
Chapter 5: CH 5

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Blossom dragged me along to her mom’s office before busting in the door. I was laughing as she was so excited and I was as well, this could work out great for us.  When we got in the office I saw Mom and Deb already in the office drinking something with Janet.  Well that's Blossom’s mom. 

“Hey Mom, did you know Vince is about to break through to level 4?  Both his Mom and his aunt have already broken through and we are going to form a party.  I told you not to worry about me and I would get a good party.”

I was looking at my Mom and Deb while Blossom said her spill in one breath.  They both had a blush going on which I was confused about, considering I have seen them blushing a lot lately.  

“Blossom, get yourself and Vince a drink and have a seat.  We all need to have a talk that you won’t like.”  Janet had a neutral face on but she kept looking at me.

I sat down on the couch and waited for Blossom to get back into the room and after shutting the door she sat down right next to me with a giddy expression.  I couldn’t help but smile but looking at Mom and Deb I was starting to get worried.

Janet set her cup down and stared at me for a second, “Do you want to tell me and Blossom what you awakened, everything you say will stay between the 4 of us.  I activated the ward on the room so no one will be coming in or listening.”

“Well how much do you know?”  My ears were burning up from embarrassment at the moment.  I had no clue how Blossom was going to react to this.

Janet smiled “Susan and Deb told me how you helped them break through to level 4, even when normal and some slightly expensive potions couldn’t.”

“So its like this, after me and Deb had sex, I unlocked my powers and my powers are based on a woman’s essence.  I have a system of sorts that gives me essence points based on how I make the woman orgasm.  That is also how I level up.  With my points I can get new abilities and skills.  I have unlocked 5 types of elements and have a few abilities to use them but can’t till I level up.  I also have a few skills that enhance my awakened ability.”  This whole time I was looking at the floor and was really pissed at Mom and Deb for selling me out.  

“What skills helped your Susan and Deb?” Janet took another sip after she asked.

“My essence is a cure all type of tonic for whomever I give it to.”  God could this get anymore embarrassing.  I wanted to run and hide, why the fuck did mom and Deb sell me out.  I glared at mom and Deb who looked ashamed when they saw my glare.

“Don’t be mad at them, I had given both of some rather pricey resources in the past to help them but they didn’t work.  We will need to see how much it takes to help people.  We could help a lot of people with your abilities.”

I already knew where this was going from the look in her eyes.  She was starting to drool looking at me.  Not the lustful look I could recognize but one that says I won a jackpot. 

“STOP!! I’m not some fucking plant that you can experiment on or use as you please.  If I had known it would turn out this way I wouldn’t have done anything.  I already see you want to use me for your own gain.”  

I stood up to leave when Blossom grabbed my arm, I was pissed and when I saw her face and she had tears on her face I felt my heart break a little.  “Sorry” was all I could say before glaring at my mom and Deb.  “Thanks you two”. I jerked my arm away from Blossom.  I went and tried to open the door but it was locked and warded.  I turned and stared at Janet

“Are you done being selfish? Do you know how much you could help everyone out?” Janet had a smug look on her face

“Do you think I care?  Do you think I care about the assholes who tried to make my family homeless after my dad died?  Do you think I care about those rich fuckers who bullied me and my sister in school? Or about the rich fucker who raped my sister who got away with it because his family was important?  Do you think I don’t know we would be homeless if not for you getting my mom and Deb jobs and I know it’s only because of Blossom.  Not you, so if anything I only owe Blossom.  So take your crap and shove it.  Now can I go or do you want to rape me and find out if I can make you level?”

The only sound was crying and it was from Blossom, Mom and Deb.  Janet was a bitch and the thought of helping her now just pissed me.  It was at that moment I saw a notification pop up.  New ability has been generated in the system shop, click here to go straight to the new ability.  I focused on the icon and the pop up showed me

Essence steal- 10000 EP

  • Each orgasm the user causes the recipient to have will transfer a percentage of their levels to the host. Recipients will only care about their next orgasm while essence steal is activated.  Recipients will not be able to advance any further without your essence to heal their damaged cores and spirits. (note from system- do them dirty)

I took my handle off the door handle.  I purchased the essence steal and it dropped my total down to 21300.

“So now that I am trapped in here, let me guess you want to see if I can help you break into level 8?” I looked at Blossom, “I know you had no clue your mom was like this.  I still think the world of you so don’t be sad.”  She had stood up and came over and hugged and kissed me.  

Looking at Janet, “are you raping me in front of everyone or you taking me in the back?”

Janet just smiled, “you will be coming with me to my room back here.”

