
Chapter 7: White Sky, Green Hills

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Adrian's feet hurt. That and his head, pain, and nausea struck his soles and mind each time he took a step towards the camp, and judging by the groans and ow's that erupted out of the other members of the scouting party, they were in a similar if the not worse amount of pain as him. Finally, he and the rest of the party reach the makeshift camp atop a moderately taller hill than the other hills.

The few students in the scouting party mumbling curses at whoever's smart-ass idea it was to put the camp atop a hill came from a few of the scouting party as they lethargically crumbled to the ground tired out of their minds. Adrian fumbled his phone out of his pocket and took notice of the time. 4:27. 8 hours.

They had been walking around for 8 hours in the middle of this god-forsaken place, expecting to find something, but they only found a stabbing pain in their feet. Nausea in Adrian's head began to ring louder making a sick feeling appear in his stomach.

Worriedly the people within the camp gathered in front of our group. The vice principal and principal came out of the group and asked the teachers that had gone on the trip if they found anything. "Nothing," Huffed a PE teacher named Mr. Morales. "It's just miles upon miles of green hills and white sky. And I don't even know how we have light since the white fog should block sunlight."

The vice principal and the principal frowned at each other at the news as restlessness arose from the news. Feeling sicker Adrian barely heard a groan come out of another student that had gone with the scouting party."My best guess is that we got abducted by aliens and we're in some kind of experiment."

The vice principal shook his head when he heard Mr. Morales say his theory. "Do you have how ridiculous that sounds, Adam?" The teacher just shrugged.

"Do you have any better ideas?" The vice principal fell silent about that as some group members started to cry. Suddenly a strong sense of nausea assaulted Adrian sending him over the edge. Bile erupted up his throat as he and the others in the scouting party violently vomited. Waves upon waves of nausea hit Adrian and in between the waves, he could hear a commotion. A burning sensation formed itself in Adrian's chest turning nausea into a harsh pain.

Clenching his stomach, a scream of pain escaped his mouth as tears formed in his eyes from the sheer amount of pain his body released. Heaving out his insides again Adrian curled over before another wave of pain struck him, his mind moved back and forth from falling unconscious. After minutes of this torture, Adrian's slowly sobered only to be splashed by water.

Surprised by the sudden splash he started choking on the water. "Adrian!" A hand shook his back reacting to this he wildly waved his arm in front of him. "Ow! Adrian ye asshole." Adrian just groaned still delirious from the pain and nausea. Slowly he adjusted back to normal massaging his throbbing head to ease the process. 

"What-what happened?" He muttered as the taste of acid made its presence known in his throat. Adrian looked around him confused.           "Rory?" Adrian stared down at the person sitting in front of him. "Wait, what. Rory w-why you in an apron?" Adrian fumbled holding back a laugh. "You looking kinda..." 

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Rory dusted his apron before smiling at Adrian. "Tis Room Service Rory, bitch. Ah, just spent twenty minutes cleaning yer damn sark sa pay up." Rory punches Adrain in the shoulder before handing back Adrian his shirt. "Ow. Dude cut me some slack. I just-what happened actually, I remember feeling nauseous then it's-it's blank." The redhead shrugged, hesitating before speaking "Ye just started vomiting 'n' some other folk tae. Ah think the othe's names wur Angelica, Max, 'n' Mr. Devonport?" Rory counted on is fingers as he said each of their names. "Ye a' just keeked lik' ye wur in pain, after a few minutes ye guy's passed oot, we dragged ye awa' fae th' fankle ya'll made. Ye'r th' first tae wake up though. "

Rory pointed at the camp a couple of meters away from them and the other scouting members who had fainted. At least one person taking one fainted person sitting near the group was another group made of teachers. A low mutter of voices comes from the camp giving Adrian a weird feeling of isolation."Ah volunteered tae keep after ye"Rory puffed out his chest, seemingly proud of himself.

Adrian frowned, the throbbing already subsiding but the feeling of nausea still lingering. "I barley understood half of what you said." Rory's shoulders dropped at that remark. "Aw, thought mah American accent wis getting better" Shame washed over Adrian. scratching his head he quickly tried to appeal to the redhead. "Oh, um, I understood that." Rory shrugged, not really bothered by the comment in the first place. "Ah'll tak' it." Looking at the camp he stood up. "Now that ah think aboot it ah shuid likely tell th' teachers yer awake. Haud on." Rory waved his arms yelling to the group of teachers that Adrian was awake. At that moment the low mutters of the camp turned into a hubbub of noise as people who heard Rory looked in their direction. 

The group of teachers ran to Adrian and Rory, and in front of them led a teacher in her early thirties. The teacher leading the group quickly gave the group some instructions which they quickly executed before looking at Adrian. "Hey, um, you can call me Mrs. Bonicue. I'm the 8th-grade health teacher." The health teacher kneeled in front of them. "Adrian right? Let me check you up real quick." After quickly asking Adrian a few questions, running some small tests, and having some discussions with the group of teachers, Mrs. Bonicue turned to Adrian and shook her head, confused.

She turned to one of the teachers and told him to begin checking on the other people who passed out, looking away from the teacher leading the rest of the group away, she gave Adrian a brief description of what state he was in. 

"Well, you look fine, you sound fine, you act fine, and there are no indicators you came into contact with some virus. I'm actually stumped. I have no clue how you recovered so quickly, or even what made you have such bad gastritis. If you even had that." Mrs. Bonicue sighed before looking at the other scouting members that were still passed out. "Um, For now just rest up, What ever happened to you might pop up again we don't want that to happen, understood young man? Oh, and Rory?" The redhead who had been playing with a pencil looked up at the teacher. "Rory, can you finish telling  him what happened." Rory nodded. After Mrs. Bonicue left for the rest of her group the boys looked at each other before Rory burst out laughing.

"Mon, ye keek lik' a deer in headlights whin she came, mon. Ye just gaed. " Rory mimicked Adrian's stiffness before starting to laugh again, Adrian quickly retorted joining in the fun. "And you got a goofy-ass apron. Looking like you about to say 'Eat your vegetables." Rory just laughed with Adrian following suit. 

Abrutly their warm atmosphere was cut short by a scream. The boys turned their heads in the direction of the scream seeing the group of teachers around what looked like one of the scouting members. "What do you think happened over there?" Adrian early asked Rory who had a frown plastered on his face. "A donno, a'm gonnae go tae check." Rory already standing and jogged over to the group of teachers before peering over one of their shoulders. Suddenly he flinched back, horrified.

At that moment one of the teachers realized Rory's presence and grabbed him and dragged him back to Adrian. "Stay here." She growled before briefly glancing at Adrian and running back to the group who had put a jacket over the body. Some of the teachers even looked pale. "What happened?" Adrian spoke shakenly. "What's going on?" Adrian looked at Rory rubbing his arms. Finally, he looked up and spoke,

"H-he's dead."

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