Villain VS Hero

Chapter 2: Chapter-2 Darkness’ Descent.

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A week later, Nate opened his eyes to the sound of alarms blaring and the sound of rumbling. "Alarm! sectors five to ten are under attack! all available units are to defend the areas immediately!" Said a man through the speakers. "Shit, guess I shouldn't really have slept through the week... Page! get me out of this cell!" Nate commanded. "Understood master, unlocking safety measures and overriding commands now." Page answered as the cell's glass door opened while the liquids dispersed and fell onto the deep floor below, good thing Nate didn't slip along with them. "Alert master, chances of survivability in your current state are forty to fifty percent. Are you sure you wish to leave the safety of the cell? this is action is not advisable." Page advised Nate as he stood up and walked towards the door and onto the bridge.

"If I wanted to survive, chances are this cell will fall and I'll be crushed under piles of rubble." Nate said to Page. "Understood master, I'll take note of your observations." Nate rolled his eyes. "Please do..."

Nate crossed the bridge as the shaking became severely violent, but due to him being deep inside the prison the shaking wasn't as severe as the ones outside. Stepping into a wide hallway, Nate turned to his right to see a massive portion of the wall destroyed and a large hole in its place. "I know I already said this plenty of times but shit... who the fuck is attacking this place anyway? the world's governments?" Nate thought to himself as he walked towards the edge of the broken portion of the hallway. "Holy...! what the hell is all this!?" Nate watched as green soldiers fought against hordes of costumed people in flashy attires, all of which were villains with nearly identical powers. "Master, threat level appears to have increased; would you like to activate ACM now?" Page asked while Nate immediately nodded eagerly.

"Alright, beginning Advanced Combat Mode now." Nate felt a surge of strength course through his entire body, he felt much lighter than before. "Alright, let's get started!" Nate said as he leaped towards danger without fear, his mental training back on Earth paid off in his time of need, even though he didn't know many forms of martial arts, Nate knew the basics.

Just as Nate landed on the prison grounds, the once violent clash between soldiers and villains stopped. "It appears they have ceased all violent actions master." Said Page, but this time Nate heard the voice behind him instead of in his head. "Page?" Nate asked as he turned his head to looked behind him, only to see a white mannequin in a white cloak and clothing.

Faceless and featureless, the mannequin turned to look at Nate before nodding. "Yes master, it is I, Page. Is something wrong?" Page asked with a tilted head. "Nothing, just knock those guys out. Don't kill them." Page nodded and followed his master's command, completely understanding what Nate meant as he looked at his targets before rushing to attack in a blink of an eye. "They will be disposed of." Page said as he attacked every villain in sight, leaving Nate standing there to watch.

But as Nate watched the fight between Page and the villains, he was attacked by a familiar ally turned enemy. "What!? impossible! h-how are you still alive!?" Nate recognized the masked man beside him as he easily blocked the blade that tried to pierce his neck. A random nobody that was just so irredeemable, so much so that even his name was not included for the development of the plot, a mere sacrifice that Nate recognized as disposable. "Piece of shit! I'm taking no chances! you're dying today!" With a burst of bloodlust, the masked man quickly dashed a hundred feet back as white armor formed around Nate. "Y-You... you're really not going to kill me, right?" The masked man asked nervously, his knees trembling, and eyes shaking.

A being similar to White was before the masked man, however the key difference was the bloodlust. Nate used his incredible speed to grab the masked man by the throat before slowly squeezing the life from him. "On the contrary dickhead, I will."

Nate suddenly crushed the masked man's neck in an instant, there was no way he'd leave this crazy person alive to kill him later. He either chose to let the man live to kill another day or he dies, the choice was simple, Nate chose to live.

"H-He killed him! I can't believe Dark actually killed a man!" Said one of the soldiers. "He barely even flinched!" Said another. Nate let go of the corpse before coldly looking at it for a moment. "On second thought, yeah... I don't regret it." Nate walked towards the now destroyed metal gate of the prison before calling Page who was finished dealing with the remaining villains. "Page." Nate called out. "Yes master?" Page responded as he appeared behind Nate.

"How'd you get that body anyway?" Nate asked, "I split from your body of course, master." Page responded. "Alright... then could you return back please; I need you in my head rather than separated from me." Page nodded and proceeded to merge with Nate. And after a few seconds Page was back inside Nate's head once more, but nothing changed. Nate then realized that there were the soldiers that witnessed him killing the man, he immediately ordered Page to wipe the memories of the soldiers as to not ruin the current image of Dark. "Page, could you wipe the memories of everyone who saw me? if yes do it now." Nate ordered as Page complied. "Right away master, erasing their memories... please hold..." Page responded to Nate's command.

