USAGI NO MEGAMI (The rabbit Goddes)

Chapter 14: Baron and Baroness doing the deed.

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 Inside the Saxonwold Mansion in a room that belonged to the eldest daughter of Baron Saxonwold, The room was quite large but had minimal furniture, only a wardrobe, a canopy bed, and a mirror. 

On the side of the canopy bed with blue sheets and blanket, on the floor there sat Elia, she sat on the floor with her legs crossed, with her hands on her knees, her breathing was steady and calm and she was naked at the very least had her underwear on.

She was meditating, Her beautiful long white hair defied gravity as it floated wildly in the air while a  light blue aura was emanating from all over her body,  she had her eyes closed but she was awake.

 The blue aura that was emanating from her body was her chakra, she has successfully managed to gain control over her chakra, It took a couple of hours but she finally managed,  of course, she has yet to control it to the point that it's almost like second nature, she still has to concentrate on it but it was good enough for the time being.

Stopping her chakra release, she opened her eyes. She could tell it was nighttime already, It was the afternoon when her little brother came to play with her and left 2 hours later and it's been 7 hours since then, so the time right now should be 8 pm it should be dinner time right now.

"How come no one came to get me."

She stood up but quickly fell on the bed,  she could feel the pins and needles on her legs, this was due to the fact she had sat down for a long period. she sat on her bed and moved her legs up and down a couple of times to get rid of the feeling before getting up, she got dressed and exiting the room and went towards the dining area.

Meanwhile, at the dinner table, the Baron his wife, and Dr. Adam were sitting eating while making idle chit-chat, Emil was asleep by this time.

"So Adam I noticed today that you spent some time with the knights today"

The Baron said as he set down his spoon and grabbed the cup near him to drink.

"Ah yes My lord I did"

"Is that so, mind telling me why?"

He was quite curious as to what business Adam would have with the knights.

"Well you see, I have recently concocted a pill that would be of tremendous help to the knights so I thought it would be great if I gave it to them, forgive me for not informing you"

Adam Explained his reasoning, he bowed his head ask feign feeling remorseful for his actions 

"No,  don't worry about it, if you believe that your concoction could assist the knights in doing their jobs then by all means but do tell me what are the effects of the pill"

"It's a stamina increasing pill, it would help increase their stamina in battle by at least tenfold" 

Adam said as he cut a piece of meat with a knife and shoved it in his mouth, obviously that was a lie but men tend to be interested in any sort of medicine that increases stamina.

"Stamina you say? Do you have that pill with you right now"

Harold took a glance at his wife who had a faint blush on her cheeks, he smiled at her before shifting his eyes back at the doctor.

"I should still have some on my coat"

Adam rummaged through his coat and pulled out the two red pills, with a glance Harold signaled one of the maids standing by to retrieve the pills from Adam.

"How long does it take for the pill to take effect?"

"A couple of minutes, Around 5 minutes"

He handed the pill to the maid, who proceeded to give the pills to the Baron. The baron took the pill and held it up to the light looking at it carefully.

"Are there any side effects"

"I have tested it on myself and it works wonders the only side effects would be some mild dizziness the day after"

Another lie, no self-respecting mage would ever test things on themselves, that is what test subjects are for. 

"I see"

Was all the Baron said, he already has about 2 children so that should be enough meaning rather than do it expecting to have a child this time It will be purely for pleasure as such he shall aim to satisfy his wife.

"Good evening father, mother, and Sensei"

"Ah Elia you were awake"

The Baron immediately shoved the pills into his pocket and addressed his daughter.

"Elia are you alright? you seem pale."

The Baroness couldn't help but note that her daughter seem far too pale compared to the last time she saw her.

"I'm alright mother but I don't know why skin is like this."

Elia Answered, the eyes of the Baroness shifted from Elia to the Doctor. 

"Perhaps after dinner, she should come to my office I think I have an idea of what's going on with her skin "

Seems, things are just throwing themselves at him Today, he had no idea how he was going to approach the subject concerning the pill with the baron but the Baron himself brought it up and now  Elia is gonna be visiting his office after dinner, it was perfect, Everything was going exactly as he wanted it.

"I can do that"

That was interesting to  Elia as she had no idea whether or not the Doctor knew about the existence of melanin, a substance responsible for skin pigment, she also doesn't know when it was discovered back on earth if they know about it in this world then that must mean it was discovered during medieval times on earth too.

"Good, I'll show the results of the check-up Tomorrow, I Imagine My lord doesn't want to be disturbed tonight."


With a hand on his mouth, the Baron confirmed and the Baroness blushed at his words.

Dinner went smoothly, the Baron and his wife were the first to finish eating and quickly left, and the doctor was the second to finish and quickly left as well leaving Elia alone, she wanted to speak with him but no matter.


