Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO

Chapter 58: #58

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book contains occasional use of words that aren't appropriate for children. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 58: Meet The Friends


Kellen didn't tell me to call Rowan because he said he wants to drive so I didn't contact him anymore. While we're inside the car, I can't stop thinking about what he said earlier. He wants to tell his parents about us. My mind is now flooded with what ifs even I'm somehow happy that he proved he loves me.

What if his dad and especially his mom won't like me? What if they have plans for Kellen? Like arranging marriage I think. That's not impossible and I don't think I can handle that. But I really hope they'd accept me as the girlfriend of their son.

"You don't want me to tell them?"

My eyes widened when I heard him say that. Is he really turning into a mind reader or I just made everything so obvious?

"About what?" I asked and looked at him. I acted innocent even I know it's a stupid thing to do.

"Liv, if you don't want it, I won't," he told me while his eyes are focused on the road. "I'll respect your decision on this. If you're still not ready, it's okay with me."

Since we got together, he always obeys what I want. He gives everything he could to make me happy and to make me comfortable and I'm very thankful for that. Now, I won't let my fear be the hindrance to his happiness. It's time for me to get out of my comfort zone. It's the least I could do for him as his girlfriend.

"No, Kellen. I'm ready to meet your parents. I just hope they'll accept me," I honestly said.

"If you're worried about my mom, I know this sounds crazy but she changed. I know she'll give you a chance," he said, giving me the courage.

"Okay," I answered before pursing my lips and looking at the window.

After fifteen minutes, we're already at the house of his friend. He said 5 or 6 of his friends will come here and it made me nervous a bit. I'm not that good with communicating with people when it's not about work. I remembered back in high school, I don't have a lot of friends. And also, I didn't keep in touch with the friends I have back then. Alice is the one person who made me realize that real friendships do exist and that's why she's very important to me. She's like my sister now. Not by blood but by heart.

We got out of the car and he held my waist while we're walking towards the house. Kellen must've felt that I'm nervous right now that's why he did that. When we got inside, I was amazed by the chandeliers that was hanged into the living room. This place looks like a modern palace on the inside. It's very bright and furniture are very elegant.

"This way, Ma'am and Sir," one of the helpers said.

All my life, I've never experienced having a helper or a maid or a personal driver like what Kellen has. I could really tell that our world is very different but love made us realize that joy's not found in things such as jewelries.

"Kellen!" His friend hugged him. I remembered Kellen told me that his name is Trevor. "It's been so long, Bro."

"I'm glad I could come here. Oh, and this is Liv. My girlfriend." I still had some butterflies in my stomach when he said that.

"Oh, hello." He offered his hand and I accepted it. "I'm Trevor, Kellen's friend since high school. I'm glad to meet you," he said. Trevor seems very nice.

"It's nice meeting you too, Trevor," I said with a smile.

"Kellen!" I saw some of his friends too, walking towards us. "I can't believe that after so many years  we'll meet again!" said the other girl. Kellen didn't mention her so I don't know her name. "Oh, you must be his girlfriend?" She turned to me and I smiled at her. "Hello, my name is Alissa."

I gladly shook her hands and the others'. They're very nice to me and that was really unexpected. They even accompanied me to the dining area where we'll have our dinner, I guess.

"Did you know that Kellen is a heartthrob back then. And at the same time, he's the top of the class," the other girl said. "I'm Trish, by the way," she introduced herself and so did I.

Well, I'm not surprised that he is. Judging everything that I've encountered, he's really someone who'll never get out of the top. He's very smart and reliable in many things.

"Hello, Liv. I'm Dean, the most handsome friend of Kellen," he said and we all laughed before they sat. "Why are you all laughing? I just stated a fact," he defendes himself which made it more funny to us.

"Well, what do you call me? A frog?" the other man raised a brow at Dean who was currently eating the pasta already. I chuckled when I realized that they were kind of child-like and it's cute. "I'm Geoff. I'm more handsome than Dean," he told me which made us laugh again. It's hilarious.

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"Hello, Geoff," I greeted him.

Kellen and Trevor are still in the kitchen, preparing the food. Kellen also has a talent on cooking that's why it's not also unexpected that he  always go to anyone's kitchen.

"Where are the other food? The handsome is getting hungry here," Geoff complained.

"Hey, you're so full of yourself," Trish said before softly punching Geoff's stomach.

"Just admit it, you still have a crush on me," he backfired which made them all laugh again.

Well, if Trish has a crush on Geoff, it's not impossible, though. Geoff has the looks and I think Trish and he look good together. Trish is also pretty and tall. She looks like a model.

"Ew. You're not my type anymore." Trish playfully retched.

After minutes of laughing and waiting for the food, we're now eating. I'm sitting next to Kellen and Alissa is on my right side. The food tastes so good. It's was all mouth-watering especially the lasagna. I think Trevor made this because Kellen told me that he owns a restaurant here in Cleveland. Just by looking at their looks, I can tell that they are all reached and born with a golden spoon.

"How's the food?" Trevor asked us.

"It tasted bad," Dean said before taking another bite of the buttered shrimp.

"Yeah, it doesn't. That's why Dean ate the half of the lasagna," Geoff said and we laughed.

"How about you, Liv? What do you think? Trevor asked me.

"The food is so good. I've eaten a lot," I answered him.

"See, Kellen? I'm a better cook than you," he told Kellen.

"Okay, okay. I surrender," Kellen said, raising both of his hands to give up.

We had a lot of things that we talked about, including Kellen's career as of now. I could see that he's happy when mentioning the things he achieved so far. His friends are also very proud of him and it makes my heart melt in happiness too.

Trevor asked Kellen if he wants to stay for a drink but he refused because we still have a meeting to attend to tomorrow morning. His friends didn't force him anymore because they know that it's for work.

"Bro, just come here more often. We missed you so much," Dean said.

"Whenever I'm free, I'll try to come," Kellen said before hugging them all. After they said their goodbyes to each other. We then returned to the hotel to rest for the day.

I went straight to the bathroom to tale a quick shower. After that, I wore my satin night gown before combing my hair. I was about to sit on my bed when Kellen knocked. He's still on his dress shirt when I opened the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked before pushing the door to make it fully open.

He just stared at me like he wanted to tell me something but instead of speaking, he grabbed my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss.


Hi, VCakes! I'm hoping that you're all having fun while reading my first ever story here in Webnovel. English is not my native language so please bear with me but I promise to improve my skills from time to time. I'm open for any suggestions and constructive criticisms. Feel free to message me on my following accounts:

Email: [email protected]

Discord: Mj#1916

Wattpad: VampeeCake

I'm more active on Discord so you can message me there anytime.. I'm also open for businesses and collaborations if there will be an opportunity. Looking forward to it soon! Thank you for your support!

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