Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 430: 429

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Solar Son gritted his teeth, he swallowed a hand full of pills and used his teeth to grind them before swallowing it.

He slowly stood up as he glared at Mo Xie, he only has a few more medicine for internal injuries, about a dozen of them left, but if this continues, he'll definitely run out of it, and based on the event, it's quite sooner.

He stood up and about to say something, but he noticed some sort of holes inside his body that's stopping him from gathering his spiritual energy: "Must be some blockade after using the pills."

Deciding to ignore it, he walked towards Mo Xie again: "To think I'll use it to a person such as you, you should be honored."

"Solar Sword Domain!" He spoke as he waved his hands, from the sky, a golden aura started to appear as it wrapped around everything within the auction house and a few hundred meters away.

Solar Son started to fly as he looked at everyone beneath him like a God: "if you do not wish to perish, kneel now and I will spare you."

"If you do not, only agonizing pain will be your end."

Mo Xie was about to move, but before he could, Tanya spoke: "Solar Sword Domain... Did you just say Solar Sword Domain?"

Solar Son frowned, but soon as he saw Tanya's face, he couldn't help but smile: "Oh, what a beauty."

He nodded his head: "Of course, amazing isn't it? How about joining me?" 

"Come with me and I'll show you a world you had never seen before!" Although he had said that, his eyes are filled with malice, l.u.s.t, and greed after seeing Tanya's copper skin and beautiful face.

The only thing missing is his saliva and it'll be complete.

Tanya frowned, she started walking forward: "Husband, Bingyun is my friend too, just think of it as your relation with Chen."

Mo Xie wanted to say something, but he still nodded his head: "Sure, just leave him living for me."

Tanya nodded her head: "I'm sorry, but, Solar Sword Domain is one of the weakest technique my father couldn't complete, it's one of his regret that he couldn't read the complete notes of it."

"He mentioned that our ancestors accidentally lost part of it in a clash against those void creatures, and it wasn't seen ever since."

"A piece, just a single piece was left and my father couldn't create it anymore."

She then looked at Mo Xie with a sad expression: "Thank you, that the last piece was actually the core of the technique... if we didn't meet, I think... this wish of my father would never have come true."

As she spoke, she glanced at Solar Son and started to walk towards him.

Shang Ting felt worried for Tanya: "Husband, that's a Celestial Phenomenon ranked expert right? Wouldn't she be in danger if she fights him?"

Mo Xie smiled, he held her hand and replied: "If it's a genuine Celestial Phenomenon rank expert, even if a new one, then, she really will be in grave danger."

"For some reason when I fought him, they are completely empty, like a vase without water, they are just Celestial Phenomenon rank in name only."

"The same with that Lu Yue guy and Azula, they are all Celestial Phenomenon rank, but their power isn't even there yet."

Mo Xie pondered for a bit before continuing: "It seemed like... they are relying on pills to increase their strength."

"But no ordinary pills should be able to do that, if I'm not wrong, it's a limit breaking pill, a broken one."

"They can increase their cultivation power, but the true essence of being a Celestial Phenomenon rank isn't there."

Shang Ting felt confused: "What do you mean true essence?"

Mo Xie furrowed his brows as he too suddenly felt enlightened: "When one reaches the Celestial Phenomenon rank, they will be able to feel the phenomenon of the world... not just a single one, but a lot of them."

"That will open up the path for a person to be able to see the divine energy and have the chance to break through to the divine realm."

Shang Ting suddenly understood it: "Then, if they took those pills, they wouldn't be able to break through to divine rank?"

Mo Xie shook his head: "There are ways, and luck will play a huge part in it."

"But Celestial Phenomenon rank is something like a bridge to another level, like the name states, it's the path where you'll be able to feel it, the link between celestials and immortals."

"If I'm not wrong, the Celestial Phenomenon rank is the real start of the real path of cultivation. Everything beneath it is like the very most basics."

Shang Ting nodded her head: "Then, I won't worry too much about little sister Tanya."

"L-little sister?" Mo Xie asked in shock.

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Shang Ting nodded her head and smiled: "Right, she is my husband's second wife after all."

Tanya stopped when she's about to reach Solar Son: "Your title is Solar Son right?"

Solar Son nodded his head: "Yes, that's the title bestowed upon me by my great father, the Solar Monarch."

"Duo Ren be mine name." 

Tanya nodded her head, as he walked towards Solar Son: "Daughter of True Sun Monarch, the previous ruler of the Solar Tribe. I am Datwani Tanya, the Queen of the tribe."

As she spoke, her body's cloth started to be ripped, torn out and quickly being replaced by her black battle armor, its edges are crimson red. A half arc-like halo appeared behind her glowing with the radiance of gold. Then, her weapons appeared. In her right hand, a massive broadsword that is longer than herself, one and a half her height!

On her left, a dark shield that has the symbol of the sun, and it's as big as Tanya is: "As the Queen of my people, I deem you unworthy of that technique."

"I will give you but a single chance, return it to me or face the consequences!"

The splendor of Tanya caught everyone by surprise, especially the way she talked, it's like they aren't even worth a note to her, especially her battle armor, they've never seen such a thing before!

Her demeanor is really like a person of really high standing.

But hearing her final words, Solar Son woke up from his daze, he looked at Tanya: "Solar Tribe? what the heck is that?"

"Which useless continent was that even? I never heard of such a useless backwater clan like that!"

It was a taunt, but Tanya remained stoic as she spoke: "I will take that as your answer."

Tanya moved, every step she takes, every wave she made, sounds of metal can be heard, she placed her sword in front of her and her shield in front of it, she bowed silently with her eyes closed.

Solar Son frowned seeing that, he sighed: "People had gone crazy after witnessing the might of my power."

He gazed at Tanya and smiled: "Since you don't want to come to me on your own, I'll need to use force instead."

But before he can even move, Tanya opened her eyes: "Solarstrike!"

Like some sort of magic, Solar Son's own domain actually helped in manifesting the skill itself! The clouds opened widely and then...

Swish~ Like something gathering, the wind around Solar Son started to rotate as it trembles violently, and what followed next, massive energy from the sun rain down upon Solar Son!

"What the!?" He couldn't believe his eyes: "Solar Sword Domain!"

He wanted to use the domain to protect him, but for some reason, it didn't answer his call: "Tsk!"

He waved his hand as he summoned his own sword: "Break!"

Ddum~ Szzt~

Using all of his might, he started to clash with the Solarstrike, but it was too powerful as he is starting to be pushed back!

But that wasn't the end of it, Tanya knelt on the ground and slammed the broadsword on it: "Descent of the Solar Arsenal!"

As she shouted, thousands and thousands of flame weapons appeared, all different in shapes and sizes! "Kill!"

As she shouted, the weapons started to make itself towards Solar Son with its frightening might. Each and every one of them containing power equivalent to a 10-star soul weapon!

Solar Son couldn't believe his eyes: "Solar Lotus Sword Guard!"

"Thousand Blades of Flame Lotus!"

He started to use his skills one by one to protect himself, but all of his efforts were in vain as his skills were slashed like it's a hot pancake!

"This is impossible!" Solar Son howled as he used every bit of spiritual energy within his body to its limits to try and deflect as many attacks as he can.

Tanya stood up from the ground, she started floating towards Solar Son causing the latter to not know what to feel.

"You've tarnished the reputation of this domain, the price for that is death...!" Tanya wielded her sword but she paused for a bit: "I don't know if you should be thankful to me for sparing your life now, because... my husband will continue his work after me."

"But don't worry, since you liked it so much for me to move, we won't end it this fast." Tanya's face turned deadly serious as she waved her broadsword again.

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