Unfairly Fired From the Healer's Guild After Five Years of Dedicated Service

Chapter 244: CH 244

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Episode 244 – Lewin’s Efforts

Author’s Note: This chapter is from Ahmed’s point of view.

“Eliza, look at that!” (Smash)

After clearing down to the 37th layer, we were finally on our way back to the surface at long last. As we passed by the Dungeon monitors, Smash pointed at them and exclaimed loudly.

I was annoyed that he had called me by my name, but because I didn’t even have enough energy to shout at him due to the fatigue from clearing the Dungeon, I just looked in the direction he was pointing. There was a strange gathering of people on the monitor right in that direction, and―one of those people was Lewin.

“That’s Lewin-kun that they’re showing! Isn’t that the monitor for the 19th layer? Fufu, looks like he’s catching up to us at an incredible pace.” (Dion)

“In a 3-person party too! He’s doing well, keeping his promise with Eliza!” (Smash)

Along with Smash and Dion’s words, I felt my heart beating faster. Even though it was far away, Lewin’s figure was clearly visible in the video. His figure was not that of a naive child like before, but the figure of a man squaring off one-on-one against a monster.

Honestly, I had put those crazy conditions on him earlier in a fit of embarrassment, but when I saw Lewin putting his life on the line just because he wanted to be in a party with me, I felt joy from the bottom of my heart. But when I noticed that my emotions were stirred up so much, I became embarrassed and shook my head.

“Hey! Smash, you bastard, how many times did I tell you not to call me by that name!” (Ahmed)

“Ehh?! I thought you were tired! H-Hey! Lewin’s right over th―GWAHHH!!” (Smash)

While Smash was trying to run away, I caught up to him in an instant and punched him with full force. For a moment earlier, I felt that my face was flushed, but after that punch I felt a lot calmer.

“Lewin’s also trying his hardest. We gotta make sure we don’t get caught up to! Today, I’m gonna hit up a tavern and drink until I drop, and then tomorrow we go right back into the Dungeon!” (Ahmed)

“…..Eh? No, no, no. There’s no way, Ahmed-san! We just got back after such a long period of being in the Dungeon, there’s no way we can go back immediately. Clearing at such a quick pace this time was really tiresome.” (Dion)

“Uu, gugugu… My head hurts… It’s impossible for me. If I’m gonna drink ‘til I drop, I’m not gonna be able to move the next day. Besides, we’re gonna need half a day to go shopping, so there’s just no way.” (Smash)

“Then you guys are okay with letting Lewin catch up to us?” (Ahmed)

“I’m totally fine with it. Rather, I wanted to form a party with Lewin-kun when he first came to Landaust.” (Dion)

“I don’t mind either. In the first place, Dion and I are just on enemy-scouting duty and doing miscellaneous jobs. Haven’t we already been surpassed in strength? Gahahaha!”

“You two really… are a bunch of cowardly bastards!” (Ahmed)

Hearing such a pathetic remark pissed me off, so I threw another punch in his direction. Our strategy was just having me defeating all of the monsters alone while the other two specialized in support. But their way of thinking that relied so much on others wasn’t something I’d allow as long as they were in my party.

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“I’ll beat those spoiled thoughts out of you. We can take a break tomorrow, but we’re going back to the Dungeon the day after! For now we’re going to the bar for a scolding and a review meeting!” (Ahmed)

“Wuuuu… It’s already swollen. Would it be okay to not punch me?” (Smash)

“I-It’s been a while since I ate one of your punches like that… I’m seeing stars in front of me…” (Dion)

The two of them were clutching their heads with both hands as we made our way to the bar. I was blown away by that projection of Lewin, but our own strategy this time was no good.

The monsters were getting tougher and tougher, and it was getting harder for me to deal with them on my own. But more than that, I realized once again how this mentality of theirs wouldn’t work. I had no choice but to beat their mentalities into shape and properly talk about it in our points of reflection.

Once we had arrived at the bar and took our seats, I began to give them an earful as we drank. I punished them every time they said something that sounded like they were being overly reliant on others, and they eventually began to change their way of thinking at last.

“Now my head and ears are both aching. When did ya become so short-tempered?” (Smash)

“I don’t know, but maybe it’s because of Lewin-kun’s influence. Before coming to Landaust, Ahmed-san cared the least here…” (Dion)

“Stop your complaining. Want me to keep lecturing you?” (Ahmed)

“No, no! From now on I’ll do my best when clearing the Dungeon!” Smash immediately straightened up and declared. I tipped back the high proof alcohol in one go.

I let out an alcohol-infused burp and felt much better. As I was trying to get a little more alcohol and some side dishes before reflecting on our Dungeon attempt, I happened to hear some curious conversations happening around me. Since my hearing had always been exceptionally sharp, I could hear exactly what they were saying and where those things were being said within the bar. As it turned out, about 80% of the customers in the bar were talking about the same thing.

“Yo, you guys hear about that ‘monster raid’?” a man was asking as he took a seat with two other people.

I hadn’t heard anything about this, but there were this many people talking about it; there was a good chance I could find out what it was all about from these guys.

“A raid? I haven’t heard of it. What’s it all ‘bout?”

“I dunno, so hurry up and tell me, baldy. All the customers around us are all talkin’ bout it, so I wanna know.”

“Ah. I don’t really know too much about the details regarding this topic, but around the time I was staying in Grezesta, I briefly heard about it.”

“When you were staying in Grezesta? About the raid?”

“Yeah. I’d heard that there’d been many attacks by the Demon King’s Army in the region, and the royal capital was having a hard time dealing with ‘em. I dunno if this story is consistent with what the customers around us are talking about right now though.”

The Demon King’s Army… I hadn’t heard much about them lately, but what that guy was talking about had happened quite some time ago.

I wasn’t a mercenary or anything, but even though I didn’t feel any need to go out of my way to help anyone, it would be annoying if this city got attacked. Lewin was here in this city, so perhaps it’d be better for me to look into it before things turned bad.

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