Villain with netori system

Chapter 44: 43. Mirage

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Max was thinking at the lighting speed, In a fraction of a second, there were multiple ways to save the situation.

Like, He can stand up first to open a door but that would not work because Dash was already ready to go open a door, Other was he pretending to see nothing but that would make them suspicious of him and will rise their guard against him again. Max didn't want to use Geass until it was the only option left. 

'That's It'

In the last moments, Max concludes with the optimal solution for the problem. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket under the dining table and pretended that he was looking at something important on it, He has to duck to look at the phone making him unable to see anything in front of him. 

"Hello, uncle Lucius huh-"

As Max expected Dash forgot that he was here and used super-speed to open the door. When everyone realise what happens, everyone turned their heads towards Max at lightning speed.

Violet was cursing Dash in her mind, She didn't want to end everything just like this, She was anxious but not as anxious as Helen. For some reason, she didn't want to leave Max in his condition. She wanted to show how it feels like to be loved by someone, She didn't know why she wanted to do that for Max but she has this urge to do it. Because of this, She was the first one to react but when she saw Max was not even looking at them she heaved a sigh of relief. 

Subconsciously her sight shifted towards his phone. In which was displaying the photo of a happy couple with a baby in their hand. She looked at the photo then at Max, looking at the expressions on his face she has a solid guess who might be these people in the photo.

Although Max looking at his phone his attention was on his surroundings, After seeing that Helen is fallen for his trick, He quickly changed the tab from photos to the messaging app, Where there were lots of unread messages pending to be viewed.

Seeing his actions Helen couldn't help to have more sympathy for him. To comfort him She put her hands on his from under the table. Seeing her this action Max laughed in his mind. 

'This is called killing two birds with one stone.'

Max said in his mind, Not only he avoided disaster but he also increased her affection for him. Max knows that no matter what trick he used at the time he couldn't escape from Helen's sharp instinct, So he chose to use this trick because no matter how powerful and sharp she is, as a woman she is very vulnerable to the emotional attack.

"Oh sorry I don't want to be rude but I thought there was some important message."

After Helen put her hand on his, he acted surprised as if he just come back from a very deep memory then he pretended to sense everyone's gaze on him, He looked up and quickly apologizes hurriedly not letting them have any chance to think about the situation.

"No, it's Okay Max you don't have to apologize, just don't space out like that, If something is bothering you feel free to tell me."

Helen is the one who was first to speak, She didn't want Max to blame himself after seeing what was he doing on his phone. Violet also heaved a sigh of relief. She really thought her dream would be crushed by her stupid brother.

"Forget about it, let's go, Lucius."

Bob didn't care about this, He picked up his jacket and was ready to go outside with Lucius.

"Where are you going this late."

Helen was already annoyed with him and now he outright ignored her and wanted to run away, She felt very disrespectful.

"Today is Wednesday honey."

Bob didn't stop on his track, he just answered her while dragging Lucius outside of the house.

"Bowling night"

Helen now understand where he was going but this is still not enough to calm her down.

"Bye Helen"

Lucius might sense that Helen was angry but he doesn't have the strength to stop Bob, So he can only say this to her.

"Just say my hi to honey Lucius."

Helen was angry at Bob not at Lucius, So She didn't blame him for it. After that, both of them run out of the house.

"Come on kids finish your dinner and go to bed it is getting late now."

After this encounter, she doesn't have the mood to eat anymore. 

"Okay mom"

"Okay mom"

Seeing that Helen was not in a good mood, Both Violet and Dash didn't want to provoke her, They quickly finished their dinner and run back to their bedroom, Although Violet wanted to spend time with Max but she was more afraid of making her mom angry, So she goes back to her room without any resistance. It's not that she give up but it's unnecessary to provoke her mother, She has other ways to spend time with Max.

"You are not going?"

Helen looked at Max who was still seating in his seat. She was afraid in her current mood she will go to lash out at Max, She didn't want hurt Max's feelings, Thats why she didn't want Max to be present here.

Max didn't answer her but he pick up his plates from the table and put it on the kitchen sink. Then he got behind her and put his hands on her shoulder and started massaging it.

At first, Helen was startled by his actions but when the pleasure of this massage kicked in, her body got relaxed at once, All the stress she builds up went away immediately, Even her anger calmed down a lot.

"Ahaa uhmm ahaa"

Because of the pleasure, she couldn't help but to moan but she who lost in the comfort didn't notice it.

When Max sees that he knows this is the right time to attack to break her defenses. He didn't want to go directly to the main course but it didn't hurt tasting a starter first.

"Thank you for your support earlier auntie" 

Max said in his seductive voice, This sends shivers through Helen a whole body, This for her who was now become vulnerable because of pleasure was a fatal move. Her body starts to tremble under this newfound sensation. At this moment she didn't have any strength to think what Max said she only know that her body wanted to feel this sensation. 

