Until the Honorable Failed Knight Became The Witch’s Daily Meal

Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8. Date (Illustrated)

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Inside a confined space filled with mirrors on all sides, the desperate voice of a man could be heard along with rustling of clothes. 

"Ms. Witch, let's not do it here!"

"There are only the two of us here."

"But, everyone can hear us!"

"Does it matter? Let me show you the consequences of breaking my rule."

The man, Julius, was entrapped to the wall by the witch. For someone her size, the witch was unexpectedly strong. It was proven by the fact that she only needed one hand to fasten both of his hands above his head. 

Meanwhile, her free hand was steadily undressing him. 

Julius thought he was ready. 

But nothing could prepare him for what was about to unfold. 

Part of him just wanted to retaliate against the witch, and storm out of that place without ever looking back. But that'd go against the narrative he tried to build. Thus, he had to keep reminding himself that he was on a mission. 


If he let things proceed as it was, he wouldn't have any image left to retain. A few onlookers had recognized his identity as he walked into that place. His uniform was a dead give-away. 

As such, while trying to remain as civil as possible, Julius pleaded for the witch to stay calm. 

"A, at the very least, let’s do it at home!”

But, witches were never known for their ability to take a no.

“Then why would we even bother to go all the way here?” Turning a deaf ear towards his plea, the witch started to unbutton his shirt.

From the moment they arrived at the clothing store on the side of the buzzling street, he already had a foreboding feeling—

—which was proven in the next moment, when the witch pulled him inside the fitting room.

It was a punishment.

Beneath her carefree attitude, the witch was secretly begrudging the fact that he had left.

As such, to drive her point home, she intended to punish him in the most humiliating way possible.

N, no way...

As if yielding, Julius turned towards the dark ceiling.

Is this to be my fate...?

Compared to that hell, he much preferred yesterday, in which he was still granted the luxury of being inside a bedroom, without anyone else being able to perceive or hear a thing. Well, being completely honest, he’d rather prefer not to be in any of the aforementioned circumstances, but...



In such a narrow distance, the witch was breathing right before his bare neck, to which he abruptly stiffened. The warmness gave him chills.

Thinking that he didn’t catch her the first time, the witch said once again.

“I want you to look in the mirror.”


He proceeded to do as the witch told. Not because he had given up, but because he just wanted to get it over with.

In the mirror, the terrible mess which was his state was reflected. Not only was his clothing disheveled, but his face was also wrecked with shame. 

In short, pathetic, utterly so. Especially when considering it was a situation he had willingly thrust himself into.

Most likely, the witch wanted to engrave that image into his mind. The image of a witch triumphing over one of the church’s hands.

...However, when his gaze landed upon the witch, he saw no sign of satisfaction or joy on her face.

Because she was focusing on something else.


He followed her gaze.

“...T, this is—”

—The witch was staring at his left shoulder all along.

With his sleeve being pulled down, a mark that originally wasn’t there could be seen.

Upon closer inspection, the mark resembled that of a watch. More importantly, it was sparkling—or more like, blinking...?

“I said it, didn’t I? That you will stay with me until the case is clear. My definition of staying is for us to eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and to top it off, sleep under the same roof at least once per day. You’ve missed breakfast with me, which is considered a violation!”


That was right.

Although the contract only consisted of two rules, what the rules entailed depended on the contractee.

“Then... is this mark going to harm me?” 

“No, but it’ll continue to bother you with its incessant blinking!”


“Troublesome, right?” The witch proceeded to tidy his appearance once again. With a fluid movement, suddenly, all that was left for her to do was to smoothen his collar. 

“But worry not, the mark will disappear once you have a meal with me! So, let’s do that?”


It was a foolproof plan.

Today, for the first time in a long while, the witch would be eating together. In a short moment, she had already planned everything—be it the place, and also all the necessary steps to get there.

First and foremost, she had to disguise the popular templar which was her partner. Hence why—to the clothing store! 

Then, a light bulb appeared on top of her head—it’d also be an opportunity to explain more about the contract to him. If she were to stay in the dark regarding the contract details, wouldn’t it threaten Julius’ peace of mind? After all, he didn’t know what actions would count as violation, and how to mend the consequent aftermath.

But, all of that had been cleared, now! She had even provided a visual aid. It should be enough to turn someone like Julius, a beginner at being the receiving end of a witch’s ruthless contract, into an intermediate.

With light footsteps, Ame left the fitting room. Amidst the way, she came across one of the staff.

Towards the female staff, who had a baffled expression, Ame said in a cheerful tone.

