Vamp in incest world

Chapter 2: 2 – new family

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What happened?

That's right, I fell asleep. While drinking my mother's milk.

Isn't it crazy? I know this is really crazy because I can barely remember what happened after the headache went away.

I dead.

Yes, and somehow I died in my so-called 'first life'. And it seems I have reincarnated here and I think my 'soul' was damaged when I reincarnated.

And I never thought, even in my wildest dreams, but it seems that my mother's milk can heal my wounded soul. Not only is she beautiful like a goddess, but does she have such a talent? Ah, it seems like I started to admire my mother even before I even knew her.

Anyway, now that I'm awake, I must do the only thing I can do right now to see my mother's beautiful face.

Yes, open my eyes.

And there she is, looking very warmly at me with her charming face.


Again, I don't understand what she's saying but I think she's saying something like 'Good morning baby'.

I wonder what my name will be in this world.

Anyway, I'm hungry mom, give me milk please. I'm trying to move a little to indicate that I'm hungry.

I think the maternal instinct kicked in because she seemed to understand me and pulled the left breast and brought me in front of that pearly nipple. I immediately start drinking milk without wasting time. Ah, this milk tastes really good, like I'm drinking ambrosia.

While I continue to drink her milk, I hear the door open, but I am completely fascinated by this delicious taste, so I don't bother to look at who came. The person who comes through the door sits next to my mother.



Afterwards, my mother pushes me away from her so that I can breathe a little because I have been drinking her milk for a long time.



Again, they talk about something I don't understand, but my mom pulls me away from her and moves me in one direction. Then someone who is not my mother starts to hold me.

I look at the face of the person holding me and I am surprised again.

This person is the second woman I've ever seen in this life and she looks like a younger version of my mother, although not as beautiful as my mother. She has blood-red hair, but not nearly as blood-colored as my mother's, and then a beautiful pair of silver-colored eyes. And also the way she looked at me was as warm and kind as my mother's..

I'm starting to wonder who this person is and I'm confused, frankly, it could be my aunt because she looks like my mother, but it could also be my sister because she looks young.

Anyway, that's not the point right now, I want to drink my mother's beautiful milk again, frankly, I'm hungry and I'm just born, okay, don't deprive me of my mother's milk.

Afterwards, my mother, as if noticing my displeasure, takes me back in her arms and makes me breastfeed.

While I'm breastfeeding her again, they are having a conversation that I don't understand, but I don't pay attention to these while I'm still a little sleepy thanks to my mother's milk.


The next day, Sadie began going to her mother's room to see her little brother. When she got to the door and walked in, the first thing she saw was her mother, who was nursing her son with a warm look. And when she sees her mother, she too displays a warm smile.

"Good morning, mom," Sadie says as she slowly closes the door and walks over to her mom.

Almira looking into her daughter's silvery eyes

"Good morning dear" she says.

When Sadie reached her mother's bed, she sat next to her and watched her brother drink her mother's milk without wasting a drop, as if it were some divine liquid. Looking at his brother, she sighed and thought, 'He's right to drink like that, my mother's milk is really tasty, and I've never drank anything more enjoyable than it'.

She and her mother stared at the little boy for a while, then again after his mother took him off his chest so his sweet son could breathe a little,"Mom, can I hold him now?" Sadie asks.

Almira looks at her beautiful daughter and says a little worriedly, "Okay, but be careful, baby".

Sadie shakes her head and carefully picks up her little brother from her mother's hands.

Her little brother is looking at her and Sadie is looking at her little brtoher and she thinks he's cute because she can see some confusion and bewilderment on her little brother's face right now

After a few seconds, her little brother starts to move and his face looks like he's about to cry.

The mother immediately takes her son back and breastfeeds again.

"Mom, why did you take it back from me?" Sadie pouted her pretty face and asked pouting.

Almira, looking at her daughter's face with a slight smile, said, "Since my son is hungry for his mother's milk right now, I wanted to feed him immediately."

