United(?) We Stand

Chapter 35: Arc 4: The Burning Port’s Reaper (2)

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Operation May-I-borrow-your-Money had two phases.

Phase one was advertising Elizabeth La Louve, the recently presumed dead princess of old Curtis, around Eleanor. This phase banked on the very greed fueling the Mercenary City. Ciel knew they couldn’t resist courting the famous homeless Tricolor mage. Some smarter one might try to recruit her and glean confidential information about Curtis.

Fame might be a bother, but it comes in handy more often than not.

The second phase used that connection to get a ticket to the black spiral building towering over the city — the residence of the Lord — Onren.

Faster than Ciel’s expectation, the first phase was over in two days, as a letter arrived at the hotel they were staying. They expected such things to happen after Betty publicly went shopping with Xia as her bodyguard, causing multiple scenes with the muggers in the street and making lavish purchases. Aside from showing Betty off and starting rumors, this shopping trip also refilled her wardrobe after losing everything when Etaceh flew away with Hecate. However, the invitation still arrived faster than they expected.

Corruption aside, it must be admitted that the commercial selection in Eleanor’s store was superb.

A day later, the letter inviting them to the Onren arrived with the entourage.

Ciel wore his usual clothing, which doubled as a combat enhancement artifact. It was a formal suit-and-tie model he nicknamed the Black Spade set.

Betty opted for her newly bought orange night-dress with frills and a white overcoat. She even got herself impressive heels. Unlike Ciel, the clothing she wore possessed no combat-enhancement capability. 

“Are you sure you don’t want something I made?” Ciel asked Betty. “I know this is a formal meeting, but wearing artifact clothing could really come in handy in an emergency.”

Betty was offended by that notion. “You think I’m Xia,” she gritted her teeth. “I don’t need your leverage to get ahead.”

“You’re miffed that I am a better artifact creator than you,” Ciel said.

Betty smiled bitterly, “No.”

However, voices from the Residence promptly doused Betty’s flames of resistance.

Xia: She’s totally mad.

Caislean: Totally.

Betty gritted her teeth at the reality she was connected to a hive-mind constantly raining on her parade. Resigned to the reality of her life, Elizabeth opened the door of their hotel and walked to meet her destiny.

The horse-drawn carriage waited to greet. The horse was a beautiful mare, bred as boasts of wealth and expertise. The carriage was a black lacquered vehicle, with a lavished leather interior. Their transport was hewed with gold and polished to the point it showed their reflection.

Ciel whistled. Their host wanted to make an impressive first impression.

Despite the eye candy of luxury, it was the woman greeting them, which grabbed Ciel’s attention. Even Caislean noticed the quality before them.

Caislean: Master, she’s an SR.

She was the classic oriental beauty. A straight, Hime-cut hair-style that came to her neck — contrasting to Betty’s waist-length, and more similar to Xia and Amy, who respectively preferred shoulder-length wavy and ponytail. Her eye-brows were sharp, pencil-thin. Her murky black eyes were like a pair of blades. The full lips and shapely nose decorated the face of cold symmetry and serene beauty. Her black hair looked like strands woven from the night sky. Ciel would tell her body wasn’t as explosive as Betty, nor was it lithe and eye-catching as like Xia, but she had an unrivaled hour-glass figure. Her hips and thigh were the stuff of champions.

In contrast to the look belonging to the noble of orient, her clothing was that of a butler. A black, neatly pressed suit and a formal trouser covered every inch of her body, leaving much to the imagination. She didn’t wear any jewelry. Instead, she sported a pair of white gloves.

The girl was a fair Japanese princess from an old-folktale who crossed-dressed as a Victorian butler.

“Hello, Lady Elizabeth,” the beautiful butler greeted them. “My name is Hikari. I’ll be your guide tonight.” She respectfully bowed toward Ciel. “And who might this be?”

“He’s Ciel,” Betty said, playing her part in the letter. “He’s a dear friend and will be my date for today. Would that be troubling you?”

Hikari looked at Ciel thoughtfully. “No,” She said. “There will be no problem. A friend of a guest is also a guest of ours.” Hikari bowed to both of them and opened the carriage’s door. “Please, step inside.”

Hikari answered all of their questions during the trip immaculately. 

“Yes, we have a banquet tonight. It will be an honor to have you two join us,” Hikari said.

“We notice you shopping in the district, and some guests want to invite you to meet and greet,” she answered another question.

“I’m Onren’s head of management.” She answered. “Yes, it’s a very busy job and I answer directly to the Lord of Onren himself.”

“I’m aware of Eleanor’s ‘reputation,’” said Hikari with a straight face. “However, I’d believe it isn’t an excuse to slack off from my work. Yes, I’m in charge of overseeing law and order with Eleanor.” She sagged a little. “You’re right. It took various negotiations and connections to keep the street in shape.”

