United(?) We Stand

Chapter 21: Arc 3: Dark Witch and Domino (3)

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 Holmes began Ciel’s training with a simple lecture at the heart of all artifacts' creation.

Specifically, runes, because artificers were obsessed with them

Holmes started the discussion, “Magic is the art of Mana manipulation, but artifact is much deeper. Instead of probing into the cosmic mystical force and begat the power from the beyond, we use our intellect to manufacture those powers,” Holmes pointed a ruler at the blackboard filled to the brim with rune characters. “Runes, written with mystical ink, discovered by the people of Acceltra two-thousands years ago, provides us a way to conduct the most ancient form of mystical energy — the origin of Aura and Mana.”

“Let me guess, Ether,” Ciel recalled the stuff powering the Void — mystical Source Zero. “The incredibly clear and concise power that isn’t made to bamboozle people at all.”

“Is that sarcasm, kid?” Holmes retorted. “But you aren’t wrong, Ether is one of the most peculiar sources of energy. Environment and collective consciousness alter it into Mana. Spiritual and mental exposure — the fighting spirit — converts it into Aura. Artificers inscribe runes to an artifact for it to produce work once supplied with Ether, and this is what I am going to teach you.”

And thus Ciel’s regular schedule began. In the daytime, it was regular production training with Holmes. He slogged through various production methods and was taught the working of countless tools. Ciel’s interest hiked when his new teacher wheeled out some jewelry to teach him the basics about Ether-loaded gems and jewels. Knowing he needed to round out his technical skill, the Unity Lord absorbed everything Holmes had to teach from runes, usage of temperature tempering and several chemical treatments. As an innovator, Ciel fine-tuned his [Calculative] and [Construction] skill, circumventing the inability to toy with mystically laced material by controlling the tool to the job.

At night, Ciel opened the Residence’s master gate to train with Xia in the art of combat for a few hours. Those training sessions would end in a cuddling without fail. Soon the session moved rapidly from [Training Room] and into Xia’s bed. Furious make-outs turned into heated, half-naked groping sessions as the Unity Lord touched upon the third-base.

The night of truth arrives midway into Ciel’s second week with Holmes.

Inside Xia’s domain — the aptly named Cave of Grace — on the pure white mattress, the thirsty Ciel rolled over the ravenously hungry Xia. Months of constant training refined the Unity Lord’s body into a fine art and Xia — in a primal surge of satisfaction for her well-rewarded effort — drank it in. Looking at his beautiful lover’s naked body and suppled breasts, which fitted perfectly in his palm, Ciel’s self-control was breaking at the lid.

The tension was climbing over the month. The two lovebirds refused to push the issue, wanting their partner to make the first-move. However, that volcano finally hit its limit.

“Do you want to do this?” Ciel started nervously, trying to ignore the blood coursing through all the necessary organs.

“I don’t know,” Xia clamped down on the gushing moisture rebelling inside her body. She would like to tell her head and chest got it worse, but all above the puberty line knew that was a lie. “Are you ready?”

Ciel found a bit of humor in that, “You know. I have this vision about a version of our story where I act like a dense moron who refuses to acknowledge the girl he already kissed. Meanwhile, you are struggling to ask for some actual progress and bottling your desire like a prude.”

“That would be a dumb romance,” Xia groaned. “We already went past the second-base.” The young maiden blushed heavily. “It is already a minor miracle it took us this long.”

“I know,” Ciel kissed Xia’s beautiful lip and whispered. “Let's stop with the pretense.”

“Finally,” Xia wanted to believe she was ready for the pain (she wasn’t).

That was then the batter officially hit the home-run. Mere seconds later, Ciel discovered the Lord wasn’t immune to hormones. The Dopamine overload affected him as much as Xia. Oxytocin flood quickly glued the two together. Pain receptors went to take a nap as pleasure and Endorphin ran relays around the couple utterly occupied in skinship. Logical thoughts were shoved to the back of their mental faculties as a more important impulse took the driving seat.

That night, two virgins officially graduated. The graduation ceremony was awkward, given the two combined experiences in this field were big, fat numero zero. Thankfully, the couple were both quick learners. Soon the raunchy asked for more and the euphoria professing love by rhythmic movement ended in several stress-relieving explosions from both sides.

