Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 436: 435

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"Do you have any suspicion as to whom did those things?" Mo Xie asked seriously.

Ouyang Tou nodded his head: "Yes, we've suspected the church from the start."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "But do you have other power that you suspect?"

Ouyang Tou shook his head: "No, but this event, you said those Void Creatures, so it might be those beings that had been causing these disturbances since the accident with my father."

Mo Xie pondered for a bit before asking again: "No, what I meant is a powerful faction that will benefit from the church and empire's clash."

Ouyang Tou became shocked before replying: "Other than the church, no more power will..."

As he spoke, he remembered the east: "But they are too powerful to even scheme."

Mo Xie smiled: "Just think clearly, there are different kinds of people."

"Those that play it extremely safe and those that also enjoy the suffering of others."

"Maybe, there are groups of people that actually got harmed by the Empire."

Mo Xie stood up and walked out of the room, before closing the door he spoke again: "We'll go in seven days, whether the two of them woke up or not."

"It's better to let them rest in a comfortable place than this inn after all."

Mo Xie dragged Nantian out, as the other four followed him as well.

Ouyang Tou looked at Mo Xie's back and couldn't help but smile wryly: "I wonder where did my grandchildren found such interesting people."

Azula frowned at his remark: "Sir, you think they are trustworthy?"

Ouyang Tou shook his head: "What choice do we have?"

"He had already made it clear, maybe he's also the culprit in the Empire's recent crisis!"

Ouyang Tou nodded his head: "Yes, he may be the culprit, but he may also not be them."

"After all, today is a really great day to deal with us, if they had helped the church... Solar Son, they would've dealt a much larger damage in the Empire than helping us."

"With just that, I'm willing to put my trust in him."

Azula frowned: "And what if he's the type to enjoy others suffering? Or want both the church and the Empire to destroy each other?"

Ouyang Tou smiled wryly as he replied: "Princess Azula, that is something I truly wish not to happen."

Azula seeing Ouyang Tou's expression fell silent, she nodded her head: "Then, we can only wait and see."

Ouyang Tou nodded his head: "Yes, we can only wait."

Meanwhile, Mo Xie had dragged everyone outside the city, to a very wide space.

All of the girls were left in the city though, with the exception of Fei Lin, Huolin, and Luoyin.

Mo Xie looked at them as he spoke: "We will be increasing your training."

"You may think that I couldn't see all of you outside the auction house, but almost every one of you only fought cultivators with the same strength or slightly stronger cultivation than you all."

"As my direct disciple and the Mo Family's core disciple, I think I can't accept that."

"To win against a person of same cultivation? What's the glory in that?"

For cultivators, fighting experts of the same cultivation and winning is already a glorious battle, winning against a slightly stronger expert can be considered a really rare and a genius-level talent.

But to think that Mo Xie actually said that he's disgusted at that, they all wanted to say something, but after remembering all of Mo Xie's past deeds, they really couldn't even muster the courage to say something.

Only Mo Duan had something in his mind: 'Master, it's not like everyone is a monster like you are.'

"It's been over two years since we had done it, but we shouldn't forget our customs. We will be having a semi deathmatch."

"Semi-deathmatch?" Duan asked.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Yes, most of you will fight, you will try to kill one another."

Everyone hearing this had their hair stood from fright, they looked at each other and thought for a bit if they can do it, no, they didn't even need a second to think as they all had one answer, they can't!

Mo Xie smiled: "The punishment for not abiding by my rules is exile, and the one that you held back against, I will kill him or her personally."

"I will give you all one chance, those that will be participating is Wentian, Luoyin, Huolin, Tian, Duan, and Yan Meng."

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"Wentian against Yan Meng, Luo Yin against Huolin, and Tian against Duan."

"If anyone wishes to quit now, you're free to return home and live your lives there normally in the sect, you can still be elders there, and once we move our territory, you can come as well till the day you retire."

"I will give you an incent's time."

He then looked at the two, Xuan Yuan and Nantian: "The two of you, as my direct disciples, both of you still lack the basics."

"For seven straight days, you two will complete it whether you like it or not, or I will expel you as my direct disciples, understand?"

Nantian felt terrified, but it's something he needs to take, he nodded his head: "Yes, master!"

Xuan Yuan didn't even think as he bowed: "I understand, master."

Mo Xie nodded his head and handed three books to Xuan Yuan and five books to Nantian: "These are the basics since Xuan Yuan had already mastered half, you will only have four day's time."

Xuan Yuan didn't even object: "This disciple understands."

He then looked at Fei Lin: "Then, you will be practicing with me."

Fei Lin felt all the hair on her body stood up, her blood started to boil as she smiled: "Master, there is no greater honor than having to spar with you."

Mo Xie smiled: "Just prepare yourself to taste death multiple times."

Fei Lin couldn't hide her excitement and fearful expression as she nodded her head: "This disciple understands!"

At this time, the core disciples and Yan Meng made their decision: "Patriarch/Master, we will do it!"

Mo Xie nodded his head: "As expected."

"Prepare yourself and begin."


All of them started to warm up, Luoyin with her energetic self is actually really serious as she took her battleax out, while Huolin with her sword.

Wentian felt quite fearful as he's facing one of Mo Xie's direct disciples, but excitement is also written all over his face.

The twins, Duan and Tian are still a little bit hesitant, but this will also be the first time that both of them will be fighting against each other, they didn't want to do it, but they do not want to let Mo Xie down.

And just like that, the pairs started to fight.

Mo Xie looked at Fei Lin and spoke: "First lesson, counter."

"I will only attack you with skills that you can counter using the skills written in the scrolls I gave you, understand?"

Fei Lin's blood had been boiling since Mo Xie had said that he'll train her personally, but she's also afraid, she nodded her head, took her zither out, and replied: "I'm ready, master, whenever you are."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "In three seconds, I'll attack."


Fei Lin started to play her zither fast as she anticipates the attacks from Mo Xie.

But as the three-second mark happened, Mo Xie didn't move, but then, black spears appeared all over her body, five to be exact.

Fei Lin felt shivers all over her body as blood escaped from her mouth: "This... too fast."

"You need speed to counter, do not rely only upon your sight, feel with your skin, gauge your enemy's spiritual energy, the tremor, the vibration, everything that you can observe, feel, and sense."

"Again, three seconds."

Fei Lin wasn't given a chance to recover, but she started to use every fiber in her body to anticipate this time.

And as the three-second mark happened, she felt it, but this time, she didn't use her zither as intended, she swang it!

Mo Xie couldn't help but sigh: "That isn't how you use a zither."

But Fei Lin is full of smile, another four black spears struck her body, but she deflected one of the spears with her zither: "At least I blocked one."

Mo Xie nodded his head: "let's increase the number of spears then."

This time, it's not five and visibly appeared above Mo Xie, fifty black spears can be seen!

Seeing their spar, the rest couldn't help but be thankful that Mo Xie didn't train them directly and could only feel pity towards Fei Lin.

Fei Lin couldn't help but shudder as she smiled: "You've got to be kidding me..."

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