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Sadie said with a sigh, "Come on mom, I know you only did it because you didn't want to be separated from your little boy."

Almira laughed sarcastically, "Hehe~, looks like I got caught." said

After a while, Almira, "I've decided on the name of our new sweet family member, do you want to hear out?" asks.

"Yes, yes, what name did you decide on, mother?" said Sadie with some excitement. She answers.

"Aiden, Aiden Crimson," Almira replies with a calm smile.

"Nice name, Aiden, is my sweet little brother." says Sadie with a beautiful smile.

Six months had passed since Aiden was born, and now Aiden could understand what they were saying. He knew now that his name was Aiden, that her beautiful mother was named Almira, and that she finally had an older sister named Sadie.

Other than that, nothing particularly different happened. After all, a 6-month-old baby just got pampered by his mother, drank his mother's milk all day, slept and did the same things again.

Today was a special day because Aiden was going to call out to his mom at the end, and he was trying especially hard because he had a inner voice telling that his mom would be delighted if his first word was 'mama'.

Now on the bed, Aiden was facing his mother while his back and body were supported by the bed, trying to say 'mama' by looking at his mother's face.

"Ma," he said in a sweet baby voice.

Almira looked at her cute son with a slightly excited face and watched her son try to do everything he could.

"Come on my cute baby you can do it your Mama is here supporting you." Almira said.

Aiden was silent for a moment and stretched out his hands towards his mother.

Aiden said "Mama!".

Almira immediately grabbed her son's arms, lifted him into the air and started to show a very happy face as she kissed his cheeks.

"Well done my dear son, mama is proud of you." She kissed his again and again. She was proud of her son, although it was not too early, but only at 6 months, he could understand his mother very well and could now say his first word, 'mama'.

Meanwhile, Aiden hugged his mother's face and kept saying "Mama, mama".

Watching from behind, Sadie warmly gazed at her mother and younger son's interaction on her beautiful face, and she was proud of her brother for the same reasons as her mother.

After a while, Aiden noticed that his older sister was looking at him and realized that he wanted to make her happy too. Because he knew that his sister loved him as much as his mother.

Aiden stared at his older sister, as Sadie noticed her younger brother staring intensely at her, and with some anticipation in her heart, she approached her mother and brother, hoping her brother would also call out to her.

Almira also noticed this silent interaction between them and freed her son from her own neck and turned him towards her sister while still holding him in her arms.

Then Aiden opened his arms, this time towards his sister.

Aiden "Sis!" yell.

Sadie immediately took her brother in her arms with an excited face and started kissing him on the face like her mother. Afterwards Sadie

"Oh little Aiden, well done your sister is proud of you." She started laughing and Aiden started rubbing his face at his sister at the same time.

Almira looked at the interaction of her two little babies with a motherly smile on her face and felt very happy.


Today, Aiden was over a year old and was preparing to take a huge step forward.

Actually a few small steps.

Baby steps.

He was currently standing in his mother's room under the bed with support from the bed, and his mother was crouching on the floor opposite him, looking at him with an excited look on her face and opening her arms.

"Come on baby come to your mama, you can do it." she provided verbal support to her son.

Aiden tried to walk with his mother's support, but before he could even take a second step, he limped and closed his eyes, preparing to hit the ground.

He waited a while longer, but he couldn't feel the pain anywhere, all he could feel was a warm hug.

He didn't understand what had happened and looked behind him and when he saw his mother there, he looked at her in surprise and thought, 'How did she catch me so fast?' he thought.

Then he said "Mama!" as a normal baby would he started crying.

Almira couldn't bear to look at her son's crying face, buried him in the middle of her two huge breasts and gently patted the back of his head with a soft and calming voice, "Okay baby it's okay, your mama is always there for you."

Then, as if his words were magical, Aiden quickly fell silent and laid as he calmly felt his mother's warmth.

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