Finally, the two exhausted lovers collapsed into Serotonin induced cuddles. Both of them discovered something about each other that night. Ciel discovered Xia was a squealer in the bed, and Xia realized Ciel was pretty gifted at showing a girl a good time.

The following morning, the two greeted each other subtly differently.

Amy tried not to think about the obvious, so did Caislean.

Three days after Ciel and the first-wife lost the V-card to each other, Holmes came to the lecture room with a declaration.

“You aren’t human,” Holmes said. “Let me guess, you are here to seduce Elizabeth.”

“Wow,” Ciel didn’t hide it. It was all part of their plan for the beginning. Holmes was the only person capable of helping him against Etaceh with a solid incentive to do so. The problem was convincing him. “I never expect you to get that this fast.”

Holmes went under a table and produced a substantially big box with three antennas.

“This thing,” Holmes set the box on the nearby wooden table and pointed at it, “detect space-time fluctuation.” Holmes huffed. “It registered a hit every single night in your room. No known race possesses natural time-space related ability, and only legendary level of Blue Magic toys with it.” Holmes pointed at a thermometer stuck to the wall, glowing with White light. “I know you aren’t a Blue mage because the Mana-meter never reacts.” Holmes squinted. “Betty would never let you out of her sight, if she knew about this ability. You, Ciel, are the true central part of Xia’s plan.”

“That doesn’t mean the plan is seduction,” Ciel pointed out.

“It didn’t,” Holmes admitted. “Until I followed the logic. I know Xiahana wants to manipulate Elizabeth for a benefit.” Holmes explained his working. “There are two mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive pros going for Elizabeth — either it is her value as the ultimate trophy or everything else outside that. And I know you don’t want everything outside the trophy because of one person.”

“Etaceh,” Ciel answered the critical key to the equation.

“That is right,” Holmes nodded. “Etaceh can offer you everything Elizabeth could and more — authority, wealth, knowledge, and fame. You could have asked Betty to introduce you to her and show your talent. Instead, you come to me and effectively burn those bridges. This means you are unbalancing Elizabeth La Louve for the chance to bag her as a reward.”

Inside the Residence of Lord, Xia gave Holmes a slow clap and Caislean nodded in awe at his smart.

“You aren’t wrong,” Ciel shrugged. “But maybe I simply want her friendship.”

“You have a point,” Holmes admitted before devolving into a rant, “until we factor in Elizabeth’s true personally.” Holmes sneered at the collection of imaginary morons. “Those deluded fools chasing after my old student never knew the Elizabeth under the veneer. The ‘perfect princess’ is a character — a cartoon.” Holmes ranted. “The true Elizabeth La Louve is egotistical, self-centered, but needy. She is the type who takes acts of devotion or romantic dinners for granted. And to those who try wowing her with accomplishment, off to the shit-list they go because the number one in Elizabeth’s world is Elizabeth La Louve.”

“I don’t think she is that bad,” Ciel said. “Ruthless sure—”

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“She is that bad,” Holmes said like a man possessed. “She is such a great actor, she fools even herself.” Holmes breathed. “Elizabeth is a black-hole for affection, so absorbed with her beautiful event-horizon, the thought that she might hurt those who love her never occurs in her mind.”

Ciel pointed out the obvious, “You still care about her.”

Holmes sighed, “She is like a daughter to me, no matter how far she goes.” Holmes stared at Ciel. “Xia wants to get my help for one reason. I am the closest remaining thing Elizabeth has to a father. With me on your side, it will be a psychological front which Elizabeth possesses no chance to counter. I can say this is the only strategy to seduce her without being stone-walled or getting ships to a monster-infested ocean.” Holmes frowned. “There is also mind-control, but that would be another level of stupid. Her value is so high because of her dedication, individuality, and those stupid prides, breaking her into another doll would kill the entire purpose of scoring her.”

“You are right,” Ciel nodded. “Xia insists I romance Betty.” Ciel made a face. “And you can put the mind-control to rest, I know the guy who talked about doing that, and he is a total creep.”

Holmes nodded, produced a mean looking shock-prod from under his desk and pointed it at Ciel.