Max who was the culprit of this has a sly smile on his face. He slowly start using more and more advanced techniques. He was holding back a lot on his skills he didn't want to end this quickly.

"Are you feeling comfortable auntie?" 

Max said this in her ear with his charming seductive voice. This makes her even more excited, She was reaching her peak from this simple massage, Because she did not have any physical relationship for months, Her current condition was as if a water dam which going to break any second.

"Ahh uhmmm Ahh uhm,- Huh?"

Helen reached her peak, She was just a moment away from getting her long-lost pleasure but at the last moment, Max let go of her and turned towards the kitchen sink.

"Auntie I help you with these plates."

Max acted as if he did notice her changes and simply wanted to help her. Helen in the other and was couldn't figure out what was happening, She was still in the trance, She was feeling very lost at this moment making her annoyed again.

"No need Max I can do it alone, You should go to sleep."

She sounded a little annoyed and angry when she said this, She was feeling very empty inside at this moment. She just wanted to be alone to calm herself down.

Max didn't respond to her but take the soap from the side and move ahead to wash dishes.

"Wait Max let me wash them, You.....Can wipe them dry if you wanted."

She snatched soap from Max's hand and go on to wash the dishes. She didn't know why she let Max stay, In her mind, two voices were fighting on this matter, one being reasonable and wanting Nax to leave and the other was willfully wanting to experience that feeling again. In the end, she let Max decide whether to stay or not.

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How could Max let this opportunity go? He already decided to break her defense today. Although he wanted to wait for time being before proceeding she was too charming to wait for that long, Even if he not going to last base he can be a fool around for time being.

"Okay Auntie"

Max replied to her casually, He wanted to move the left side of her because it will be easy to wipe the dishes. So he moved towards her left side,  Max was going from behind her, and because of the small space in the kitchen, their body rubbed at each other. Helen felt her body was electrocuted upon his touch. Her body was already sensitive from before and because of this she became even more restless.

"Auntie are you okay?"

Max looked at the pink blush on her face and suddenly he wanted to tease her, It's rare to see someone like her act this way.  So after saying that he stretch pit his hand and put it on her forehead to check.

"Huh? No No I am fine, Don't worry about it"

Helen's thoughts were in chaos, Lust was taking over her thoughts. There was still a voice in her head that reminded her about her being married and it's wrong what she is feeling for a boy at close to her daughter's age but that is overshadowed by her primal desire. She didn't resist Max's touch. Seeing this Max knows that he can push her more.

"Hum, Max can you don't call me auntie? This makes me feel like I am too old."

Helen didn't know where it come from but every time Max call her auntie she feel very unease. No woman liked to be constantly reminded of her age. She looked at Max to say this and "coincidentally" Max was also looking at her. 

Both of their gazes meet each other, Helen was surprised looking at Max's eyes. She didn't notice it before but looking at this closely his eyes have some otherworldly charm, They were as dark as a starry night with a little bit of flicker in them from time to time. They are so enchanting that she lost herself in them, It's hard for her to take her eyes away from it, The more she looks at it the more she wanted to look at it. She didn't know it but her affection for Max also increased second by second, After all his skills are working fine on her.

"You are not old, You are very beautiful...huh-"

Max didn't break the eye contact, It's best for him if her affection increases but he still has to act according to his character, So he answered her but stopped not knowing what to call her.

"You can call me Helen When we were alone... Do you think I am beautiful? I know I am old-"

Helen's affection is increased, So it's normal to say this and it is even more likely to say it in her current state. 

"No! you are beautiful and very attractive...Helen"

Max tells the truth, If she is not attractive he will not work this hard to get her, he can just use his skill to get her, Well what I can say, is he is not that picky.

"Really? I am attractive?'

Helen didn't mind Max cutting her off in mid-sentence rather she liked me, How quick he was to give his answer. She also felt happy hearing Nax calling her name affectionately. When Bob started to ignore her and refuse her advances she started to lose her confidence. She felt like she was not attractive anymore because of that Bob refused to sleep with her. But now after hearing from Max's mouth who is as beautiful as celestial, She gained back her confidence a little. 

"Can you say that again?" 

Unconsciously she was getting closer to Max inch by inch, She didn't realize this and even if she did she was not in a condition to care about it. Pleasure mixed with guilt gives her a different kind of feeling that she never felt before. She was afraid if this go on like this she might become addicted to it but she still wanted herself to emerge in it. Bob's negligence was also a major factor in her current state. She was holding back herself for months, It's quite good considering her wild nature. 

"You are beautiful Helen"

Max's charming voice reverberates in her eyes. This voice was so enchanting that even her soul enchanted. After hearing him say she is beautiful she was about to lose it. She was in frenzy.