All I could think was this bitch is about to be really mad, specially when I hold her levels hostage.

She took me in the back room and it looked like a second office but it had a bed off to the side. “Strip and get on the bed” was all she said once the door was shut.  I turned and saw she had already stripped.  Her long black hair ran almost down to her ass.  She had muscles all over her body and had the look of a female bodybuilder.  Luckily the thought of getting points from her was enough to get me hard.  

I tossed my clothes on her desk, “You know I will need to cum and make you cum as well so being a bitch is not going to help you any.”

“Do you want me to force a slave seal on you?  Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean I don't have a stack of them in my drawers.  Do you think I won’t take the chance of it killing you?”

“Just bend over the bed and let me do what I want, you get what you want and I get what I want.”  She bent over the bed and wiggled her hairy snatch at me.  I walked over and saw her hairs were wet around her pussy.  I leaned down and spit on her pussy before standing back up and rubbing my dick along her pussy and spread the extra wetness over her hairy snatch.

I put the tip in and I was surprised how tight she was.  Getting the first inch in I then bottomed out into her as hard as I could.  This was by far the tightest pussy I have ever been in.  I pulled back and pushed in again just as hard.  Janet moaned this time and gripped the bed sheets.  I started thrusting faster and harder into her.  She had slowly loosened up a little as I kept slamming into her.  I activated my new ability essence steal, I grabbed her muscled little ass and I squeezed her cheeks hard and felt her tighten up again.  

“Oh Fuck I’m cumming” she yelled. I felt her squeeze my dick even harder than before and then a gush of her fluids covered my dick.  Her eyes were nearly rolled back into her head and I pulled out and she moaned feeling me pull out.  I put the tip into her relaxed asshole and held my dick as I pushed it into her asshole that was trying to fighting back.  If she had been under her own willpower, I would never have made it in, but luckily she was out of her mind enjoying the orgasm and under the abilities' influence.  So after a quick battle, I broke through that tight barrier and shoved myself all the way in.

Slamming into her boney hips and ass wasn’t that enjoyable but the feeling my dick was having was amazing.  It felt as if her sphincter was trying to cut off my dick.  I pulled back and thrusted forward again.  I kept pumping into her as hard as I could.  I felt my balls clench and came so hard.  Her tight ass barely let me cum into her.  It was an interesting feeling to say the least.  When the cum hit her bowels she lost any resistance and came.  I kept pumping into her to milk every drop out.  Finishing with that orgasm I rolled her over and stared at her pretty face.  Her B cup breasts were a bit disappointing.  I started fucking her again.  Her legs lifted on my shoulder as I thrusted into her over and over.  I reached around her legs and grabbed onto her nipples. 

“PULL EM HARD!!” she screamed, shocking me.  This was the first time she talked since we started fucking.  I twisted them and pulled them hard, stretching her tits out.  She came all over me, further lubing my rock hard dick that was destroying her asshole.  I didn’t let up or give her any break, I was going to milk this cash cow.  

Not keeping track of her orgasms I finally felt my third one coming on and pulled out of her now sloppy ass.  I jumped on top of her and shoved my dick in her mouth.  I pushed as far as I could into her mouth entering her throat.  Her choking and tight throat felt amazing.  I started face fucking her before I felt my orgasm hitting me.  I came and it felt amazing.  She started coughing as I came down her throat.  After the first few ropes shot into her throat I pulled out of her mouth and aimed for her face.  With the last few ropes going straight into her eyes.  

I got back down off of her and lined my dick back up and shoved it back into her slightly stretched out asshole.  Even after wrecking it, it was still tight. 

Shoving myself back into her I started pulling on her nipples.  With a thought, seeing how she enjoyed me pulling on her nipples I reached down and pinched her clit really hard between my thumb and index finger.  “AAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!” Janet screamed so loud it hurt my ears.  She pushed me out of her when her legs shot straight out and orgasmed spraying fluid everywhere.  Her legs pushed me a few feet away but even at this range she had still sprayed me.  She was flopping on the bed, looking like a possessed person.

As she was laying there in an unconscious state.  I went to her desk thinking about the slave seals and started digging through her drawers.  I finally found 7 of them in her bottom drawer.  I tossed them in my inventory.  I was keeping a few secrets as not everyone could be trusted or were smart enough to know what to say or not say.