“I still don’t know what exactly you are,” Holmes said. “How do you get Xia on your side?”

Xia: Ciel, opens the master gate. I want to talk to him.

“Someone wanted to talk to you,” Ciel snapped his finger.

On the table, Holmes’ space-detecting box flashed with light.

The air cracked, revealing the gate to the Residence dimension, and Xia, in her white dress, walked out with a box of Amy’s pizza.

Holmes reacted with a stare of disbelief.

“Hello, uncle,” Xia ate one of the pizzas and showed him the rest of the offering. “I know we haven’t met in a long time, but I am happy you get along with my husband. Oh, and I have your favorite Pepperoni Pizza.” Xia gave her uncle eyes worthy of a puppy. “Mind if I stay?”

“Husband?” Holmes connected the dot and arrived at the terrifying truth about Xia. “Holy hell, you are planning this to fulfill your sister-threesome-sandwich kink?” The master artificer turned to look at his new student with newfound respect. “And you romanced Xiahana? How? I know she is desperate after Spade reassigned her to hell, but even my brother failed to unwind that uptight petulant personality.”

A suspicion then dawned on Holmes. He reacted by producing a mechanical clock-like device from under the table. He pointed it at Xia and took the reading. A moment of disbelief passed, and Holmes glanced at Ciel with a feeling akin to a worship.

“Holy shit,” Holmes shelved the virginity reading device. “Unbelievable, kid, you succeeded where the entire nation failed, popped a princess’ cherry and took her home. Do I have to address you as a nephew-in-law now?”

“Uncle,” Xia protested, and set the pizza down on the table. “I am still here!”

“I don’t care,” Holmes snatched a slice and turned toward his niece. “Congratulations on beating Betty to marriage, Xia, but I doubt you have the nerve to recruit me to help achieve your bedroom fantasy. What brought you here?”

“Uncle,” Xia put the risky part of her plan into action. “Father was right. Betty had screw-up. We need your help.”

Ciel took a slice of pizza. He knew what was coming.

“Edmond is correct about many things,” Holmes bit into his slice of pizza and chewed. “Be specific.”

Xia pointed to her husband, “About the race of godlike figures playing us like a chess piece. My dear here can tell you everything about them because he is one of these guys.”

Holmes choked on his food at the curveball.

It took an entire afternoon for the couple to finish briefing Holmes about the War of Lords, Etaceh, Unity Lord Authority and the current mission.

And Holmes’ reaction?

“Let me get this straight,” Holmes was holding back the laughter of satisfaction. “Etaceh, and Ciel here, are members of the eldest super race in Acceltra that is about to start a global-spanning internal war. Edmond correctly suspected something was going on.”

“And he attempted to get Yulong and Montgomery to help suppress her,” Ciel continued. “He probably believed only a Lord had a hope of beating the other Lord.”

Holmes then finished the story, “Sadly, someone assassinated Edmond before the plan succeeded. Elizabeth blindly torpedoed all his effort, guaranteeing the goddess with assimilation Authority over artifacts and Magic got to helm all the domestic development of Curtis unopposed for two years.” Holmes wiped the tears of laughter. “And Ciel, the closest thing we have to an insider, now considers Etaceh unstoppable. This means those idiots and Elizabeth might be responsible for the fall of the Eastern Continent. This is great. I am going to hoist a giant ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ billboard when this shit explodes. Their expressions will be epic.”

“I know it tickles your humor, uncle,” Xia said. “But we are the ones getting boned here.”

Ciel muttered to his lover, “You know, I half expect him to punch me for touching you.”

“Why should I?” Holmes said to Ciel. “Edmond spent most of his time worrying about his daughters. The eldest is an anxiety case of a woman-child with moral insanity. The younger is the closest narcissist with an ego of a country. He would be overjoyed he got you as his son-in-law. You, a humble god whose entire power centered on love, is the perfect way to reign in the two nut-cases. My boy, you are the best thing that ever happened to those two brats.”

“Uncle, I am not a nutcase,” Xia protested weakly. “Anyway, do you have any plans to counter Etaceh?”

“I need to know how much she progresses,” Holmes said, confirming his cooperation. “Get me a map. I believe it is time we go on a stakeout.”

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