Verden – Rise in a new life

Chapter 5: Chapter four – Enchants are Enchanting

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“Just the basics, I doubt much else will transfer over.” I said.

Pouting a bit, Anil responded with “Really? You could have at least let me have my fun! Annoying. Anyway, it is a little different for everyone, but usually you just need to find a way to get the rune to stick. Oh, and the runes are usually enhancement runes.”

“That's it?” I ask, a little shock in my voice.

Anil stares at me. Hard. So I look away and pull out my weapon - weapons this time, I made a F~S combat dagger and stiletto as well - and went to design their enchantments. I had made a sort of list for features that I eventually wanted, so I already had a baseline.


Stiletto - Magic acid and fluorocarbon polymer coating. When the tip is hit, create a portal to one inch forward. Durability. Self repair. Sharpness.

F~S Combat dagger - Durability. Cold of space. Sharpness. Self repair. Swap hands.

Dahong palay - Durability, Sharpness. Self repair. Swap hands. Strong magnetic field (~50 Tesla) around hook dagger. Cold of space.


Magic acid and fluorocarbon polymer coating - when stabbing, secrete magic acid (fluoroantimonic acid). Permanent coating of fluorocarbon polymers (teflon).

When the tip is hit, create a portal to one inch forward - Stab through armor.

Durability - enhance the dimensional stability of the blade, and keep it together.

Sharpness - when the edge is damaged, repair until in best shape. Use space magic to shrink and flatten the edge for further sharpness.

Self repair - Create lost material in the original pattern of the blade.

Swap hands - Thought commanded, teleport the blades to the opposite hand. 

Cold of space - Cover the blade in the coldness of space (keep the blade untouched). Use Makt as fuel.

Strong magnetic field (~100 Tesla) around hook dagger - lock an opponent’s weapon against the hilt blade. Use Makt as fuel.


Please don’t ask me why I know these random chemicals and magnetic things, just know that Wikipedia has way too much stuff in it, and Intelligence does wonders for memory.

Surprisingly, the durability, sharpness, and self repair functions were relatively easy to put in place. Also surprisingly, there was a skill notification that went along with their completion.


Ding - you have learned the skill: Basic Enchanting [1]


 Sadly, those are the only easy ones. Cold of space was a test mainly, to see if my space covered concepts as well. Apparently it does, though not for the cold, because I was able to create a magnetic field about half the strength of a Neutron star(~100 Tesla). 

“Hmm.” I unconsciously hummed in thought, only to be brought out by Anil’s voice.

“What is it?” they asked, likely trying to make conversation, as I haven’t been very reactive in the last few minutes.

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“Something very stupid. How light can you make things for only the wielder?” I say, asking my question in a more light voice.

“I can completely negate weight, why?” they ask, confusion starting to appear.

“Perfect!” I exclaim happily, already setting up my design rune.

About two hours later, the fastest I’ve ever learned a rune, I had something so disproportionately heavy that it wasn’t even funny. I had made a small insert, threaded on one end, and filled with about 6000 kilograms of solid neutrons. This might sound like a lot, but the entirety of that weight was contained in about a third of a millimeter cube. Another thing that I had found out about was wards. So I warded and enchanted the metal to high hell. Taking a now bored and suddenly confused Anil’s new hammer, I destroyed part of it, in the perfect shape to take the new insert. I hadn’t taken into account the fact that I couldn’t pick the insert up though, so I ended up having to spin the hammer around to screw it in. 

A huge grin on my face, I said “Try to pick it up, or even move it, without magic.”

Doing so, their eyes grew wide, then filled with excitement. “Holy city of Gudene, this is awesome!” 

“I know, right!” I was almost giddy with the success that I had. And slightly woozy with the discovery that creation magic takes Makt based off of mass, not complexity, as this one piece cost most of my Makt, the wards and enchantments costing me the rest.

Applying their magic to the hammer, they looked at it, then at me, then back, finally saying “This takes even less to maintain than before…”

Growing confused myself, I frowned, then shrugged it off as just a great side effect. 

The Swap Hands enchantment is quite difficult, I can’t get anything to go in the right place, as it teleports the center of mass, not the handle. And this is only my latest problem. First, I had to figure out how to attach a teleportation enchantment to the blades, only to find that that type of teleportation was more akin to a portal than swapping places instantly. So, I redid it, making sure the teleportation was right before testing it… and grabbing the razor sharp edge of my sword. after waiting for the wound to close, I continued with my trials. Apparently, I had been muttering this whole time, as a voice rang out. “Couldn’t you just anchor it to a crystal or something in the handle?” The perpetrator of this interruption was a tall and lanky person, with yellow stars forming patterns of straight lines all over their body. Also known as my sibling, or søsken, in the native tongue.

Sighing to myself, I did just that, and watched as it worked this time.


Ding - Skill Basic Enchanting [1] has leveled up. Basic Enchanting is now [2]


“Thank you, Asken; I can’t believe how obvious it was.;” I said, slightly annoyed with myself.

“Yeah, yeah. Anytime søsken!” they said, before walking off to who knows where.

Walking into the kitchen of my family’s annoyingly large house, I found Nix. Deciding to ask sooner rather than later, I said “I recently checked my status, all the mental stuff is good, but my physical stuff is pretty bad. I know generally some ways to exercise Strength and Vitality, but not Dexterity. Or perception, for that matter. So I came to you for some advice.”

“Well, I can certainly help with that. Come on, we’ll go talk to Syn and Xcero, they are both more Perception and Dexterity based than I am. Plus, I’m sure they would like to see you finally out of your little hole.”

I cringed at that, it certainly was true. “Yeah, sorry about that. I’ll try to get better about it.”

“Yeah, they’ll make up for it in their training for sure, you won’t get much rest.” Xcero smirked at me.

“Hah… yeah, seems fair.” I said, sighing.

This is going to be quite the workout, I think.

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