Universe’s Most Famous Vinegar Goddess

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter Title: ‹ People are not as good as chickens. ›

Since childhood, this is the first time He Yunhan had experienced the taste of being ignored “openly”.

She closed her eyes, blinked her long eyelashes lightly, and took a deep breath.

Su Qin looked alarmed watching from the side. She and He Yunhan had known each other for a long time and such an expression present in her face right now means she was angry.

She was a woman who has an axe to grind[1], Su Qin knows He Yunhan as much as she knows her wrist, Fengyu ……

Xiao Fengyu, who was hated like this, didn’t know what was going on. At this moment, she was still pestering her manager Hui Wen: “Oh, sister, don’t be so cruel.”

Hui Wen held her arms in both hands, looking at her speechless with a looming threat of a headache: “Look at your face, you have gained three laps of weight after returning from your hometown during the New Year. You must lose weight, there is no discussion!”

Xiao Fengyu touched her stomach aggrieved: “But I’m still growing.”

“Still growing? I’ve said it many times.” Hui Wen held her forehead: “The image that the company had designed for you is a sunny, pure and lovely girl.”

Xiao Fengyu: “Am I not sunny? Am I not pure?” She said, leaning back against the wall and staring at Hui Wen with a smile.

Her upturned eyes simply don’t have the innocence to go on anymore.

The child has really grown up.

With such a smile, the charm in her innocence made Hui Wen look a little hot: “Look at you, you are about to become a vixen.”

Xiao Fengyu sighed: “Sister Hui, why do you say this to a flower-like innocent beauty? A vixen? Not even close to me.”

Hui Wen: “Pay attention to your eyes! I’ll go back first, this week’s meals will be specially prepared by the nutritionist. Go out if you dare and want to try me!”

She turned around and walked away.

Xiao Fengyu, who was huddled on the bed, took out her mobile phone and then turned on the selfie mode, aggrieved: “Is this what people call seductive?” She tossed her hair and winked, eyes beautiful like silk: “Is this charming?~” She got up and performed a catwalk— walked a little before twisting her waist, her red lips pursed slightly: “Is this alluring?”

She was scratching her head and posing. Hui Wen went but returned as she forgot to tell Fengyu something. She did not expect to see such a wonderful scene as soon as she came back, so Hui Wen stood in the doorway quietly admiring for a moment. After Xiao Fengyu finally felt tired of playing, she lied down on the bed with her little feet occasionally wiggling. When she was ready to eat an egg tart, Hui Wen sighed: “My innocent and lovely Miss Fengyu.”

Xiao Fenyu, just separated about ten feet away, stiffened.

There was a full ten seconds of silence.

Xiao Fengyu swallowed the egg tart in her mouth with one bite, she turned her head and looked at Hui Wen with tears in her eyes: “Just treat this as the last supper.” She put both hands and rubbed them together: “Please~”

Hui Wen: ……

Who can refuse the innocent call of such an innocent and lovely beauty?

Hui Wen can.

Having taken care of Xiao Fengyu for several years, she has long been invulnerable to a point where she is untouchable by a sword.

In her words, this disobedient little cub is absolutely brilliant, if she could use all these daily “superb acting skills” in acting, it would be perfect.

The disobedient little cub was starved for a week.

Fengyu’s schedule is very full, unlike other artists, she has to take care of her studies in addition to her work.

Every day, in addition to fruit, is a skim milk and whole wheat bread.

It’s really the age of “still growing”. After being busy during the day, Xiao Fengyu slept directly in the stand in the next day’s physical education class after a night of reading with the lights on.

Several people in the dormitory looked at her, all grinning.

Fengyu’s best friend, Su Min, took out her mobile phone. “Everybody, come look. She is worthy of being the future bigwig in the entertainment industry, this sleeping slapstick is so long. In my family’s words, we can draw silk.”

The boss of the dormitory, Zhang Wei, supported her forehead: “Second child, I’m not like you. I’m almost done.”

Juan, the most conscientious, shook Fengyu: “Yuanbao, wake up, don’t sleep here, it’s easy to catch a cold.”

Xiao Fengyu rubbed her eyes drowsily, “Don’t touch me, I’m sleepy and hungry.” She was really uncomfortable. Now, if anyone can give her a piece of meat, she can promise them anything.

Su Min smirked and took pictures next to her, and the boss helplessly sighed: “Don’t make trouble. Didn’t the school deliberately invite He Yunhan back today? Let’s go get a place first.”

Su Min’s eyes lit up: “Is it Movie Empress He?”

He Yunhan belongs to that group, who has not shot many dramas, but if they did film, it was carefully selected. Most of her plays are ancient costume dramas and are the kind of dramas that take a toll on a huge amount of both an actor’s heart and body. Her acting skills have long been recognized not only by the public, but also have been acknowledged as the “textbook” level by the entertainment industry. It’s just that, for a year, she’s been saying to the public that she wants to concentrate on studying behind-the-scenes, so she’s not taking on new plays.

The group were afraid that there would be no place to sit, so they directly dragged Xiao Fengyu, who was in a semi-drowsy state, into the performance hall.

