Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 19: 19 Bath

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Lilith, Lucy and Lith arrived in Liliths bedroom.

Lilith let go of her daughter and put down her son. Lets go in for a bath, shall we? Lilith said smiling and removed her own clothes followed by Liths and then Lucys.

Hey you didnt even consider our opinion Lucy said pouting, clearly displeased with her mother stripping her naked in an instant.

Fufufu since when did the great Vampire Queen need to bother about anyones opinion? My subjects, lets go. Lilith chuckled and played the Queen card and dragged her children in for a bath.

We arrived at the familiar bathroom. It was the same as before. Big and spacious. There was small pond and there were green flowers around it. It had bamboo trees around too. It looked like a typical Japanese onsen back from Earth and at the edge of it, there were showerheads and small stools to sit on. The shampoo and soap were present near the showerheads. There was a shower room too next to it which could easily fit 3-5 people. Mother held our arms and dragged us in. Clearly with more enthusiasm than before today. She probably must be feeling happy about me successful obtaining my wings.

Lucy sat on a small stool with Lith in her lap. Liths butt was on Lucys hairless pink slit and his face in between her two soft mounds. This was a common thing now. Theyve had a lot of bath and this wasnt anything new for her.

Lilith was washing Lucys back like usual and Lith turned sideways and started playing with Lucys boobs. He sucked on one of her nipple and pinched, twisted and pulled the other one. He swirled his tongue around the nipple in his mouth and sucked and bit on it. He kneaded both the breasts into whatever shape he desired and played with her boobs until his mother finished washing his sisters back.

Lucy all this time was caressing her brothers hair and didnt do anything much. His mother finished the back and then came in front to wash her front. She squatted down and was now at the level of her daughter. Liths eye level was at his mothers neck and turning down he could see her hairless beautiful pink slit which was spread slightly due to her squatting. He wouldve had an erection if he werent a child and also this was a common occurrence to him.

He got up from his sisters lap and came in front of his mother and started sucking milk from her breasts and played with the other one with his hand. She washed Lucys neck, collar, boobs and stomach. She then held Lucys ass in her hand and did an upward gesture by pressing her palms on her ass upwards. Lucy got the signal and got up and came a walked a little near Lilith. Lith who was busy sucking milk with his mothers boobs could feel Lucy walking closer. He turned sideways to have a glance at her sisters beautiful hairless pussy getting washed by his mothers hand.

She first washed Lucys inner thighs and then went up and washed her pubic region where there was supposed to be hair and then cleaned her outer folds. She then massaged slightly and inserted her two fingers into her pussy and swirled it around causing little a moan to leak out of Lucy. This was a common occurrence again and as she was about to pull her fingers out, something unexpected happend.

Mom, please dont stop. Lucy closed her eyes and gathered all her courage to say this. Lilith could feel her daughters inside tightening around her fingers when she said that. She looked at her daughter, a little surprised at how bold she had gotten but then smiled and said We can continue later dear but lets wash both of you first.

Lith was a little dumbfounded because he didnt know his sister would be this crazy and ask something like that to her own mother. Is my family crazy or are vampires just like this?

What Lith didnt know was that having an incestuous relationship was very common in the Vampire, Werewolves, Dragons and Demon race. People in these four races werent disgusted by such fact in any way. It was a common occurrence because firstly, some people liked to keep their bloodlines pure, secondly, it was to have a feeling of taboo which would spice things up in the long lives of creatures of these races, thirdly, it was because some really loved each other. The rest of the races disliked and loathed such practices and the people who had such relationships in other races, either used to come and settle down in these four countries or go to the neutral continent.

Lilith washed Lucys pussy and then turned her around. Lucy obediently bent over and lifter her ass up while putting her hands on the small stool for support. She spread her legs a little to give way for her mother to wash her. Lucy was clearly very resistant to the practice of her mother cleaning her butthole up for the first few months but couldnt really say no to her mother no matter how much embarrassed she got. Why would she say no in the first place? She really had no reason to do so. Even Lith was a little resistant to it but then he realised hes a baby and he shouldnt be putting meaningless struggle and let her mother do as she pleases. It was as a matter of fact, good for him. No useless things were needed.

