
Chapter 28: Chapter 28 – What to Picture?

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For the next week we’ve had the same schedule. Running, exercise, eating and then aura. I still couldn’t collect aura and everything they’ve said hasn’t helped. 

Maybe I need to understand what aura actually was, all I’ve ever heard about it was that it was strong. 

After class today, instead of going to lunch, I went to Kendel. 

“Hm? Did you need something Kai?” 

“What’s aura?” 

He looked a little shocked at my question before answering. 

“Aura is energy for the body.” 

Energy for the body? 

“It’s sort of like how your blood flows but another form of energy.” 

“This energy we call aura, it can be used to strengthen your body and used as a weapon.” 

“As a weapon?” 

“Yes, when you’re proficient enough in aura, you can bring out an aura you could use to attack. You can also strengthen the weapon you're holding with it.” 

“Let’s say someone uses a sword, when they connect their aura with it. They make something called sword aura which usually has a glow around it.” 

So that’s what was around Ella’s sword when we fought with the Orc... 

“Of course, all auras are different. Like the director of this school has a fiery fierce aura while mine is a soft and gentle, like a breeze of wind.” 


“Then is the way to gather aura different as well?” 

“Good question, it’s said that it can be more effective to be in the environment that matches your aura, but you can absorb it from anywhere.” 

“How do you know what type of aura you have?” 

“You should know based on when I first gave injected aura into you.” He smiled. 

“Thank you.” I bowed 

“No need for thanks, it’s my job to answer students' questions after all.” 


After I ate with everyone I went back to my room with a little more knowledge on aura. 

I think my aura is cold, would it be ice then? 

I turned the A.C to the lowest it could go and sat on my bed in the meditation position. 

It’s like how my blood flows? So I should let the cold flow throughout my body? I took off my shirt, maybe it’ll be blocked if I had something on? Who knows. 

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and sat still. 


A few minutes later I don’t think anything happened except for me being cold. 


I let out a sigh before laying back in bed. 

What does it even mean to absorb it into your body? 

If it's like blood flow does that mean I should just try to imagine the cold flowing through me or something? 

I sat back up in a meditation position and began to imagine that the cold that was enveloping my skin entered my body. 


It feels different... Is it working? 

Sometime later I began to see a small green ball form. 

Is that aura? 

I opened my eyes and looked at my hands. 

Did I do it? Was that small green ball my aura? 

I’ll have to ask Kendel tomorrow. 

Looking outside my window I could see that it was way darker outside than when I started. It didn’t feel like I was training for that long. 

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I decided to sleep. 


Waking up I followed the usual schedule and went up to Kendel again to ask a question. 

“Do you have more questions, Kai?” 

“What does aura look like?” 

“What does aura look like? Hm... I think of it like a well and I pull my aura from that well to distribute throughout my body. But someone else could think of it like a sea. What I’m trying to say is there’s no set way of what aura looks like.” 

“Why are you asking, did you have a breakthrough?” 

“I saw something I thought could be my aura, but I didn’t know.” 

Kendel’s eyes widened like he couldn’t believe what he had heard.  

I continued with my last question, 

“So are you saying I should make my aura look like whatever I think it should look like?” 

I snapped him back to reality with the question and he came back to his senses. 


“Okay, thank you.” I bowed and as I was leaving, I could overhear him mumble something. 

“It took him 1 week?” 


He said something else, but I couldn’t hear it. I went to the cafeteria and met up with Olly, Ella, Irene and the rest of them. 

“Hey Kai! Did you finish asking teacher your questions?” 

I nodded my head as I sat next to Ella. 

I wonder what should I picture my aura as? I could keep it as that green ball, but I don’t feel like it fits me. 

Should I do it as a well like Kendel? Or should I do it with something comfortable? 

I could feel a tap on my arm, it was Ella. We looked at eachother and she tilted her head as if asking me ‘What’s wrong?’ 

I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head a little as to say ‘Eh, nothing just thinking.” 

“How do they even understand each other?” Olly said to Aster and Irene. 

“Who knows...Haha!” The table suddenly started to laugh and me and Ella tilted our heads at them. 

Hm? Actually, I’ll just ask Irene what she uses for her aura after dinner. I decided to stop thinking about it for now and enjoyed the rest of the meal. 


A few dozen minutes later when we would go our separate ways, I tapped Irene on the shoulder. 


As she turned around, she smiled. 

“Kai! Did you need something?” 

“Yeah, what do you picture your aura as?” 

She looked a little surprised before she shook her head and answered. 

“My aura? Um... I think of it as a flowery field.” 

A flowery field? I guess you could really think of it as anything. 

“Why are you asking?” 


“No way... Don’t tell me, you’re already able to use aura again!?” 

I scratched the back of my head and nodded. 

Her eyes were wide before she smiled brightly, 

“That’s my brother! A genius as always!” 


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