After a while, Betty dove into one fact hinted at by Hikari during their conversation.

“You said your guests want to meet me,” Betty said. “Who’re they?”

Hikari knew the answer would give her a new headache, but she said it anyway, “They’re ambassadors from Yulong Empire and Papal White State Montgomery.”

“They want to talk about development in Curtis?” Betty felt a migraine.

“I’m afraid so,” Hikari replied. 

Inside the Residence, the commentary assembled.

Amy: That doesn’t sound good. Didn’t Yulong try to infiltrate Curtis but failed when…

Xia: When my father got assassinated. They’re likely trying to try something again. But Montgomery? What the hell did that place got to do with this.

Caislean: Master, last I recalled, you and Maximus didn’t get along. Is it because of Yume…

Ciel: Yes, Maximus is convinced Yume is the coming of salvation. He’s the only one who buys into Yume’s bullshit. The dude thinks most of us are heretic for even questioning the almighty Yume’s vision. Hell, I am half convinced Etaceh will attack Montgomery first because she is also annoyed with that guy. I and that idiot don’t get along because that fanatic couldn’t get along with anyone.

Betty feigned a dried smile at the telepathic conversation. “Oh,” she said, considering the painful future awaiting her. “This will be so fun.”

“Yes,” Hikari said, sharing Betty's dread with a neutral facial expression, refusing to display the sign that she needed stomach medicine. “It’ll be as ‘fun’ as going to the dentist.”

Both Hikari and Elizabeth didn’t know it yet, but that was the beginning of a beautiful sisterly relationship built on trying to rein in the radicals.

At the subject of the radicals, they were greeted with one the moment the carriage parked in front of Onren and the door swung open.

“You’re back, Hikari!” said a girl in a heavily modified Hanfu — a traditional oriental garment consisting of an upper garment wrapped around a skirt. She promptly greeted Elizabeth, “And this must be Elizabeth.” She gushed at the bewildered Betty. “Fabulous as rumored,” the girl closed in at the speed of light for more skinship. “So smooth,” she rubbed her face against Betty’s voluptuous chest, “hey, do you want to go for a drink.” The girl gave Betty a seductive glance. “Tabs on me.”

Hikari grabbed the hyperactive girl by the cuff of her neck and yanked her from the confused Betty, “Lady Yulong, please pay more attention to decorum,” the butler said sternly. “Do you want a diplomatic incident?”

“Aww, Hikari, I already said to call me Nuan,” said the girl. “Won’t you reconsider my proposal.”

“No,” Hikari stated coldly. “I believe Lady Sfolgorante will have the first meeting with Lady Elizabeth.”

“Meanie!” the girl, Nuan, yelled. “Aren’t you the one who arranges the meeting?”

“Yes,” Hikari was brutally honest about her dislike of the girl.

“WTH, Hikari!” Nuan cried as Hikari dragged her away. “Hikari, tell me why? Why do you hate me so much! Hikari-chaaaaaaan!”

Ciel watched Hikari complete the comedic routine by drop-kicking the girl in the face, blasting her across the ground, and planting her into the far wall.

Many would expect the girl to be a tomboy, given her first impression. They were wrong. She didn’t have a single tomboy’s bone in her body. Her breast for one is larger than Hikari, despite being a head shorter. The girl was an image of energy and youth. Her red skirt was adjusted to be more in common with briefs for ease of movement (and showing of that thin leg). The flowing upper garment was white with a pattern of yellow flowers. The girl's personality was better reflected on her bun plait hair-styles, which gave Ciel a shade of migraine. Bright orange hair with twin highlight strands of yellow and red, fanning her face? If the girl attempted to become the embodiment of flaming autumn, then she did it.

“Is she going to be okay?” Betty watched the girl beneath the wreckage of the wall.

“She will be fine,” Hikari said. “That attack hurt the wall more than her.”

Ciel chose that moment to give Hikari a box, “Tell your boss I am here to play a game of Risk World.”

“Risk World?” Hikari asked in confusion.

“Just tell your boss,” Ciel said. “That man is an expert at this game. It was popular in our home in the Void. Tell him, Ciel is here for another round.”

Hikari’s eyes widened when she realized what she was talking to.

“Yes, exalted one,” Hikari bowed to Ciel. “Lord Borbonsi will be informed.”

Ciel groaned. His guess was right on the mark.

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A few moments later, Betty was invited into a room. Betty must admit, the Onren’s reception was quite something. The room was decorated with golden carpet and a chandelier. She sat on a comfortable chair with a velvet cushion. Her guest was similarly seated across the small round table of mahogany. Beside them, the balcony opened, ventilating the room with the scent and coolness of the sea breeze. The view revealed the busy port and the glittering ocean of sapphire.