One by one the soldiers dropped like flies; their memories wiped of the horrible scene of Dark brutally killing a nameless villain without a shred of remorse. "Hooh...! glad that's over." Nate said to himself as his armor dispersed. Nate then walked towards the exit and towards the even gruesome battlefield outside the prison's walls. "Look! it's Dark!" A soldier shouted.

Nate turned to White who was on the at the center of the battle, busy dealing with a powerful group of costumed villains who were less flashy than the other ones around them. Ignoring the chaos, Nate walked towards White with confidence, somehow nothing managed to hit him while this chaos continued to ensue after hours on end. "Dark! what are you doing here? you shouldn't-" White's concerns were cut off by a powerful blast of lighting as he was sent flying towards the direction behind him.

"Silence White! I will have a discussion with Dark!" A man shrouded in a purple cloak and fancy attire walked towards Nate with open arms before bowing a few feet away. "If it isn't Dark, the ruler of Black City, a pity it had to be destroyed..." Nate barely reacted and merely stared at the villain before him, the silent gaze sent shivers down the man's spine instantly.

"Huh... so even taunts no longer work on you..." The man turned from a cocky prick, into a wary and intimidated one in seconds as he spoke in a more respectful tone to Nate. "Very well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Specter, and I'm the previous enforcer of Black City, though you may not remember my name due to the dishonorable discharge..."

Nate listened to Specter's story as he explained for a few minutes while the battles still raged on, and after a while he finally stopped. "Hmm... you really have changed Dark, you're not usually this silent and this patient to listen to my stupid story... so who the hell are you anyway? you're definitely dark, that I'm sure..." Rain soon poured heavily on the battlefield below, the sun slowly rose from the east as the two stood there, staring at each other. "Dark... what the hell did Argo do to you?"

Nate took a hit to the chest; blood was slowly pouring out of the wound where a metal needle struck Nate's body. To Nate's surprise he barely felt anything but an itchy feeling, he looked down before pulling the needle out of his chest then looked at Specter who stood there shocked and confused. "That wasn't one of my plans... I swear."

"Page... go get me the jackass that tried to do that stupid trick." Nate commanded as Page separated from his body, shocking Specter who watched as a mannequin with clothes formed and separated from Nate's back. Page then leaped towards the air and flew towards the direction where the attack came from, leaving Nate alone with Specter. "Good thing nobody else noticed that..." Nate said to himself before looking back, there, White stared at him with confusion all over his body.

Nate then watched as Whight walked towards him, the battle slowly coming to a close as the sun was now above the horizon. "Dark..." Whight said as he stood in front of Nate who nodded. "Who was that... person...?" 

Nate remained silent while White analyzed the situation. "Ahh... I see your voice wasn't healed in the process due to the attack, but we'll find a way to fix that for you..." White turned to Specter, "I will have words with you later." White turned back to Nate. "Let me take a look at that wound... it looks rather severe." Nate sat on the ground while White knelt and checked on Nate's wound. "It pierced through... but I think I should be able to heal this quickly..." White said as he used some sort of power that immediately healed Nate's massive wound, all while somehow also repairing the suit that Nate wore and what kept him alive in the first place. A rather very convenient skill for someone weak.

Once Nate was fully healed, Page returned with an incapacitated body that looked like one of Specter's men. White turned to Page before looking at the man he brought with him. "Specter, I assume this was one of your doings?" White asked Specter but he crossed his arms and refuted White's suspicion. "None of my men were outside the prison, I sent every last one within the prison grounds. Those were the ones that remained loyal to me, the rest didn't participate... that man is not one of mine."

Nate immediately looked at Page, "Get back inside." Page nodded and did as Nate ordered. No matter how many times Specter saw this happen in movies and other videos it made him shiver in disgust and fear altogether.

"White!" Dell shouted as she ran towards the three, followed by Frost who was close behind her. "Dell, is everything over?" White asked as he turned towards the two. "Yeah, everyone's accounted for. Except for one..." Dell said as she turned towards Specter. "Alright..." Specter surrendered as he raised his hands. "You win, you win... if I only knew that he'd really be on your side I would've stopped this before it'd happened. I'll take the same treatment as everyone else..." 

