Valkyria Squadron

Chapter 19: Ch19: Marriage

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Oriente 6, Heaven

At last it was getting dark, it had been quite a long day, everything had happened but it was a short time before I returned to my bed to rest for a while. But right now I was back in the capital of Oriente 6, right at the train station to make our return trip. I accompanied her to kill time, she said I had to buy a couple of things here and by the way get For me a little more clothes because in reality I had almost nothing, although it was a bit uncomfortable to let them take my body measurements, but the strangest thing has been Momo's behavior this afternoon. Well, she seems to be distracted a little more than usual, besides that she was hiding something in her backpack, she says it is for a gift for her friend, but if so, why is she nervous when he is not here?

"OK since you don't want to tell me anything about your supposed friend that nobody knew about" I said jokingly.
"I have a question about another topic"
"Why is there a statue commemorating the end of the year party IN MY HOUSE?"
"A bronze statue about a party at my house here?"
"I have no idea how far we are from the planet where I bought my house, but I'm sure something big had to happen for a statue to exist!"
"What the hell happened !?"

"It was a very good party"
"I think everyone at some point came during the night"
"Everyone gathered on the island and a lot of boats and spaceships arrived to celebrate."
"It was very pretty ... and disorganized"
"I do not know how so many fireworks and food were gathered by the people who arrived."

"All the people in heaven met on one planet?"
"Is that physically possible?"
"Can such a quantity inhabit Avesta7?"
"The planet is not big enough"

"THE BOSS SON was one of the first to arrive"
"He was the one who accommodated the people"
"You already know that when he is at a party, people remember him long after the event"

"Wait what?"

"The best part was that after"
"He played as the DJ until the next day came"
"That was epic, you had to see it"
"I'll get you a copy of the movie coming out next month"

"Every time someone talks about it I have more questions"

But then the train that we must take to return appeared, and since it was late we could not afford to miss it, so I stopped inquiring more about what happened at that party.

The way back was quite quiet, but I would be lying if I said that I did not feel nervous because each time it was getting later, dark and cold. After getting off the station and starting to walk the dirt road to go to the inn, I remembered all the trouble that I went through yesterday due to the injuries and the cold, but now I was grateful to have warm clothes and to know where I have to go. Back in the room Momo asked me to try on a men's formal suit, I don't know where she got it from but it fit me quite well despite my chest. But as soon as I finished putting it on, the crystal girl ran to where I was and told me that Tamamo wanted to see me right now, so I went as I was dressed, because I was lazy to change again just to talk a little about what we will do tomorrow for a few minutes and go back to change later to sleep.

I went back to the nearby room, but when I opened the door several things had changed in the room. It was no longer a place to rest, because almost all the furniture was gone, now it was a large room beautifully decorated like a Japanese temple that was divided into two parts, but the only difference is that one half was a little higher thanks to a step, at the bottom of this half were two floor lamps and in the middle of them a small Christian style altar, it was quite confusing to see such a combination of styles, but they were so well decorated that most of them seemed to be of the same style. Without a doubt seeing such a change in the place left me in shock, because I was completely lost about what had happened since the last time I was here.

Look around the place and I managed to see Tamamo standing at the other end of the room walking towards the altar slowly, she was wearing a shinzenshiki, a traditional wedding kimono, if it weren't for the tails she has I wouldn't know if it was really her. When she was close to me I turned her face towards me and she greeted me.

"It is a joy to see that you have returned safely"
"I finished the preparations so we will start immediately"
"Darling" She said in a slightly provocative way.

"Excuse me?" I said out loud.

But following the succession of events, a girl appeared behind me dressed completely in white, I had already seen her several times before, it was Stella, she entered the room, greeted Tamamo and turned to talk to me.

"I see that you are also ready Mr. Cesar"
"Then we will proceed with the marriage as planned"

Just at that moment I thought I had even heard something fall and break inside my mind.

"WHERE?" I said in panic.

"Well between you and Miss Tamamo-No-Mae" Stella answered.

"What are you doing here?"

"I took a solar rail to here the same day that you arrived, but it was much further away, so I just arrived"
"Normally I would put myself to rest from such a long journey, but the marriage of a Goddess is of high priority. In addition, the security section is also interested in Tamamo being able to rehabilitate, we believe that her marriage will be very helpful for her."

"What about Nanami!?"

