Unhinged Tyranny

Chapter 6: Chapter Six: Dungeon Exit

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Carson opened a withering wooden door, which led to some stone stairs going upwards.

With his goal of getting out of this dungeon, he couldn’t care less at what was further down, he only looked up!

From his memories, it had taken half a day to get down from the entrance when he first came as a slave, this gave him ample time to sort his mind such as the many ways he could torture the slut before finally ending her life, no, maybe he would continue to keep her alive and torture her until they both grew old, the suffering she would endure through it all was nothing compared to him!

Eventually, Carson opened the final wooden door, revealing the final part of the dungeon, the ominous cave.


Carson stepped on something causing some hibernating bats to awaken and frenziedly fly around, he looked down to see a lantern, and he was a little surprised.

 This the same lantern the group of adventurers had given him… Shouldn’t they have brought it with them?

After a while, he gave caring up and continued towards the exit of the cave, he found it peculiar that there was no light coming from the end, was it night-time? No, even the light from the moon should give him some signal that he was nearing the exit, was he deeper in the cave than he originally thought?

This was not the case, after a short amount of time, he was in front of the exit, yet it was filled in with rubble!

Now he knew why nobody had been down here for a while, it was closed off, sealed from the world forever… and so was he.

One would be extremely scared and anxious at this point, yet Carson was surprisingly calm, with not a shred of nervousness. This wouldn’t be the case if it was his previous self, he would practically be pissing himself.

“I have survived twelve years down here, another few days to clear the rubble is nothing.” He said this with complete confidence.

He had constantly been aware of the things around him, in his semi-dead state, he could see the insects devouring his body, the torture of being unable to move yet still being conscious for twelve years had fortified Carson’s will and heart, any amount of pain or hardship he would experience now, was nothing compared to the hell he had been through already!

He continued to clear the rubble for a few days and eventually a slimmer of light began to shine through. During this time, he had to go back down the dungeon and devour any insect he could find to replenish his life and hunger.


Carson was alerted as he hastily turned around, due to the cave being previously devoid of any light, he couldn’t see, however, with the newfound light from the outside, Carson could see three skeletons, nothing peculiar nor bizarre, however, they were moving!

Another puzzling feature of one of the skeletons was his enormous height and bulk! Could this possibly be? He quickly evaluated each skeleton slowly making its way towards him before showing a sign of relief.

These three skeletons were three of the adventurers who had enslaved Carson!

The extremely tall bulky brute, the fat lady friend of the one who had tortured him, and the one who never talked or had any presence, how could he forget any of their appalling faces? Even without their flesh…

The arrogant man who had consistently abused Carson and the bitch that had tortured him were not here, this confirmed that they were not dead, well at least not when they escaped, they could still be alive, he grinned, luck was finally on his side, God was allowing him to take revenge!

Another thought clicked in Carson’s mind, they probably shut off the cave! It all made sense now…

However, just how were these skeleton’s moving? Unlike Carson, they had no flesh, they were straight skeletons with ominous red eyes, any other person would be scared shitless! But this did not faze Carson at all, after all, he had come back to life! Something completely unheard of.

Carson was happy, as he began to smile, this was extremely unsettling.

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His smile was devilishly evil-looking! Even more so than the ones who had enslaved and killed him. His glare could penetrate the devil himself…

Without care for his safety, he dashed towards the skeleton of the fat lady!

Take note, that before this, Carson had never fought anybody, before dying he was a completely normal boy, and completely weak, unable to save his mother from the bear that mauled her to death.

He punched out with his might, and unexpectantly his fist rammed straight through the skeleton’s skull, turning it into singular pieces… this wasn’t the strength a human could possess! Carson was shocked and he was unable to maintain his calm demeanor, a flashing fire lit up in his eyes as he viciously lashed out toward the other skeleton, he was going to leave the big one till last.

He seemed to adapt extremely well to his circumstances, he was a natural-born talent at killing! He continued to laugh, this was too thrilling.

This time, he kicked the skeleton in the ribs, causing them to break off of the body, the kick continued straight through the spine causing the skeleton to be kicked into two halves!

Carson seemed to be enjoying his sense of superiority, he was like a hyena stalking the lizard, there was no need to take such weak creatures seriously,


Suddenly, a great axe fell, causing Carson’s arm to be cleanly sliced off. Blood spurted everywhere painting the dark room red.

“Ahhhhh” Carson wallowed in pain, just as he looked up to see the giant skeleton, it swung down once more, beheading him.

Was he already dead? Was his revenge already over? This was too pitiful…

“What the…” Carson was stupefied to find insects crawling out of his blood and body, and even more, he was still conscious! Even by being beheaded, he was alive!

Was he immortal? He wanted to think longer, however, he couldn’t forget the massive skeleton, he quickly looked in its direction expecting it to take another swing, yet it was motionless… this confused him.

“Does it think I’m dead?” At this time Carson’s arm had fully disintegrated into insects that were running back towards his wound, he could feel them crawling and attaching themselves to his body, was he truly not dead?

He laughed once again, the skeleton thought he was dead! He could easily kill it from behind.

After a while, he was completely fine and his arm and head were reattached by the insects before they disappeared into his body, Carson naturally accepted his new body, if he was able to stay alive due to these insects, they could invade his body as much as they wanted!

However, he couldn’t celebrate yet, he ran towards the emotionless skeleton and punched it, turning its skull into powder.

He had gotten careless earlier, yet, his power remained unchanging.

He clenched his fist before turning towards the caved-in entrance.

“Time to get out.” He punched out violently once more at the rubble causing countless rocks to fall from the ceiling. There was a possibility of him being crushed.

But, his gamble was successful, the rocks had been disintegrated and the light scorched Carson’s pale skin causing it to burn.

Was this the feeling of being alive? He clenched his fist, and for the first time in years, he was able to see the daunting forest once more, furthermore, he could hear the sounds of other people…

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