USAGI NO MEGAMI (The rabbit Goddes)

Chapter 10: Plan in motion

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A young man with brown hair and eyes, he had an average face, a face you wouldn't call handsome, but he was not ugly either.

As a knight, he had a fairly well-built body with muscles and a tall figure. currently, this young man was topless while he was being smoothly touched by the man he was showing his back to, he occasionally let out grunts of both pain and relief as his body was feeling the touch of the other man.

he had taken off his armor to allow the doctor to check on him since his shoulder and lower back seem to have been injured. The doctor had to put some pressure on the part the man claimed to hurt and healed them

 "Ah thank you Doctor Adam my shoulder feels much better"

Happily exclaimed The man who sat in front of Adam with his back facing the doctor, he rotated his arm indicating his shoulder was now feeling much better.

"No need to thank me, Sir Jean it's my job afterall."

Adam smiled and responded, the Man in front of him was a knight of the Baron sir Jean, sir Jean here injured his shoulder during a sparring match two days ago, he ignored the injury as he figured it wasn't serious but the pain persisted so he came to Adam for help.

After rotating his arm a few more seconds he turned around to leave.

"Alright, doc I'll see you--"

"Hold on a minute"

Before Jean could take a step Adam asked him to stop, it seem the Doctor wasn't done with him.

"Sir Jean I want to you take a pill, it's not for the injury but something else"

Adam rummaged through his desk and took out a reddish pill, and presented it to Jean.

"This is a new pill I just created, I wanted you to test it out for me"

"Okay, what does it do?"

"Well in theory it should temporarily boost your mana for a few minutes not only that but it will be much faster than the time it takes to do it with a magic stone or by eating"

Adam explained the red pill he created was made by extracting blood from Elia combined with dust created out of magic stones.

It wasn't that difficult to create since even in dust form magic stone can still absorb mana, and a person's blood always has their Mana in it. Getting a vial of Elia's blood was easy, under the pretense of monthly check-ups he could extract her blood and do pretty much anything with it.


Sir Jean Quickly grabbed the pill from Adam's hand, he held it between his thumb and index finger and elevated it above his head scrutinizing it, if what Adam is saying is true then the pill would be highly valued by warriors and mages alike.

Unlike mages, warriors cannot Absorb mana via the atmosphere, so they need to eat things with high levels of Mana and absorb the mana via slow digestion, Which can take a few hours.

Different from humans, beasts and Monsters don't have a unique type of mana but instead use the raw mana in the atmosphere they absorb and since Warriors can't absorb mana they often need to eat monster meat to replenish their mana however, different from how mages need to absorb mana from a magic stone in small doses, Warriors can withstand absorbing raw mana in large quantities however too much can be a health risk.

Raw mana is a dangerous substance that causes irreversible changes, one of the dangers of raw mana is that when consumed in large quantities it can cause heavy damage to the magic circuits in a person's body, though warriors can ignore this they still need to be careful not to eat stuff with high levels of raw mana, like eating a magic stone as it is.

As a warrior, Jean couldn't believe what he was looking at, any warrior or mage would pay a high price for such a pill.

"I was hoping if you could bring other knights to my office, I need a large sample size so that I can determine who the pill works on and who might have resistance"

"You got it doc I'll talk to the captain about it"

Jean happily complied with Adam's request, if these pills are distributed to all the knights it will help in case of a monster attack.

Just past the Baron's territory is a dense forest filled with monsters, as a precaution all the trees within a 5km radius of the Barony we're cut to prevent any surprise attack from a particularly clever type of monster.  

With Jean leaving his Office, Adam locked his door and went to take out a wooden box under the table in his office.

Opening the box, 3 black rocks had some type of carvings on them, anyone not well versed in magic would not be able to comprehend what was written on them but Adam read them perfectly

"Alright time to put these to use"

That red pill was not the only thing he was working on these past five years he only made it in the past 6 months what he spent a grueling 3 years working on was how to cast Runic spells.