"Good to know that Specter..." Dell said to Specter before cuffing his hands behind his back. "Come on Frost, let's show our guest his room." Dell said to Frost who stopped to think for a moment before following her into the prison.

Nate then watched the three disappear into the prison. White was quick in taking Nate towards a nearby medical room where multiple heroes with healing abilities were waiting, placing Nate on a fairly comfortable bed made for injured patients. "I-It's Dark and White! ...I-I can't believe it! it's an honor to meet the two of you!" A female nurse said while bowing with the other nurses. "Yes, yes, please treat Dark, he needs the HDS Serum..." Nate raised an eyebrow, how the hell did White get a hold of the HDS Serum? shouldn't that be heavily guarded in his fortress? maybe he got the weaker version? whatever it might have been, White seemed to be using the serum for Nate's very wellbeing.

"R-Right away..." One of the female nurses said before getting a vial with red contents contained within. "Here sir." The nurse said before giving the vial to White. "Good work." White said to the nurse. "W-What? n-no! it's an honor to be treating the legendary Dark..." The nurse said before bowing again and then quickly leaving the room with the other nurses.

Nate then looked at the serum that White held as he inspected it. "It is the only HDS Serum that we properly replicated, please remain still..." White said to Nate before placing the vial on an advanced syringe that looked twice as intimidating as the original ones that were around the room and looked twice as painful due to it being fairly larger and reinforced.

White injected the contents of the vial into Nate's suit by the neck before safely and slowly removing it. "Hmm...? it didn't hurt as worse as I thought it would..." Nate thought to himself as White waited for something to happen, but to his surprise and disappointment there was nothing. "Hmm... the effect of the serum appears to be null, but that was the only one available... I'm sorry Dark, but we'll need to wait for another two years before we get our hands on another." White said disappointingly.

"No shit White, you're never going to get your hands on my stash!" Nate said to White. "Stay here for now, I'll be preparing your suit for the hero ceremony. Please take your time to heal and call me whenever you need something."  Nate stared at White as he left the room, meanwhile Nate became confused by the side that even he didn't know White had.

"Are White and Dark really not blood relatives? I don't remember putting that on Dark's description..." Nate said to himself while two other heroes entered the room. "Wow... I can't believe I'm placed as the same team as Dark...!" 

Nate turned towards the arriving duo to see what they looked like. "Ah, hi, hello I'm Zippy! The Mechanic." Said the nervous girl with brown skin, brown hair and green eyes in a strange black armor. "And I am Zylo, The Silver Dragon." Said a lizard-like man with green scales for skin, red bloodshot eyes and golden spikes for hair in what appeared to be his half-draconic form. "WHO IN THE FUCK ARE THESE MANIACS!?" Nate screamed in his mind as the two approached him.

"W-We're one of your teammates who will be joining you from now on... and I would like to say I'm a huge fan of yours Dark." Zippy said childishly as she held her own blushing cheeks. "Enough Zippy, you are confusing Dark with your childish behavior... may I remind you that HE is our superior? please take not of what White tells you." 

Nate felt his eye twitch for a moment, and there he knew he was going to die because of these idiots. "I'm going to die, aren't I?" Page responded with an appropriate and proper response. "Chances of death are less than one percent master. You are the strongest being in this world at the current time, though your skills and abilities are heavily restricted."

"That's not what I... never mind..." Nate said to Page. Nate looked at the two heroes who were conversing with each other before looking at the window on the left side of the room. Many reporters were already filming his every move and were waving their hands towards him. "I'm definitely going to die here..." Nate said despairingly, nearly all hopes of survival was lost. But in sheer luck Nate felt a surge of energy pulse through his body, however he also felt something watching him from afar, another assassin perhaps? Nate would never have known if he never went to check for himself. But still, the remaining time he had was near infinite, looking at the lamp hanging from the ceiling, Nate remembered that his character was immortal, no eating or the need for any form of sustenance. But so does White and the other powerful heroes and villains. Still though, there was something off about all this reincarnation thing into another world, or inside a game world, then again, he knew the game better than even the admins of it. Including the DLCs and other small to major updates of Kingdom Empires.

But just as his guard was down, a burst of light appeared behind Nate, as if someone was waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. "Well Dark... I never expected you to switch sides so easily..." A deep voice said behind Nate, the two heroes in front of him trembled in fear, not even able to prepare themselves for a fight against whoever appeared in front of them.