"Your case is quite special after all"
"THE BOSS  has already given his approval personally"
"We also see that it will be good for you and your family"
"After all there are not many people who can love you in your current condition"

But then Tamamo turned to see me, her face reflected sad and at the same time trying not to cry and ruin the makeup that she had, after seeing me for a second thinking about what she would say, she spoke.

"Are you so against this?"
"Despite everything you told me this afternoon?"
"You just wanted to tease me like everyone else?"

"I did not mean that"
"Is it just that you really want to get married?"
"With me? But I am a girl now! are you okay with that?"
"Also we only know each other since yesterday!"
"You don't know how I really am!"

Then Tamamo approached me and put his face on my chest slowly and began to speak.

"Since I was born I have only wanted to know the love that humans have mentioned so much in their lives. How they said they felt complete being with the person they love"
"I've always wanted to be married and have someone I can call a husband"
"But then I was betrayed and that dream I had vanished in front of me"
"I was forced to fight to survive one more day, kill to live"
"And I saw how fragile the life of a human can be compared to that of a god"
"But his large numbers and his ability with his magic was something that I could not defeat with my physical body that I had at that time."
"I thought that at some point a hero would appear and solve all my problems"
"But he never arrived"
"After the person I loved chased me and his subjects sealed me in that stone"
"Since then I only saw loneliness and sadness as my only companions in my life"
"That I was not destined to have anything else"
"Then a thousand years in the future"
"Suddenly someone appears in the forest where I was"
"Walking completely lost, but without fear"
"Wanting to protect myself I thought I should attack first"
"But as soon as I appeared in front of him she treats me normally"
"Not only did she not attack me, but she even tried to repair my house the best he could with what she had"
"Since it was the first time in a long time that I saw someone who was not hostile towards me, I was quite scared"
"But she did his best to calm me down, even though all she was looking for was just to get out of there because of my impatience I attacked her in a nervous breakdown"
"And it turns out that I received the greatest defeat that a single person has given me"
"I also hurt her strongly, and just when I thought we would kill each other, but then she stops and proposes something different"
"If we both just give in a little we could both get out alive"
"Seeing her wounds, I thought there was no way she would let me go out like this because of how she had left her"
"But if she let me go. I was worried about his health"
"The little time we were together was enough to make me remember how important it is to have company"
"Without realizing it I was smiling again like when I was on earth"
"But when she arrive walking today I am quite happy despite the scare it gave me"
"And despite the fact that out of nowhere a monster attacked us"
"That person not only put aside our differences"
"It helped me fight against the monster even though I didn't have why, it wasn't her house, it wasn't a familiarity for her"
"When the beast struck me that person did not leave me behind and even despite the great pain of his past injuries"
"He did everything he could do to save a person he did not know who had harmed him"
"Then I understood that this person was the hero I had always dreamed of, he had finally appeared"
"Talking later with that person that I admired, I realized that he was just a human doing everything he could to save his family"
"And although he has his peculiarities, I saw that he was exactly the type of man I dreamed of marrying once"
"Yes, we only met two days"
"And with only two days you have made a goddess fall completely in love with you"
"You are right now that you are a girl I can't know how you really were before"
"But yes, I know everything I need to know about you"
"That you are someone who does not give up"
"What will you do if you want to save someone even if you hurt yourself"
"You don't blame others for your failures and you take responsibility for them"
"Yes, now you are a girl, but for me I do not care if I can be with the person I love"
"Yes, you are a girl, I will love you the same as a girl if you want it"

"Tamamo" I said to myself.

I was surprised by everything she just said. Of what she thought of me and how she wanted me despite the short time we knew each other. From her point of view I was the person she had always looked for, but it was not beauty she was looking for, or someone strong. She was just looking for someone to be with, someone who would be with her in good and bad situations and share them together. She reminded me of myself when I was in that damn subway in Russia, I was only looking to be with someone, with whoever, because loneliness is something that can destroy anyone, no matter how strong you are mentally, there will come a point where you break down, and the only way to get out of that pool is with the help of someone, but unfortunately for many people it is not so easy to find. And many end up succumbing to despair.And after Nanami's death I thought that I would have to walk this path completely alone until the end of my days, which technically it was. But that doesn't have to be the case, that I can get ahead once more. That even if it is not for me, to do it for Tamamo, at least to be able to save her from that horrible place that loneliness can be, because we may not be so different from each other in the end.

"Is it really what you want?" I asked her.

