Villain Hides His True Color

Chapter 23: 23

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Chapter 23

I inserted the memory card into the laptop that was lying on a table.

On the screen, a file named ‘Definitive Monarch Sword Art Manual.txt’ appeared.

Monarch Sword Art. A legendary martial art I’ve heard about several times in the first round.

Rumors are that if one can master this martial art, then they would be able to destroy mountains and cut the sea with a sword.

I had never seen it in person, so I just thought it was a bluff by the people in murim…

But it actually exists.

However, I wonder how great this martial art actually is, and how much was exaggerated.

I clicked on the file. Then a lock-shaped warning message popped up on the screen.

What’s this?

It seemed that Namgung Taesu had attached a password on the file. After a moment of contemplation, I entered a number that he could have used.


A warning window appeared on the screen again.

– Incorrect password. Please retype the password.

– A total of 5 tries (4 remaining).

For an old man who came from the generation of elderly people who didn’t even have calculators, it appears he understood how to password protect the file.

“It can’t be helped. I’ll just open it next time.”

Anyway, since was still sealed, I wouldn’t have been able to interpret it even if I could open the file.

I put the memory card in my inventory.

“Let’s take a look at my stats now.”

Body: 2.77

Dexterity: 2.01

Mana: 2.17

Spirit: 2.08

*4 Fragments of Growth

I’ve risen four levels thanks to the experience gained from Gomin and Namgung Taesu a moment ago.

As a matter of fact, I didn’t think I would level up because normally the growth rate was bound to slow down by this point.

“Unexpectedly, I gained four levels this time.”

I distributed the four Fragments of Growth evenly.

Body: 2.77 -> 3.00 (+0.23)

Dexterity: 2.01 -> 2.29 (+0.28)

Mana: 2.17 -> 2.35 (+0.18)

Spirit: 2.08 -> 2.30 (+0.22)

*0 Fragment of Growth

When Body exceeded 3.0, I grew a little taller and my field of view increased. Even though it was still the body of a child, sleek muscles forked throughout the body.

To test, I tried bending a thick metal stand nearby. And like a thin wire, it was bent.

I was certainly strong.

From the moment a stat exceeds 3.0, it was no longer proper to simply call it strong, rather, it fell into a category that should be called ‘superhuman.’

My current stat was equivalent to the days when I was a D-class villain in the past. Since that was around the third year, it can be said that my growth rate in this round was abnormally fast.

Next was my skill…

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a Skill Selection for reaching level 25.

I’ve been mentally prepared since I chose a special skill in the elevator a while ago, but I still felt sad because I came away empty handed.

“But I’m glad that I got this instead.”

With the completion of the Challenge this time, the grade of has risen again.

It appears to be growing more often than expected. Was it because it’s an easy skill to level up? Or was it because of something related to the purple haze?

Classification: General

Grade: C (Grade D -> C)

Description: A warrior grows through hardships.

Grade Effect:

Grade F: Favorability increases easily.

Grade E: Awaken at the moment of crisis.

Grade D: You become stronger when you are with your colleagues.

Grade C: – Move to a specified milestone. * New *

After friendship was road…

Does it mean to travel with the warrior’s companion? I somewhat understood the naming pattern.

The newly added effect this time was a spatial movement skill.

When I selected , a list of areas that I could move to appeared in front of my eyes.

*Guangcheng District

*Neo Pyongyang (House of Flowers)

*Neo Pyongyang (Elf Garden)

*Neo Pyongyang (Lake Town)

*Can be used together with your companions.

There seemed to be a restriction on where I could move. Only places I’ve visited or places of completed events showed, but nonetheless, it was a very good skill.

If I remember correctly, wasn’t the lowest spatial movement skill C-grade? I gave a satisfied smile.

For me to have gained a new weapon and skills, today was a very lucky day.

And on days like this it was perfect for gacha.

I took out a Random Box (Low) that I had received as a reward. Then I opened it without hesitation.