Lith at first when he saw his mother and sister had the thought to bed them because they looked really beautiful. But as time went on his actually started loving them as a family and his desire to bed both of them grew even more. He didnt really know how he could actually do it but as time went on, he realised that both his mother and big sister are crazy just like him! It made things a lot easier for him. He didnt even need to say anything more to keep having his mother naked around him at night nor did he have to say anything to suck her or his sisters boobs anytime, anywhere. He could even suck his sisters boobs in front of his mother if he wanted. They both were very open and loving. He could for sure say that he had the best family.

Lilith looking at her daughter obediently bending over, smiled knowing that she wanted all of this to be over quickly so she could get down to the main business. She put her hand forward and spread her ass cheeks. Lith broke his baby form and kept staring at his sisters beautiful pink puckered butthole. He hadnt really seen it before because he used to either sit next to his sister or he used to get washed first and then sent to the bathtub or that she was never present to bath together. He forgot to look away and kept staring at it.

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Lilith looked at her son looking at her daughters butthole and smirked and didnt directly start cleaning her. She waited for him to turn around. She even spread her daughters ass cheeks a little more and then freed her one hand and used it to spread her pussy lips. After a while, while finding no finger inside her Lucy turned around and saw that her dear brother was looking at he, or to be precise, at her ass. She got embarrassed and wanted to turn around but on second thought turned around and let him look as he pleased. Her thoughts went the along like Hes already seen my everything, whats more that is left? And also the fact that she loved him very dearly and so let him do as he pleased.

After a while, Lilith cleared her throat and asked half teasing, half smiling to Lith Looked enough dear? Can I start cleaning her now?

Lith was embarrassed, he didnt know for how long was he staring. He was about to turn away at first after having a little look but then his mother spread it even more, giving him a clear view so he didnt look away and was mesmerized with the view he now had. One should know, he was nothing but a mere nineteen year old virgin even in his first life and this was his first time seeing it so clearly. Thus, he was dazed.

Sorry. Lith said and turned around.

Lucy turned around after hearing her mothers gentle and sweet voice and looked at her first and then at Lith and nodded and quickly turned away. Clearly, embarrassed.

Lith was again dumbfounded but it was a good thing for him.

Lilith spread her daughters ass cheeks again and this time she wetted her finger with water and put it in her daughter. Her insides were tightened due to embarrassment and clearly didnt give way for her mothers invading fingers.

Dear, go sit there and wait for your turn, mama has to clean your big sis first. Lilith looked at Lith, smiled and said. Lith let go of her boobs and obediently went and sat to the side and was watching how his mother cleaned his sister.

Lilith stood up and went behind Lucy. She bent forward and gently caressed her boobs and whispered in her ear Relax, no need to be so nervous and embarrassed in front of mama.

Lucy, after hearing her mother call herself mama instead of mom knew that she was currently treating her as a little kid, same like how she treats Lith. Nothing can be done about it. She relaxed herself and became an obedient child.

Lilith after finding her daughters resistance gone and her finger going inside easily, laughed internally. She knew her daughter very much liked to be pampered by her and also getting treated like a little kid and thus laughed knowing she did a good job. She knew her kids well. She swirled her finger inside and then brought he back out. She wetted it and put it back again. She then massaged the insides of her daughter and let her loosen up a little. She then put in a second finger after finding it loose enough and did the same thing.

Lucy felt good with what her mother was doing but she didnt moan. Her mother clearly didnt do anything more than cleaning her and it didnt arouse her much.

Lilith finished cleaning her daughter and gave her one final wash. She then spanked her ass lightly causing a slap to be heard loud enough to Lith too and said go in the bathtub now. Lucy complied.

Lilith then came over to Lith and washed him up good from the back. She came at front and squatted and then directly made him stand up. She cleaned him up from head to his stomach and then got down to the area near his dick. She gently held it and tried to pull the foreskin back. It didnt come back much. This was a daily routine for her. She does this so she can know, if she needed to get his inner parts cleaned or not and also to have a check at its growth. It was increasing day by day. To an old Vampire like her with a never ending lifespan, these six years felt very short and she could see her son growing well. It was like watching a timelapse for her. She made sure she to check his everything growing and didnt miss out on anything.

She then turned him around and he too bent down. She put one finger in and it went inside. She knew he was relaxed and she felt happy that he was in such a way around her. She cleaned him and then gave him one final wash and asked him to go the bathtub. She then went on to wash herself.

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