Villain Hides His True Color

Chapter 17: 17

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Chapter 17

A pink interior filled with cute dolls.

In the middle of the room and in front of a table sat a girl wearing a large cone hat.

Her name was Lady Fortune.

And unlike her youthful appearance which resembles a middle school student, she was actually an active A-class hero who went by the hero name ‘Kid Witch.’


Lady Fortune spat out a small grumble as her smooth forehead wrinkled. Her expression was like that of an adolescent girl who was worried about her career path.

Shortly after.

Jumping up from her seat, she began to pace around the room as she muttered to herself.


She was currently suffering from an unknown ominous feeling.

In her 150 years of life, the amount of times she has felt an ominous feeling can be counted on one hand. Having predicted countless misfortunes throughout her life, none had ever felt as bad as today.

‘Like I thought…should I check this time?’

She was extremely reluctant to read her own fortune, but she couldn’t hold back.

Eventually, she took out a tarot deck and placed it on the table.

“Mysterious wayfarer traveling the nebula. Show me the secret of the stars.”

The cards on the table floated in the air and began to shuffle at a high speed.

Soon, one face down card stuck out.

She looked at the card for a while before grabbing it with a trembling hand.



The card flipped over. Then she saw the picture on the card.

A skeleton knight riding a white horse. Under the ominous picture, an even more ominous word was written.


She sucked in cold air after seeing the card.

“T-this…what’s this?”

She was certain that she was predicting her fate, so why did this card come out? Did she make a mistake because it’s been a while?

‘T-that…Maybe it’s because my condition isn’t good today.’

She shook her head and shuffled the cards again. But the results were…







An endless banquet of death.

As if every constellation in the universe wanted her death, only the Death card appeared.


This can’t happen, she thought. She had never thought that death would come for her out of the blue like this.

“W-what the hell…When and how am I going to die?”

Two cards were pulled out from the deck. What appeared before her eyes was…


It was another ominous card. Her expression gradually turned solemn.

Fortunately or unfortunately, she felt relieved that the other card hadn’t turned over.

It meant her time of death wasn’t absolute. The fate wasn’t fixed.

With a desperate feeling, she looked at the deck of cards again.

“I-is there any way I can avoid this fate?”

The dowsing she was wearing around her neck shone brightly and pointed in a direction outside the window.

At the same time, a card slowly stuck out from the deck.


Among the numerous major arcana cards, the 0 card represented the beginning and end. It also had the meaning of ‘play’ and ‘fun.’

For a while, she silently alternated between looking at the card and out the window.

‘I don’t know what this card is supposed to mean…’

But she was certain of one thing, in order to change her fate, she had to go to the place where the dowsing was pointing.

‘Probably…it seems I have to go out after a long time.’

She sat back down the table and began searching for maps using the two-fingers method.

* * *

I left Elizabeth back there and returned to the nursery by myself.

It would have been difficult to move with her since I was waiting for the sponsorship event right now.

She looked very disappointed at my decision, but when I gave her some assignments, she replied with an excited look.

What a simple woman.

Luckily when I came back to the nursery there were still pork cutlets left.

Normally, the children would compete to eat first, but perhaps because of what Bae Dalsu had said, they were all working hard in role-playing as good children.

Thanks to that, I was able to enjoy the pork cutlets leisurely before heading up to my room.

Since I’ve finished everything I had to do…I should check my progress now.

I opened my status window and checked my stats.

Body: 2.15

Dexterity: 1.35

Mana: 1.08

Spirit: 1.12

*7 Fragments of Growth

This…it was good.

If I had killed Elizabeth this time, I would have hit a clean level 20…

Well, if I consider the distant future, I’m sure she’ll be much more valuable.

I evenly distributed my stats with the Fragments of Growth.

Body: 2.15 (-)

Dexterity: 1.35 -> 2.01 (+0.75)

Mana: 1.08 -> 1.67 (+0.59)

Spirit: 1.12 -> 2.08 (+0.96)

*0 Fragment of Growth


I had gained more points than I expected. In particular, only two fragments were added to Dexterity but it exceeded 2 points.

At this rate, all my stats might reach 2 points after I hit level 20.

It’s been about two months since the second round began.

Considering that it’s still a low-level hunting ground, my growth has been really rapid.

Around this time in the past, I would have still been on the streets without being able to eat properly, but now I can’t believe I’m already nearing level 20…

…How strong am I now?

It was a long time ago that I had experienced this low-level hunting ground, so I have no idea what to base it off of.

