United(?) We Stand

Chapter 28: Arc 3: Dark Witch and Domino (10)

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The grassy plane above Ciel’s secret dungeon was peaceful under the moon. Ferns waved in the wind, and stars painted the sky. The rustling of nature was interrupted by a whistle from Xia in a whole new wardrobe.

Xiahana attended  this meeting in a white hooded winter-jacket. She wore knee-high combat-boots, perfectly fitted leggings, and a finely weaved corset, all embroidered with clouds. A silver chain, featuring a star-shape buckle, wrapped around the lithe waist. Around her right hand was a glove, similarly styled to her waist’s accessory.

The girl dressed like she was a superstar rising to the nocturnal concert, rather than a former princess being surrounded by enemies. Xia even gave the subjugation squad times to get in position.

“Hello, Robert,” Xia greeted. “And you are also here, Neptis. Great, do you want to talk about old times?”

Robert and Neptis, knowing Xia from the day they were fellow students in Curtis most prestigious school, didn’t know how to handle the new her. They were used to old Xia, a closet woman-child, hiding her petulant immaturity beneath a facade of seriousness and responsibility. The Xia they knew held herself too seriously and were stubborn to a fault. She would often break down in the tantrum when plans deviated, relying on her raw talent to carry the day.

The current Xia held herself differently. Her inner child didn’t disappear. It was the seriousness that vanished. Xia no longer tried to convince herself and everyone she was a big deal, coming to terms with her position in the universe. She danced in the air, lighter than wind, but firmer than she ever was. The new Xia embraced her inner child and smiled at them innocently.

It was Hunter who started the conversation.

“Your highness,” Hunter said. “We can still discuss the terms.”

Xia wasn’t having it, “Terms?” She couldn’t help but raise her eyebrows. “Hunter, you lost control of Curtis and you still think you have anything to bargain with? Sorry, I know my limit, and I know for sure I won’t survive the walk to Etaceh’s throne.”

Hunter sighed with disappointment, “So your attempt to convince me is genuine. Why did you have to follow Edmond’s delusion?”

“I see,” the Princess of White hardened her voice. “It has to be you, isn’t it?” White Mana surged to life around Xia and force replaced her relaxed childishness. “You are the one who killed my father two years ago.”

Neptis was outrage, “You are—”

“Shut up, Neptis,” Xia’s voice sent shivers down the entire squad’s spine. “You’re one of few people who could assassinate father. Your attitude confirmed it. My guess is you probably tried to confirm father’s plan. When you realized he wouldn't change his mind about the Yulong Empire, you killed him.”

Xia’s word took Hunter back to that day.

“Hunter, my friend,” King Edmond’s back was turned. “We need Yulong.”

Edmond La Louve wholeheartedly told him the truth, confirming he was inviting Yulong’s influence to suppress Etaceh. 

Edmond trusted Hunter with his life.

Hunter replied to Edmond such folly would lead to Yulong infiltrating Curtis, resulting in an invasion. He tried to convince Edmond the decision was erroneous.

Edmond wasn’t deterred.

“The invasion is a valid possibility,” Edmond admitted. “But if my hunch about Etaceh is right, we are dealing with a crisis worse than a foreign invasion.” The King said with heavy-heart. “I wish there is another way, Hunter, but we need Yulong to hinder Etaceh. It will be a tight balancing-act, but I believe one-day we can ‌ handle them both.” Edmond looked upon a star. “We are powerless, my friend, but I have faith there we have sympathizers. We must do anything to buy time until the ally who will help us strike back arrives.”

It was then Hunter gave-up convincing the king and impaled him through the heart. He later made it looked like Edmond had killed himself in a ceremonial suicide.

Everything Hunter did was for Curtis. He refused to entertain Edmond’s belief that one woman was worth crippling national securities.

It must be the right decision.

“Xia, don’t joke around!” Robert tried to defend Hunter. “The Commissioner cares more about Curtis than anyone!”

“No, she’s correct,” Hunter admitted to his crime, fully believing in its righteousness. “I killed Edmond La Louve.”

The squad members reacted in shock.

“Commissioner,” Robert asked. “This isn’t a time to joke around.”