Hikari asked Ciel to wait outside because of the sensitive nature of this meeting. It was a blow to Betty’s confidence. Ciel’s presence would be more than reassuring.

Thankfully, the voice from the Residence of Lord was here to pick up the slack.

Xia: Sis, be careful, she might be more than you can handle.

Betty understood what Xia meant.

The woman before them was gorgeous. She was like a blazing heavenly sun, shining, calm, and full of intensity. Her flaming red hair was worn in an immaculately done side-braid ponytail. She had light, red-tinge makeup with crimson eyelashes. Her face was visually stunning. It was like gazing upon the vast field of turnip dancing in the sunny meadow for the very first time. However, Elizabeth instinctively knew that, despite her illusory soft and delicate body with that annoyingly huge chests, this woman was a warrior.

Her leg-wears were golden grieves. Above her simple dress, was a golden belt attached to a silver chainmail that wrapped seductively around her body.

“Hello,” the woman offered her hand and greeted Betty with a warm smile. “Dios Apolline Sfolgorante. Montgomery’s Red Archangel. Please call me Apolline.”

Betty took Apolline’s hand. She knew this woman.

Montgomery had five ridiculously powerful generals — the Archangels — which led the largest military force in the Eastern Continent. Curtis, under both her father and Spade, knew the only reason Montgomery didn’t already unite the continent was because these generals were crawling around each other's political power. Paranoia and the inability to commit to a long-term fight were the only thing preventing their dominance.

Strength and leadership ability were necessary qualities to apply for the Archangels’ seat. Out of millions of people, Apolline beat them all and won the position. Upon receiving the title, the newly anointed Archangel would be blessed with the power of White Magic at the depth of Rank 6 on top of their already impressive power.

As an Archangel, Apolline was an expert user of Aura on top of a powerful Rank 6 user of Red and White Mana.

Xia: Don’t worry, Betty. I can take her down.

Yes, Betty agreed, knowing her sister’s powers. However, to think it would take a Color Transcendence White Mage with natural resistance to Apolline’s entire power-set and earthquake sword to subdue the Archangel scared the hell out of her.

Betty shook her hard, “Elizabeth La Louve,” she introduced herself, “former princess of Curtis.”

“We heard what happened to your capital,” Apolline said. “I’m sorry about your loss.”

Betty squinted, and it terrified her to realize Apolline was sincere. Honesty and politics mixed like oil and water. Betty never saw this sincerity in politic before.

“However, we need to move on,” Apolline cringed a little. “I’m sorry for being a little insensitive.”

“It’s fine,” Betty said. “Why are you calling me here?”

“Let me be honest with you, Miss Louve,” Apolline sighed. “I’m tired of the stalemate.”

“Stalemate?” Betty repeated.

“Yes, just look at Curtis,” Apolline said. “The report I read is upsetting. A megalomaniac claims an entire nation, using your ‘murder’ as a pretext.” Apolline growled. “We both know she’s lying. You’re alive, but everyone in the capital bought it.” Apolline’s righteous anger was downright addicting. “I think it’s too easy. I refuse to believe the people inside Hecate can be that blind, and my colleague, Archangel Deluge, confirmed the bitch has been using a mind-control device,” she clenched her fist. “Etaceh cannot get away with enslaving a country. I won’t allow it.”

Betty wanted to hide from the blazing fire of passion that was Apolline. To be honest, she liked this woman.

“Then there is this piece of shit city,” Apolline exploded in indignation again. “The corruption — the blatant trampling of those struggle to live, and selling people like they are things.” Apolline spat. “This savagery is reprehensible. If not for the need of Montgomery, I will already be burning this entire place and liberating the poor people in the slums. The very fact this atrocity can continue for another day is a farce.”

Betty glanced toward anywhere in the room to hide from Apolline’s passion.

“That is why I need your help, Miss Elizabeth,” Apolline clasped Betty’s hand and looked into her eyes with the fire of ten-thousand stars. “Please join Montgomery, Miss Elizabeth. It might take a long time, but I believe we can crush Eleanor from the inside, kick that manipulative bitch from Curtis' throne, and restore you to power.”

Betty knew she was getting a superb deal, but there was one problem.

“If I accept that deal, Montgomery will step in and turn Curtis into their vassal theocratic state,” Betty pointed out the obvious.

Apolline actually looked troubled, “Honestly, I don’t want to force anyone,” she made a blazing smile. “How about we crossed that bridge when we have to?”

Xia: Wow, I like this girl. Except the fact she is way too reckless.

Caislean: She had the energy and the compatibility. She has an SR-potential to boot, but yes, her energy is too addicting.

