Unsealing: Omnipotent Father

Chapter 444: 443

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Imperial Sky Sect is one of the backbones of the empire, although they weren't contending for the top spot, unlike the great clans, they are irreplaceable!

You can put any other sect there to train future generation experts, but none will be able to do what the Imperial Sky Sect can within the Myriad Earth Abyss continent.

Even the church from the north had been trying to poach them to their side because of it.

They have the most number of highest grade arts within the Myriad Earth Abyss continent! Half of these arts are shared with the people that joined the sect, although they were the lowest of the quality, each and every one of those highly sought after arts is at Heaven-grade!

Rumor has it that there are a total of twelve Immortal grade skills, and six of them belong to the Empire, with two of them in the hands of the Imperial Sky Sect!

Grade of arts:

Mortal 1-star to 9-star






Divine (Up to here till future chapters)

For normal people, the fastest way they can learn a heaven grade art is by joining the Imperial Sky Sect, hence, to enter it is the dream of almost every cultivator that has no background.

Depending on their achievement, can one enter a sect or clan, making their life much more comfortable.

Mo Xie arrived at the Imperial Sky Sect, it's just about outside of the Empire's capital, surrounded by mountains and beside a river.

A few peaks around it can be seen with thousands of housing, and a whole mountain integrated with the mountain.

The testing area is a massive stadium looking garden, there are many people coming and going, some happy from being accepted while most dejected after failing.

"Three months, they are recruiting disciples for three months?" Mo Xie couldn't help but be amused, recruiting for that long, clearly, the quota isn't limited to a few thousand disciples.

As they came forward, a person approached them: "Hello, you're here to join the Sect I presume?"

It's a disciple of the Imperial Sky Sect, he has a long face, triangular eyes, and brown hair, a token on his left shoulder with some words written on it '9th rank Outercourt Disciple'.

He's wearing a brown colored robe, but it's not really that special looking. Mostly, this person is more of a menial disciple, tasked with doing the lowest of the low odd jobs.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Right."

Ouyang Tou didn't know anything about the inner workings of the Imperial Sky Sect, hence, as a henchman, this brat would definitely be of some use.

The disciple smirked. He approached Mo Xie due to only two reasons. If a disciple performs well and do their task properly, they'll get contribution points, and in turn, they can use these contribution points to move up from their ranks.

One of the examples is serving higher-ranked disciples, being their followers in short!

If a disciple moves up a rank, their contribution will also increase! Basically, it's a system made by the Imperial Sky Sect, to make use of the useless ones.

There are six types of graduating disciples, the ranks are as colors, namely from lowest to highest: brown, grey, white, blue, red, and gold.

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For disciples that had no future, getting at least a brown medal from the Imperial Sky Sect will ensure them a better future than having none.

Because, if you have a brown medal, it says one thing for them. They can be useful, at the very least, they managed to climb their way up!

And the reason why Mo Xie was approached is... he's handsome! Not only that, he also has two beautiful ladies following him!

This means, this young looking handsome man is definitely from a great family and is backed by it!

Well, that's what he thinks though, it's also the reason why he waited outside the gates! Because there wasn't that much competition and he's one of the few that can see the new potentials first hand.

He's not the only one that's scavenging for a bit of great luck, others are there as well. It's a huge gamble for them to look for people outside without being able to see the person's qualification, because, they may follow that person, whether he's qualified or not; for at least six months!

If they manage to latch onto a person that has mediocre to average talent, then, they'll be mere getting a few points and may just luckily get promoted. If the person is as useless as them, then, they'll part ways and wait for the next recruitment to try their luck again!

For 9th rank outer court disciples like them, at least, they would like to follow a 6th and above-ranked disciples!

The man smiled: "I'm but a lowly disciple as you can see, and if you think that you can be someone higher than me, I'll be one of your followers."

"I can help you with the task you want to accomplish and other things you also need to do."

"I'll be in charge of the labors so that you can focus on your own achievement and accomplish things without as much of a trouble."

"What say you, eh?" He's still respectful, but depending on Mo Xie's qualification, his attitude will definitely change.

Mo Xie knew of this, but he really didn't care the slightest, it's the nature of being alive. Even animals wouldn't follow anyone without any benefits. More so for humans, the race known for its endless greed.

But although this person is the 9th rank outer court disciple, he's still impressive. He's at the pinnacle stage of Immortal foundation rank.

"Sure, but tell me your name, age, the age you joined the sect and your cultivation then."Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_50277570435939955 for visiting.

Hearing this, the man felt embarrassed, he could say it in front of Mo Xie, but only if he's alone. Standing beside him are two gorgeously beautiful ladies after all, who wouldn't feel ashamed?

"Name is Riu Fu, age 28, I joined when I was 14 years old, my rank then was Sky Shattering rank." He answered in one single breath.

Mo Xie nodded his head, the qualification to enter the sect is between 12 to 16 years old with the rank of Sky Shattering rank and above. Following that, 17 to 19 years old is Heaven Encompassing rank, and 20 to 21 years old Immortal Foundation rank. That's about it.

If you're above that age, then, you won't be able to join anymore. 

And in order to graduate, one needs to at least do one of the two things.

First, achieve Immortal Paragon rank or above. If you reach Immortal Paragon rank, you can choose to stay and still accept missions. To join the Imperial Sky Sect, well, if you're below 25 years old, then, you can join. Lastly, to graduate and join other powers, clans, sects, etc. Or just remain a lone cultivator.

And second, for those that remained or unable to progress further, they can acc.u.mulate enough achievement points to graduate, that's it, they will be given a token to prove that they've made it including their informations.

Such as how long it took them to graduate, what their qualifications are, etc.

Mo Xie nodded his head: "Great, then, follow me."

Riu Fu smiled, he nodded his head: "You've made the right choice!"

As Riu Fu replied, he looked at him and sighed. The second reason he approached Mo Xie is... if you'll follow a person, why not follow someone that has beautiful women beside him? You'll at least feel blessed whenever you see them.

Riu Fu chuckled: 'I mean, who wouldn't want to see beautiful ladies, even if I can't get one myself, at the very least, I can see them every day!'

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