Carle was confused, but Neptis made her stance clear.

“Why are you revealing that now,” Neptis pointed at Xia. “We need to convince her. You know there is no way back after admitting you killed her father.”

“She isn’t coming peacefully from the beginning,” Hunter replied coldly. “Edmond, and his insanity, was a threat to Curtis.” Hunter eyed Xia with regret. “Anyone who shares his delusion couldn’t be trusted.”

Xia whistled. She already predicted Hunter wouldn’t come around. She was suppressing her anger. While part of her rage was for her late father, most of it was directed at Hunter’s narrow-mindedness.

“Oh, Hunter,” Xia sneered at the murderer, “father warned you. Uncle also did when he quit, but you had to believe the planet revolves around you. I hope you remember what you did to your beloved Curtis when she reveals her color.”

Hunter wasn’t convinced, “I doubt the validity of your unrealistic theory.”

“It won’t be theory for long,” Xia said. “This cave,” she pointed down, “is for buying time. Carolina is coming here with a proof in tow.”

What Xia said next surprised everyone.

“Despite what you did, I understand you, Hunter,” Xia said. “Months ago, I was in your position, fighting the enemy I didn’t understand and paying for my arrogance. This is a warning to all of you. That attitude that everything is under control? Toss it. Or you will suffer a long fall like I did.”

“Xia,” Neptis asked the friend who was unrecognizable. “What happened to you?”

“I got a boyfriend,” Xia answered with a longing smile. “A good man who is equally good in bed. Trust me, if dearest and Holmes agree you are screwed, you are doomed.”

Hunter drew his blade, “Xiahana La Louve, I cannot allow you to be a threat to Curtis.”

Xia sighed, “Curtis already fallen for two years, Hunter.” Xia cracked her fingers. “This entire spat is pointless, but tonight I will avenge my father. You will pay in full, Hunter Westerna. This is the night you pay for your sin.”

The battle started with the White Mana, commanded with [White Blessing], pressing the squad like a mountain.

White Magic Rank 6: Sanction.

Hunter struggled beneath the light, gritting in the face of massive retardation in his Aura. Only at high mastery can Sanction affect Aura and Ether. It was transparent, Xia’s power was incomparable to her past peak.

But they couldn’t surrender.

“Neptis, Robert,” Hunter ordered. “Proceed as planned!”

Robert, conflicted as he was, obeyed Hunter’s order. He drew his sword and rushed to Xia. His Aura amplified his speed and strength several folds. The swordsman blasted forth as a blurring rocket, followed by swirling dust clouds. His long-sword swung at Xia’s chest, creating a turbulent wind with its speed.

It didn’t work. Robert knew it wouldn’t, but Xia’s action still shocked him.

Xia caught his sword between her fingers, like Robert’s best effort was worth a piece of paper.

“How?” said Robert, stunned at the strength keeping his sword from budging.

“Artifacts, Robert,” Xia said.

Carle, being knowledgeable in this area, realized the folly. “Holy shit,” he said. “Her clothes are high-grade artifacts.” 

Carle was right, and here was the detail of Xia’s newest lethal fashion.

Cloud Ranger Boot

Rank: ***

Option [1]: Speed +1

Option [2]: Power + 2

Cloud Ranger Legwear

Rank: ***

Option [1]: Aura +1

Option [2]: Speed +2

Cloud Ranger corset

Rank: ****

Option [1]: Power +2

Option [2]: Aura +2

Option [3]: White Magic +3

The Cloud Ranger’s three-piece-set were artifacts of Ciel’s creation meant as an all-rounder gear, custom-made for Xia to strengthen her speed, power and Aura. 

Starstruck Gloves

Rank: ***

Option [1]: Aura +2

Option [2]: Strengthen +2

Starstruck Chain

Rank: ***

Option [1]: Exterminate +2

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Option [2]: Power +1

Meanwhile, the Starstruck accessories were a combat amplifier meant to give Xia extra teeth. It was Ciel’s improvement on his own prototype.