I spread out the skills I’ve gained so far and objectively measured my strength.

First, the two skills that I’m using as my main power.

Classification: Ability

Grade: D

Description: Changes the body’s state of matter.

*Elementary: Liquid

Classification: Magic

Grade: E

Description: Absorbs the energy of the object in contact.

*Elementary: Absorbs energy to restore stamina.

*The larger the area of contact with the object, the more energy is absorbed.

In the case of these two skills, their synergy was much better than I had thought, and when I use them together, as long as the target is vulnerable to magic, then regardless of their grade, I’ll have the absolute advantage.


Classification: Special

Grade: A

Description: Awaken the dormant genes.

Dormant Genes:

(1) Human: 88.6%

(2) Elf: 5.1%. (Active)

(3) Beast: 2.5% (Inactive)

(4) Dwarf: 2% (Inactive)

(5) Unknown: 1.7% (Inactive)

(6) Unknown: 0.1% (Inactive)

*This skill cannot be strengthened or used in synthesis.

*Value will increase if you consume the same gene. (However, please be careful because the vitality of the absorbed object will permanently be reduced.)

Gene Awakening. An A-grade special skill.


However, except for the ability to hear the voice of plants this has been useless so far.

To be honest, I thought it didn’t matter if I had this skill or not.

Well, it’ll be useful someday.

Unfortunately, it meant that it was a good skill in the latter part, so I’ll still need to pay attention to it.

And the last…

Classification: General

Grade: D (Grade E -> D)

Description: A warrior grows through hardships.

Grade Effect:

Grade F: Favorability increases easily.

Grade E: Awaken at the moment of crisis.

Grade D: You become stronger when you are with your colleagues.

*Punish evil to grow the skill.

*Save others to grow the skill.

*This skill cannot be strengthened by yourself.

In fact, when I first got this skill, I had noticed that my favorability was increasing, and I only thought it would be a non-fighting skill.

However, the effect I had experienced while fighting against Rastus this time showed such a great performance that I could now call it a kind of cheat key.

It was really fun…

Unfortunately, however, there was a cooldown time and it couldn’t be used in its sealed state.


After roughly organizing everything, I think I know what I need right now.

I don’t have enough easy-to-use skills.

And it just so happens that I had a very useful solution to this problem.

“At last…the time for gacha has come.”

I fiddled with the status window and summoned the random box. A glowing silver box beautifully rose in front of my eyes.

To have gained a medium-grade box at this point…

Although it wasn’t comparable to the high-grade box, it could be said that the medium-grade box was what I was most familiar with in my life.

It’s easy to acquire and it’s a box that sometimes gives out high quality items.

I don’t think today could get any better if I can get one decent combat skill above D-grade.

Since I got good stats earlier, my luck should be good…so let’s go!

After taking a deep breath, I opened the box without hesitation.

[Used 1x Random Box (Medium).]

The box spun in the air as it shot out beams of light, then soon after, the result appeared in front of my eyes.

[Gained 3x Strengthen Skill (Low).]


I felt uncertain about the item that had come out.

In fact, to be able to strengthen a skill isn’t a bad thing.

Rather, it belonged to goods that were important enough to be said to be essential to grow strong.

However, all I can use this on now is and .

Huu…It’s not bad, but it’s a bummer.

It would have been perfect if I had obtained a combat skill…

Thinking so, the moment I sighed inside,

The opened box closed on its own and it started rotating again.


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Sometimes there were cases like this. When more than one opportunity is given in one box.


Usually, in such cases, it was often the case that the second reward was the true reward.


I watched the box with anticipation.

An intense blue light bursts out of the box. It meant that at the very least it’s D-Grade.

Then finally, the box opened, and I couldn’t hide my smile the moment I saw the result.

“This is it!”

As expected, this world is a game of luck.

* * *

A week quickly passed.

Because Bae Dalsu suddenly disappeared ahead of the event, the nursery teachers were restless for a while.

However, it had often happened where he couldn’t be contacted, so soon after everyone carried on like normal.

Then came the day of the sponsorship event.

I stuck the good job sticker on my chest and got on the nursery bus.

Other than me, most of the children were from the flower group. The few others were children with pretty looks that seemed to have been put in just to fill out the race quota.

At the chance to change their fate, none of them could hide their excited faces.

It was finally the day.

I was also looking forward to it.

With this, I’ll be able to obtain a proper identity and background to become a hero.

In terms of games, it could be said that it was time to leave the beginner village.

Come to think of it…This will be my first time to officially gain an identity.