[Used 1x Random Box (Low).]

The box rose into the air and a bright light began to burst out.

Strangely, since a little while ago, I’ve been feeling that something good was going to happen.

I think today was definitely my lucky day. My gut feeling was telling me so.


[You’ve gained perfect socks.]

“Fucking socks!”

Classification: Clothes

Grade: E

Description: Socks with cute wolf patterns on them.

*Prevent foot odor and athlete’s foot.

*Transforms to fit the body.

Why do socks always plague me? In addition, the options were much worse than the last one.

Right…It’s too early to give up.

I still have two boxes left. This amount of damage can still be fully recovered.

Anyway, I got an A-class skill after the socks last time, so let’s think of it as a sacrifice for the jackpot.

I took a deep breath and reached out to the next box.

Please, come on!

Along with bright lights, the box opened. Then, I stared blankly at the result in my hand.

It was underwear. Not only that, a character was stitched on it.

Classification: Clothes

Grade: E

Description: Underwear with a cute wolf on it.

*Grow up strong and brave.

*Transforms to fit the body.

I looked at the character stitched on the back of the underwear. It was a wolf winking at me with its thumb raised.

It’s the same bastard from before. The one on the socks.

I threw the underwear on the floor.

“Fuck! Why!!”

Wasn’t today supposed to be a lucky day? How come only trash came out?

I’ve already blown away two boxes. My hands were trembling as I thought about the loss I’ve incurred so far.

What should I do…Should I stop here?

No. Losing two is the same as three. Since that was the case, wouldn’t it be better to go all in on the last chance?

I stared at the last box with a determined mind.

Let’s go.

[Used 1x Random Box (Low).]

And in a little bit. Light began to burst out of the box.

But the light coming out this time was bright blue. That means it’s at least a D-grade item!

As expected, this is it!

I gulped and watched the box. And finally, the reward was paid.

Classification: Clothes

Grade: D

Description: Sportswear with a cute wolf on it.

*Improves exercising productivity.

*Will return to its original state even if torn.

*Transforms to fit the body.

I sat down on the floor as if I had collapsed. I was so speechless that I think I’m going to cry.

“I…What did I do so wrong…?”

Dirty luck ruined my gacha. Why the hell was my faith being tested? Why is the world unfair only to me?

“Why?! Can’t I be happy?!”

I grabbed the underwear that was on the floor and yelled.

But at that moment. A new message appeared in front of me.

[You’ve collected all items of a set.]

[Set effect active.]

*Set effect

: Can transform into a ‘Dire Wolf.’


As expected, this world is a game of luck.

* * *

Through Kim Taehee’s faint consciousness, the sad voice of a child was heard from somewhere.

“I…What did I do so wrong…?”

She slowly opened her eyes.

Her head still felt dizzy. Looking sideways with a blurry view, she saw the boy from a moment ago suffering as he hit the floor.

“Why?! Can’t I be happy?!”

The boy’s scream dug deep into her heart.

He was always smiling on the outside. She didn’t know he was in such a great deal of pain inside…

‘Move…Kim Taehee!’

As an adult, and as a former hero, she couldn’t just stand and watch as a child cried.

She forced her body that didn’t listen up. Then she staggered toward the boy.

“Ah! Ajumma, you’re up?”

The child who had suddenly changed his expression asked her with a bright smile. It’s as if something great had happened.

When she saw such passionate acting, her heart seemed to have collapsed again.

“…You don’t have to pretend to be strong. You’re a child, so you can cry like a child.”

She lowered herself as she opened her arms. The boy simply stared at her.

“Ajumma, did you hurt your head?”

“I see…Right. It’s going to be hard to open your heart since it’s our first meeting. I understand.”

Kim Taehee looked at the boy with a pitiful look for a moment. Then, the thought of Namgung Taesu and the terrorist belatedly came to her.

She couldn’t believe that she had forgotten such a thing. She hurriedly looked around.

