Unfairly Fired From the Healer's Guild After Five Years of Dedicated Service

Chapter 134: CH 134

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Episode 134 – Putting an End to It

The purple Troll, who was standing there motionless this whole time, suddenly turned to face me as it readied its greatsword once more. It was acting as if nothing was wrong, but the slight dullness in its movements didn’t escape my notice. Just as I thought earlier, the purple Troll was standing still because it was feeling discomfort.

“Byrne, Lyra! I know it might be rough, but… please support me!” (Lewin)

“Got it. Let’s take it down!” (Byrne)

“Lewin, you’ll be the main attacker!” (Lyra)

The two of them did their best to stabilize their tired, trembling bodies. Throughout this fight, I’d really given these two such a tough time. I had to finish this purple Troll right here and now to live up to the expectations of these two who had stuck with me and firmly supported me throughout this entire fight.

Firming my resolve to defeat this purple Troll in my heart, I dashed out like the wind, passing between Lyra and Byrne. Since the start of the fight, this was our first time taking the initiative to attack the Purple Troll.

Step-in―perfect. Overhead posture―perfect. Downwards arc―perfect.

I drove the flawless diagonal slash that Kirty had drilled into me straight towards the purple Troll. This strike contained all of the pent-up resentment and anger that had been accumulating within me throughout this fight so far, and it collided head-on with the purple Troll’s greatsword. A dreadfully loud, explosive bang echoed out, causing the surrounding air to reverberate intensely.

Up until now, every time our swords met, I had always been at a complete loss in terms of power. But this time, although it was only slightly, I had been the one to win out. Seeing the purple Troll stagger backwards a few steps, losing balance slightly, I immediately pushed the attack.

Next, a diagonal slash from the right—

The purple Troll managed to block it again, but my power was undoubtedly overwhelming it, just like how the first strike had. The moment it was thrown even further off balance, Lyra and Byrne attacked the Purple Troll at the same time.

Their combination attack tore through the abdomen of the purple Troll, causing fresh blood to spill forth. But the wound that they had just ripped open was quickly sealed up by the purple Troll’s super-regeneration, and it began to move once more as if no damage had been done.

Overwhelming physical power combined with super-regeneration… Adding its high intelligence on top of that, this purple Troll was seriously troublesome to the extreme.

I immediately tagged in to switch places with Lyra and Byrne and was about to start a third diagonal slash, but the purple Troll’s movements changed. It didn’t show any sign of moving to guard against my attack. Instead, it moved past me and swung its greatsword down at Byrne.

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In order to somehow stop its attack, I quickly unleashed the diagonal slash with all my might. The sword swing was flawlessly executed, cleaving deeply into the purple Troll, and I could even perceive that characteristic lack of resistance in my hands that signified so… But at that moment, out of the corner of my eye, I saw fresh blood splattering out from behind me. Hearing Byrne let out a dull groan, I whipped my head around to check on him.

“L-Lewin… Don’t… mind me… Just… kill the Troll…!” Byrne cried out, roaring from the depths of his soul. I wanted to immediately turn around and rush over to Byrne’s aid, but… I bit my lip and turned my gaze, fixing my eyes only on the purple Troll.

That perfect slash that I had executed just now was so deep that I thought I had cut the purple Troll in half, but I found that even that deep of a wound was quickly being closed up by the super-regeneration. Coughing up a mouthful of blood, the purple Troll sneered.

Without paying any heed to the deep wound, it held up its greatsword. Whether I liked it or not, this was the final exchange. Even if I had to take a hit, in order to save Byrne, I had to make sure to take down the purple Troll.

Before the deep wound could close, I stepped in and released an overhead slash. The purple Troll raised its greatsword horizontally above its head and braced its legs to block it. The moment it resisted my blow, blood spurted out of the open wound which hadn’t closed completely yet, but it didn’t show any sign of caring about it. It simply cracked a wide smile as if it was enjoying the fight.

When I saw the pure, genuine smile on the purple Troll’s face, I couldn’t help but be filled with fear. I couldn’t fathom what it found so fun about being cornered like this. My body was stiff with terror, but I shook it off nonetheless and stepped forward.

―From there, each side threw everything they had at each other in an all-out exchange of blows.

Diagonal slash clashing with diagonal slash, horizontal cut colliding with horizontal cut, overhead slash meeting reverse slash. The dread I felt towards the purple Troll faded away as we crossed swords, trying to shave away at each other’s souls. For the first time in my life, I began to feel that fighting was truly fun.

Even with the handicap of the purple Troll being under several abnormal status effects from the potions and having received many deep wounds and consecutive barrages of [Anti-Heal], the might behind each of our strikes was evenly matched even while I was under the effects of the Strength Potion. Ever since the purple Troll had begun to focus only on me, the strength of its blows increased by several levels.

However, in terms of speed, I was getting faster. At first, I was only able to land 1 hit every 5 attacks. It gradually became 1 hit for every 4 attacks, then 1 hit for every 3 attacks—in the time that we were exchanging blows, the ratio of my effective sword hits was increasing. The wounds on the purple Troll were growing, and its movements were beginning to slow down. In the midst of this soul-rending slugfest, I could visibly see my sword proficiency increasing with each swing.

And finally, after losing track of how many times our diagonal slashes clashed, the moment our blades were about to meet—but the purple Troll’s swing was a moment too slow, allowing me to lop its arm off. The dismembered arm and the greatsword in hand flew through the air and tumbled to the ground as the purple Troll crumpled to its knees.

Without delay, I carved downward diagonally through the purple Troll’s body from its left shoulder, bisecting it in two. But for some reason, it still seemed to be breathing as it laughed while vomiting blood.

“Guheh…hehe… It wuz alotta fun… human boy…” (Purple Troll)

The purple Troll was still laughing even though it had been cut down, but I finished it off without any hesitation whatsoever, finally putting an end to this lengthy, drawn-out battle.

I took a sidelong glance at its corpse that was still trying to regenerate from the torso up, but I didn’t have the time to bask in the glory of emerging victorious from such a fierce battle. I hastily turned around to check on Byrne.

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