In the last round I didn’t even register my birth and had lived without any ID card.

I’ll be able to use banks and have medical insurance now.

Actually, I was used to carrying cash in my inventory, so I didn’t really want to use the bank, but somehow I felt bad thinking that I was the only one who wasn’t enjoying such benefits.

Because of that, I had to set fire to the banks and was chased for a long time…

Such memories were now all pleasant memories.

While reminiscing on past memories, the nursery teacher sitting in the front seat spoke.

“We’re almost there, so if anyone is sleeping next to you, wake them up.”

I looked out the window. There was a huge artificial lake, and past the thicket of trees were buildings in the distance that seemed to reach the sky.

Neo Pyongyang’s third inner city, Lake Town.

Since there were primarily guests visiting Pyongyang, it was an area where hotels and tourist facilities were concentrated.

The bus stopped in front of a large hotel sandwiched between other tall buildings.

“Okay~ Since we’ve arrived, please line up in ascending order and follow me from now on. In particular, there are many other people here, so everyone should act in an orderly manner and not make too much noise. Got it?”


We entered the hotel according to the guidance of the nursery teacher. What greeted me was the splendid interior decoration and the hotel’s unique neat smell.

Today’s event will be held in the Grand Hall located inside this hotel. It was a large auditorium mainly used for seminars by large companies and weddings.

The children who followed together looked at the splendid scenery with their mouths open.

However, what caught my eyes was the placard for the venue.

Out of all the sponsors on the list, one name proudly stood at the forefront.

Changcheon Group.

As soon as I read the name, I immediately understood why this event could be so grand.

Sure enough…is the Namgung clan behind this?

The types of migrants from the different dimensions were really diverse, but if you were to divide them into two categories, then it was the following.

Fantasy and Murim.

Naturally, even if they were in the same category, that didn’t mean they came from the same dimension.

In general, those who belonged to the same category tended to show similar characteristics.

Murim was a dimension where those who revered martial arts flocked together. It was a world of ‘qi’ and ‘swords’ that is often mentioned in Chinese materials.


The Namgung clan who are the host of today’s event, could be said to be a group that held the greatest position in the murim.

After moving to the Earth, they grew rapidly using the assets and martial arts they had brought from murim.

Today, not only in Neo Pyongyang but also around the world, it was gaining recognition worldwide and was transforming into a giant company.

Was there a need for them to be interested in an event where only nursery children gathered?

Of course, it may be a charity event for their corporate image, but there was no need for them to go all out like this.

It looks like there’s something going on at this event…If something happens, it may be difficult to find a good sponsor.

If this event was held by the Namgung clan, scouts from various other forces competing with them are likely to find it difficult to attend the event.

Though, even if I get adopted by normal parents with a normal citizenship, it didn’t interfere with my plan much.

Still, in many ways, it was advantageous to take this opportunity to climb high in society.

The story is twisting in an unexpected place.

At that moment, I heard a short notification in my ears.

[Your companion ‘Elizabeth’ has requested to talk with you.]

Looking at one side of my vision, an icon resembling her face was shining brightly.

What’s going on with her all of a sudden…?

Just like the party system found in games, I was able to have a conversation with her even when we were far apart after I had designated her as a companion.

After I showed Elizabeth this function, she contacted me whenever she had time and I began to listen to her trivial matters.

And because I couldn’t overcome the annoyance, I had instructed her not to contact me unless it was necessary.

The fact that she’s contacting me now…

She knows that I’m participating in the sponsorship event, so she must have found something about this place.

It seems I need to check this out.

I approached the teacher leading the nursery students and said with an urgent look.

“Teacher, can I go to the bathroom now?”

“What? The event will start soon…Hold it in!!”

“Ah, I can’t. What if I pee then?”

“Haa…I see, then you have to go as soon as possible. Teacher has something to do here, so you can go by yourself, right?”


Fortunately, the nursery teacher readily gave me permission, as if she didn’t think I was very important. I went straight out of the hotel and entered a quiet alley nearby.

Before I accepted the conversation, I saw her icon muttering to itself with its ears drooped.

— It’s really important this time…I guess he’s not listening to me again…W-what should I do? He always ignores me…This is really important…

— What’s going on?

— H-huh? Noah! W-were you listening? No, I didn’t say anything just now…

I was in a hurry so I cut her off and asked.

— I don’t have much time right now, so please cut to the chase.

— Yes! Noah. I read an article a while ago that said Namgung Taesu will come to the venue you’re attending today!

