
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Slowly,

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“He’s waking up!”

“Why do you keep getting injured?”

“Brother are you okay?!”

As I opened my eyes, I could see that Percy and Irene were there. How long have they been there? Were they worried about me?

“How are you feeling?”

It was Kevin, he was sitting in a chair at the foot of the bed.

I slowly looked around and tried to sit up

“Ah, brother! You shouldn’t sit up yet!”

Ah, fuck! It hurt like hell, moving my body at all hurt.

“6 broken ribs, fractures in too many places to count, what is wrong with your heads!?”

It was Marcus, he seemed worried.

“Haah, you’re lucky your father is calling a priest.”

Priest? Like the ones who worship God? What would they do for me?

I had a confused look and Irene must’ve noticed it.

“You forgot that too!? A priest can heal you quicker. You won’t be fully healed but it reduces the amount of time drastically.”

I sighed, it hurt like hell.

“Young Master Kai, first of all, I would just like to say I’m sorry.”

It was Kevin, he was apologizing while bowing his head.

I just shrugged my shoulders; I didn’t care much. I got to hit him after all.

“Hahaha! That’s the right mindset Kai!”

“And don’t be sorry, Kevin! I told you to do it!”

It was father, he entered the room laughing with a priestess next to his side.

“Stop encouraging that!” Marcus yelled at father.

“God... What am I gonna do with you strange family of people.”

The priestess looked at Marcus for a brief second but then started to speak.

“Everyone please back up.”

Once everyone backed up, she had come to the side of the bed.

“Mr. Kai, could you please face away from me?”

I faced away.

Before I knew it, she put her hands on my bandaged back and started to chant something.

“Holy goddess of life, please hear my plea and bless this individual with healing.”

I could feel my back start to tingle and start to get cold.

This feeling felt surreal, I couldn’t explain it if I tried.

After a few minutes, she took her hands off my back.

“That should be all.”

“It’ll take about 2 weeks for you to heal fully, I’d advise against strenuous activity.”

“Thank you, Ms. Priestess!” Percy had bowed

“It is the Goddess’s will to heal those in need.” She smiled

I nodded my head in thanks.

After that, the room slowly emptied again, until it was just me and Percy.

“Brother, are you okay?”

I nodded my head.

“Irene said you didn’t fall even after you went unconscious, is that true?”

I don’t know, I was unconscious. But it was probably true, that’s how I got my nickname ‘Unfallen’ after all.

“Do you need any water or anything brother?”

I shook my head.

“Alright, I’ll get going then. Get well soon, brother.”

As he was leaving, I spoke.


“Call me Kai.”

He looked back immediately like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“A-Are you sure!?”

I nodded my head.

“No take-backsies!”

I waved him goodbye, and he left.

That lady said I’d be healed in 2 weeks? I hope I won’t be bedridden for all that time again.


2 days later and I could move, there was still some slight pain, but it was nothing.

Irene and Percy visited me a couple times and had some one-sided conversations with me during that time.

No one knew I was up and moving yet so when I exited my room a maid accidentally dropped a few pieces of paper.

“Y-Y-Young Master, y-you're up and moving?”

“O-Oh, sorry!”

She began to pick up the files quickly.

I crouched down and picked up a paper before giving it to her.

“Y-You picked it up f-for me, Y-Y-Young M-Master?”

I just handed her the paper and left.

I didn’t like how much they stuttered when talking to me. All the past Kai did was say ‘Shut up.’ or ‘Fuck off.’ Why were they so scared?

I decided to head to the garden, the fresh air felt comfortable.

As I was laying down and enjoying the breeze, I heard of voice from behind me.

“You’re up already, Kai?”

It was Irene.

I nodded my head.

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She sat next to me.

“It really was impressive though, you looked just like father at the time.”

“Standing your ground like that, it was pretty cool.”

I looked at her, she seemed happy.

“Though, how do you faint while standing. I just don’t get it, hahaha!” She started to laugh

How do I faint while standing? It was a question I got asked often in my previous life. I had always kept quiet whenever someone asked that, but the true answer was, I had no fucking idea. It just kind’ve happens, I don’t want to fall, so I don’t fall. Simple as that.

We enjoyed the breeze together for a little longer before Percy came to us.

“Kai! Irene! That’s where you were!”

“Are you two enjoying the wind without me!?”

“Then why don’t you join us.”

“I will!”

Irene and Percy talked for a little more while I just laid down and enjoyed the atmosphere.

Was this what it was like to have family? Surprisingly it felt quite nice. I think I might get addicted to this feeling.

I closed my eyes while thinking about that and slept.

“Kai’s asleep!”

“That’s when we should quiet down Percy.”

“Oh! You’re right.”

They started to whisper

“I like that Kai’s spending more time with us!”

“Whisper, and... Me too.”

“He was always so busy before.”

“He must have a lot on his mind.”

“Or maybe he might have nothing on his mind, he did lose his memories after all.”

“Goodnight, Kai, Irene.”



When I woke up, Percy was sleeping on my arm and Irene was sleeping to my right. Did they join me for a nap? The breeze did feel quite nice after all.

I thought about getting up, but I decided to just enjoy the wind for a few more minutes.

About an hour later Percy and Irene were both up.

“Kai! Irene! How’d you sleep?”

I gave a thumbs up gesture while Irene said with a smile

“The best I’ve slept in a long time.”

“How about you Percy?”

“It was the best sleep ever!”

“Haha, that’s good.”

I got up and yawned

It seemed to cause a chain-reaction of yawns, because next Percy yawned and then Irene yawned.

I was feeling better than before already, that healing thing was really useful.

A few minutes after, the three of us went separate ways. Percy had to go to his teacher, while Irene went to train.

I decided to walk around the manor a bit more.

“Y-Young Master, good afternoon.”

A maid I walked past suddenly said.

Her eyes were shut tight, and she looked nervous.

‘Ah, he still doesn’t like us.’ the maid thought, until she opened her eyes.

I gave her a nod and then left.


I walked past a few more of the servants who kept giving their greetings. What was with the sudden change? I mean it worked out better for me because they started to stutter less, but I was kind’ve curious.

The next day I felt even better, I was fine enough to move my arms easily. So, I decided to head to the training grounds. On my way there though, I was greeted a lot by the passing servants, I had given them all a nod back, but they seemed happy for some reason.

When I arrived at the training grounds, Irene was already there training. It seemed like Kevin was helping her out a bit.

I decided not to bother them and quietly grabbed a sword.

Let’s see... Was it like this? I got into the stance I learned before and started to swing my sword.

It seemed like Irene and Kevin, both noticed me because as soon I started swinging, they ran over.

“Ah! Kai! You shouldn’t train yet!”

“Young Master! You shouldn’t train yet!”

They both said simultaneously.

I looked at them, tilted my head a bit, then went back to swinging the sword.

Irene grabbed the sword from my hand

“You’re too injured to train right now!”

But I felt fine? It only felt like I was beaten up the day before, this was nothing serious. And plus, if I were to fight anyone at that knight academy or whatever I’d definitely lose.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Father walked in at that moment

“Let him train! Hahaha!”

“He’ll be fine! He inherited my metabolism!”

“But Father!”

“If he thinks he’s fine enough to train, then he’s fine enough. I trust my son. You should try trusting him a little more.”

Irene looked defeated; she couldn’t say anything in retort to that. She hesitantly gave me back the sword.

“You’re fine, right!?”

I nodded my head.

“Okay... I trust you. You’re my brother after all.”

I got into stance again and kept swinging.

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