Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 419: 418

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"Sworn brother..." Ouyang Tou looked at Mo Xie with eyes filled with doubt.

Mo Xie looked at Ouyang Tou, it's really his weak spot; to talk to people, especially now that he's rather agitated: "Tell me, who was the one that did this to my brother and my little sister?"

Ouyang Tou frowned, but he still answered: "It must be Solar Son, that scheming bastard and the sword cult."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "I'll take Chen and Yun'er out of here, whether you accept or not is of no importance as you can do nothing about it."

"But I need you to do something for me, hold these trashes down till I return, even if all of you are to die, don't let them get out of here."

He didn't even wait for them to respond, he and Tanya both disappeared and appeared beside Ouyang Chen and Bingyu before vanishing with the two again.

Both Tou and Lu Rong were shocked, for a Sky Shattering rank expert to move without them noticing it first was already great, but not being able to see two of them move, that is an even greater shock for the two of them.

Mo Xie carried Ouyang Chen and Tanya brought along Bingyun away, they both disappeared and went to where the group is.

Solar Son smiled seeing two people brought Chen and Bingyun: "I heard that there's a formation complete sealing them, and their 'father' is the only one holding the key."

"Oh, those poor souls, if I find their father, I would definitely kill him!"

Tou frowned hearing this, if that's the case, then, if the people that took the two were this 'father', then, they'll be lost again!

"A hypocrite like you, can you even swear that you don't have any ties to the culprit?" Lu Rong asked.

Solar Son smiled: "Oh, I wouldn't even bother, I'm as innocent as a God."

"Duo Ren, are you really not part of this?" At this time, a lady from the side that had remained silent for a while spoke, she came out from the shadow, blue and green hair, golden eyes, and slender body wearing a white robe: "You do know what's going on between me and Chen recently."

Solar Son frowned, but he smiled again: "You say unimaginable things."

"I've been pursuing you for so many years now, why would I even bother with an insignificant ant like a young master of a pitiful clan from the south? Princess Azula."

Also, two strong-looking men walked up behind her.

Solar Son smiled: "Oh, the Tianlin and Wulin sects came as her protector... I was informed that Princess Azula didn't come though."

Princess Azula's cold expression grew stronger: "And what do you need those informations for?"

Solar Son chuckled: "Well, nothing much... I've been trying to court you, knowing where you are safe and sound reassures me."

Princess Azula frown: "Make a vow now that you're not involved in doing that to Chen, nor are do you know of it."

Solar Son smiled, but his expression is empty, he couldn't help but turn cold: "So... you really favor that insect over me."

Princess Azula didn't reply as she drew her gauntlets out and immediately equipped it, her gauntlets looked like a blue dragon's head with fierce black eyes filled with savage energy.

"Duo Ren, last chance."

Solar Son, Duo Ren could only smile sadly: "If I can't take you as my wife through the kind way, then, you're only forcing me to be a villain."




With Kara providing him support from the shadows, they immediately found where Shang Ting and the rest are staying.

As Mo Xie arrived, he looked at Shang Ting: "I need two rooms."

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"Master!" He was immediately greeted, but then, they saw the two people and couldn't help but feel sympathy, other than that, they felt anger towards the person that did such horrid things!

Shang Ting saw both Chen and Bingyun, she felt a familiar aura in them and couldn't help but feel heartbroken, still, she nodded her head and made a few preparations.

After a minute, Mo Xie and Tanya brought the siblings to a room and laid them there.

Tanya frowned: "These seals are going to be hard to break, it will take at least a day."

She then looked at Purple Sun Monarch: "Uncle, do you have anything to break these seals?"

Purple Sun Monarch shook his head: "But I can do it, I may take at least half a day, but it will definitely break, my Divine Energy is enough to do so."

But then, Mo Xie spoke: "Enough, we don't need anything."

"Using your divine energy will be a waste to break a simple formation like this. Unless I am not around, using it for such useless things is prohibited." Mo Xie added as he heaved a sigh of relief after checking the siblings' pulses.

Divine Energy is at least five times stronger than Spiritual Energy, that's the minimum of it, it can go all the way to a hundred times depending on how strong or how tempered one's own divine energy is.

But although it's strong like that, it also takes the same amount of folds to regenerate it, and the process is quite arduous as well.

"There are three sets of formations sealing them."

"One is sealing their senses, the second one is sealing their movements, and the third one is for sealing their strength."

Mo Xie frowned: "They must've met their enemies two months ago and were captured, the two siblings were tortured for eight days straight based on their injuries."

"There are also fresh ones as well, must've been done a few days ago."

As he spoke, he started to heal their injuries using his spiritual energy.

The open wounds started to close, the old ones recovering faster, but their burnt faces aren't showing any signs of being cured.

For a normal person, any type of burn injury will at least show signs of hardening after two months, but for cultivators, especially someone as strong as Bingyun and Chen, it will start within a week.

Mo Xie's hate grew deeper: "They were fed with injury healing pills to make the burn permanent."

"They were..." He couldn't continue anymore. He looked at some part of their skin that's almost rotting and exuding foul smell already.

Both of their lips are closed tightly, eyes and ears as well. Since he couldn't feed them nor heal their burn with his spiritual energy, he needs to do it... manually!

He just needs to feed them a pill each, he took out a dagger from his storage ring: "I can't remove the formation yet, it will help you two bear the pain."

"I'll do it as fast as I can, just recover for now."

Mo Xie slit the blocked mouth, inserted two pills each, one for recovering all types of minor injuries, and the other for internal injuries.

He then looked at Nantian: "Buy a few sharp blades, the smaller they are, the better."

Nantian nodded his head and left immediately.

Mo Xie stood up, he glared at the direction of the auction house: "Just keep gathering, I want to clean this up in one fell sweep."

Shang Ting approached him and held his arms: "Husband, these two... Chen and Bingyun?"

Mo Xie nodded his head, Shang Ting cried as she asked: "The culprits... where are the culprits?!"

Mo Xie patted her head: "Don't worry... those that harm people close to me... none of them lives."

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