Adam quickly entered his office and closed the door but didn't lock it since Elia would be coming in soon.

After closing the door he looked to the ground and inspected the magic circle he had drawn on it. 

The magic circle looks like 3 circles within a circle a triangle in the middle, and around the circles were words written in runic symbols, the circle was written with white chalk on a wooden floor as such some parts of it got smudged. 

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Adam took out some chalk from his jacket and fixed the parts that were ruined after he carefully stepped outside the circle and went to the box on his table.

From the box, he took out 3 black stones with runic symbols on them.

"Chain, blood, and connect" 

After reading the symbols on the stone he took out a book from the very same box and quickly flipped through the pages to confirm that the symbols were indeed the correct ones after confirming he simply waited for the prize the enter.


The Baron and Baroness of the Saxonwold house had just entered their room, the Baron quickly locked the door so there would be no interruption 

The Baroness heard the click of the locking door and took it as her cue to undress herself, it was time for the lovely couple to get embrace each other once more, after having two children the time to have sex is limited greatly. 

Not to mention they're getting old so they get tired much quicker than before and sometimes by the time the Baron finishes his work for the day he's already dead tired and just wants sleep, Emilia can't ask for it knowing full well her husband is tired but thanks to the doctor things today will be different.

After undressing her clothes she turned around and revealed her beautiful body to her husband.

Her breasts were full and her nipples erect an indication of clear arousal, her body was slim and her skin unblemished.

As Harold laid eyes upon her he wondered. When was the last time he placed his hands upon her smooth skin, the last time he felt her warmth and kissed her lips.

Having long since undressed himself he approached

He handed her one of the pills.

"Won't you need both of them?"

she questioned, she Had always outmatched him in stamina as such she didn't need it.


Said Harold before he gulped down both the pills without any water.

She eyed  his muscles, and ran her fingers down from  his chest to his stomach, while Harold may not be the fittest person in the world he still had some muscle that would at the very least impress his wife

And so they kissed and started a night full of passion or maybe not...


Adam had everything prepared and was now simply waiting for the subject to enter, the objective of coming to this territory changed from acquiring magic stones to acquiring a living magic stone.

Adam is quite aware that magic power cannot be shared between individuals and the reason behind that is that humans have a heart core which is the thing that allows humans to absorb mana in the atmosphere.

the heartcore changes the composition of the raw mana into a personalized type of mana unique to an individual, it's also the reason why its difficult to learn magic that you don't have an affinity for as such most mages can only cast spells of the element they have an affinity for, it is difficult but not impossible.

Anyways Adam has a plan to go around the problem of not being able to share mana. 

The fact that daughter and mother were able to share mana means that Elia was conceived in the womb already possessing a significant amount of mana meaning, she didn't absorb it in the atmosphere causing her to have a unique type of mana but that doesn't mean she should be able to share mana with anyone afterall her mother was connected to her by organ so it may be because they're related that Elia was able to share mana with her mother.

*knock knock*


The door opened and Elia entered, the first thing she noticed when she entered was the magic circle.

"Sensei what's this circle for?"

She curiously questioned, she had never seen a magic circle before and she has yet to finish the book on magic She's been reading in the library so she hasn't gotten to the part that covers magic circles.

"OH yeah, I never really taught you much about magic despite our lesson having begun a couple of weeks ago and I had to go to the capital for 10 days"

" quite the Wonderful teacher aren't you" 

Elia commented on Adam's statement, with clear sarcasm.

"Yeah yeah, stand at the center of the circle, I drew the circle for a full-body investigation, it should help explain the reason why your skin is turning pale"


With that Elia complied and walked to the center of the circle, once she was within the very center of the circle, the circle glowed a rainbow-is color then a  translucent barrier suddenly covered the entire room. 

Elia was impressed by this sudden occurrence, her eyes had sparkled with excitement she was witnessing actual magic Aside from those puny weak spells this was the fantasy she wanted to see.

"This is so cool..."

She voiced her excitement and was about to Clap her hands when she realized something was wrong with her body

"The fuck?  My hands won't much..."

Not just her hands but her legs and head and then her mouth, her entire body couldn't move as if her body was tied up with chains, she couldn't move a single inch of her body, except for her eyes.

Shifting her sight to Adam looking for answers as to what was happening to her body, she saw Adam with the creepiest smile on his face, his perfect white teeth were visible, it was the smile of someone experiencing pure joy as their plans came to fruition.

"Well now this was easier than expected 


A/N: heyo hope you like the chapter, Drop a comment and tell me what you think.

Next chapter is a fight scene, how do you think Elia is gonna get out if the pickle she's in?

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