Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 286: 286 Video Call with Lucy and Lili

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Darkwing Country, Vampire Continent.

The Dracula Castle, Milano.

Beside a fireplace, Lucy was sitting on a couch and discussing things with Duke Reynolds Dracula and his wife, Duchess Fiora Dracula.

Behind Lucy was Freya Woods, her personal maid. She was standing still in a professional manner with a neutral look on her face, ready to heed the commands of her madam at any moments notice.

The Duke and Duchess were very respectful as well as careful while talking to Lucy as she was their queen now, even though substitute. The two knew that she had inherited the throne already but there was a title of substitute attached because of her being of a low rank.

But still, it didnt stop them from being respectful to her.

Lucy, despite being weaker than the two in front, made the two feel suppressed. The suppression wasnt too intense but it wasnt too light either and the two knew that it was just a matter of time before Lucy would fully suppress them.

Lucys phone rang and their discussion came to a stop for that reason. Lucy took out the phone and looking at who had called her, she didnt pick it up right away but looked at the Duke and Duchess and said in a neutral tone,

Well discuss this topic again later. Lets have a small break for now.

She then turned, took her crown off and waved her hair. And while doing so, she said calmly, Freya, see Duke Reynolds and Duchess Fiora out..

Yes, Your Majesty. Freya bowed and said in a subservient manner.

The two got the hint that Lucy wanted to be alone and they guessed that it may be due to the call she got.

The three left the room and Lucy was alone in the big lounge room with a fireplace beside her.

Lucy picked up the video call that Lith was doing to her and just as she did so, she heard,

Ahh~ Yes! Yes! Harder, Vaan! Faster, Eian!

Whats going on

Lucy knitted her brows and muttered as she saw a black screen on her phone after picking up the call while moans of some lady kept coming out.

Soon, the black screen disappeared and Lucy saw her little brother and mother on the screen.

With her brows still knitted, she asked Lith, what was that, dear?

But before he did so, the moans kept coming again from the screen.


Duram Tea Peak, Redstone City.

The call got connected to both of them but Lith wasnt able to talk to them properly as the lady a few meters away kept moaning in pleasure.

One sec. Lith said on the phone and took out a small box from his ring.

He imbued some of his spiritual energy into the box and it enlarged itself and surrounded Lith. It seemed like Lith was in a cage but thankfully, the box became transparent as it got enlarged.

Lith released the invisibility spell and then said to the two on phone, alright, I can be more relaxed now.

Lith couldnt talk loudly before or he may have gotten noticed by the three people. What he did just now was used an artifact that would make him invisible, same like the dark spell but much better than that. It would also cover all of his magical fluctuations and also hide him from any spiritual sense that is put out.

The person ahead of him was a Rank 9 and if she were to send out her spiritual sense, it would be troublesome for Lith. So to not take any risk, he used an artifact that he took from home when he visited his mother last time.

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The lady kept moaning as her son and nephew rammed their shafts into her honeypot and backdoor but her moans were heard in a suppressed form by Lilith and Lucy as Lith enabled background noise cancellation on his phone.

What and where are you, baby? And whats with the noise? Lilith asked from the other side, despite knowing the answer.

Lucy stared at Lith and waited for him to answer. She wanted to know what it was as well.

Lith cleared his throat and said, well, you see mom, big sis, I am on a mission right now, the reward is good, and its also challenging. Its basically about killing some people from two clans and the place I am currently at, one of the two clan heads wife is having an affair with her nephew and son and right in front of me, just a few meters away, theyre doing it.

The clan heads wife is a Rank 9 so I havent made my move yet, otherwise I wouldve killed the clan heads nephew and son already.

Lilith and Lucy got the gist of it and nodded their heads in understanding.

Lucy was curious as to why he would do such a mission and she was also curious as to how much the reward will be. So she asked, why are you doing such a mission? And whats the reward?

Lith smiled and answered, why did you roam outside, big sis? For the same reason. And the reward for killing the nephew is twenty amethyst coins, for the son its ten amethyst coins, and for the Rank 9 lady, its fifty amethyst coins.

What!? Lucy exclaimed. Its such a low price and youre risking your life over there for this amount?

Calm down, dear. Your brother is sensible enough to not weigh the pros and cons before getting into something. At least hear him out fully first. Lilith said in her gentle voice.

Sorry. Lucy apologized to her mother and brother.

Just a few minutes ago, she was suppressing two Emperor Ranks despite herself being a King Rank. She was just that domineering. But now, she was nothing but a little girl in front of her mother.

Lucys nature was like that and it had been the same ever since that day when they went shopping when Lith was just a few years old. All her domineering and overbearingness would go away once she was in front of her mother.

Lilith smiled and wanted to pat Lucy but she couldnt.

Lith cleared his throat and said, big sis, the rewards arent less, its just your sense of money that has become a bit distorted. Anywho, that aside, its a good mission since I get good experience from it.

Lucy knitted her brows as she heard Liths reply. She thought to herself, is it really the case? But any assassination of a Rank 9 should at least be a hundred amethyst coins or one low grade magic stone. Why is it just fifty? Whats the matter? Something doesnt seem right





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