People haven’t come yet, but the hall is full. If it wasn’t for Su Min, who directly asked for VIP seats from the student union, there would be no place for them. Although it is quite common to have an artist in a professional university like them, He Yunhan’s popularity made it so that it is still hard to find a ticket.

Juan looked at Xiao Fenyu’s pale face and felt pity: “Minmin, why don’t we give her something to eat? She hasn’t eaten any staple food these days.”

Xiao Fengyu’s eyes widened as soon as she heard about the eating, and her eyes glowed like a wolf.

Su Min shook her head with a serious look on her face: “No, if Sister Hui found out then she will kill us first, and then kill her.”

Xiao Fengyu looked at her with two watery eyes: “Master, if you can give me a bite…a bite of meat, from now on, I’ll be your person.”

Su Min’s nickname is Minmin, and Feng Yu has always jokingly called her Zhao Min in “Eternal Heaven and Dragon Slayer” [2] . As long as she has something to ask her, she will definitely be called the master.

Su Min lifted her leg and tipped it towards her: “Would you like to take a bite of my foot? You smell it, it’s delicious.”

Xiao Fengyu: ……

Soldiers can be killed but not humiliated!

Xiao Fengyu leaned on Juan’s shoulder and began to drift off again.

All kinds of cameras were propped up, and in addition to the press corps inside the school, a lot of reporters came from outside.

Everyone looked around excitedly, “Hey, this actress is different.”

At this moment, He Yunhan is putting on makeup in the backstage, and the dean in charge of reception is smiling: “Now our school is also full of stars.”

As soon as his words fell, the camera swept around the stage, and the audience cheered every time it went to a student who was already less famous outside.

Although they are still students, there are many popular young students inside, and each of them is particularly exemplary.

The first person to be caught on the pathway was the Heavenly Songstress[3] singer, Lin Xixi.

She smiled faintly at the camera and waved her hand generously and gracefully.

There’s a burst of screams area……

Next is the little fresh meat Zhang Junlan. He was dressed in a suit and made a gesture of cheering.

There was another cheer.

The camera pans again.

The whole audience burst into laughter.

He Yunhan, who was painting eyeshadow, narrowed her eyes.

The dean beside her was a little helpless, “That is our school’s Fengyu. Although there is no representative work yet, her popularity is already high.”

Xiao Fengyu was sleeping soundly at this moment, and with her eyes closed, she could not see the embarrassment of her dormmates beside her.

There were bursts of laughter in the audience, and some people even looked directly in Xiao Fengyu’s direction and kept applauding.

This is an adult’s demeanor!

You are reading story Universe’s Most Famous Vinegar Goddess at novel35.com

Whether you are the emperor or queen of Heaven, she will sleep peacefully like a pig and will not move just like how motionless Mount Tai is!

“This child is a little heartless.” The dean was afraid that He Yunhan would think too much.

“She has such a cheerful personality, and she doesn’t seem to take the big things to her heart.”

Under the seductive purple eye shadow, He Yunhan’s eyes were deep, and she nodded: “I can imagine.”

You can imagine?

The dean froze for a moment, what did that mean? Had the two of them met before?

After He Yunhan came to the stage, there was a huge commotion off the field. The frantic shouting and applause finally woke Xiao Fengyu up. She squinted her eyes and looked on the stage: “Who is that?”

Su Min looked disgusted: “Aren’t you wearing your contacts?”

In order to sleep well, Xiao Fengyu didn’t wear contact lenses at all, and she could only see a general outline in a hazy manner.

Juan explained: “That is He Yunhan, the actress called Cool Wind[4], who came to our school.”

Xiao Fengyu narrowed her eyes, trying to see the person on the stage clearly, “She is not as cold as the rumors suggest.”

Su Min was eating French fries: “This is her alma mater after all. Artists behave differently before and after the stage.”

He Yunhan kindly chatted with her juniors about her acting experience on stage. Su Min was right; most artists have two faces.

Although she has a cold personality, she still has professionalism. No matter how low she is off the stage, she will always be the most dazzling star on stage.

Xiao Fengyu stared at Su Min’s fries and swallowed her saliva. For so many days, she had hardly touched oily meals, her gluttonous stomach was going to spasm.

This time when the alma mater invited He Yunhan back has two purposes: One is that He Yunhan silently donates to her alma mater every year as a bursary. The amount is not small. Eight years have passed, and it is time to announce it. Another is that in order to increase the popularity of the variety show, 《 Teens Go![5] 》, that was about to be launched by an alumna Director, K. The alumni specially invited He Yunhan to be a mentor inside and this is an opportunity to promote it.

Not too long or not short forty minutes later.

In the midst of everyone’s cheers, He Yunhan accepted the reporter’s short interview and then withdrew to the backstage after.

The school meant for her to meet a few of the trainees who will be appearing inside the upcoming 《 Teens Go! 》.

He Yunhan patiently met each of them one by one. As she looked through several resumes of those people, a faint coolness appeared in her eyes.