“Please pick casualwear for the man inside, I’m counting on you.”

“O, okay...”

Afterwards, Ame sat on a chair to wait.

The weather was very nice that day. The sky outside the window had a striking blue color. As she kept staring towards it, she felt as if she might get absorbed into the blueness at any moment.

From the corner of her eye, the curtain of Julius’ fitting room was rustling.

It seems that he’s done.

Ame left her seat to approach him.

Everything is going smoothly—

—however, in the next second, she saw a flash of white and red from behind her. Ame turned around instantly.

Why, if it wasn’t Reina Sue, right outside the store, trying to help an elderly man. Reina Sue, the holy saint. Reina Sue, Julius’ former vice-captain. 

Reina Sue, right in front of the store, when Julius was about to come out.

“Let me help you get across the road!”

“What do you think...?”

The confident voice of the brunette girl overlapped with Julius’ calm voice. Looking back, Julius had just left the fitting room. One of his hands was holding back the curtain as he walked. 

...Oh craaap!

No one was supposed to see them together.

Before Ame knew it, she had dashed towards Julius, and pushed him. Back inside the fitting room they went, all the while the witch kept staring behind her.

A moment later, Reina Sue had disappeared along with the old man to the other side of the road.



As Ame basked in relief, the sound of throat clearing caught her attention.

When she turned around—...

Pinned to the wall while being trapped between her arms, was an absolute beauty.

His dignified mantle had changed to a mocha-colored jacket. A dark brown shirt peeked from the gap of the jacket. As for pants, he was wearing a white khaki. A red, seemingly comfortable and warm, scarf adorned his neck.

Only when she met his questioning gaze did she realize that he was, in fact, the same man she had entered the store with.

“Julius, you look absolutely amazing!!!” 

At that, his expression softened a little. As he replied, “Thank you.” He slightly averted his gaze.

That was when Ame noticed that he had also tucked his long hair inside his jacket. It gave off an impression as if his hair was short.

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Perhaps he had guessed her intention—or just plain didn’t want to be seen with a witch.

“Let’s have a meal! There’s a nice café just around the corner. But first, let me pay for the clothes—”

“—I will pay for it.”

Before Ame could finish her sentences, Julius had already walked towards the cashier. Not too long after, he had finished making the payment.


The café they were headed to wasn’t too big. It was also by no means luxurious. However, that café had been there for generations, for it was a family business. The window glass, although worn-out, was sparkling because it was diligently wiped every day. The café itself also provided relaxing ambience through its use of clean colors, and also minimalistic décor.

In the corner of that café, two people sat across from each other.

In front of them was a table full of breakfast menus. Before the black-haired girl was a tall, fluffy, pancake with many kinds of fruits strewn across it. The top of the pancake gleamed with maple syrup. Attesting to the girl’s preference for sweetness, she had coupled the dish with a cup of red tea, which vibrantly resembled that of a ruby.

In contrast, the man only ordered a black coffee. The café had kindly given a bonus—which was three chocolate chip cookies—on the side of his saucer. However, there was no sign of him eating them anytime soon.

It’s the first time I’ve ever ordered from this menu...

When the girl, Ame, was about to cut through her pancakes—

“—This is a perfect opportunity for us to discuss our living arrangement.”

Julius announced in a stern tone, causing her to look up at him. Upon seeing his expression, the witch was a bit taken aback.

It was somehow possible for Julius to look even more serious than he was before.

The image the witch had of two friends casually having a meal together was ruined.

Instead, she felt like a father, whose daughter’s hand was about to be asked for marriage.

“...L, living arrangement?” The witch repeated, while sipping her cup of tea.

“That’s right. By making such a contract, I assume that you want to bind me into becoming your partner of some kind?”

“T-that’s correct...”

“Then, under such a constraint, you want to give an impression of being treated with respect, protection, and care for your partner?”

For some reason, even though her tea had long cooled down, she felt burnt.

There were a lot of things Ame disagreed with, but she decided to just let it go. 

His gaze said everything—that he’d chalk everything she’d say from that point as an excuse.

Taking her silence as a yes, Julius continued. “Well then, here’s how I want to be respected—I want to keep doing my duty as a knight templar. I’d also pay for my food. Moreover, you needn’t buy me any clothes.” 

As he said that, Julius glanced beside him. It was the same bag he had carried as he was spotted walking with Reina Sue. It seemed that the bag contained his clothes.

So, he did return to the church this morning...

“So? Regarding our living arrangements, do you have any complaints?”

