USAGI NO MEGAMI (The rabbit Goddes)

Chapter 5: Biblically Accurate angel

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It has been 8 months since the birth of the first daughter of the Saxon household, in these 8 months everything has been going  well there has been no problem with the baby aside from the fact that little Elia doesn't behave much like a baby.

She's too quiet, there has been no crying from her throughout the 8 months she has been born.

This was a cause for concern for the Baroness that she called the local doctor to check on her child but there was nothing wrong Elia was healthy, The barones wasn't convinced by this and was resolved to find the root of this.

Her husband tried to stop her and convince her that their daughter was fine but he eventually let his wife be, it was clear she wasn't going to listen  and she can be very stubborn when she wants to be.

The Baroness bought multiple medical and Magical books and even bought some books on spirits incase the former two were not  enough but even with all her efforts the her child behaved the same, there was nothing wrong.

Baroness Emilia has only recently stopped worrying an just accepted that it just the way Elia is, and that maybe Elia is just suddenly from other babies.

However a new problem started. You see around a month ago Elia started thrashing around and crying uncontrollably, she swung her arms and legs in all directions with no clear purpose.

The baby absolutely refused to be held and sometimes would refuse to be fed, anything you tried to give her she would slap it away or kick it away there was nothing anyone could do stop it.

The only time that Elia stopped thrashing around was went she got tired and slept or got too hungry, This caused the Baron to go to the capital looking for a doctor in ti help his wife didn't believe any local doctor would do.

The doctor arrived earlier today and Has been monitoring Elia for a few hours now.

"I told you there was something wrong with her but you didn't believe me and Now look at what's happening"

Baroness Emilia was livid with her husband, if  he had gone to the Capital sooner to look for a good doctor instead of that stupid hack local doctor  they could have found the problem sooner.

"What if my precious baby  dies.... oh no what if my little Eli dies I can't I.."

The Baroness held her mouth and tears went down her cheeks and dripped from her chin to the floor, her heart aches at the possibility her child might have some horrible unknown disease or possessed by some evil spirit.

"Calm down darling I'm sure Elia is fine  the doctor will inform us that everything is fine"

Harold embraced his wife and stroked her head, it saddened him to see her like this, she has been the happiest ever since she gave birth but if Elia dies she might not want any children anymore.


 Emilia screamed and her magic power flared up , she pushed Harold away causing Him to stumble back a couple of steps before hitting the wall.

A delicate woman like Emilia should not have the strength to push away a man with Harold's stature but thanks to the extra magic power she gain her strength had increased.

The door to the room Elia was being kept opened and revealed a tall yet slim handsome young man with blue eyes and black hair,  he seemed to be in his late twenties.

He was wearing  white coat with some leather white gloves.

Snapping her neck towards his direction, Baroness Emilia rushed to him, she grabbed his hands and looked at him with pleading eyes.


Despite the pleading look she gave him, the words she spoke were not that of a person asking a question.

"Please come down Baroness Emilia your daughter is fine, her body is perfectly healthy and she isn't possessed by Any lesser spirits, however what about the seal on her?"

The Doctor asked, Doctors and mages aren't entirely different from each other infact many mages who retire become doctors.

The difference between doctors and mages is that Doctor are mages that mainly focus on healing wounds and illnesses, while mages are mainly focused with researching magic and then use that research for the benefit of the country, during wars Doctors are placed on the rear while mages are in the front lines.

The difference between the two is minuscule considering if a mage is skilled enough they could perform the task of a doctor and the same could be said about a doctor 

"OH that's good, the seal was placed by a mage that was responsible for the birth he said it was a suppression seal since Elia has a lot of mana and that can he dangerous for a baby, in fact Elia had so much mana that she shared so with me whiles still inside my stomach"

The Baroness answered with relief in her voice, she let go of the doctors hand and went to her husband's side who proceeded to hug her by the waist, it seems he didn't like that she grabbed another man's hands.

After what Emilia said the Doctor went into deep thought, though every person is born with mana  the mana they are born with is only to keep them alive as such a baby shouldn't have so much mana that it needs to be suppressed, not to mentioned that mana is unique to each Individual because of that it is impossible to share mana between between people as the body will take it as a foreign substance and reject it.

 it's not common knowledge so it's understandable that regular people don't know.

'Wonder why that mage they hired didn't inform them of this'

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"Then what about her thrashing and crying"

The doctor was pulled from his thoughts when Harold asked him a question.

"Since there's nothing wrong with her I can't really say why she does that so I'm not sure but do tell if something comes up I'll in the room you offered"

The Doctor said Before turning around and going to his room, when the Baron hired him hw was offered room and board for a month.

'So the baby has an adaptable form of mana that can be compatible with other people,  she slid has a ton on it that a seal was placed hhmm interesting, let's monitor you a little more Elia Saxonwold'

The doctor thought as he walked away.


I open my eyes again and the moment I do I'm assaulted by the same feeling I've had since I've been born, the uncomfortable feeling of being wrapped with something invisible.

The worst part of it is that I can move my body just fine no problem but the feeling is there and it never goes away, after a couple of months I got sick of it and started thrashing around and screaming the best I can as a baby. 

I have no idea where this feeling comes from and I can't get rid of it and it's annoying as hell, How am I supposed to enjoy my life if I can't enjoy the body I'm occupying.

At first I thought maybe it's because I have the soul of a boy therefore it's rejecting this female body, then I thought maybe my soul is too big and that's why I feel in wrapped by an invisible layer.

I dismissed those ideas because I'm sure God would have adjusted my soul to fit whatever vessel I'll be occupying  so it's unlikely that my soul is rejecting the body.

The second Idea was one That I think made the most sense, what if my powers and the feeling I'm feeling are connected, like the feeling of restriction is my power wanting to be used but because in a baby I can't use them yet.

Like when a person has to pee but there is no rest room insight so you have to hold it in till you get home, there entire trip home is gonna be uncomfortable until you release.

That Idea is what made started thrashing and crying, it made my mom start acting crazy or maybe she was acting logically by the standards of this world.

She came into the room I was in, carrying a bucket of salt water and a bush.

How do I know it was salt water because she dunked the bush into the bucket and then swung it at me before stopping half swing, the droplets of water that  escaped from the bush hit me in the face and they tasted salty.

I don't know if she was trying to do a ritual of sorts but It seemed pretty weird.

Anyway once I started thrashing around the first thing that happened after a couple of months of Me just flailing Around was that the feeling stopped but would come back again a couple of seconds later so I kept doing it and each time the feeling went away it would come back a couple seconds later, this made me angry so kept at it until another thing happened.

A blue colored hue came our of My body for a couple of seconds before stopping this kept happening a few times.

The uncomfortable feeling would go away followed by the blue hue that I think is my charkra, then a couple of seconds later the feeling would come back and my charkra would stop being released. 

It was like an on and off thing, but  I was making progress the more I grow up the more of my power I get, sort of like how kurama planned to erode the seal by slowly giving naruto a portion of his charkra.

While I was doing my thrashing around something else happened a bright intense light shone in My room, I quickly closedcmy eyes and tried protect myself  using my arms.

After a few seconds  I slowly opened my eyes  and then I saw it.

Multiple rings within rings that continuously spun around and flipped within each other, the rings all had eyes all over them. 

My eyes widened to the size of Saucers when I saw that thing.

'What the hell is that'

"Be not afraid"

"Be not afraid? Have you seen yourself"


A/N: hello again hope you enjoy the chapter

Thanks to @Darkness11 for the suggestion I'll be using next chapter

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