Unexpectedly Loved By The CEO


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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This book contains occasional use of words that aren't appropriate for children. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 61: The Picture


I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Thankfully, my eyes don't look like I just cried. I grabbed some tissue and wiped it on my face before going to the kitchen to get some water. I poured some on my glass before drinking.

What kind of dream is that? It's so weird and... unreal.

I looked at the time and I know that it's now Summer's break time. I went back to the bedroom to get my phone inside my bag to call her. After three rings, she already answered it.

"Hey, Liv. Why did you call?" she asked. I could hear the voices of her schoolmates. She's probably walking in the hallway with her friends.

"Nothing. I just wanted to check up on you," I told her. "How's school?"

"Well, it's fine but the day isn't over yet," she answered me.

"Okay. Just be careful," I said.

"Liv, are you okay? You barely call me at this particular time. Is everything okay?" she worriedly asked. Summer is right, I don't call her often when she's at school. It's just when there's an emergency or if I'll tell her that I'll be having an overtime at work.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. Go ahead and have your snacks now," I told her.

"Okay, then. See you later," she said and I ended the call. I took a deep breath before putting my phone inside my bag. I then fixed my clothes and my hair before going to my cabin.

When I entered his office, he was so busy reviewing some papers. I also think that he's still not having snacks so after I showed him his schedule for today, I went to the patry and I made us some coffee. I also put two slices of cake in separate mini plates before putting it all in a tray.

When I went back into his office, he's leaning his head on the chair with his eyes closed. He looks very tired already. But before I could even put the tray down on the coffee table, he already opened his eyes. He must have been sensed my presence.

"You look very tired, Kellen. Take a rest. Your meeting will be on 3:00 PM," I said to him.

"I'm not tired," he said and stood up to sit beside me. "I just need a kiss." He hugged a pillow and playfully pouted his lips like a child who wants a lollipop. Is he really a CEO?

"I can't do that. We're at work," I said before drinking my coffee.

"Fine," he said before drinking his coffee too. It's been our habit to eat together at any break time since we got official. "The cake will be more delicious if you made it."

"Kellen, I don't bake. I almost burned the apartment when I tried," I said and laughed. I remembered that day, it was Summer's 16th birthday and I tried to bake her a cake but it didn't end up well. Fortunately, Summer can bake so I didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"You should try again. Maybe you'll get it perfectly the next time," he said. His voice still sounds weak. He must be very tired and he doesn't want me to worry. But I had an idea that will boost him up if he doesn't want to take a sleep.

I was an inch away from his cheeks when he turned and our lips suddenly met each other. I know we did it a couple of times but I'm still shocked of what just happened.

"Wow. We're at work, huh?" he smirked before taking a sip of his coffee again.

I playfully tapped his shoulder. "I was just going to kiss you on the cheeks and you turned your face!" I defended myself.

"I was just going to kiss you on the cheeks and you turned your face," he imitated me using a mocking voice.

"Kellen!" I tapped his shoulder again because it looks like I'm the one who's hungry for a kiss even I don't!

"Okay, fine," he laughed at me and I just rolled my eyes at him before taking a bite of my cake.

"The cake tastes good to me," I said.

"Really?" He arched a brow and I nodded. I was about to wipe the icing on my lips when he suddenly leaned and kissed me, making the icing attach from my mouth to his. "Oh, it is." He teasingly licked it on his lips and smirked while I was left there, speechless.


We just got out of the hotel and Kellen is now driving me home. I smiled like an idiot whenever I remember a scene where he's kissing me. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes because I'm doomed if he notices. He'll probably tease me about it again!

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"Hey," he called and I immediately looked at him.


"Do you want to have dinner at my place? I'll cook for you," he said. Well, I'm actually starving right now and I've always wanted to taste his dishes. I think it's probably a great idea.

"Oh, sure. I'd love to see you cook," I told him but I think he assumed something dirty. "Hey! I'm not simping!"

"I didn't say a thing." He laughed. "Calm down, woman."


We're now at his big house and right after he took his coat off, he then prepared the ingredients. I was with him at the kitchen, watching him do what he's doing. He looks like an expert to me.

"Can you help me with this, love?" he asked me to chop the garlic.

"It's my pleasure," I joked before walking towards him and getting the knife to chop the garlic. "What are you going to cook?" I asked.

"Garlic butter chicken," he said before putting an apron to me and he also put one on himself. "Have you tasted it before?" he asked.

"Yes. But I don't think that the chef at that restaurant knows how to cook it properly," I told him. It was a restaurant near our old house. I remember the chicken wasn't tender and it really doesn't taste good.

"Well, I hope I'd do better than the chef you're saying," he said before preparing the other ingredients and cooking them one by one.

I helped him to cook even in just little things. I also didn't want to ruin his recipe so I didn't add anything on the food.

After more than half an hour, we're ready to it. Everything is already on the dining table and I also started eating. I closed me eyes when I tasted his garlic butter chicken. It tastes so good!

"How is it?" he asked. I took a bite first while he's still watching me savour the dish.

"It's so delicious, Kellen," I told him before taking another bite.

"I'm happy you liked it," he said before he started eating too. I wonder if he somehow enrolled into a culinary school for even a short period of time. This dish doesn't taste like someone could do this easily.

"I love it," I corrected him.


The helper washed the dishes before she went home. The helpers to clean the house doesn't stay here 24/7 because Kellen isn't messy. Also, he cooks his own meals when he's not busy. We're at the terrace of the house, walking around and talking.

"You mentioned your sister loves art, right?" Kellen asked and I nodded.

"Yes, she does. She paints a lot and two of her portraits are framed in their school," I said to him.

"Really?" He was amazed. "I think I might find something that I can give to her. I'll show you."

We were walking inside the house and I think I've never been in this room before. He also doesn't mention this. When we entered, I see lots of canvas and brushes around.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is where I paint when I miss my sister," he said before pulling one of the drawers. I walked around and I saw a picture frame on the table where the painted vase is located. I got it so I could get a closer look.

No. This can't be.


Hi, VCakes! I'm hoping that you're all having fun while reading my first ever story here in Webnovel. English is not my native language so please bear with me but I promise to improve my skills from time to time. I'm open to any suggestions and constructive criticisms. Feel free to message me on my following accounts:

Email: [email protected]

Discord: Mj#1916

Wattpad: VampeeCake

I'm more active on Discord so you can message me there anytime.. I'm also open for businesses and collaborations if there will be an opportunity. Looking forward to it soon! Thank you for your support!

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