Using a Wok to Reorganize Life and Fly to Immortality

Chapter 20: 20

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Chapter 20 (1): Qian Qingqiu vs Five Immortal Ropes


In the secret room, some third-rank defense formations were engraved on the four walls, and a few torches were hung there.

At this moment, Qian Qingqiu and the others' mood was swaying up and down, just like the flames on the torches. They looked at Su Yu, who was drying her water-breaking sword and putting it in her storage bag.

In fact, Qian Qingqiu and Lin Zhen didn't know why they looked at Su Yu, but they followed Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er, staring at her in surprise.

Su Yu nodded unhurriedly in the face of their four pair of doubtful and astonished eyes.

"There are thousands of diners, each with their own opinion. What's strange about the two of you having different experiences?"

Qian Qingqiu was stunned.

Faintly, he felt a little strange. Why does the person in charge of Zhiqiong Peak now seem to be Su Yu, who is only in the Qi refining period?

Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er were led by her everywhere today. It seems that she also owns the elixir.

He was about to ask again when Su Yu waved her hand. "This elixir is not for sale. It is only for my peak's disciples. If you need it, you can come and fight them often. If you win against my peak, take it away immediately. Today, if you can hold on against my junior sister's attack for three breaths, you win."

He, someone in the Golden Core stage, just needs to hold on for three breaths against someone in the Foundation Establishment stage?

Su Yu couldn't cultivate, so he suspected a problem with her head.

Qian Qingqiu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he finally remembered that he was here to compete.

"If that's the case," he said while recalling the taste of the elixir just now. Qian Qingqiu immediately corrected his expression, his aura was full of agitation, and he politely said, "Please."

The pressure of his Golden Core stage cultivation instantly filled the entire secret room.

Hang Wan'er, who was about to challenge him, suddenly changed her face. She stumbled back half a step.

'Too hard.'

She is only in the early stage of Foundation Building, but she challenged someone at the pinnacle of the Golden Core stage. Just because the other party released his aura, she felt the pressure that she couldn't resist.

"Junior sister, this elixir is useful to me, so I won't show mercy," Qian Qingqiu clasped the strings of his qin with his fingers. "If I hurt you, I can bear the cost of all this elixir."

Hang Wan'er turned pale. She gritted her teeth to stop her hands trembling and pressed on the five golden threads of different colors around her waist.

"Okay. Senior Brother Qian, please advise me!"

She waved her red dress and stood in front of him.

"Ignorant!" Lin Zhen sneered, "The closer you get to the musical cultivator's divine sense attack, the more affected you will be. A foundation building dares to lean so close to a golden core. It is like hitting a stone with an egg. Does she wants to commit suicide!"

Wei Zhao's face was full of worry.

But after a short while, he saw Qian Qingqiu's right hand pulling the string, and a high semitone suddenly sounded. Hang Wan'er's body was shocked, and she immediately froze half a foot away from him, unable to get any closer.

"Admit defeat. My senior brother is not a brutal person—" Lin Zhen folded his hands comfortably around his chest.

But before he finished speaking, he saw that Hang Wan'er was stiff and could not move, but the five golden threads around her waist turned into ropes. They were like snakes, charging at Qian Qingqiu in an instant!

Lin Zhen's expression changed greatly.

He just remembered that she just said that she had an epiphany and felt that she was connected with her magic weapon. Was she talking about these five-color ropes?

However, he was quickly feeling relieved. This magic weapon looked like a second grade at most. It was absolutely impossible to hurt his senior brother.

But in just one breath, he saw that the five-colored rope, which was only one finger wide when transformed earlier, expanded to three feet just when it was about to touch Qian Qingqiu. It tightly wrapped Qian Qingqiu's ten fingers, strings, and entire body. He was wrapped from head to toe, and not a trace was exposed!

Not to mention Lin Zhen, even if Qian Qingqiu's Master came, he probably wouldn't recognize who was inside the bundle!

Lin Zhen opened his mouth and said, "Second-rank golden thread python..."

The golden thread python is equivalent to the peak of foundation establishment. It can hold a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Core stage for at least one stick of incense, but after that, it will get destroyed by the golden core.

He breathed a sigh of relief. His senior brother was already at the peak of his golden core.

But as soon as he breathed out, he saw a red light of sauce that he was familiar with flickering on the Five Immortal Ropes that tightly bound Qian Qingqiu. The light ran over Qian Qingqiu, causing his wrapped body to twitch!


Qian Qingqiu, who is completely wrapped like a pupa, fell to the ground.

Lin Zhen: ...

'Senior brother, didn't you promise not to show mercy?'