"Hmm... I sense no emotion from you Dark, not a shred of anger or annoyance." Said the voice behind Nate. "Why don't we put my theory to the test... if you really are Darkness, Oblivion." Nate felt a hand grab him by the shoulder before he was quickly thrown out the medical room and through the roof into the sky a hundred feet up. Looking down while slowly falling, Nate saw a silhouette of what appeared to be an identical copy of White's armor, except it was colored black. "Sonofabitch! that's Fallen Heart! The King of Cards!" Nate said to himself, he would definitely have been screwed if it were not the fact that he knew all the tricks and moves that Heart would make, every last one.

Hitting the ground like a rock against dust, Nate created a powerful shockwave upon impact. "Ugh... that stung a little..." Nate said to himself as he remained in the same place he landed. "HA! so the mighty really have fallen!" Another voice said out loud, this time Nate recognized it, the cocky and arrogant Clone, yet another mere worm that will be disposed of for the sake of the story, another that Nate had spared during his pacifist playthrough. "THIS PIECE OF SHIT...!" Nate stared directly at the other costumed man, his once white and arrogant face turned even whiter as his blue eyes turned grey, and his black hair withered and fell from his head. Death was coming for him. A violent burst of bloodlust was released from the location where Nate was located, and from the smoke a black armored man stood. Clone recognized the being before him, it was none other than Darkness Oblivion, his superior and eternal master. "S-Spare me!"

"No mercy..." The being before him replied. At blinding speeds Clone was turned into a splat of red paste on the floor, all the while extreme amounts of fear were flooding Heart's entire body, his instincts screamed and nearly forced him to run for his pathetic life. But to his relief and surprise, the same body he threw was still on the ground where it landed, if the monster in front of him was Dark? then who was the person lying on the ground? "T-This... this is unexpected..." 

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Clone tried to escape; however, his cape was grabbed by Dark, and he was slammed towards the hard ground. Most of Clone's bones shattered upon impact, leaving him disoriented and in a severely weakened state. "How pathetic..." Dark taunted.

"You..." Clone coughed out massive amounts of blood as his helmet cracked revealing his bleeding bloodshot eye. "You're not Dark are you...?" Dark paused for a moment before answering. "Not the one you know..." Dark then took out a black sword before stabbing Clone's chest, but before the sword hits its mark, Nate, stopped the attack from connecting with one hand. "What!?" Dark said before looking at Nate. "Asshole, you're not killing him today." Nate punched Dark, sending him flying towards the prison's walls. "I-Incredible!!! two Darks are fighting each other! could this be the fight of the century!?" Said a made reporter who, despite seeing the brutality of the second Dark, looked and narrated with amazement and awe in his eyes. "YOU DARE!?" Dark said before getting up from his current position and walking towards Nate who merely stood relaxed. "Page, care to explain who the hell is this guy? I don't quite remember creating a clone program?"

"Affirmative master, that is indeed Dark, however he is merely a fraction of your power. Would you like to unlock more?" Page explained to Nate, but after considering the amount of pain he might feel if he fought against this Dark in his current state he nodded. "Understood master, unlocking sealed points. Power now at twenty percent, would you like to begin?" Nate stared at the approaching Dark before nodding again. "Alright Page, get to it!" Page followed. "Understood, master."

A burst of power surged around Nate's body, shaking the very ground that everyone present stepped on. "You will not defy me!" Dark said to Nate. However, unlike the villains he beat the crap out of, the one in front of him was now a hero, and a superior one at that, far superior compared to him over a hundred thousand times. He felt like an insect compared to Nate.

Nate rushed towards Dark and twice the speed, overpowering him in mere seconds. Strike after strike Dark was sent back for as many feet as there was available for him until he was sent crashing towards the wall behind him. Nate took hesitation in immediately killing the impostor, at least to him the man before him was. "Die! you ugly motherfucker!"

But once Nate's fist connected to the imposter's face, the world around him began to distort. And as if he'd hit a glass wall, Dark shattered into pieces along with the wall. "What the...?" Nate took a few steps back; his surroundings were now completely new to him. "Welcome Nate..." He heard a woman's voice call out to him from behind. "Who-" Nate was silenced by the woman's finger on his lips, even though he had a face, he could not see it, as if he was wearing a mask. "Hush... I'm no enemy." The woman said to Nate, looking closer, the woman looked like an angel, or an idol at that. With pure white skin, diamond eyes and golden hair in a white gown she almost seduced Nate with her looks, if only he wasn't a hater of arrogant women that is, then she would have succeeded in doing so. "Who are you exactly?" Nate asked the woman as she removed her finger from his mouth. "I am Ciel, the woman who would be your guide..." She said politely with a bow.