The terrorist’s decapitated head was on the floor, and the president of Changcheon Group was dead.

“This…what happened?”

“I killed him.”

The boy said calmly.

But, was that really possible? The power she had seen from the terrorist was close to A-class before she lost consciousness.

No matter how frightening of a talent the boy had for his age, it shouldn’t be possible for him to deal with Gomin.

‘Maybe, did he burn his life force?’

Then it would make sense. Villains who came over from the murim sometimes did that.

They would burn their life force and fight to the death the moment they are backed into a corner.

Perhaps Gomin was already about to die. Then…

Why was Namgung Taesu dead?

“Do you happen to know what happened to him?”

“He sacrificed himself to protect me.”

She looked at the body of Namgung Taesu. It looked like a frontal charge at the terrorist.

‘Is that so, did he actually have a change of heart at the last second?’

She had doubted him because of the rumors, so she thought it was inconceivable that he would sacrifice himself to protect a child. She felt ashamed of herself for having doubted him.

‘The fact that he’s dead…means the Namgung clan is finished now.’

The Changcheon Group was actually maintained by relying on the total control of Namgung Taesu. Soon, there will be a divide among his children and the group will walk on the path of destruction.

‘It’s going to be noisy for a while.’

She couldn’t believe the end of such a righteous man had been so vain. She quietly clasped her hands and prayed.

And then she looked at the boy that the righteous person had protected. A child who she strangely couldn’t help but pay attention to despite his horrific actions.

Looking at the boy, she spoke.

“If you don’t have a place to go, why don’t you come live with me?”

“Are you saying you’re going to adopt me, ajumma?”

“You don’t have to call me mom. You can continue to call me ajumma. It’s just that I want to help you.”

The child seemed to be deep in thought.

“Hmm…it’s uncertain.”

What was uncertain about it? He’s not saying that she’s not enough to be his guardian, was he?

“Also, I think I like being alone.”

Looking at the boy’s expression, she realized that she had made a mistake. She was too hasty. The boy definitely had his own scars.

‘As expected…Was it way too early for him to open up his heart?’

However, it was too heartbreaking looking at the boy, so she took out a hotline messenger that could connect to her.

“Then, please at least let me help you.”


Fortunately, the boy didn’t refuse her help. With the boy’s ability, she was certain that they would meet one day at the Hero Association.

‘When such a day comes, I need to lead this boy down the right path.’

As such, she made a commitment to herself.

And soon, the heroes arrived.

* * *

A crowd had formed around the hotel as more than dozens of ambulances could be seen.

Officials who appeared to be from broadcasting stations were filming the scene from afar.

— We’re live from the scene of the terrorist attack in Lake City. All terrorists have been subdued, and now comes the task of rescuing the people inside the hotel…

All of the victims who were kidnapped at the venue were able to leave the hotel safely.

“Have you seen a boy with black hair and purple eyes?”

Eugene asked the rescuer who was covering him with blankets. The rescuer gave him a gentle smile and reassured him.

“Were you separated from your family? Don’t worry too much. If we find him, we’ll definitely bring him here.”

Then because the rescue task was still ongoing, she rushed back into the hotel.

‘Why isn’t he coming out yet?’

He continued to closely watch the entrance of the hotel. Countless survivors and bodies covered with a white cloth were carried out.

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However, as the hotel guests were rescued one by one, the appearance of the boy he was looking for was nowhere to be found.

‘No way…he didn’t die, did he?’

He suddenly felt anxious. But he shook his head and shook away the thought.

‘It can’t be.’

The moment the boy killed the terrorists and saved him, he could feel it instinctively. That he was of the same kind as himself.

Someone who was blessed by the sword. A martial genius born once in a thousand year.

It was clear that he had the same cursed talent as himself.

In this world where there are only idiots, he was the only one who could understand him.

He’ll definitely survive and help him with his great mission. That’s why he even lent him the pendant.

At that moment, he saw a boy walking out with a big woman.