"One breath, two breaths, three breaths..." Su Yu counted with her fingers, "We won, Brother Qian."

Qian Qingqiu's figure on the ground moved after she said this. Hang Wan'er's face changed greatly, and she hurriedly took three steps back.

The Five Immortal Ropes on his body collapsed instantly!

Hang Wan'er immediately clenched her fists, took back the Five Immortal Ropes in time, and wrapped it around her waist again.

Her forehead was sweating, and her hands were shaking. It could be seen how much pressure a peak of Golden Core had put on her, but she succeeded!

"Six breaths!"

"Second senior sister, the Five Immortal Ropes can bind a golden core cultivator for six breaths!"

Hang Wan'er looked at Su Yu excitedly and overjoyed.

Su Yu nodded lightly.

Qian Qingqiu got up from the ground with a complicated expression. He used the dust-removing spell, and smoothed the wrinkles on his robe, "What a great trapping magic weapon... I lost. Lin Zhen, the Gathering powder."

Lin Zhen: ...

Why is it always him who had to pay?

He doesn't laugh at Lu Yizhou anymore. Can't they let him go?1

He reluctantly threw a big jade bottle into Hang Wan'er's hands.

Hang Wan'er happily handed it over to Su Yu immediately.

Determination of merits and demerits is the foundation of kitchen management.

Su Yu waved her hand generously, "Whoever wins will get the prize."

Qian Qingqiu couldn't help but glance at Su Yu. She now has the style of a general.

He glanced at Hang Wan'er's fairy rope magic weapon and the hoof flower pill that tempted him. After thinking for a moment, he stepped forward and bowed his hands to Su Yu in awe.


"This year's big competition is imminent. I don't know if Zhiqiong Peak would like to cooperate with our Yuqiong Peak?"

Everyone was stunned.


On the Linran peak, Chen Shuxin, who is holding a sword and wearing a jade crown, is looking at a jade slip.

He doesn't need to be afraid of Zhiqiong Peak. It will definitely drop in rank.

A gleam of light flashed across Chen Shuxin's face.

He really looks forward to Xiao Muge's expression when he comes back and sees the collapse of his peak and the dejected junior brothers and sisters.

But he just had a smile in his eyes when a disciple hurried to report.

"Senior brother, the second-class Yuqiong Peak that you brought to our attention, I saw their senior brother, Qian Qingqiu, seemed to be with the people from Zhiqiong Peak!"

Chen Shuxin was stunned.

'Zhiqiong Peak?'

'The 12th peak of the second class, walking together with the Zhiqiong Peak, who is sure to drop in rank?'


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Chen Shuxin looked at the jade slip.

[Brother Chen, I got big news from Master! The outstanding people In this competition are expected to go to Tiansheng academy to exchange practice for ten years. Have you heard of Mei Zhen'er, who is rumored to have excellent luck and gain around him? Don't miss the opportunity. This time, you must take the spotlight!]

Chen Shuxin squinted.


"You want to form an alliance with us?"

In the secret room, Su Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Qian Qingqiu in front of her.

The rest were also surprised.

There are thirty-six main peaks in Nanxun, twelve of first-rank, twelve of second-rank, and twelve of third-rank, sorted by strength.

Zhiqiong Peak was tenth in the third class, but this year there is not a single golden core cultivator in their peak. Everyone knows that it is as difficult as the sky for them to keep the third-class rank.

But Yuqiong Peak, the twelfth in the second class, wants to cooperate with them?

Su Yu felt that Qian Qingqiu had some plan.

Lin Zhen was in a hurry, "Senior brother, we are looking for allies. But our opponent in the competition is Chen Shuxin, who is in the third and almost second! What is the use of finding Zhiqiong Peak? It is very difficult for them to keep their third rank in the first round... "

Before he finished speaking, Qian Qingqiu hit him with a mute spell.

Lin Zhen: ...

"My junior brother is rude again."

Qian Qingqiu looked at Su Yu apologetically.

"I'm willing to take a gamble that Zhiqiong Peak will definitely be able to keep the third-class qualification this year. As for the second class, it can be expected within three years. As someone who cultivates, five or ten years will only take a moment. But as a suitable ally, my Yuqiong Peak can wait for you to get up."

Lin Zhen was stunned.

But Qian Qingqiu continued, "In this competition, I can send you the details of the strengths and weaknesses of the top disciples we have collected. In addition, you don't currently have a golden core cultivator, so your cultivation base is not strong enough. If Junior Sister Su doesn't dislike it, you can come to my second-class peak every day. Yuqiong Peak's spiritual energy is abundant. I also play three qin songs daily, which can help people understand the sea and clear the sky.