“I’m sorry for intruding your date~”

Amidst his sentence, a waitress suddenly came by. 

It was uncertain when she appeared, or how much she heard.

Probably not much, because otherwise, she wouldn’t arrive to such an outrageous conclusion.

At the mention of ‘date’, Julius didn’t even bat an eye. His gaze was unwaveringly straight.

In short, what a lot of pressure.

“Excuse me, but do you want to split the bill or—"

Attempting to catch a break, Ame turned towards the waitress. “Thank you, I—”

A sudden, stern, voice interrupted her.

“—I’ll pay for everything.”

Without wasting a second, Julius had readied his money.

But, the breakfast deluxe set is quite pricey...!

“W-wait, you don’t need to, at least, separate bills—!”

The waitress took his side. “Geez, give him a face, won’t you? What kind of gentleman wouldn’t pay for his date?”

W, well, she’s at least correct about the ‘gentleman’ part, but...

The waitress hurriedly accepted the payment. For a moment, it felt like the two of them were colluding with each other to prevent her from paying. Lastly, before she went away.

“Okay, the two of you can return to your world now, have a nice date~!”

Ms. Waitress, please gain some awareness...!

What kind of lover would gaze at his date as if she’s a bug he’s been wanting to squash?!

After the waitress had gone, Julius continued.

“Here’s the gist; I don’t want you to spend any money on me. Regardless of anything else, I refuse to let this matter go.”

That basically surmised the main reason why he went back to the church and went on his day as usual, regardless of anything.

When everyone else would have despaired at the hand of such a fearsome being, Julius dauntlessly left her house, returned to the church, packed his things, and brought up such a topic. He had even raised a question that she should rightfully be asking.

Just so he could have a choice in the matter.

The church could be sending him on a suicide mission.

The witch could be binding him to a one-sided contract. 

Both spelled his demise, his end—but, the actual ‘how’ belonged to him.

The man named Julius Visconti was truly impressive.

Pfft, hahaha!”

Realizing that, the witch couldn’t help but laugh.

Suspicion appeared on Julius’ face. “...What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. It is as you said—I want to respect, protect, and care for my partner. As such, I agree. Or more like, I never had any problem with what you’ve brought up.”

Seemingly thrown off loop, Julius could only muster an unconvincing answer. “I, I see. I’m glad to hear that.”

“Well then, shall we eat?” Ame began to stab a strawberry with her fork. Then, she extended the fruit towards the knight templar.

She had seen the majority of people in that café doing the same. In fact, the reason she had never visited that café before was because coming as a pair seemed to be the norm there. As such, it was her method of blending in.

Julius stared incredulously at the fruit. He seemed to both understand and not understand her intention. In the end, with slightly furrowed eyebrows, he stared at her in a ‘what am I supposed to do with it?’ manners.


To which the witch proceeded to inch the fruit even closer, to the point it touched the surface of his lips. 

“Let me care for you?” Ame showed an impish smile. “Previously, you said that you don’t quite like sweets, does that extend to this ripe strawberry as well?”

The fat strawberry looked so delicious. Once bitten, surely, the juice would overflow.

“I...” Julius still looked hesitant. 

“My hand is starting to feel tired. Besides, you paid for it, so you might as well eat everything.”

In the end, he relented. The fruit passed through his lips, which were of the same red.

After some quiet chewing, “...Tasty.”


The witch sliced the pancake, and brought it to her mouth. Immediately, the chewy and fluffy sensation pervaded her mouth. She could taste both the fresh milk, and the richness of the maple syrup.


When she looked up, she found his silver eyes perched upon her.

The moment Julius noticed her stare, he turned around, and started taking a sip from his own cup.

Of course everyone would be entranced by its delicious appearance!

“Julius, you should try it as well!”

“As I’ve said earlier, I don’t like sweets.”

“Oh, c’mon, other than that black acidic fluid, you ordered nothing for yourself! At the very least, have some bites! You can’t assume your duty with an empty stomach!”

“Then, at the very least, let me eat it by myself!”

“What’s the matter? Everyone else seems to be doing the same?”

In the end, the witch managed to convince the knight templar to have some. He had also subtly offered her his cookies, “Otherwise, it’d go uneaten.” But of course, when she offered to feed it to him again, he decided to eat a piece of it himself.

In the witch’s opinion, the cookie was a bit rough on the cocoa powder, causing it to have a bitter aftertaste. But, judging from Julius’ expression, he seemed to prefer that kind of flavor—

—bitter, but with a hint of sweetness. 


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