‘As expected! There’s no way he’ll die that easily.’

Eugene forced himself to hold back his smile and approached the boy.

“You were alive.”

“Oh, Eugene.”

As if there was a very fierce battle, the boy’s face was stained with blood.

Fortunately, at least, the boy wasn’t dressed as shamelessly as before. He didn’t know where he had gotten it, but he was now wearing sportswear with a cute wolf character on it.

“Huhu, you kept your promise. I knew you would come back safely. All right, give me back the pendant.”

“Okay. Here.”

The boy obediently returned the pendant to him. Eugene widened his eyes at the appearance of the pendent.

‘As expected, this guy…’

Their eyes met. Even with such a treasure in the boy’s hands, he didn’t think of running away with it. He was the right person to be his first knight.

Eugene hung the pendant on his neck, which had felt empty for a while.

And…Unknowingly, he sensed something amiss.


Eugene looked closely at the pendant around his neck.

‘This, was the color normally this dark?’

He shouldn’t be saying this to his family heirloom…but why does it look so cheap?

Looking closely at the pendant, Eugene suddenly shouted.

“Hey! Why are you giving me a fake?”


He suddenly began to get angry.

“I almost died while fighting because I trusted what you said.”

“N-no…t-this can’t be…”

Obviously, his mother had said that it has the function to prevent attacks in moments of crisis…

His eyes shook as if there was an earthquake.

“What do you mean no?! Are you saying that I’m lying right now?”

“I-I’m sorry.”

If the boy’s words are true, then it was the same as blaming something out of his control. He truly felt ashamed of himself.

However, the boy generously forgave him for his mistake.

“Huu…Never mind. I’ll put up with it this time.”

“T-thank you.”

Such a fact made him feel very shameful. His face turned red and he lowered his head.

“But…Didn’t you say you had something to say to me?”


In fact, after getting the pendant back, he wanted to create a better image of himself…But he thought that was out of the question now.

Eugene hesitated for a while before straightening his posture.

Then he spoke in a dignified and elegant manner.

“I’m Eugene Crohart, the one who has inherited the blood of the royal family of the Crohart Empire. And…Someday, I’ll return to the Crohart Empire and take back my place.”

Despite Eugene’s words, the boy didn’t look very surprised. He continued.

“I think highly of you. So be my knight and help me. Once I ascend to the throne again, I promise you wealth and honor.”

After finishing his speech, Eugene looked at the boy. He was just frowning without saying anything.

Then after a while, the boy spoke firmly.

“Sorry. I think that’s going to be a little difficult.”


Eugene endured the loss of strength in his legs and forced himself to stand.

Well, what kind of knight would want to devote his loyalty to a monarch like himself who had nothing? Thinking of his situation again made him depressed.

“I-Is that so…? It can’t be helped. In fact, I just asked out of courtesy, so don’t worry too much.”

If he had been in the boy’s shoes, he might have given the same answer.

Eugene’s straight shoulders drooped.

At that moment, the boy spoke again.

“Well, I’m not saying I won’t do it. I’ll try to help you someday when the time comes. I’m a little weak right now.”


Is that so?! Was it something like that?!

How could the boy think that he still wasn’t good enough to serve the monarch? The boy was indeed worthy of being his knight!

The corners of his mouth kept twitching shamelessly.

“Oh! M-make sure to keep that promise! And this is a sign of our promise, so always carry it around!

Eugene took off the magic bracelet he was wearing.

It was his family treasure that he had decided would be given to his first knight someday.

The boy looked here and there at the bracelet, then he soon smiled brightly and grabbed Eugene’s hand.

“As expected! You were a good friend! Thank you, I’ll use it well!”

“Huh? Huh?”

And after taking the bracelet, the boy disappeared somewhere. Eugene stared blankly at the boy’s back and reflected on what he had said.


Somehow it didn’t sound so bad. He was already starting to look forward to the day they met again.