Amy: But isn't she our enemy. Her country worships this Yume guy Ciel didn’t get along with, right?

Xia: Life always comes with a catch. I believe we should get used to it.

Betty's next guest was the girl who made the scene at the Onren’s entrance — Nuan Yulong. One of the Dragon Maiden of the Yulong Empire — a child of the Yulong’s Emperor himself. Betty knew little about Nuan, but her behavior was baffling for her station.

“I love this view!” The energetic girl shouted from the balcony. “Hey, Elizabeth,” the girl frowned, “it is too formal. Should I call you Eli?”

Betty was immediately at wit's end with this girl, “My friend calls me Betty.”

“Yosh!” The girl winked. “Betty, it is!” She giggled. “Betty,” she leaned closer to Elizabeth La Louve with a smile, “do you want to be my friend?”

Caislean: I feel this girl and I are a kindred spirit.

Betty ignored the input from another dimension and looked at the girl who themed her hair after flames.

“I want to know what is attached to your friendship,” Betty asked.

After her question, energy seemed to deflate from Nuan. “Alright,” said Nuan with disappointment. “Business as usual it is.” The girl still kept her joyful smile, but her tone shifted to a more commanding one. “You know the Eastern Continent is screwed, right?” Nuan shrugged. “That guy you hung out with. The Emperor often talked about him — the Unity Lord Ciel.”

Betty didn’t answer, but the Residence went into a minor uproar.

Xia: Well, this changes the game.

Amy: What are we going to do! She know!

“And what do you plan to do with that information?” Betty said coldly.

“Please, don’t look at me like that,” Nuan responded to the sudden coldness. “I’m simply treating you like an equal partner.” The girl continued. “As a minion of a Lord, you surely realized what Etaceh is.”

“I’m not a minion,” Elizabeth said.

“That's hard to believe,” Nuan said with soulless eyes. “The Lords only sees humans as tools — even their own family.”

“Your father is a Lord, right?” Betty managed a smirk. “Well, guess Ciel must really be a cut above the rest, because he outright rejected me when he believed I didn't have a choice.”

That hit Nuan where it hurt, “He did what? I know the Emperor said the Unity Lord is a weirdo, but—”

“He’s weird because he treated humans as his equal,” Betty said. “Jealous, yet?”

“Betty,” Nuan smiled with malicious intent. “You really know where to hit.”

“Well, let's put this little spat behind us,” Betty said. “Yes, I know about the Lord, so what is your point?”

“My point is Etaceh is planning to finally kill her competition,” Nuan replied. “You know about Eleanor. This place crept me out to the point I believe Eleanor’s Lord has a screw loose. He couldn’t resist Etaceh. Then there is Maximus the Grand.” Nuan shivered. “I know the Emperor wasn’t perfect, but even he isn’t that bad.” Nuan made a disgusted face. “Sfolgorante is quite a bae, too.” Nuan sounded disappointed. “She didn’t deserve to have Maximus’s claw in her.”

“Ciel said he won’t go anywhere near Montgomery,” Betty shared the information upon seeing Nuan’s genuine feeling. “He said Maximus is nuts, but I never asked him why.”

“You know,” Nuan said thinly. “After hearing you talk about him, I’m liking the Unity Lord.” She clarified her opinion. “Yes, your Lord is right. Maximus couldn't be allowed to take over the Eastern Continent. The Emperor said he is barely better than Balor.”

“Ciel also hates that guy,” Betty said. “He never told me why.”

“The Emperor didn’t tell me why, either. It’s like he thinks Lord Balor is beneath him,” Nuan said. “But given no Lord in this continent can be trusted to take the throne, the logical option is giving the land to Yulong.”

“Er, there’s still Ciel,” Betty argued against the bogus. “And we humans can rule ourselves.”

“Betty,” Nuan said. A realist replaced the energetic girl for the rest of the conversation. “Let's stop deluding ourselves. All the Emperor’s story of Unity Lord painted him as the man who wants to do anything but rules.” She looked Betty in the eye. “You must know the power vacuum will be filled. There is no way the Lord will let the Eastern Continent floats without a ruler.”

Betty knew what was going to be asked, “You want me to help takeover.”

“Yes,” Nuan said. “Yulong will attack when all the Lords are weakened, but we need a local agent to help with the naturalization. I already have several candidates in mind, but I believe you will be a perfect fit to supervise Curtis' area when we ultimately conquer the continent.”

“You want me to be a puppet,” Betty stated.

“I know it sounds bad,” Nuan cringed a little. “But that is the best choice we have.” The energetic girl returned with a teary gaze. “Please, Betty, I don’t want to fight you,” Nuan begged. “And if I don't succeed, my older sisters will come.” Nuan gulped. “We will be really screwed if that happens.”

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