Verden – Rise in a new life

Chapter 3: Chapter two – Well that was fast

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Waking up repeatedly to the warmth and the ever tighter snugness was quickly becoming old, so, to combat this growing boredom, I started to use the Makt perception that the Advanced Meditation [4] gave. At first, waves of color assaulted my mind’s eye, a full 360 of sensory overload. Flailing in pain, I stumbled upon a sensation like that of squinting, and everything dimmed to a more reasonable amount. I now realized that the waves of power weren’t really that powerful, but that everything was too sensitive to make out the bigger, more substantial stuff. It was like looking through spinning planes of warped glass, all with different colored blotches, layered on top of each other.

Hours later, I finally had some basic shapes in focus. There seemed to be two other parents and a sibling or other smaller person living in the house, as well as a medium sized quadrupedal, tailed animal. I never had siblings in my last life, so this should be… interesting, to say the least. The affinities of the people and pet seemed to be a deep purple and a light magenta for each of the parents, a pale yellow for the sibling, and a very light, almost not even there, blue for the pet. Everything that I saw was tinged with a dark teal, so I’m assuming that that’s my third parent’s affinity

Time passed with me just getting better at seeing things, though I’m not sure how much time, as there is no reference for how long I’ve been out each time. I don’t think there’s too much longer until I’m born, but who knows?

Only a few cycles later, something changes.

The walls are letting in some light now, not really sure what that means, but it seems promising. Plus this instinct to wiggle free is really helping with that assumption. Then, I see it. The first bit of real light, unfiltered by my parent’s body. Something in me breaks, and the instinct increases tenfold, and I can only watch as my body does its thing, turning into a blob and slipping through the little hole.

Light is all I can sense for a bit, then biting cold, and roughness, and loss. I no longer have much control of my body, and it does what all baby bodies do. Cries, loudly. Until, that is, someone puts me in a warm cloth, and hands me off to the one laying down. I catch a glimpse of deep black with eddies of blue, and dark teal stars, centered around a much larger white star in the chest.

They hold me facing away, and I see another of my parents, this time with added accents of green, and deep purple swirls, concentrated in two spots on the head, where eyes would usually be. The next one I see is shifting nervously near the door, and they have bright magenta stars all over their hands, with trails leading to the center star. Then, Makt flows into me, and my body pauses for a second, then swallows everything with reckless abandon.

“Å, de har en sunn stemme!” the one with deep purple says.

“Ja jeg begynte å bekymre meg. Og appetitt.” says the one holding me.

“Vel, skal vi slippe reven inn?” the one with magenta stars says, then the creaking of hinges fills the room.

I finally see what the pet we have is, and I am struck with a sense of wonder. Black paws fading into a dark gold color, and bright gold accents on the tips of the ears and tail. It looks almost exactly like a silver fox, one of my favorite breeds in my last life. I’ve always wanted a fox, but they are… difficult to care for, to say the least.

The fox jumps up onto the bed, and, crawling forward, rests their head on my stomach.

“Det ser ut som Refur liker deg” my holder says

‘Hello, little one’ a decidedly masculine voice says in my head, startling me enough that I think back ‘Hello?’, then recoil with dread, fearing what would happen.

The fox - Refur? - looks at the teal one, pauses, and a conversation starts. I am completely lost, but it doesn’t go on for long, ending with them telling the fox something. He sits up, then looks at me, saying ‘I know you fear, little one, but please do not fear us. We have nothing against your situation, and we have in fact known of this since Syn became burdened. You were a gift from Verden’s Voice, as they were too old to be with child.’ I paused, mulling over this new information, then asked ‘What do we do about this? I mean, do we keep this a secret, an open secret, or let it be known?’

Again, Refur looked at the teal one - Syn - I mentally corrected myself, and waited. Then another conversation started, with this one having a more worried tone. Refur looked back at me a moment later, saying ‘We had thought of this, but we had not thought of you in this. The options you presented come in descending order of danger though, so I would hope you chose something safe’. Not taking much time to think, I said ‘Yeah, I almost certainly will, but I’m not the greatest actor, so…’.

Thinking of a future where I am a shut-in until I reach an age where maturity wouldn't be weird is not really appealing. ‘Don’t worry too much, your species matures quickly, at least in our circles. Nobles here are usually good people, so they train their kids young to be good as well’. With slight shock, then an internal facepalm, I realize that tropes and clichés aren’t really the truth all of the time. And as I sit there contemplating, my body, yet again, betrays me.

I fall asleep.

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