* * *

I checked the effect of the bracelet I had received from Eugene.

Classification: Accessories

Grade: B

Description: A bracelet made by the court wizard of the Crohart Empire for a large knight. (If you have this bracelet, you can do escort missions…)

*Transforms to fit the body.

*Noise from movements reduced.

* – Assimilate into the surrounding for up to 10 minutes [1/1] (24 hours recharge cycle).

It was a bracelet specialized for infiltration. Without this, I was thinking that I wanted to have a skill related to hiding, but a perfect thing just came into my hands.

“As expected, the punk was a good person.”

So what if he’s gay. It’s not good to discriminate against people.

I should add that punk back to my list of friends in my heart. I wore the bracelet he had given me.

Items and rewards were coming in smoothly. Strangely, I was really lucky today.

By the way…

I didn’t know this kind of challenge would pop up.

[Challenge – The Emperor’s Illegitimate Child (Chain Quest).]

Condition: Save the Emperor’s illegitimate child ‘Eugene Crohart.’

Period: 20 years.

Reward: 1x Random Box (Unique), x1 Unknown.

The moment he was talking nonsense, a message suddenly appeared in front of me.

A Challenge that gave as much as a unique box and an unknown reward.

How high was the difficulty level that the time limit was 20 years?

If I compare it to the Challenge last time that was related to Elizabeth, even though it was only a three month time limit, didn’t I almost die?

In addition, this challenge was the fucking ‘save’ type. Honestly, I didn’t even want to look at it.

Well, it’s out of my league anyway, so let’s think about it later.

As soon as I thought that, I heard someone’s very nervous voice.

“N-Noah? Do you have a moment?”

Looking back, it was the nursery teacher who had escorted me today. What does she want?


Then she asked me in a very polite tone.

“S-since today’s sponsorship became like this, I’m thinking of going back to the nursery…What about you?”


Come to think of it, today’s sponsorship event had been ruined.

What should I do now?

I wanted to wash my identity this time, but since this has happened, should I just go back to House of Flowers again?

“We’ll provide the best sponsorship for Noah soon, so why don’t you hang out with your friends and wait a few weeks? Haha, I’ll move your room to the best place.”

The teacher bent down and rubbed her hands.

Certainly, as the teacher had said, there was no particular way now. But it was annoying to go back.

Hmm…What should I do?

After standing here and thinking for a while, an old man suddenly approached me.

“Choi Noah, thank you so much…Because of the situation earlier you had to see my ugly side…I owe you my life!”

I looked at the old man. Before, when I was trying to do the Challenge, he had asked me to stay and protect him.

“Hmm. Seeing that you’re here, it seems you were here to find a sponsor…If you don’t mind, how about becoming my son? I’m this kind of person.”

At the same time, he handed over his business card.

He was a big shot who runs an art gallery in downtown Pyongyang. And he had a first-class citizenship card.


The highest grade ordinary citizens can rise to was first-class, so it was a very good offer.

“I spent my whole life alone without any family, but I guess this was all to meet Choi Noah. Hoho.”

He doesn’t have a family?

“Grandpa, how old are you?”

“I’m 96 years old this year.”

He looks vigorous for his age, but he must be near his end.

I guess it’ll be okay?

As soon as I was about to make my decision, again, someone began to hurry toward me.

She was dressed like a medieval maid of a noble. I didn’t see her at the venue earlier.

It seemed to be one of the scouts who were monitoring the venue elsewhere.

“I saw Choi Noah’s righteous performance. Why don’t you come to our family? There are many children of the same age as Choi Noah. Wouldn’t it be better to have siblings than to spend time alone?”

What the woman said to me was similar to what the old man had said.

The woman who introduced herself as a nanny of a prestigious family quickly poured out words.

Then the old man next to her began to speak over her.

And after that, several people appeared around me and began to talk.

