United(?) We Stand

Chapter 24: Arc 3: Dark Witch and Domino (6)

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To save time, we would cut Rem’s return trip and popped right into the autopsies of Miss Lycane who met an unfortunate death by a decapitation.

Two people were presented at the grim autopsies table. Holmes was the head of the dissecting operation, while Xia intently watched for the unfortunate event the carcass rose from the grave to murder them.

Holmes pulled out a piece of metal from the corpse of the werewolf — specifically from the spine.

“Yep,” Holmes grimaced. “It appears our outrageous paranoia actually bore fruit.” He lifted the metal plate to the light of the overhead lamp. “A mind-control device.”

Xia wasn’t happy about this latest information, “Etaceh have remote-control werewolves? Could this get any worse?”

Xia jinxed it.

The air cracked as the master gate to the Residence opened and Ciel emerged from the door with the aerial drone they assembled in the garage. The revelation of Lycane had significantly shifted their timetable, and forced them into a more active pursuit of the problem.

“Folks,” Ciel showed them the drone. “I have the aerial scan of Hecate right here.”

Xia cursed at herself for tempting fate.

“Yep,” Ciel groaned. “Etaceh isn’t skipping the leg day.”

The top-down image of the city was projected into the white wall with Holmes’ home-made projector. The filter for the Ether reading on Hecate showed the entire city in alarming red and orange hue.

“The Ether reading is off the chart,” Holmes noticed the crimson color concentrating on the industrial ring. “Given the red hue represents high-Ether concentration, the industrial ring having those colors are expected. However, the intensity there is about eighty times above the norms.”

Xia pointed to the contour of yellow painting the capital, “What about that?”

“I have a guess,” Holmes switched the filter to telecommunication signal. The entire city took on a blue hue, aside from the center of the city, which housed the palace. “The entire city is blanketed by telecommunication signal.” Home zoomed in to review the main branch of Magic Tower. “Aside from the receiver, which is the Magic Tower.”

Caislean appeared with a tray of orange-juice, “What does this mean?”

“It means Ciel is right,” Holmes replied. “The entire capital is under Etaceh’s microscope.”

The grim sensed of defeat hung in the air.

Many would want to ease the sense of defeat by lightening the mood, but reality was merciless. Deeper analysis of the photograph only revealed their enemy invincibility.

Holmes pointed at the photograph of the industrial ring, “I counted over thirty-four self-sustaining Ether reactors.” The artificer sank into the chair in awe and dread when he looked at the Hecate’s city wall. “Those walls have one of the most advance multilayered barrier I have ever seen, and those artilleries meant approaching them will be hell.”

Ciel groaned. With those power supplies, even other Lords would have trouble winning a siege against the Lord of Mechanical Magic.

Xia tried to find a way out, “That is easy. We can sneak in and assassinate her.”

“Not with the spyware,” Holmes answered. “Ciel is spot-on. The number of spying device to create such a thick blanket of telecommunication signals is mind-boggling. With those numbers, every surface of the city is her eyes and ears. Any infiltration mission is a suicide.”

“Holmes,” Ciel showed him the Polaroid top-view of Hecate, which looked like someone sprinkle flour over it. “What is this?”

“A special high-frequency-Ether scan designed to detect primed Ether crystal inside golems,” Holmes looked at the Polaroid with despair. “Each white dot on that picture is a military golem. I will bet most of them are military-grade war-machines hidden as street decorations.”

Xia made a dried groan. “Successfully limit her power, my ass,” Xia cursed at her sister. “Great job, Betty,” she made a Ciel’s worthy sarcasm, “let put her in charge of domestic affairs and away from military. What could go wrong? She just streets line with war-machine disguise as statues.” Xia pointed at the Polaroid. “There must be several thousands of golems in the city. Betty is wrong. Etaceh already overpowered Curtis military and is holding the knife at their throats.”

“She weaponized the wall, the decor, has genetically engineered armies on top faith power from an entire nation,” Ciel’s head hit the table. “Say whatever you will about her, but she is pretty much queen of Curtis in all but title.”

“Sorry, Xia,” Holmes agreed with the Unity Lord. “Curtis is over. Unless Etaceh really slipped up, unseating her directly is impossible.”

Xia palmed her face, “What do we do now? Lycane’s disappearance will be noticed by the Military Police. Hunter Westerna wouldn’t miss this chance.”

A light bulb suddenly flashed in Ciel’s head.

“You know,” the Unity Lord smiled. “I believe we can still give her some trouble. What do you think about leading the Military Police to the real ‘villain?’”

Betty was surprised when Ciel informed about Xia’s request for a meeting.

The surprise quickly turned into annoyance once she discovered where the direction Ciel gave led her too.

A derelict, abandoned church right from the horror movie. Betty didn’t know, but it was part of Xia’s secret collusion with Caislean to select the creepiest place possible to corner Betty’s psychologically. To ascend to her post as the general manager of the harem, it was vital for Xia to have the favor and support of the other ladies in the court. Amy’s support came easily, but befriending Caislean required some work.

Works like the survey to find the creepiest place in Curtis.

Rubicon Church was infamous for three mass murders, a fire, a devil worshiping cult, and being an abandoned relic. The graveyard was a ruin of fractured wood and broken bricks. The originally white building had darkened under neglect and disrepair. The stain-glass window was reduced to non-existence ages ago. The gnarly dead trees curling like the nest for ghast and ghost sent shivers down Betty’s spine. Meanwhile, spooky winds whistling through the broken window didn’t help to build her courage in the slightest.