Most of the ones inside have an identity and background, and some even are at a height she can’t reach.

Each trainee is well-mannered and puts on the sweetest smiles they’ve been trained to in front of the camera.

Xiao Fengyu came a little late, she originally wanted to go back to the dormitory to wear contact lenses. In fact, she was also very curious about this senior sister with the cool name of Cool Wind and wanted to take a look.

He Yunhan had been busy all day, and her face was a little bad. Her assistant, Nana, communicated with the school: “Let our artist rest for a while, she is feeling a little bit under the weather.”

Everyone took a look at her sallow complexion and did not dare to delay any longer. The school organized to clear everyone out.

He Yunhan took a sip of water and looked at Nana: “I’m fine, you go to rest too, there is still an awards ceremony in the evening.”

“Well.” She pointed to a pile of gifts in the corner of the wall: “It’s all from fans, and these—” She was a little helpless: “There is a male fan who said it’s a special product of their family. What kind of goubangzi’s roast chicken, it’s still hot, so I brought it here.” She knew that He Yunhan wouldn’t eat it, but after all, it was the goodwill of the fans, and she couldn’t refuse.

He Yunhan nodded lightly.

Everyone took a look at her sallow complexion and did not dare to delay any longer. The school organized to clear everyone out.

He Yunhan took a sip of water and looked at Nana: “I’m fine, you go to rest too, there is still an awards ceremony in the evening.”

“Well.” She pointed to a pile of gifts in the corner of the wall: “It’s all from fans, and these—” She was a little helpless: “There is a male fan who said it’s a special product of their family, Gou Bangzi’s roast chicken. It’s still hot, so I brought it here.” She knew that He Yunhan wouldn’t eat it, but after all, it was the goodwill of the fans, and she couldn’t refuse.

He Yunhan nodded lightly.

“There is another child who hasn’t come, do you want to push it?” Nana inquired, He Yunhan shook her head: “Just let her come straight in.”

Nana withdrew.

He Yunhan took out the string of piglet bracelet from her bag, and her lips held a trace of coldness.

Is her sense of existence that weak?

Not even remembering who she was when they first met.

This time, she slept throughout the whole time.

Very good, Xiao Fengyu.

To deal with such a young girl who hasn’t yet graduated from college, He Yunhan still has her own pride. She simply touched up her makeup. After hearing footsteps and a stack of “I’m sorry for being late”, she crossed her legs and shot freezing stained look at the door.

The door was pushed open.

Xiao Fengyu walked in slowly.

The corners of He Yunhan’s lips twitched, like a smile but not a smile.

Xiao Fengyu didn’t take out her glasses, and she didn’t put on her contacts either. When she saw He Yunhan, she couldn’t see her facial features clearly. At first glance, she looked like a slim figure with a white bun on top.

She greeted very politely: “Miss He, hello.”

Almost subconsciously, Xiao Fengyu swallowed and twitched her nose.

He Yunhan was stunned.

She previously thought that Xiao Fengyu was a naive child, but she did not expect that in their first meeting the latter would ooze those lewd stealing saliva look that only middle-aged men have.

“Feel free to sit down, there are no cameras or other people here.” He Yunhan heart was a little cold, and the bracelet she was holding cooled down, “I am very tired; you can do it yourself.”

Such a person, she is too lazy to bother with more words.

Xiao Fengyu has also been in the entertainment industry for several years and is used to seeing the icy coldness behind the artists, she nodded and prepared to spend a little more time before leaving.

He Yunhan leaned on the chair to rest, for some reason, her heart was feeling a little low, mixed with an inexplicable irritability.

She didn’t know how long it took.

She opened her eyes and turned to look at Xiao Fengyu.

He Yunhan thought about it, if she showed that disgusting gourmand covetous look again, she would let her leave immediately. Xiao Fengyu didn’t dare to speak for such a long time, she must be gauging at her face like other students, right?

And at this moment.

Xiao Fengyu sat on the sofa with her butt upright, but her body had already crossed outside the sofa, her eyes were fixated on the area where the roast chicken was placed, her saliva was madly swallowed. Her attention was not on He Yunhan at all.

He Yunhan: ……

This is a new injury added to Xiao Fengyu’s heart after the last remark about her— “I don’t know”.

- She’s not even as good as chicken.

Chapter notes with 1% Accuracy

[1] This means that she will take revenge or vengeance, someone who holds grudge.

[2] or Yǐtiān túlóngjì in pinyin. Pinyin is like romanji of Japan but for the romanization of the Standard Mandarin Chinese instead of Japanese.

[3] tiānlài

[4] lěngfēng, it was supposed to be cold wind but well, I got too bothered about her description that kept on saying cold. Cold is also cool, isn’t it? It made it less redundant in the paragraphs.

[5] qīngcōng meant scallion/green onion/verdant/lush green. Probably meant to say these kids are green which can mean that they are young or inexperienced. The translators of the comics used the word “Teens Go!” so I am going to use that instead of “Green Onions Go!”. They also changed to “Youth Go!” in one of the chapters but still used “Teens Go!” again for the rest of the other chapters.

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