— Namgung Taesu?

— Yeah! You know, the Changcheon Group president. He’s famous for never attending such events, but articles are pouring out because he suddenly said he would attend.

Listening to her, I became convinced of my guess from a moment ago.

— Okay, nuna. Thank you for letting me know.

— Yes! Then, good luck with the event and let me know when it’s over. I want to say hello to your future parents…

I ended the conversation before she started talking nonsense. I thought while looking at the hotel where the event was held.

What on earth is happening?

Although I wasn’t sure if this would be a good or bad thing for me, I was certain of one thing about this strange situation.

It seems it’s best to watch the situation for now.

As soon as I thought that, a large man entered the alley lighting a cigarette.

The man was dressed in a tailored suit and on his waist was a long sword.

He seems to be related to Changcheon Group and was sent by them for today’s event.

Looking at me, the man hid the cigarette behind his back and asked.

“Kid, are you from a nursery school?”

“Yes, yes. I’m from House of Flowers.”

“Hmm? But the event is going to start soon. Is it okay to stay here like this?”

“Uh, I wanted to pee, so I was looking for the bathroom, but I couldn’t find it…”

“Haha, is that so? In fact, I couldn’t find the smoking area because the hotel is so spacious. Then, if you’re done with your business, hurry up and go in before the event starts.”

The man smiled kindly and said. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to have any doubts.

“Yes! Thank you.”

After bowing to the man, I hurried to the hotel.

* * *

‘Whew…kids these days.’

The man smoked his cigarette while looking at the child running far away.

His son was also of the same age, so for no particular reason the child’s back caught his eyes.

‘Even so, I hope he meets good parents today and lives a happy life.’

The man thought as such before flicking his cigarette and crushing it.

At that moment, a woman in colorful leopard leggings entered the alley dragging a carrier.

Fluffy ears that resembled a hyena and a tail that gently shook along with her hips.

She seemed to be a mixed race with the blood of beastmen. The man observed the woman for a while.

‘What is she doing in this alley…?’

The man, who felt something amiss, spoke to the woman in a polite manner.

“Excuse me! There’s nothing to see here, and it’s blocked if you go further inside. If you’re looking for the station, I think you came the wrong way!”

However, the woman continued to approach the man as if she hadn’t heard him.

Sensing that she was suspicious, the man slowly lowered his hand to the handle of his sword and asked the woman.

“Can you stop for a moment…”

The moment the man spoke,


Something flashed in front of him. Slowly, his view began to rotate.

And soon…


The man fell to the ground head first. He could see the cigarette butt he had just thrown away.

‘I-it’s an attack…’

Before he knew it, there was a sharp flexible sword in the woman’s hand.

The man wanted to shout, but no voice came out. The woman slowly walked towards the fallen man. Then, she lifted her slender leg before slowly lowering it.

Looking at the sharp high heel descending, he had one final thought.

‘The children are in danger…’


The man’s head was shattered, and red stains formed in the quiet alley.

The woman giggled as if she was satisfied with what she had seen, then she took out an instrument resembling a camera and looked at the ground.

“Hmm… Is it here?”

Soon after, she opened her carrier and took something out. It was a thick stake with many yellow amulets attached to it.

The woman put the stake on the ground and placed one hand on it before giving strength.



The stake penetrated the solid asphalt and went in without a trace. After seeing that, the woman spoke to a walkie-talkie that was plugged into one of her ears.

“I just took care of it.”

The voice of a man full of irritation came from the earplug.

— Vera! You’re the last one. What took you so long?!

“Hehe…I’m sorry, Andes. There was a bug here, so I was late because I had to deal with it.”

While the two bickered, another heavy low-pitched voice intervened through the earplug.

— Stop. Everyone, focus. It’s starting now.

At the man’s word, Vera swallowed her saliva. And although no one was watching, she nodded and spoke.

“Okay, I’m ready!”

— Haha, good. I’ve been waiting for this moment! Let’s do it now!

— Then, we’ll start in five seconds.

Following the man’s instruction, Vera counted five seconds inside her head and then began to inject mana into the stake that she had just placed.

At that moment.


A wave emitting a low pitch sound that was hard to hear spread out.

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And soon, a transparent intangible tent slowly began to cover the hotel.

“Huu…I need to move quickly.”

Staring at the dead body on the ground, she kicked it one last time before heading to the hotel.

== Translator’s Note ==

1. Please report any typos, grammatical/spelling errors, sentences you find weird, and other etc…in the comment section.

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