Betty, shaking in her heel, walked through the graveyard and yelped at the wind trickling her ankle. She reached the dilapidated door, jumped at the haunting creak, and walked in with a heart full of regret.

It was then she saw a corpse of a giant werewolf on the filthy church’s floor and nearly fainted.

Xia sneaked from behind her sister, “Boo!”

“HELP!” Betty cried hysterically. “Get away from me!”

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It took a solid ten minutes for Betty to assemble herself, and the first thing she did next is glaring at Xia.

“This is not funny, Xia!” Betty screamed. “You know I am not good with ghost!”

“Aww,” Xia pressed the button. “Don’t you love this place?”

“Stop it!” Betty was in tears and pointed at the body. “What about this fake carcass?”

Xia turned serious, “It isn’t fake, Betty. In my deep cover, I discovered someone in Hecate is running a human experimentation. I believe these people are tied with our father’s suspicion. I need some of his old note.”

“Xia, dad went nut,” Betty replied.

“Yes, and I believe Etaceh has something to do with it,” Xia pointed at the carcass that used to be Lycane. “That is Lycane, Betty. She would have killed Ciel if I hadn’t intervened.”

Betty hardly believe this, “What? Lycane?”

“Yes,” Xia tossed Betty a magical control ship. “I found this in her.”

Betty caught the chip, and the memory resurfaced, “Oh my go, I know this. Spade once proposed an idea for a genetically engineered army. We vetoed it, but this chip proved the project only went underground.”

“Look,” Xia asked. “I know this is risky, but I need your help.”

Betty glanced at the werewolf with disturbing fear. At least she got a political bullet to use against Spade from this.

A week later, Ciel bought a paper from a local store in Janus and began flipping through it.

There, he found the update on their operation. The Dark Witch went on prolong rampage against the nobility In Hecate. Evidences of human experimentation appeared like moths coming to the lamp-light. There was a mass arrest of influential noble entrenched with the secret project. The fair princess Elizabeth La Louve, supported by the mountain of evidence donated by the Dark Witch, took the spearhead to demand justice from the throne.

Ciel closed the paper, utterly convinced Betty paid for the flowery write-up of her achievement.

Inside the palace of Curtis, in the throne room surrounded on all-side by creepy golden statues, a heated verbal sparring erupted. The court was fully assembled. Ministers and bureaucrats recording the exchange sweated in the immense shouting match.

“You need to take responsibility for this, Spade!” Betty yelled at the golden-hair man sitting on the throne. “This thing is your brainchild, and somehow it got out! What would happen when we face an army of engineer beast roaring for our blood?” Betty showed him a list of names. “This is the names of disappearance from the orphanages, likely to supply this sick project!”

Spade La Louve couldn’t bring a counter against the mountain of evidence, “What do you think I can do, Elizabeth? I already mobilize everything and hand out maximum penalties.”

Betty growled, “I want you to take responsibility.”

“Okay, I admit I tabled this project a year ago,” Spade admitted. “But you shelved it. The only group who has resources to pull something like this off is the Magic Tower.”

“Aren’t they your biggest supporter?” Elizabeth said. “You are blaming a private enterprise now?”

“Betty, do you think I can do anything about this?” the golden-hair man was positively cornered.

“Fine,” Betty said. “You’ve admitted it, Spade. I, Elizabeth La Louve, cast a vote of no confidence on the legislation!”

“On me! Your sister is one of the biggest problem of this administration!” Spade argued. “Xiahana is—”

However, Elizabeth got an unexpected ally.

“I, Hunter Westerna, agreed with princess Elizabeth,” the hooded Commissioner of Military Police brought the hammer down of a flabbergasted Spade. “The king is too compromised to shoulder the weight of this crisis. I recommend the court and minister take charge of the current situation until all the associate incidences have been cleared. Who is in favor of my motion?”

Betty walked out of the palace with a smile on her face.

Cheers of the people greeted her were deafening. The good press and the Dark Witch’s merchandise flying from the shelves were the cherry on the cake. Betty enjoyed every second of her fame, waving at the crowd to take on her victory lap over Spade.

It was then Betty’s secretary, Sandra, walked to her with urgent news.

Etaceh was asking to meet her.

After Spade’s coronation, the Magic Tower relocated its main office to the center of the capital, normally reserved for government building and royal property. Etaceh herself designed the building, and it was the sight to see within Hecate.

A towering spire of blue bricks and gleaming crystals with two crystalline wings spanning outward, enveloping the entire palace and the associated building. Within the two wings of the Magic Tower, researchers worked on the cutting edge tech under the order of Etaceh herself. Meanwhile, the central tower dwarfing everything in the city was the personal home and quarter of the head of Magic Tower—Etaceh.

Betty took the magical elevator to the top floor of Magic Tower and opened the mahogany door to the humble office of the woman responsible for the rebirth of Curtis.

Etaceh’s office was the same as usual, a central desk strewn with countless books. Notes and scribbles decorated the wall. A holographic model of Hecate floated in the center of the room. And there she leaned by the corner. A pale woman with eyes darker than night and deep navy-blue hair. She looked extraordinarily young, without a single wrinkle or blemish on her skin. Her body was lithe and smooth, like an absolutely flawless piece of art. She wore a single evening gown, smiling contently as Betty stepped into the room.

“Hello, Betty,” ‘Etaceh,’ smiled.


“Boo!” A second Etaceh sneaked up on Betty and whispered in her ears, causing the Capital Number 1 Bachelorette to jump up in fright. 

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