I walked back over to Janet who was still out cold.  I rolled her over on her side and shoved my dick back in her pussy.  My dick had dried up over the past few minutes.  A few thrust was all it took to lube it up again.  I pulled out and pushed back into her rectum.  I inspected her to see what has happened to her so far as I started fucking her again.  She was still a lvl 7 hacker and I couldn’t help but laugh as I kept thrusting into her getting an occasional moan.  I noticed a bar above her head now.  With tick marks in it, I presumed this was her level bar as it was still slightly past her third tick mark.  I had been neglecting this skill.  I checked my status and I was shocked.  I had already broken through to level 4.  I had already earned 73000 EP.  I was going to fuck her till she was a level 7 newb before I stopped ramming her.  I really need to use this skill more often.

The hours went by pretty quickly as I was lost in the pleasure and fun.  Janet was out of her mind and loving every moment of it.  I watched her level bar drop constantly.  It was close to dropping into 6 but I didn’t care,  I needed another orgasm from her to break into level 5.  Eventually she came when I squeezed her clit again.  I saw my level rise again.  I pulled out of her ass and pulled her mouth to my dick before face fucking her one last time.  I smashed her face into my pelvis area over and over before finally cumming.  Pulling out I covered her face and hair in my baby batter.  It is going to take forever for her to get all of my cum out of her hair.

I looked at my system screen and smiled.  I broke into level 5 thanks to Janet.  I would pat her but she is covered in my fluids.  She managed to stay at level 7.

I sat at her desk and closed my eyes to catch my breath and relax.  

[“Wow you work fast, good job. Go to your abilities tab and buy the sex slave ability and use it on her.”] I heard Yang’s voice out of nowhere.


Language - 5000 EP

  • User will need to hear 20 words to understand and speak a language decently,  100 words to pick it up fluently 

Sword expertise -5000 EP

  • Knowledge on the use of all swords.  With practice, mastery will be a given if not lazy

Spear expertise - 5000 EP

  • Knowledge on the use of all spears.  With practice, mastery will be a given if not lazy

Bow expertise - 5000 EP

  • Knowledge on the use of all bows.  With practice, mastery will be a given if not lazy

Plant expertise - 5000 EP

You are reading story Vince at

  • Knowledge on the use of all plants and their uses, must come into contact with plants for knowledge to be obtained.  Get off your ass and travel

Animal expertise - 5000 Ep

  • Knowledge about animals.  Can identify weaknesses and strengths of animals by just looking at them.  Can also identify animals based on signs in environment(must have identified animal previously for exact identification)

Increased regeneration - 5000 EP

  • Wounds and ailments heal at 20 times the normal rate.  A deep cut into meat and bone can heal completely in a day.

Spell Mastery - 20000 EP

  • Learning new spells is a thing of the past, learn a new spell as if you just remembered it after forgetting it from a few years ago


  • Light  - 10000 EP

  • Gravity - 10000 EP

  • Dark - 10000 EP

  • Time - 1000000 EP

Warding - 50000 EP

  • Learning about wards is as easy as pissing into the wind and realizing it was a bad mistake

Alchemy - 50000 EP

  • Learn how to mix different drinks to make the ladies love you even after you dump their ass or heal the knife wound they gave you.  

Understanding Magic- 20000 EP

  • The more time you spend using your elements, the more you understand how they work and how to use them.  Don’t be a sheep and make your own magic


.Basic weapon - 1000 EP

  • Your basic steel weapon

    • Any weapon can be generated for the price

Advanced weapon - 10000 EP

  • Advanced polycarbonate steel weapon, lighter stronger and maintains sharpness a lot longer

    • Any weapon can be generated for the price

Ability based weapons -10000 EP

  • Weapons based on user’s requirements.  Will be given a list of materials that the user will need to collect based on the system’s scan of surroundings.  Scans 100 mile radius 

Meds and misc

Healing potion -50 EP

  • Is the body warm? Did they misplace a limb?  Just pour it down their hatch

Mana Potion -50 EP

  • Aww poor baby ran out of mana?  Pour this down their hatch and they will be shitting mana for days

Defensive potion -50 EP

  • Awww poor thing is scared of boo boos?  Pour this down the hatch to become nearly indestructible (limited one use per week, second tries will have no effect. Last one hour)

Power potion -50 EP

  • Little baby not strong enough to play? Pour this down the hatch to double your power for an hour.  (Once per week only, second use will have no effect) 

Additional slots - 100 EP

  • 1 additional slot in your inventory 

Body Cleanser - 500 EP

  • A tasty drink that will remove harmful toxins that have accumulated in the body (caution- use while body is in running water, Enjoy)

BodyBuilder - 500 EP

  • Pour this bottle into your bath and soak it in, Will help fix any issues in your body and create a perfect foundation, (may experience some discomfort, recommended to have help with you) (recommended after cleansing)

