Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 224: 224 The Culprit

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Auditorium, Abalax World Academy.

the rigging of the tournament.

The attention of all the staff members was to drawn to Emilia as she said those words.

Emilia gave them one stern look that caused them to tense up, even though they knew they werent guilty for it.

Do you people have any idea about what it means to rig the tournament? Do you know what the consequences for doing such a thing are? Do you, by any chance, not know what this academy was founded for? Emilia calmly asked a few questions to the staff.

Nobody said anything to Emilia despite her asking them questions. Emilia, like before, was the samecalm and composed. But today she seemed very different to everyone present in the auditorium. She didnt have even a trace of her usual gentle and kind aura around her.

This was something they had never seen before and were very surprised and their intuition was telling them that this definitely was not a good omen.

Looking at the lack of response from the crowd, Emilia sighed. These people never spoke when it mattered the most and would usually bicker in stupid arguments. She had a slightly bad impression of the staff members for this reason.

Anyway, less of the pointless talks and Ill now get straight to the point now. The culprit has been found. The one who rigged the tournament. Emilia said calmly.

Surprise was visible on everyones face as they heard Emilia say that.

Eric sitting at the front row wasnt any exception to it either. The tournament really was rigged and Emilia didnt make things up, it seems.

Eric previously thought that Emilia was making things up for some reason to show off her authority and her position. Why would she not? There was no one to tell her what place she belonged to, now that Eric was in some hot waters.

Eric had been laying low for quite a while due to the Council of the Neutral Continent constantly monitoring him. He had already messed up big time when he clashed with Arya and his arrogance took a big hit from it. He didnt want to repeat anything again and his greed for Emilias position also died down.

The biggest change in him was brought by the Human Ancestor. That Supreme Rank cut his arms off and suppressed his cultivation to a Rank 4, rendering him useless for a lot of days. It was only in these days that Eric realized his blunders and decided to change and not be greedy or arrogant anymore. He thus kept quiet and didnt bicker with Emilia anymore.

He was just like any other staff member now. He thought of himself to have nothing to do with Emilia and everything between them was sorted. Emilia shouldnt have any problems with him for any reason as there wasnt anything that he did to cause her trouble again.

Eric was thus relaxed as he heard her speak. Actually, he supported Emilia fully in this matter. Rigging a tournament was really a grave matter. The way Emilia made it sound was definitely no exaggeration. If someone understood the academy well apart from Emilia, it was definitely Eric. He knew how big of a matter this was.

Eric paid full attention to what Emilia was speaking about and decided that today, he will show his full support to her and stand with her to punish the person who has rigged the tournament. He would make his move when Emilia had finished speaking and not prematurely do it.

Eric paid attention to Emilia and waited for her to say more.

So the one who rigged the tournament Hmm One sec Emilia paused and took out her phone from the ring. She dialled Sels number and said,

Sel, make sure to seal a few hundred meters around the vicinity of the auditorium. Make the barrier opaque do the children arent able to see it. And yes, please have them move away from the vicinity. Emilia instructed Sel.

Got it, Madam. Ill work on it right away. Sels neutral and indifferent tone rang out from the other side and she hung up after saying that.

Emilia didnt speak and waited until the barrier was on. It didnt take more than ten seconds for everything she asked for to get done. Sel was a pretty good secretary.

Noticing that the barrier was up, Emilia looked at the staff members present and said, so the one who rigged the tournament is

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A hole was formed in the ceiling of the auditorium in just an instant. It was so fast, nobody was able to tell what had happened. They were looking at Emilia this whole time and it was no wonder that they missed looking at what caused the explosion.

They turned the attention from the hole in the ceiling to back to Emilia present on the stage. However, to their surprise, there was no one present on the stage.

Hey look! Look there! Someone shouted from the crowd and pointed towards a seat.


Emilia had taken the culprit with her. She didnt even announce who it was and immediately took action. This was too shocking for everyone present.

Emilia seemed to be a person who wouldnt hurt even an ant. She was just that gentle and kind to everyone. Never had they once seen her get angry at anyone. The best they have seen is her saying some mildly rude words due to getting annoyed and frustrated, thats it.

They thus felt shocked knowing that she attacked someone without warning and that too in such a sudden manner.

Everyone moved forward, towards the area someone pointed to see what place the seat was at and to guess who it may be that was occupying this area previously . It didnt take long for people to realize who it was and when they did, their eyes widened with shock once again.

Is this for real? Someone in the crowd couldnt believe it and asked.

Seems to be the case to me. A person said calmly.

Lets go outside and see for ourselves and itll confirm everything for us. I really hope my senses arent playing tricks on and what I am seeing is genuine. Another person from the crowd said.

Everyone agreed with this statement and they all went out to see who it was.





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