"From the bottom of my heart, yes" she answered me.
"But what about you?"
"Do you accept this poor goddess who has fallen in love with you?"

I knew that the next thing I said had to be careful, because I did not want to ruin her dream, so I resigned myself and clarified what I thought about this.

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"If it's okay for you, then I too will do my best to be your ideal husband, despite who I am now."

"Thank you!!"
"I love you!!" she answered in a simple way while hugged me and kissed me.

I wanted to answer her feelings so I hugged her tightly so as not to let go of her and kissed her again.But then right after a sound appeared in the room, and a light shone from Tamamo's body, with it right after a tattoo appeared around his neck, it had a fairly simple pattern, but right in the front it had the shape of a heart.

"Wait what is this!"
"Can not be!"
"Magic slavery!" she said scared.

"It was not me!"
"I don't know how to do magic, I swear!" I said in panic.

"So I declare them husband and wife" Stella said to everyone's surprise.

"Don't pretend that you don't know anything!"
"It's your fault about the slavery magic!"

"As I said before, this is of interest to the security department"
"This way it will be easier and we can carry out the rehabilitation of her"
"Also if she will be your wife it means that she wants to live with you on earth and we cannot let a murderous goddess go free without control"
"Don't worry, we won't judge what you do with it"
"Although if I warn you that now she cannot refuse anything you tell her"
"So be careful with what you order because she will comply exactly"

"Remove it right now!" I said loud and clear.

"Don't take it off!" It was surprising Tamamo who spoke, she had a flushed face, she had a smile on her mouth, and her gaze was a bit stunned.
"I recognize that maybe I can get out of control sometime"
"You may trust me and I don't want to disappoint you"
"But it's better to be prepared, because you never know what might happen, and I also don't like the idea of being Elise's slave."
"You can do what you want with me, please be gentle"

"Good to know you like it"
"Because it's permanent and there's no way to remove it" said the angel dressed in white.

"You used that kind of magic with those effects without hesitation!"

"Well my work here is done"
"After which I have to fill out his marriage records and send them to THE BOSS"
"See you again"
"Happy honeymoon!"

"I am so happy with my husband"
"I was afraid that you would say no"
"I knew deep down that you would accept me despite everything"
"You are someone amazing!" Said the girl who was now my wife.

"Thanks for believing in my Tamamo" I said trying to sound as calm as possible, while inside my mind I still asked myself what the hell just happened.

"But look at those two"
"I even want to cry" said a crystal girl who was in the room and that I had not noticed until now that she spoke.
"Having a wedding in a hotel is quite expensive anywhere" said the other ceremony attendant and owner of the hotel.

"Momo? Ukakaze?"
"They were here too!"
"So you did know about this!"
"Why didn't they tell me anything!"

"This is bad, he found out" Said the transparent girl.

"Well Tamamo was a goddess so her healing capacity is very high"
"She regained consciousness after you passed out"
"She even she was the one who took you to your room" said the samurai girl.


"It felt so good when you carried me that I just let myself be carried on your back"
"But it was so heroic to see how you tried to run down the road, completely preoccupied with me despite your pain"

"While you were asleep it was Tamamo who told us that he wanted to marry you!"
"She was so happy that we decided to help her!" Momo said with a smile on her face.

"So when I woke up there was already a plot in progress"

"If you put it like that, it sounds very ugly"

"If you'll excuse me, I have to tell someone that their son has spent a slight fortune in my hotel" Urakaze said retiring together with Momo outside the room.

"Hey wait"
"I want to thank you for helping me these days"
"I know I put them in concerns about the way I act"
"I'm so sorry for the trouble that I've caused"

"I'm just doing my normal job at this hotel"
"Make customers happy in our priority"
"By the way, I'm still going to charge you for the room that your wife used so it has only been a couple of hours"

"Do not worry about me"
"After all, I'm only helping my boss when he's in trouble. It was also quite educational to see what your tastes are"
"Also I left you a wedding gift in the room. I think I'll have to sleep alone now" Said the crystal angel while she was also leaving.

"Now that our little wedding is over"
"I'm going to return this to how it was before"
"While you can bring something to eat?"
"I want to taste real food!" Tamamo said with a smile.

"OK give me a moment"

And with that I also left the room, I felt as if I was walking in the air, I was not aware of what surrounded me, I just knew that my life changed a lot again in just a moment.

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