When Max sees that knows this is the right time If he missed now and she comes out in her frenzy she will going to keep her distance from him. So without wasting any more time he landed his lips on her soft lips. Helen got surprised by this action but after initial resistance, she also started responding to him.

Their kiss was started slowly tasting each of their parts, salivating every moment of their kiss but this changed quickly when their hands started wandering on each other body's. Their soft kiss turned into a fierce one. 

"Uhh Ahem uhh"

Max rained down her with kisses, her nape, her shoulders, Then he again moved to her lips while his hands reached to her chest. This time however he used his ecstasy hands making her pleasure jump at once, She was closed to cum but again Max stopped at the last movement and moved his hands on her ass. She wanted to tell Max to continue but because of her remaining shame, she couldn't able to bring herself to say that, She just give Max an annoyed look and started to enjoy his kisses and hand moments. Max couldn't get enough of that look, He decided to do this more often, So both of the parties can be satisfied, He gets to have his fun and she can get the best orgasm after holding it that long. He snaps out of his daydream and puts his attention on her again.

Max was cupping her big ass, Just as he imagined it, It was incredible, There was the perfect balance between firmness and softness. When Max put his hands on it, It felt like his hands were sinking in it, even when he was told it from above her trousers but it didn't feel saggy at all because they had elasticity, No matter much Max cupped and make it in different shape they will always come back to their original place and fun was that they even jiggle.

Both Max and Helen were in the heat. Max has to reluctantly let go of her ass to give attention to her other sensitive spots. Helen, not on the other hand couldn't wait anymore, Just as she was about to tell Max to move on to the next part a phone ring interrupt her. 

*Ringgrrrn* *Ringgrrrrn*

She jumped as someone stepped on her tail, She quickly let go of Max and started adjusting her clothes before she picked up the phone. Max did the same and acted awkwardly. 

"Hello hello, is someone there? Is this a blank call?"

Helen's voice was very low because she was in fear and panic but after not receiving any answer she calmed down a little and cut the call, Then she turned to look at Max. 

Silence, the Whole hall was filled with awkward silence. Neither did Max nor Helen speak first. Helen was nervous to speak and Max was enjoying every second of her being nervous.



Helen finally gathered the courage to speak but Max and her speech at the same time made her speechless again, Of course, it was intentional on Max part, It's not like he wanted to watch her suffer more but he has to act accordingly to his personality in Helen's eye. Well, there was a small part of him that wanted to see it.

"Listen, Max, What just happen that- you know"

Helen wanted quickly to save the situation here, she didn't want Bob to find out about this because not only it will make it her a terrible wife and mom but that would also going to hurt Max a lot, She knows how he can be when he is angry.  She didn't want Max to get punished for her mistake, She as an adult should have known not to go this forward with him, She who deserves to be punished for her actions, not him. 

"Haha no it's okay here-Auntie, Well look at that I still had some stuff to do, Bye has a good night."

Max said awkwardly to her and quickly chose to escape before she had time to reply.

"Max wait-"

When she heard Max calling her Auntie her heart dropped, Even though she knows this is wrong but she felt sad, She called him but he was already before she react. She feels guilty now not only because she kissed another person who is not her husband but also for Max, He already has too much trauma and baggage and she is just another problem to this confused teenager. He might be blaming himself for what happened.

"*sigh* I should talk to him properly later."

Helen sighed and go back to the hall to wait for him.

And confused teenager in her mouth was already planning to get into someone's pants right after he left her.

'It would be done by now

Max was seating on the rooftop in the dark. You can see in his field of vision there was a burning building, This is the reason Max do all that in the kitchen room and not go even more further because this scenario is perfect, This way he can spend as much of his time out in night and Helen will not get suspicious of him and even in the current situation will help him increase more of her affection for him, After because of the title effects being halved his cherry-popper title also halved and now it will only gain 2 points of affection every time he cum in them, Thats why he needed solid start.

'Time to take action'

Max saw two figures who were Bob and Lucius jumping out of the burning building holding survivors, Although they had monkey masks on but Max can tell by simply looking at their bodies proportion, It feels odd to him that why not other figures out he is the Mr. Incredible but now is not the time to think of that because Max saw a black car spying on these two. 

Inside a car was seating a silver-haired beautiful. She is Max's target tonight and key to controlling everything from behind.

(A/N: Sorry it took so much time, I had a fever because of a vaccine, I write half of this chapter in a fever so you might find that I explained too much even for me, So I apologize for that.

Thank you for your concern for my father it means a lot to me, Tomorrow is his check-up just hope everything is alright.

In the previous chapter, I forgot to ask "Do you like the new cover?" reader recommend me to just search it online for it and you know in 5 minutes I got this. If you are reading this Thank you. You helped me a lot.

Like always thank you for reading and have a nice day.)

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