"What a surprise! I DON'T CARE!" Nate shouted at the woman named Ciel before punching her on the stomach, but to his second surprise she limped over and fell on the grass that Nate didn't even notice he was also standing on. "Oh shit, you're not a goddess, are you?" Nate asked as Ciel recollected herself before standing back up to face Nate with an injured smile.

"Well yes..." Ciel coughed before continuing. "I am merely a feeble lady who wishes to form a contract with you Nate..." She coughed a second time. "You see, I am in a bit of a pickle as you would call it." Nate interjected. "Wait, how'd you know my name?" Nate asked Ciel who eagerly answered. "Simple! I was your mother in your previous life!" Nate's eyes shrank as he knew that the incredibly stupid thing he just did was beyond stupidity. "Oh... well fuck." Ciel gave a heartwarming hug to Nate as she comforted him. "Not to worry, this is merely my mortal form." Nate returned the hug as they both embraced each other comfortably before letting go a moment later. "Wait a minute, um... mom?" Ciel tilted her head. "Hmm?" Nate then continued. "What exactly was your concern anyway?" Ciel raised her hands before happily explaining to Nate in a childish manner. "Why you of course!" Nate almost felt more idiotic for even asking the damn question.

"You see Nate, when you died horribly... my heart sank like an anchor on a deep ocean. However, to make amends for not being able to protect you, I sent your soul into one of your favorite games! I even created entire worlds with the identical settings to match your needs" Ciel elaborated. "Wow... now I really feel like an ungrateful shit piece of a child for punching you in the gut." Ciel placed her hands on Nate's cheeks, somehow managing to get passed the helmet's glass layer before gently squeezing them. "Oh, don't worry about it." Ciel pouted. "You're my little baby boy. My sweet... little sunshine." 

If Nate had a gun, he would shoot himself immediately without regret, or even fall into a volcano if only he knew his mom never wanted any of that to happen to him. "Uh... so...? what was the thing you wanted to do when you sent me here?" Nate asked his mom in a very respectful manner. Ciel let go of Nate's cheeks before grabbing his hands and holding them for a moment.  "I just wanted to ask for a little bit of help." Ciel asked a little nervously. "Well... I still don't fully trust you, but I'll do whatever you say." Nate said with a bit of shame. "You don't have to do it you know?" Ciel pouted again as she crossed her arms. "Well, I'll do it anyway. What's the problem?" Nate asked, "Well... if it isn't much of a bother, I'd like you to find some crystals for me." Ciel answered, surprising Nate as his mind went blank for a brief moment.

"Crystals...?" Nate asked with a tilted head. "Glass shards that float you dummy!" Ciel said to Nate as she placed her hands on her hips. "...I still don't follow." Nate said before adjusting his neck. "Well, you'll find them eventually."

Ciel then held Nate's arms before looking straight at his eyes. "So, are you going to do it? it's for fixing your world you know?" Nate nodded before answering. "Yeah, yeah... is there anything else you want me to find? and how do I bring it to you anyway?" Ciel placed her right hand on Nate's chest while lowering the other, a bright light flashed before quickly disappearing as she lowered her arm. "I don't want it to be a bother you on your adventures, but could you also find me some items as well?" Nate sighed. "Course! but what do they look like?" Ciel smiled again and answered. "Don't worry, they also float like the crystals. And remember, you're the only one that could see them, whenever you get near one of these items and gems, they'll be automatically absorbed inside your body. That's just how easy it is!" Ciel explained in great detail as she jumped multiple times before stopping, and it that time Nate noticed that his mom wore no footwear but kept silent as to not disturb his mother's moment of joy. "So... I guess I'm off then." Nate said his goodbye, but Ciel still wasn't quite done talking to him.

"Oh! and I'll also be sending your favorite characters to go along with you!" Ciel said before swiping her hand in the air. "Wait WHAT?" Nate asked in surprise as he tried to deny his mother's command, but it was too late. "Have a great adventure!"

Everything soon turned to white as Nate disappeared into the void, his mission just got a bit more complicated, but the help was greatly appreciated. However, Nate wondered who his mother sent to help him. Little did Nate knew; he was soon going to find out just how many Ciel sent to help him in his little adventure, but explaining it to them was the worst.
























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