Snow White Jacket

Rank: ****

Option [1]: Defense +3

Option [2]: Strengthen +3

Option [3]: Bind +3

Finally, the Snow White Jacket was meant as the defensive gear, with an amplification of Bind — White Magic Rank 3 — for field control. The Unity Lord designed this jacket as tests of his runic knowledge and weaving abilities. It was a high-grade product created after numerous failures.

The artifacts Xia wore proved Ciel didn’t pour his time with Holmes down the river. He had learned from his battle with Lycane, using the experience to refine his artifact-making skills and earn the title of elite artificer.

Hunter and the gang didn’t just pick a fight with a blessed superhuman. They pick a fight with a blessed superhuman armed to the teeth.

Each unit on an artifact translated roughly to a 10% increase. This meant Xia got a massive 30% boost in defense, on top of a 50% increase in Aura. Worst, she also added Strengthen — White Magic Rank 2 — which received a boost of 50% on top of a multiplicative 30% enhancement in White Magic.

To cut the math short, Robert’s stinger-attack under Sanction had no hope of penetrating Xia’s defense. In fact, it only opened him up to the counter.

White Magic Rank 3: Bind

Three spears of light impaled his torso, forcing Robert to drop his sword. Xia finished the fight with an Aura-boosted sucker-punch.

Swarms of serpents chose that moment to fall down from the sky. Courtesy of Neptis who used her Green Magic to summon as many minions she could manage under Sanction.

Sadly, the hissing reptiles couldn’t do much of anything.

White Magic Rank 4: Smite

[White Blessing] gathered the vast White Mana. Under the purpose of Color Transcendence, Smite was modified from a straight beam into a wide cone of destruction, reducing every snake to ash, not leaving a single trace of stench behind. 

Neptis cursed, “This is why I hate Color Transcendence.” She unleashed another Green Magic. “This is unfair!”

Green Magic Rank 3: Beast Contract

A giant serpent the size of a house emerged from the ball of Green Mana. It was a testament to Neptis skilled in Green Magic, but sadly it wasn’t amounting too much.

White Magic Rank 4: Smite

A pencil-thin beam of light penetrated the fifty-meter long serpent’s skull, roasting its brain and dropping it to the ground dead. Such one shot proved the Green mage’s card was worthless in front of Xia’s transcendental mastery over White.

“I don’t see, Sirco.” Xia asked Neptis, “Where is he?”

“I won’t summon him to get blasted by you!” Neptis answered protectively. “You are the worst!”

Then Xia received a warning from the Residence of the Lord.

Amy: Xia, he is coming behind!

Xia ducked, narrowly dodged the stealth attack.

A decapitating slash swished past her neck. It was a seamless slice which would part the mountaintop. Dust rose from the swing. Air froze, divided by the sharpness of the technique. However, it still missed the mark.

Hunter Westerna impaled his broadsword, honed for execution, to the ground.

“Fascinating,” Hunter, the master of assassins, commended. “Not even your father could survive that attack.”

“It’s a team effort,” Xia mentally thanked Amy.

“But it’s over now,” Hunter said, stabbing a decorated silver stake on the ground.

Behind Xia, Neptis followed suit with a similar stake.

Robert, hanging onto his consciousness with pure willpower, dropped his stake, impaling it to the ground.

Xia realized their plan as immense pressure tied her body.

It was the Three-Layer Immobilizing Formation, invented by Romulus himself. All their effort was to get Xia into the position to unleash this secret weapon and deliver the final strike. 

Carle the mage finished his preparation and unleashed a vortex of Black and Red Mana.

Black Magic Rank 5: Damnation.

A ball of darkness swallowed Xia, sucking in the air as it churned and ground all to nothingness. It was a mass effect spell meant to end a siege.

Red Magic Rank 6: Thunderstorm

Hails of lightning fell from the darkened sky, striking the ball of Black Mana crushing Xia, hammering the earth and colored the sky with crimson flashes.

Xia was caught inside two Anti-Army AOE.

And the result?

Neptis couldn’t believe her eyes.

Hunter was silent in disbelief.

“Excellent job,” Xia emerged from the devastation, slightly frazzled but unharmed. In her hand, was a golden rapier. “You might have got me if you use Blue and Green Magic, or if my sword isn’t completed.”

