sometimes I get nervous because I'm still not used to it even we already had a flight few months ago to Chicago.

Two hours have passed and when we're already a mile away from the airport, it was the exact time when I woke up. When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was still leaning on Kellen's shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I make it hurt?" I asked him.

"It doesn't hurt," he answered. "Nothing's gonna hurt when it's on you."

I don't know if that's suppose to make my heart flutter but it did, a little. I hid my smile from him so he won't tease me. I hate it when I get teased by him, it makes my cheeks red and very hot. I get shy every time it happens.

When we arrived at the airport, we immediately grabbed our things so we can enter the plane right away because our flight is alreadg delayed somehow.

The trip wasn't longer than we had when we went to Chicago. It was actually just 9 hours if I'm not mistaken. Good for me, I didn't feel dizzy after we got out of the plane.

The reason why we flew here is because the Parker Hotel is now getting big and big. People are loving the hotel which makes them recommend the place. Now, he had a meeting with one of the investors back in Brooklyn and they wanted to invest a big money to make another branch. Specifically, here in Cleavelan, Ohio. This place is also one of the best cities that I know here in USA. I'm really looking forward to more years of traveling with Kellen, even it's for work. The most important to me is that we're doing it together.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Kellen asked while we're in the car.

We're now heading towards the hotel where we'll stay for four days. Actually, the work we have here is just for around three days. Kellen said we should stay for another day, it's like a day off again, I think.

"Anything," I told him as I look on the window, admiring the streets where we're passing by.

"You look so happy seeing this kind of place. Would you like to live here someday?" he asked me and I smiled.

"Well, I want a quiet place if I'll get the chance to build a new house for my own," I said.

"You will, and I will make sure that I'll be the one who's with you on that house someday," Kellen said.


Hi, VCakes! I'm hoping that you're all having fun while reading my first ever story here in Webnovel. English is not my native language so please bear with me but I promise to improve my skills from time to time. I'm open for any suggestions and constructive criticisms. Feel free to message me on my following accounts:

Email: [email protected]

Discord: Mj#1916

Wattpad: VampeeCake

I'm more active on Discord so you can message me there anytime.. I'm also open for businesses and collaborations if there will be an opportunity. Looking forward to it soon! Thank you for your support!

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