Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 246: 246 Lady Hei

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Being instructed to kick Lith out, the guards walked towards Lith to do the same.

Wait a minute. How did you assume that I am causing trouble? And on what basis is this guy making this claim? Lith said to the guards while pointing towards the man.

The guards stopped when they heard this. They looked at the man and were waiting for him to give an explanation for this.

What? Youre gonna believe an outsider more than me? Do I look like I am saying this without any basis? The man said in a slightly loud tone.

We cant throw him out if he has done nothing. Tell us what he did and show us the proof, well throw him out then. One of the guards said.

The guards were sensible and didnt act on impulse. The other reason why they didnt immediately throw Lith out was that the one who had given out a command to them was just a mere receptionist. He had no authority whatsoever and the guards only acted because he was a staff member.

What? Are you doubting me? Just throw him out! The man said to the guards. He couldnt believe that these guards didnt listen to him and were believing an outsider.

The bird which was on the fountain had turned its gaze long ago towards Lith.

Lith knew about it and was thus calm. He knew nothing would happen to him as long as he didnt do anything too stupid.

Give me my money and Ill leave. Lith said sternly to the guy.

What money are you talking about? I gave you a fair amount already. Now get lost! The man yelled.

You only gave me money for one kilogram of killer sheep meat. I handed you ten kilograms of it. I need the money for the remaining nine kilograms or I am not leaving. Lith said in the same stern tone as before.

Is what he is saying true? If it is, we cant just throw him away. The guards said to the receptionist.

Believe me, hes just spouting nonsense. Throw him out quickly, Ive got a lot of things to do and I am sure you have it too. The man said.

Sir, we need proof. Please stop giving us orders and show us the proof so that we can get over this. A guard said.

Hearing this, the man felt nervous. He had cold sweat on his back and he had no idea what to do next.

However, right at this time, a young red-haired woman wearing high heels and in a combat suit walked downstairs and towards the reception.

Whats with the commotion?

She asked while walking towards the reception. While doing so, she attracted the gazes of many men. Her body was curvy and the combat suit accentuated them even more.

A few people sitting in the benches available in the lobby sneakily used their phones to take pictures of the lady and a few texted their friends, saying to them that the lady had come down.

The lady noticed the people taking pictures of her but didnt say anything to them. It was an everyday thing to her.

The receptionist hurriedly walked out as he noticed the lady and after reaching close to her, he said in a subservient manner:

Lady Hei, that guy is causing a ruckus here in the guild, and those guards, even when I asked them to throw him out, didnt do it. Thats what the entire thing is happening here.

Lady Hei nodded her head and said in an indifferent tone, I understand. Guards, throw him out. Dont make a scene here.

Yes, Lady Hei. The guards stood in attention and said loudly.

Their tone changed immediately when they saw a high ranking staff of the guild. Lady Hei was the one managing the weaponry department of the guild and had a high position here.

The guards rushed towards Lith and were about to throw him out.

Lith looked at them with a look that was even more indifferent than Lady Hei and said, take one more step, and you wont live to see another day.

The guards stopped as they heard it. Whats with such a domineering tone? They wondered. Even Lady Heis commands seemed polite in front of Liths threat.

This was bound to happen. Lith wasnt someone ordinary but the Vampire Prince who was the direct descendant of a Legendary Rank. The suppression he gave out despite his low rank wasnt something anyone should underestimate. Him being royalty was also another factor.

Not just the guards, but the receptionist as well as Lady Hei were surprised too. Liths threat was more like a decree that mustnt ever be broken.

Lady Hei felt her pride was getting trampled on. How dare someone of such a low rank give out a threat like this? And that too, right in front of her. She was a Rank 7 Mage and it was no joke. Add onto that, she was also the head of the weapons department. She had lots of respect in the guild.

You! How dare you give a threat to the staff of the guild! Lady Hei walked close to Lith and said.

She arrived in front of him and looked down to meet his eye level. Lith was still growing and was 165cm in height whereas Lady Hei was 176cm in height. She was a head taller than him.

Give me my money and Ill leave. Lith said with the same indifference as before.

Lady Hei knitted her brows as she heard this. Instead of asking her for forgiveness, he had the audacity to ask her for money? Just where did his courage come from?

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To Lady Hei, Lith looked no more than a poor adventurer with a loud mouth. That was the impression of his to her. Another thing was, his looks were pretty and this was something that made Lady Hei have not too bad of an opinion of him.

Lady Hei was slightly angry when she heard Liths demanding tone. But looking at Liths pretty looks from close, she had a change in her thoughts.

How much do you need to be paid? Lady Hei asked in a neutral tone, covering her true inner thoughts.

2 silver coins. Lith replied flatly.

Okay. I will give them to you. Come with me. Lady Hei said to Lith and walked towards the stairs.

Lith, however, didnt move from his place. He knew what was going on in this ladys mind. He didnt miss the shimmer her eyes showed when she looked at his face. He could tell what her character was.

Lady Hei noticed Lith wasnt following her. She turned around and said to him with a frown, what is it? Why are you not coming? Do you need your money or not?

I need my money, here, and now. What if you cheat me when I come with you? Theres no telling. Lith said as a matter of fact.

You! How dar Lady Hei was interrupted.

Who do you think you are to talk to Lady Hei like that? A man with a muscular build said in his deep voice as he strode towards Lith.

Lady Hei, although was interrupted mid way, didnt say anything in return. She couldnt do so as the person who had just interrupted was another Rank 7 and was the head of the finance department of the guild.

It doesnt matter who I am. Give me money and Ill leave. Lith said in a commanding tone, obviously not afraid of this man.

The man halted as he heard this. What did you just say?

The man couldnt believe his eyes and ears. A mere low rank adventurer was ordering him? Did he hear that right? He asked to confirm again.

I dont waste my breath on fools who pretend they didnt hear it the first time and ask again in hopes of getting a different response. Asking me twice wont change the response and I am not going to satisfy your ego which you are hoping for. Lith said calmly.


As he said that, the people present nearby let out suppressed giggles. Except Lady Hei who let out a muffled giggle but audible enough for the man to be heard.

The man felt his ego hurt. Rage built up in him and he was very angry at Lith. He immediately extended his hand out to grab Liths collar and drag him out but Lith had a fast response and willing the Space elements, he teleported slightly to the side.

The man was dumbfounded as he noticed such a reaction from Lith.

Touching me would mean youre breaking the rule of the guild. The one which says no violence in the guild building and its vicinity. Lith said calmly to the man.

Youre thinking too highly of yourself. I wont beat a kid like you here in front of everyone. I was just throwing you out of the guild for your disrespect to its staff. The man said in a righteous tone.

Nobody bought such a pathetic excuse from him, not even the receptionist who was his own man. Everyone was feeling slight disdain for this man. Lith being no exception.

Lith, with disdain visible on his face, said to the man:

I wouldve called you a dog who eats shit if I wanted to disrespect you. I just want my money, give it to me and Ill leave. Dont even bother bickering with me.





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