Anti-Poison - 500 EP

  • Cures any poison, taste like poison though


Magic Bomb - 10000 EP (can’t be used till level 4)

  • Creates a magic affinity “bomb” that can be launched at a target.  Upon impact the “bomb” will explode

Magic boost -5000 EP (can’t be used till level 4)

  • Creates a buff on selected target, mana flows faster and spell power output is doubled

Sex Slave - 10000 EP 

  • Break the recipient during sex and turn them into your slave.  Depending on host, the level of freedom will vary for each slave (must be having sex with them during spell use)

Quick Sand Pit -15000 EP Requires Earth and Wind elements

  • A true quicksand pit, turn the earth to sand, then put wind into the lower portion of the sand pit.  When the wind is disturb the air will stop cementing the guest into their last home

Magic Whip - 5000 EP

  • Turn your element into a long lashing weapon to torment your foes

I looked through my shop options and bought the sex slave skill.  I walked back over to Janet who was still whimpering and moaning.  I grabbed her legs and spread them as she laid on her back.  I lined up once again and shoved myself into her, waking her up.  “Oh fuck me more Vince!!!” she yelled at me.  Who was I to disagree with her, I started thrusting into her getting more moans and screams from her. I cast used the ability sex slave on her and felt my dick throb from magic flowing from me to her. 

[Vince, ask her if she wants to be your sex slave now, if she doesn’t say yes threaten to never fuck her again] hearing Yang in my head startled me for a second

I bottomed out in Janet and held myself there and grabbed her nipple pinching it hard.  “Janet do you want to be my sex slave the rest of your life?” I twisted her nipple a bit waiting for a response.  I pulled back and slammed into her again, yanking on her twisted nipple.  “ANSWER ME SLAVE!!!!” I yelled at her.

“YES, OH GOD YES, I want to be your sex slave forever” her pussy contracted.  Her pussy sucked my dick in somehow and it felt amazing.  I felt my mana enter her through my dick and some of hers come back into me.  It felt amazing and made my balls erupt shooting my olympic swimmers into her tunnels.  

A notification popped up stating- Sex Slave Janet level 7 Pro added to new Sex Slave tab.  I looked at Janet to scan her and I was shocked that she made it halfway through the pro section.

[“Yang, how did Janet get so much back?”  “She received your pure mana and quite a lot of it as well boosting her back up to pro.  She is stronger now than when she was maxed at level 7 hacker.  You removed a lot of issues when you removed all of her level 7 as she had taken a lot of things to try and push her into level 8.  With your help, she will be able to easily reach level 9 in a year or quicker if you can keep leveling up like this.”]

I sat in the chair and bought the Understanding Magic skill, I saw it when I bought my slave ability.  This would be great as it didn’t seem like I could buy many spells from the shop.  Fortunately this didn’t cause a headache but felt like I had an “oh duh” moment when it came to magic.

I held up my hand and watched moisture form and start to spin in a circle creating a ball of water.  Once it was the size of my head I stopped the spinning and wanted it to freeze.  The ball froze nearly instantly, making me smile from ear to ear.  This was amazing and I felt giddy all over bouncing in the seat like a little kid.  The frozen water ball started to expand and melt but I left pieces of ice in the water ball.  I flung the now 3 foot ice water ball at Janet to “rinse” her off.


“Get dressed, once dressed lets go greet your daughter and my dumb family.  You are now my slave and you will have me and my loved ones benefits as your top priority.  I expect you to remain the same otherwise.  Your body belongs to me now so you can forget about going elsewhere.”

She pulled some clothes out of nowhere, I had failed to notice the thick ring on her finger.  I figured a vice president of a major guild would have a space ring.  She dressed and opened the door, never cleaning all the white residue that was still on her face and in her hair.

Everyone in the room looked horrible, they all had red eyes and messed up hair.  I walked in the room and the only one who moved was Blossom who ran over to me and hugged me.  I looked at Mom and Deb and they started crying again.  Both looked at me for only a second before hanging their heads in shame.  “Don’t cry Blossom, everything is okay now.  Just don’t be mad at me for what I did to your mom.”

“Why would I be mad at you?  You didn’t kill her and even then I would understand.” She was glaring daggers at her Mom and it dawned on her then that her mother’s face and hair were covered in my face cream.

“Let's sit down, Blossom, we all need to have a long conversation.”  I held Blossom and walked by Deb and my mom without looking at them.  Was I still really mad at them, not really.  Was I pissed they were dumb enough to tell someone about my abilities without my permission, very.  They were going to learn their lesson later.

306300 EP  16150/500000 lvl 5/6 

AN- I will try and do one or two chapters a week

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