Immediately, she looked into her spatial storage bag——

[Fourth Junior Brother...has inner demons, easy to get carried away...]

'Good guy.'

She looked at Qian Qingqiu. This person was the equipment she needed in her kitchen.

Just like the high-temperature area in the back kitchen, where there is a lot of fire and heavy oil, must be equipped with facilities that meet fire protection specifications.

She needs this fire protection equipment!

"Well. Then I won't refuse, Brother Qian. It's a pleasure to cooperate with you." Su Yu nodded.

Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er lost their minds.

Qian Qingqiu is at the pinnacle of the Golden Core stage. Not to mention his fighting ability, his cultivation base is far ahead among a group of second-class peak chiefs.

And within a few words, their second senior sister got him to play the three qin songs for them every day?

They looked at Su Yu with complicated expressions.

Also, she is only at the seventh level of the Qi Refining period, but she called Qian Qingqiu "Brother Qian"?

Not even a word of "senior," but Qian Qingqiu was not offended!

His eyes were bright, and he was not worried about this at all. Instead, he was a little embarrassed and respectful.

"Junior Sister Su, for your ally, can you provide hoof flower pills or tell me where I can find them? I can exchange spirit stones with you and make a jade slips contract. If I take this pill, I will never betray my ally and do my best to help you."

Su Yu narrowed her eyes.

When opening the door to do business, all the visitors are guests. She seldom restricts diners from coming. But now, resources are scarce and cannot be sold at will.

Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er looked at her nervously.

"Senior Brother Qian, you need our Hoof Flower elixir, but so does my Seventh Junior Sister." Su Yu pondered.

Qian Qingqiu smiled bitterly, "Yes, after the big competition. Can you share a bit?"

But Su Yu quickly took out the porcelain bowl and the water-breaking sword.

Using the sword, she cut off a quarter of the trembling sauce-colored hooves in an instant, "Do you have any utensils to hold this?"

Qian Qingqiu was taken aback.

"As an ally, I'll give this to you on credit first. But I still have one more thing that I need Yuqiong Peak's assistance."

Su Yu glanced at Wei Zhao.

"I need the spirit grass material to repair meridians and golden core. I heard that only second-class peak's golden core disciples can buy it at the sect exchange office."

Wei Zhao was shocked. He didn't expect that she still remembered his affair and even used it as an alliance exchange condition.

Hang Wan'er patted him excitedly, "Third Senior Brother, I just told you. Don't underestimate any female cultivator! Senior Sister is amazing. I just mentioned the herbs a few days ago."

Wei Zhao looked moved.

Qian Qingqiu is also a smart person. He glanced at Wei Zhao and immediately nodded, "Okay, I will pay attention and try to find it for you before the big competition. I will ask friends from other sects if there is none in the sect."

"It's a deal."

Su Yu is very satisfied with this cooperation.

She stuffed the remaining half of the bowl of hoof flowers elixir into her storage bag and then sat on Hang Wan'er's red ribbon flying weapon. Wei Zhao's wheelchair was made by a refiner, so it could also be used to fly in the sky.

When they are back at Zhiqiong Peak, both Wei Zhao and Hang Wan'er look at Su Yu with very complicated expressions.

Who would have thought that when she went out, a golden core cultivator, whom the senior sister talked about frequently, became an ally? They also made the other party do a lot of things.

Even their big brother has never formed an alliance with anyone before.


A few days later, a red light blinked on Su Yu's jade slip.

She opened it and handed the jade slip to Wei Zhao. "The peak information from Qian Qingqiu. Third junior brother, this is up to you to study it."

Wei Zhao took it immediately. This was a big deal.

Disciples of a second-class peak have a wide range of friends. They have far more information than them.

"Second Senior Sister, I'll go back to my room to study this. Seventh Junior Sister," Wei Zhao looked at Hang Wan'er, "you will recall all the disciples in the peak. We need to know the latest situation of each person's cultivation progress, exercises, spiritual medicine pills problems, and breakthrough bottlenecks. You need to collect all of this. From now on, we will start preparing for the big competition."

"You take people to Yuqiong Peak every day to listen to the qin music. No one can leave for two hours in the morning and evening."

Hang Wan'er nodded hurriedly, and both of them quickly got busy.

Su Yu was satisfied.

Her assistants were performing their respective duties. The head chef finally has a prototype for a smooth operation.1

She walked back to the kitchen leisurely with her hands behind her back.

A good day starts with cooking.

"Today, I will cook a bowl of wild mushroom soup for everyone to keep fit."

The staff meal cannot be left behind.

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