“How did you survive that,” Neptis asked, registering the truth. They didn’t even bleed her. 

“Impossible,” Carle deduced Xia’s skill, and it scared him. “Innate resistance against colors? But that is beyond the realm of humanity!”

“Someone actually read,” Xia said, confirming the defensive power of [White Blessing]. “Don’t be too upset, Carle. If you aren’t under Sanction, those attacks might even draw blood.” Xia brandished her sword. “I think it is time for me to get serious.”

Upon seeing Xia’s golden rapier, the subjugation squad realized the sword prodigy had fought them unarmed until now.

The golden rapier was a thing of beauty. A graceful blade with white wooden hilt protected by a spiraling hand guard cast from silver, sanctified by the Cave of Grace. Its pommel was studded with a polish milky-white stone. The blade shone gold. The high-quality steel had transformed into divine metal after its treatment in a pool of White Mana and repeated quenching with holy-water. The sword was assembled and dipped in the essence of Xia’s mysterious skill, completing the weapon which annihilated Slomrath.

Xia named her signature sword the [Deific Wing].

Xia touched the ground with her sword’s tip, “Wait a moment, I am removing the shackle.”

[Deific Wing] glowed, and the ground trembled.

Hunter and Neptis witnessed their stake — the legendary Three-Layer Immobilizing Formation — shattered like glasses.

Neptis reacted by launching her strongest leverage.

Green Magic Rank 4: Transmogrify

Neptis fluidly morphed into a giant snake, a guise of humongous serpent eighty-meters in length and flowing with Green Mana’s enhancement. The serpent lunged at Xia.

Far from them, Carle immediately launched his own attack.

Red Magic Rank 4: Earth Strike

A massive spire of rock shot from the ground to smash Xia’s face. But with [Strategist], Xia evaded the attack, and leaped to the air, using the lunging Neptis as a platform.

Carle wasn’t finished.

Red Magic Rank 3: Flare

In response, Xia thrust the [Deific Wing]. A ring of light shone from the rapier’s tip like the prominence of the stellar corona, unleashing an invisible vibration — an airquake — shattering Carle’s Red Magic. The unstoppable force smashed into the humongous snake that was Neptis, bashing the snake flat to the Earth. Unable to handle the force akin to a falling building, Neptis lost consciousness, shrinking back into a human.

In a desperate bid, Carle attempted to use Puppeteer — Black Magic Rank 4 — but upon seeing Xia ignored its existence, he promptly switched to unleashing barrages of Bolt.

The [Deific Wing] was again thrust to meet the coming barrages. Corona of light reemerged, fracturing Red Mana with shockwave, chewing into Carle and forcing him to cough blood. With that last attack, the mage went down.

Xia, noting Hunter’s movement with [Strategist], intercepted his sword with [Deific Wing].

Dust rose and air clashed as the two Aura fought for supremacy.

“Your sword compresses your Aura and transforms it into a  vibration wave that can travel through any medium,” Hunter quickly deduced the power of [Deific Wing]. “It can quake anything from the earth, the air and even Mana itself.”

“You are smarter than you look,” Xia said, channeling more power into the rapier. “Quite convenient, isn’t it?”

Hunter screamed, panicking at the thought of Xia having such power, “An earthquake-generating sword!? That thing is a hand-held natural disaster! Do you know the gravity of what you wield?”

“I know,” Xia broke the blade-lock and smashed Hunter with her sword’s pommel. “I believe it is the perfect power to keep even the rowdiest at bay.”

Hunter caught the pommel, but then the dreaded corona of light emerged from it. The pommel formed a hypocenter, the starting point at which the seismic force was released. The brutal shockwave traveled through Hunter, breaking his bones and damaging his internal organs. Ground broke and earth cracked as the raging quake fractured the air and earth.

Hunter fell on his back. His Aura, his protection, broke under the strain of receiving a point-blank seismic detonation. He was powerless to the tip of the glowing golden blade pointing at his face.

Hunter Westerna had utterly lost to Xiahana La Louve, daughter of the man he murdered. There was no chance for his survival.

However, Xia possessed no killing-intent — only cruel pity reflected from her eyes.

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