Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 227: 227 Don't doubt Emilia

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why I wanted to meet you.

Hmm, go on. I am listening. Alex said calmly.

You see, Eric was killed by one of your Angel KingsEmilia Liwet. She did it thinking he had rigged the tournament that was going on for the first-year students and from what Eric had told me, she showed no proof or anything to back her claims. This isnt done, Alex.

Alex looked Darren dead in the eyes and said, Darren, youre her for what exactly? To ask me to make Emilia apologize or is it something else?

Darren sighed hearing it and said, yes and no. Just ask her to come here and show us the proof of Eric rigging the tournament, if she has any. If she does have the proof and Eric is at fault, this matter will be closed. If she doesnt, she just needs to apologize to Eric and step down from her principal seat.

Alex raised an eyebrow as he heard this. He did not like the tone and attitude Darren was showing to him.

If she has taken action, I am a hundred percent sure that your party was at fault. She wont apologize or would need to come here to show any proof. Close the matter here itself, Darren. Dont let it escalate. Alex said seriously and gave an indirect warning to Darren to not question Emilia like that.

This needs to be done, Alex. The matter is of one of my Emperor Ranks. He was killed. It isnt a small issue. Darren said calmly.

Alex slightly leaned forward and with the same seriousness as before, said:

I think youre forgetting something, Darren. Let me remind it to you. The stronger fist rules, thats an universal truth. First and foremost, its your Erics fault to be weak. Secondly, even if Emilia killed him, so what? Has he really died? I dont think so. Watch what youre saying, Darren. This isnt your home.

Darren raised his eyebrows in surprise. He seems to be fully on Emilias side. So much that hes ready to throw hands at me if necessary. This isnt good.

Alex, think it rationally. Dont be biased just because she is an Emperor Rank from your race. Think


Alex interrupted Darren mid sentence by calling his name out.

Darren stopped speaking and was confused as to why Alex stopped him like that. But judging from how serious his tone was, he didnt speak further and waited for him to say something.

This is the first and the last time Ill tell you, dont doubt Emilia, ever. Itll be good for your mental and physical health both. Drop this matter and well pretend nothing happened.

Is that a threat, Alex? Darren narrowed his eyes and asked seriously.

No. Its a warning. I wont tolerate you speaking ill of her or doubting her. As I said before, dont escalate this matter further. If you do so Well, I hope youre well prepared for a war. Alex said, as a matter of fact.

Youre gonna go to war for such a small thing? Darren asked with his brows furrowed.

Alex shook his head. No. Its not me who is going to war. Its the entire Angel race against the Human race.

WHAT!? Darren got up from his chair and shouted. Youre serious?

Does it look like I am not? Alex said calmly and picked up his teacup and sipped tea.

Darren rubbed his temples. This madman A war for such a trivial thing? Has this old guy finally gone senile? Darren was around the same age as Alex but didnt feel even a bit of shame to call Alex old.

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Darren sat back down on his chair, sipped tea and tried to calm himself down. He patiently thought about things for a good few seconds.

For what he came today was to get the proof from Emilia. If Eric was guilty, he would have him be removed from the academy. But if he wasnt, all he wanted was to get Emilia to apologize to him and leave her position as the principal. Thats about it. Very simple.

But, things escalated a bit too much. Alex fully believed that Emilia wasnt at fault at all and strongly defended her. He had no idea why he was doing it like this.

Darren got up from his seat and said to Alex, lets end this matter here itself. Ill take my leave now.

Wait. Alex stopped Darren.

What is it now, Alex? Darren asked with his brows furrowed.

Id advice you to replace Eric with someone else. He has given a lot of trouble to Emilia in the past, plus he even rigged a tournament for the kids. Dont you think so he has failed his duties has a vice principal many times? Alex said with a smile.

Darren shook his head and said, that wont happen. I am not going to allow it to happen.

Alex smiled and said, dont forget why the academy was built, Darren. It was so that the young ones could be nurtured well. Eric has time and time again failed to fulfill his duties. This is a matter of great concern.

Replace him or I am pretty sure there will be a meeting for the Supreme Ranks who founded the academy. If it happens, youre gonna embarrass yourself even further. Anyway, thats about it from my side. Good luck.

Darren clicked his tongue in annoyance. Ill see what needs to be done. Good bye. Darren left the courtyard in the next instant.

I hope you make the right choice. Alex softly muttered to himself as he looked at ,the spot Darren was at.




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