
Chapter 7: vii

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Mieter | 235 Tryptamines and Phenethylamines and How to Synthesize Them


#233. 2DM-A-A (2,3,4-Dimethoxy-adrenophenylisoethyl-amphetamine-297457)


  • Pharmacology


2DM-A-A, or “Malachi”, as I enjoy calling it, is a fascinating phenethylamine. It has a remarkably high binding affinity across a vast number of 5-HT receptors, non-selectively targeting not only the 5-HT2 class of receptors but also the 5-HT3 and 5-HT4 classes. It is unclear whether it works as an agonist or inverse antagonist. Most remarkably, it blocks some receptors in the cerebral structure while activating others. Activation was noticed at α4B empathogen receptors. Acute reduction in demyelination was noticed in lab mice, but it is unclear whether this finding would carry to humans, as we do not share all relevant receptors. Its structure bears a surface-level visual similarity to an old man with a cane.



  • Effects


Absolutely deserving of the top-3 spot, this beautiful chemical typifies what this book is all about: it has lessons to teach you, should you dare to listen. This, along with the visual quality of the chemical structure, are why I call it “Malachi”, or “messenger”. As for myself, a short dalliance was enough, but even then, I could feel the warmth of a dragon’s flame. Be careful where you stand, friends, and be careful to whom you listen. As usual, I will group the effects by positive, neutral, and negative.



  1. Increased focus.
  2. Improved memory.
  3. Ease of relaxation.
  4. Perceptual clarity.
  5. Improved perceptual ability, often superior to typical ability.
  6. Increased energy.
  7. Increased youthfulness.
  8. Increased empathy.
  9. Sense of confidence and fulfillment.
  10. Improved physical ability, often superior to typical ability.
  11. Ability to easily connect music to fantasy.



  1. Dryness of mouth.
  2. Curiosity.
  3. Vasoconstriction.
  4. Increased libido.
  5. Penile erection.
  6. Increased perspiration.
  7. Increase in pupillary diameter.
  8. Sense of “wanderlust” or directionless engagement with nature.
  9. Erratic movements.
  10. Visual, auditory, and syntactic hallucinations.
  11. Loss of sense of the passing of time (time dilation).
  12. Experience of the full width and breadth of another human life (can repeat).
  13. Full dissolution of id/ego/superego until full hypostasis is reached with the collective heart of man.
  14. Perceived knowledge of ineffable truths.



  1. Increased paranoia, specifically of “conspiring agents” or “connected forces”.
  2. Confusion.
  3. Arrhythmia of the heart.
  4. Gastrointestinal disturbance.
  5. Quickness to anger or hostility.
  6. Associated with intense cravings.
  7. Generation of intrusive or compulsive thoughts.
  8. Familiarity with the great imbalance between all the world’s Goodness and all its Bad.
  9. Apparent visual perception of the invisible, invincible thread which pulls us all along the thread of causality, apparent knowledge of which disappears upon the effects of the drug ending.
  10. Fear of death.
  11. Toxic or delirioid state.



  • Dosage


5-50μg, in solution, orally.



  • Duration


24-72 hrs, depending on dosage.



  • Commentary


This was the final of the “Ten Commandments”, the ten phenethylamines derived from 2DOM. While the synthesis procedure for the other nine followed quite directly from the synthesis of 2DOM, this compound’s procedure was quite a departure. While a number of the reactions involved are incredibly complex and beyond someone with a basic chemistry knowledge, the materials required are quite simple and can be found commercially. Further, as many of the precursors are organic compounds, they can also be extracted from natural sources.


There are rumors of clandestine researchers in the Great Lakes region of the United States who were able to synthesize the chemical from rather rudimentary materials to a remarkable potency, which had been verified as activating 5-HT2 receptors in preserved goat intestine, however, it is the opinion of this author that matters within the mind of man should not be directly compared to the actions of a goat’s rectum, regardless of the physiological action potential at hand.



  • Synthesis



A Journal. October 5, 1769.

AWOKEN by a most unimaginable quarrel! Such vitriol! The Chevalier has taken his leave; by this, I imagine he means he is taking leave back to Paris. The Frenchman Antioc exchanged with him many curses and threats, and conspicuously revealed a badge under his cloak of a fleur-de-lis, signifying, I am told, his membership in le Secret du Roi, an organisation which I was told had been abolished By his confidence, I am not so sure. The Chevalier was unimpressed by this; although, I admit, my French is not workable, not least against the pace with which the kind Knight was speaking, but I could easily gather from his tone that they were in heated disagreement.

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At the declaration of his leave, the Italians did leap up quickly, and had their share of invective; they were worried, for he, they presumed, would take with him his letter. It was without even a moment’s grace that the Chevalier de Saint-Georges began his response, quite eloquently dismissing every single Gentleman present as without Honour and unworthy of Trust, with the exception of the sickly Swedenborg; it was thus that he must find outside the ranks of the Gentlemen to find an Honourable and Trustworthy agent capable of following this worldly mystery. At this, without his gaze breaking from the Italians, his invitation was thrust into Sidia’s chest.

Not an eye in the room could avoid staring. Balmetti scoffed as Portollo protested. “He is but a slave!” “He cannot be a Gentleman!”

The natural response, then, was that it is Balmetti’s choice for him to be a slave, not Sidia’s, so if this should disqualify him, then, a simple decision on the Count’s part would decide the matter.

