Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 421: lntense Battle

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Under the leadership of Ralph and Dennis, the disciples were able to defeat half the people present. However, things were now getting hectic for everyone, including Ralph and Dennis themselves.

These nine people didn't have enough power in them to defeat all hundred people and now everything was up to Lith.

Lith would help them if things went downhill and now that there were signs of the same, he decided to get into the field and help.

However, right at this moment, an explosion took place a few hundred meters from the battlefield.

A few seconds later, there were more explosions and within moments, the people on the battlefield stopped fighting and looked towards the source to see what was happening.

Dust and smoke covered the entire areas where the explosions took place and only after a few more seconds were people able to notice faint figures of people.


Lith noticed who these figures were and nodded his head lightly in approval. "Took you guys long enough…" He said softly.

The people on the battlefield soon saw the figures clearly and these figures were running at a fast speed towards them itself.


A loud roar was heard among the people and soon the small families on the battlefield noticed that these people were from the Shadow River Sect and put their guards up.

"Enemy! Enemy!" The people on the battlefield shouted and started attacking Ralph, Dennis, and the sect disciples with more ferocity.

Ralph and Dennis were starting to feel exhausted due to sudden increasing attacks on them. They were surrounded by enemies from all sides and were defending and attacking against at least three people at once.

The condition of the sect disciples was even severe. They were on their last leg and would die at any moment if they got cut by someone's sword.

Lith descended down and decided to help these disciples. It would be too late for them by the time the new squads would arrive closer to the battlefield.

Lith smoothly cut the bodies of the people surrounding the disciples. His sword was like a hot knife passing through butter and within moments, the disciples were relieved to see their attackers fall dead.

After helping them out, Lith stood at the side and watched Dennis and Ralph fight the remaining people. They didn't need his help and so he didn't interfere in their fights.

The frenzy of attacks on those two had increased as the small families had realized that they could not fight the battle at their own pace. If they delayed the battle anymore, they would only be killed by the newly arriving reinforcements of the Shadow River Sect.

Ralph and Dennis had a tough time for this reason.

Dennis was cutting the people's body with his sharp claws. All vampires had claws and for this reason, gauntlets were very rarely used in warfare and there weren't any techniques or martial arts present in the Vampire Continent related to gauntlets.

Ralph was fighting like a mage. He was using the elemental energies and since his cultivation was much higher than before, Ralph could cast spells without even needing to chant spells.

A few minutes passed with Ralph and Dennis struggling with the people from the small families of Redstone City.

But now, the people from the Shadow River Sect had arrived. As soon as they entered the battlefield, they started a massacre, killing every enemy. This gave Ralph and Dennis a chance to catch a breather.

Dennis sat down on the ground among the pile of corpses, breathing heavily. Ralph stood still and regulated his breathing properly to recover from his fatigue.

Lith walked near the people from the Shadow River Sect and asked, "Only three squads were sent?"

There were thirty people here that came to help and each squad contained ten people. There was a commander and vice commander in each squad and ten squads were handled by one general.

The commander of one of the three squads came in front of Lith and bowing, he said, "Sir Ray, Squad F, G, and H were sent here to assist you. The sect was planning on attacking the Senzal Clan first but we were still preparing ourselves to break that barrier."

The commander took a pause and then said bowing again, "had we known that Sir had the means to break the barrier, we wouldn't have waited for so long. But as soon as we came to know about it, we rushed here."

"Squad B and Squad C are heading towards the administration building of the Senzal Clan. We need to hurry up and support them."

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Lith realized that he was the reason the war sped up. But he didn't feel anything about it and simply nodded his head in understanding.

"You guys go ahead. I will catch up with you." Lith instructed the three squads to move.

When the three squads had left, Lith talked to Ralph and Dennis for a bit and checked up on their health. Once everyone had their energies restored, he moved towards the administration building as well.

It only took a few minutes for them to reach there as they were already inside the main area.

As they arrived near the residential as well as the various important buildings such as the administration building, throne palace, and so on, they noticed the ongoing battle. Things had started to heat up as both sides had brought out their big guns.

There were five squads from Shadow River Sect, a total of fifty people, and they were fighting almost the entirety of the Senzal Clan.

The Senzal Clan didn't waste time and went all out in attacking these people.

Thankfully, Squad B and C had Saint Rank commanders leading them. They didn't get slaughtered the moment the Senzal clan retaliated with full force.

"Oof… It seems we are late." Dennis couldn't help but say as he watched the heated battle.

There were two types of people in this battle, one had black robes on them and the other had golden and white robes. The ones with black robes were from the Shadow River Sect and to not create any confusion between each other, the sect made everyone from the outer court to the elders wear the same types of robes for the war.

The only distinguishing features of the robes were badges attached to them. Disciples from Outer Court had no badges. Inner Court ones had a white square shaped badge and Core disciples had a silver diamond shaped badge.

The elders had a golden diamond shaped badge and the commanders of the squads had an additional red circular shaped badge on them. Vice commanders had a blue circular badge.

Badges were the distinguishing features and everyone with black robes were from the same side.

The enemy could obviously make use of this by disguising themselves as allies by wearing the black outfit but thankfully, the sect had made preparations for such a situation as well.

The disciples and elders all were made to recognize each other via various means. These would help identify the people easily and all disciples remembered the faces of each other and the elders as well.

Outer Court disciples weren't sent to such a big battlefield as firstly, they had no badge and their numbers were very high as well. Recognising each other would be a hassle for everyone and so things were limited to the inner court, core court, and elders.

The two Saint Rank commanders were the bane of the Senzal Clan. There were only two Saint Rank beings in the clan and they were the Clan Head and General Peter.

Despite both of them not being present here, the two Saint Rank were unable to participate in the war. There was something that was stopping them from attacking the people in the battlefield and those two Saint Ranks were suspended in mid air.

Ralph and Dennis were so busy watching the war unfold in front of them that they forgot to look up and see the two Saint Ranks. It was only Lith who noticed this and there was a slight frown on his face.

Who or what could've made the two Saint Ranks like that was not something he could point out. He thought of a lot of things and decided to look for clues regarding the same as well.

But even after a few minutes, Lith found nothing.

Lith decided to fly up and check for himself whether it was an artifact that may have caused such a thing to happen. From what he knew from the witches, there was no one above Saint Rank in this war that was participating from the Senzal Clan's side and so he didn't have any doubts of being assassinated by any higher rank being.

Only artifacts may cause problems and so he was careful when approaching the two Saint Ranks.

As he flew up towards them, he soon heard the sound of air being pierced and as he looked towards the source, a loud noise was heard along with a bright light that flashed in front of his eyes.

'What the fuck!?' Lith thought to himself as everything around him darkened after the light faded away.

In the next few instances, clarity returned to his eyes and…

"Seems like someone got assassinated, fufufu…"

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