“Hello! I’m a member of Neo Pyongyang’s Institute for the Gifted…”

“Let me tell you about my family’s 100 years of history and tradition…”

“Hehe…what a beautiful child. Do you want to come with mister…”

First-class citizens, prestigious families, and public institutions all spoke over one another.

And I can see Kim Taehee standing from afar beyond the crowd. She had the face of a large dog abandoned by its owner.

In the midst of the commotion, after much consideration, I made a decision.

As expected, the old man from earlier would be good.

It was unlikely that I would get a status above the first-class citizenship card anyway, and if I can hold out, I may be able to pocket all the assets.

There were some other big shots too, but since I didn’t have the inheritance rights, it would be more advantageous to lay the foundation here.

I grabbed the old man’s arm and spoke.

“As expected, I want to live with this grandpa. Grandpa! I’ll be a good son from now on, so let’s get along well together.”

“T-thank you. Let’s have a wonderful life together.”

The old man’s wrinkled eyes became red and tears welled up. Grabbing the old man, I tried to escape the crowd.

At that moment, along with a powerful mana wave, a girl’s voice was heard from the sky.


When I raised my head, a girl who looked like a middle school student was flying this way on a broom.

The people who saw it began to speak noisily.

“I-isn’t she the A-class hero Kid Witch?”

“Why is Lady Fortune here of all places…I heard she was in seclusion.”

As Lady Fortune landed on the ground, people moved out of the way and a path was made between the crowds.

She followed the path and slowly walked toward me.

“That…what was it? Sponsorship? Anyway, I’ll participate in it too.”

I slowly observed the girl.

She didn’t really look great to me. As others have said, she was an A-class hero and she definitely felt strong, but I didn’t understand why people were bending backwards like this.

Finally standing in front of me, she fixed her big cone hat and spoke.

“I was watching you on my way here…To sum up, you’re looking for a sponsor to raise you?”


“I roughly understand your personality. So I’ll be straightforward. If you come with me, you’ll be able to enjoy the position and rights of a noble from now on.”

Ah, this girl was a noble.

Only then did I understand the people’s attitudes.

Noble. Top privileged class that substantially dominated the world.

It was nothing like the Namgung clan who ran a company. It was an incomparable real giant. She continued.

“And if one day I die, I’ll hand over all the assets I have now to you.”

And then she gave me her bank account. I accepted it.

I secretly looked at it, but there were too many zeros to read.

While I admired it, the old man next to me bravely protested.

“N-no! How can this be possible? Even if you’re a noble, we have already decided to become a family! Don’t try to deceive him with money.”

I told my grandpa.

“Grandpa, I’m sorry. Thinking it over, I think this side is better. Can you move aside so that we can talk for a moment?”


The old man left with a look full of betrayal. Then I asked the witch in front of me.

“But…Nuna, what will I have to do once I’m your son? It can’t be that there are no strings attached?”

Then the witch covered her mouth and smiled quietly.

“As expected…You were that kind of person. I’m liking you more and more.”

She summoned an old piece of paper into the air with magic. It was a magic contract. And the contract contained the part of handing over the property she had mentioned earlier, as well as other benefits.

“You don’t really have anything to do. All you have to do is live in the same house as me for the next 10 years, and basically, I won’t interfere with what you do. So, will you accept my offer?”


I read the contract carefully. There was no poisonous clause.

Rather, a contract that is unilaterally advantageous to me.

There’s really nothing to lose?

Become a noble, take all the money, and on top of that, if we live together for 10 years, everything will come into my hands…

I don’t know what this girl’s intentions are, but I’m grateful. I looked at her and spoke.

“Okay. I look forward to your kind cooperation. Stepmom!”

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“Huhu. I like that blunt attitude. I look forward to your kind cooperation. Son.”

After signing the contract, we shook hands. Like that, I gained a second mother in my life.

But…I’m not sure how long I can go with a mother this time.

== Translator’s Note ==

1. Please report any typos, grammatical/spelling errors, sentences you find weird, and other etc…in the comment section.

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