Balmetti’s scoffing turned to boisterous laughter. “Yes, free him!” He found much humour in the idea, as, to him, it was absurd. “And should we then make sure he accompanies us for the rest of the journey in your place, Sir Knight?”

Chevalier Bologne noted, quite astutely and seriously, without a hint of comedy, that an obligation on Sidia’s part to continue the journey following his emancipation would not, then, be an emancipation; it would merely represent a shift in the demography or genre of his bondage. Bologne, however, cared little for the details of their arrangement; it seemed he wanted to delay his return no further. Sidia was amongst the only in our company who provided the Chevalier with the respect he was warranted; I was far too meek and afraid to stand out, and the others were, I believe, too far in their commitments to the ideology of natural hierarchy; this fostered hostility. I, once again, silently admonished myself; for, if he truly felt so unwelcome in our presence, then perhaps my meekness and cowardice have little difference in consequence and utility than the others’ hostility. The privation of harm, I am learning, is not identical to the production of help.

This altercation caused Swedenborg no great comfort, as he too, was roused from slumber, and the only action he could take upon his rousing was to release mighty, hearty coughs; some water from the house staff of Rousseau (who could not, at this time, read the temperament of the room, and insisted upon advertising the qualities of his furs which, according to him, far superseded the qualities of those we would find elsewhere, as he had treated them specially, with knowledge and products which were privy only to him, on account of sharing many secrets with the Huron through ‘hand-speech’ and much private experimentation) gave him some peace. In order to distance themselves further from the growing confrontation, the English Brothers and Jesuits sat at his side and attended to him further.

And, with a turn and a flash, never having raised his blade against some legendary beast of the colonies, some fabled Wendigo or Dog-man, the Chevalier was gone; the man Antioc spitting curses and bile in his wake, swearing that the King would certainly be made aware of the details of this affair, and of Bologne’s great treachery. Falk observed, and did not appear happy, but said nothing.

Sidia’s eyes and mine met; I felt I could immediately appraise his thoughts here and now, that, like myself, he would find no joy in the departure of the Chevalier, but that at least the Good Knight would be safe; and, perhaps, that the invitation could provide him no certain benefit, but, as well, much potential benefit. He gently and without conspicuousness folded the invitation in his hand and brought it close to his heart, sliding it into the breast of his coat.

Bologne had not been gone ten minutes before the Italians began rabble-rousing, declaring the Chevalier of no right to emancipate his man, and that, therefore, the invitation was his; in this moment, and still ashamed from my inaction these passing few weeks in advocating for the Good Knight, I did make some stand, and proclaim that the invitation was Sidia’s, for we were all witness to this, and that no Gentleman of Honour would deprive him of this, lest they make an abject thief and rogue of themselves; while I do not believe the Italians in our company care much for honour, I do believe they are intimately familiar with social consequence, and would not want to risk an outright rebellion of our party’s remainder.

We now gather our bags, we remainders. There is now consensus that we should set about our journey, minus only the clue from Herr Stüller, while Swedenborg still has the breath of life in him.

In search of meaning.

Arthur Wickham



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[4/02/2008 20:12]: I’m beginning to put the pieces back together again. I definitely had a rough dive last time, it was nearly 250μg and I think that played a role. My sense of self is just starting to recover, at least, I don’t know. It’s closer to where it was.


Thankfully, I finally got database access earlier today. Not only historical and political, but some really interesting linguistic and private databases, too. We even have some religious databases here. One good thing about working for a Barbelo Foundation subsidiary, I guess. I think they’re pretty closely associated with the church.


Best of all, I got access to scans of the journal from one of the guys travelling with the trio I ended up diving into. I think Swedenborg is travelling with them too, which is perfect. It gives me an in-road to figure out how they’re related to the revolution without having to get mind-broken by living a billion lives. The guy seems sick as hell, though, so I might need to find someone else. My consciousness feels identical to theirs… I definitely don’t wanna captain a ship while it sinks, if you know what I mean.


I’ve been trying to right my memories all the last few days, and I can get this much ironed out. A group of intellectuals, political representatives, members of the church, and freemasons are getting together. They’re trying to form a new “Lodge” (presumably a branch of a larger fraternal organization?) near Niagara falls. Swedenborg is involved.


Looking at the scans from this other guy, Arthur Wickham, and he’s taken pretty meticulous notes. There’s a full survey of everyone in their group – from this, I can tell the bad dive was either in Seth, Hugh, or Basil (although I think it’s all three, if that’s possible). I guess it must’ve been Hugh, because I remembered James as my brother… anyway.


The journal says some weird stuff, especially later on. Like, “I’m not the only one tripping on research chems”-level weird. The dead come back to life, people transform into animals, they talk to god… I don’t know if I can rely on what Wickham says. I definitely hope it’s not as set-in-stone as the guy makes it out to be, at least… after all, if I can’t change my present, why am I even doing this? I have to try.


That being said, people are already dropping out of his party under INCREDIBLY weird circumstances. Stuller comes to mind. I’m not prepared to accept that the exact circumstances of his death aren’t being manipulated by someone. Whether it’s Stuller, Wickham, the brothers, or, fuck, even the people scanning these documents… I just need to prepare myself for anything.


Signing off


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