Unhinged Tyranny

Chapter 1: Rebellion

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A feeble man sat on his cold throne idly as many thoughts continued to swirl around in his head.

Anger? Sadness? Despair? No, These things do not concern him, his only thought at the moment was the protection of his wife and son.

The crying baby being cradled by the soon-to-be widowed mother. A cruel reality.

The man glanced at the both of them warmly for a brief time before commanding the guards to take them out of the palace via a secret passage, this would be the last time he would see them again.

He closed his eyes and began to ponder many things.

This was the first time in a while he had experienced such silence. In recent times, he had no time for such a luxury.


However, it did not last long.

The heavy sounds caused dirt and dust from the high ceiling to fall to the ground in large quantities. 

The man sighed as he opened his eyes, It was as if the world would not allow him such quality time alone.

 He lifted his weak body, grabbed onto his cane, and walked towards the palace doors.


Once again, the palace trembled. 

Just how many people were outside these concrete doors waiting to rip this single man apart? The number was immeasurable. 

The man lamented at the way things had become. However, there was no regret in his eyes. He had been called many things over the past few years, such as a fool or unwise.

Many believed he had been possessed by a demon, to oppress the country he once held like his own child, now an arrogant fool whose decisions caused many to lose their hope and ignite a rebellion.

The once proud and loyal army of the king was now at the forefront of the rebellion. The entire city was engulfed in flames, thousands of righteous men stepping up to free their families of oppression and torment.


The once acclaimed great nation, which was established over one thousand years ago, was now in ruins as the cry of rebellion filled the air.



The concrete doors fell, as if the gates to heaven itself were overturned by demons, countless young eccentric rebellious youths poured into the palace, a one-of-a-lifetime look at the place which housed many legendary figures, yet nobody looked at these glamorous sights. Their eyes were focused on one man, one feeble man.

Everything was silent, nobody dared to move, although their target was in front of them, nobody dared to get closer, how could they? It couldn’t be that easy, could it? For their target to lend his head on a silver plate…

Many were nervous.

Suddenly the old man sat down, his legs were trembling, one he got to the floor., he looked up and could see the countless variety of people In front of him, common folk, merchants, nobles, any who dared to walk through those fallen doors were here to end his life.

Just what look did the old man have? Fear?

No many could see something else.

Seeing an opportunity, an eccentric young man rushed forwards, many tried to stop his reckless advance yet to no avail, he was one of the countless citizens of the once Great Kingdom who had lost countless people close to him under this arrogant king’s oppression, his only goal was blood, it was if the devil himself had posesed the young man to act in this manner.

Everyone expected the king to run, to flee, to call for help, yet to everyone’s surprise, he continued to stay still and smile. Had he accepted his death? Such a hard thing to accomplish, for any man, everyone yearned to live, there were no expectations.

 Seeing his chance, the youth slashed forward.


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Many years followed after the events of that haunting and historic night…..



The sounds of two people could be heard running through the cold and unforgiving forest at night.

“Mother I can’t keep up.” a young boy around seven years old was finding it hard to breathe and was on the verge of collapse. The woman stopped and turned to the young boy, panting. “I know you are exhausted, I am too, but we got to keep moving Carson, some very bad men are after us, please.” She begged her son to continue moving.

He nodded and began to run, he felt as if he could collapse any second, but he obeyed his mother, she and he had been on the run for many months, yet he never knew why. Why were bad men coming after them? he asked his mother this many times, yet she always avoided the question.

While running, he tripped on a tree root.

“Carson!” the mother turned around.

The men were close on their trail and it would only be a matter of time before they were caught. She hesitated before continuing to run away, leaving her son to fend for himself.

“Mother!” he could hardly breathe and began to cough blood, he watched as his mother ran further and further away into the distance.

Why was she leaving him? His heart ached. Silence followed.

The boy truly felt despair, his one and only companion in life had just abandoned him.

“Noooooo!” a woman’s voice could be heard, and he could see his mother running back.

Was she coming to help him? He felt relieved. yet she continued to scream.

The boy squinted his eyes to reveal a terrifying black bear latching its jaw onto his mother’s shoulder and ripping a chunk of her flesh out.

Blood spattered covering the trees with a violent red ooze

The screams could be heard from every corner of the forest.

“Carson, help me!” the mother demanded as she screamed out, yet the arm she used to reach out for help was torn off by the black bear easily as if it was enjoying a snack.

The boy continued to watch in horror as he watched his mother’s body dye red with her blood, he had no strength to help...

This continued on for a long period of time.

“There they are!” another voice could be heard from behind the boy. It could only be the men that were following the two. “Haha, look, the bitch is being mauled to death, guess our job was done for us.” One of them pointed out while laughing. The other one looked at the boy. “That brat is still alive.” As he was about to throw a knife and end the boy’s life, the other one stopped laughing and held his hand out.” It’s fine, just leave him, look, he can’t even move, he probably pissed himself from fear. Just leave him to be ripped apart by the bear, let’s go our mission is done.” The man’s evil laugh vibrated through the boy’s ears.

The second man was still hesitant, however, he also turned and left the scene after a while.

The young boy couldn’t let out a single word, he was petrified, it was as if death had already hit him.

 After a while, the screams that he could once hear confirming his mother was still alive were now nowhere to be found, besides the slow chewing of flesh.

After a few minutes, the bear stopped chewing on the unrecognizable corpse he had been feasting on and looked at the boy, his next target.

He regained his wits and tried to escape, yet his body would not listen.

The bear rushed at the boy swinging its enormous claws at his face causing the boy to scream and close his eyes.

A second later he opened them.

However the boy could no longer see anything from his left eye, this caused him to puke and  became dizzy, eventually, as the boy was about to get mauled to death by the bear, he lost consciousness…

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