It's been about 2 days since my father came back from the capital and he had been spending most of his time with Emil or at least watching him play with the toy horses and carriages he bought for him as souvenirs, there are even wooden toy knights for Emil to play with. For me, he bought a dress, it was a frilly light pink gown dress with bows, I can't say I liked it but that's just my manly mind talking. As a girl I'm gonna have to deal with a lot of bullshit in the future, and considering that my father is already favoring Emil over me, I can expect the typical arranged marriage scenario soon too.

Anyway, I've been at the home Library for the past 2 days, it occurred to me that I know nothing about this world and need to educate myself I'm sure my parents would have done that eventually but let's get a head start.

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The first thing to take note of is the language of this world, from the moment I was born could understand what my parents or anyone else were saying but I never talked back, I never questioned why I understood what they were saying because it just felt natural that I did.

Turns out the language here is very similar to the English of my old world and by similar I mean it's the same just the letters are written upside and the words are in reverse and some minor changes

If a person says "hello" it's gonna sound like "olleh"  and when written the h and e will be upside down. 

"Mom" would be "Wow"  there is also the fact that w is written as "nn" meaning it's s two Us just upside down, Some letters are written the way they sound.

I figured this out two days ago after struggling to read a title of a book, had to hold it upside down in front of a mirror, lucky for me In my past life I self-learned how to read English as a way to improve my resume as an orphan with only highschool level education I had to learn a skill or something and English seemed fairly popular.

Though it seemed simple to reverse the words and write them upside down and it is difficult so it takes me a while to read a single word, Apparently The Sharingan doesn't help you with reading words making it a pain trying to read but I still keep at it.

There's also the countries and how it's weird that all of them or at least the major countries are all located at the edges of the continent as if trying to get away from the center, either that or  I read everything wrong.

Well, whatever I'll have to check it out in the future and see myself.

Closing the book and placing it next to the one about language, I didn't read a pile of books in just 2 days that's ridiculous, I just read the ones I think might be important leaving the rest for future me an


The door of the library opens and I turn my head towards it to see,  my mother's personal maid Clara, with Short black hair and eyes with an always expression-less face, she's the cold beauty type, her body is slim and tall though still lacking in the parts that really matter.

"Young miss Elia, the master would like to see you"

She didn't come closer to me she just told me that while still at the door, one might think it's disrespectful but I just don't care, it pains me that I have to learn the useless Etiquette in the future as well.

"Very well" 

I get off my seat and part myself to dust off my blue dress before I walk to the Door.

"Did father say why he called for me?"

He has been paying all his attention to Emil, I don't really care, okay I do but not enough to be jealous of my younger brother, I just feel ignored.


"I see then what about Mother did she say anything to you"

"Lady Emilia currently taking care of the Young master so No"

Oh so that means father must be in his office right now, so this means it must be something important he needs to discuss with me specifically, but what could he discuss with a 5-year-old? 

  ............          ................


Deep within a Forest that is east of the Saxon would territory, an old man was wearing a red mage's hat, he had a long beard that reached his chest, his face had obvious wrinkles, though not that many as he still had years left, there was a crescent moon tattoo on the side of his head on the temple.

He was wearing an oversized grey robe as he carried a staff in his hand. 

His head turned from left to right then all the way around, he was sure he had made the right turn after burning those damn hounds 

"Strange, I've seen that tree before, have I been going in circles"

The old man was lost, surprising considering he has been to this forest before but now he just can't seem to find his way to where he is going.

"Tch old age is getting to me"

He commented before he started walking again a little hiking in the woods was good for his health, he convinced himself as such, he wasn't about to give up that precious Little  gem he found years ago, it was something he wanted to see once again.


A/N: sorry for the late update but I got a ton of school stuff and that needs my immediate attention 

This chapter was written in batches since I couldn't write it all in one go.

Hope you enjoy it ✌

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