Violated in the Morgue

Chapter 1: Violated in the Morgue

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Violated in the Morgue


By Craig Wilson




Freya Høgh, Nineteen-year-old medical student, was in alone the morgue. She wore green scrubs, and cool blue converse trainers. She had her trusty clipboard.

The morgue was in the basement, and indeed quite spooky. It was quite spacious. There were several gurneys, numerous freezers and a cabinet for chemicals. The entire room was dead grey, and it felt isolated from the land of the living.

Freya was five foot six, had lilac eyes, short onyx hair and a 34DD bust.

The morgue drawers opened and a swarm of ghostly hands flooded out.

Freya shrieked as she was surrounded by the ghostly hands.

The ghostly hands crawled inside of Freya’s clothes and fondled her.

Sadly, Freya failed to stop the assault – and she hated that her body reacted.

Suddenly, Freya heard the sound of a buzzing which made the world dissolve.





Freya awakened from her nightmare. She lay in her bed underneath her purple covers. Right now, Freya wore her black pyjamas. She winced. Her right hand was in her pyjama bottoms. Freya realised she’d masturbated in her sleep, and had creamed.

Freya blushed. Yet, she couldn’t remember what she’d dreamt about.

She studied at the University of Blanker, with her friend, Regina Sloth.

Freya cleaned herself up. She changed into her spare pyjama bottoms and panties.

She dumped her other pyjamas into the laundry basket.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Come in,” squeaked Freya.

Regina came in wearing her blue scrubs. She was five feet, had hazel eyes, sable eyes, and rocked a 32D cup. She looked as though she hadn’t slept in years.

Regina beamed, “Hey, Frey; how’s things?”

“Oh, the usual,” Freya squeaked. She twirled her hair.

“Ah, right,” giggled Regina. She shut the door on her way in. She removed her shoes, before lying down on her bed. “Christ, I feel exhausted!”

“I heard you’ve been doing some shifts in the morgue,” said Freya.

“The night shifts... They keep drilling it into my head that a lot of doctors work the graveyard shift, and they make me take down notes for literally everything.”

“Yeah, Doctor Simone thinks I’m not taking the role too seriously,” added Freya. “I hate to sound like a conversational narcissist, but I have to get up really early.”

Just then, an imaginary light bulb appeared above Regina’s head.

Regina asked, “Want to swap shifts with me for a little while?”

“Switch shifts? Will the doctors actually let us do that, though?”

“They should do! I need my bloody beauty sleep! Besides, you told me that you needed extra credit, and doing the night shifts will help.”

“Well, if it’ll get my parents off my back.”

“I’ll ask Doctor Gusher to get our shifts changed.”





Thankfully, Doctor Gusher had come through, and allowed Regina and Freya to temporarily swap shifts. Regina was now to do early mornings, and Freya was to do late nights. The temporary shifts would end after a fortnight.

Freya started her first night-shift. She was given the keys to lock up. It was simple: All she had to do was make sure no one broke in, make sure the chemicals were stored properly, and also make sure the cadavers were in the right place.

Freya wore her green scrubs, and her cool blue converse trainers.

She had a chart with her and her trusty black biro pen.

Freya made sure all of the chemicals were properly stored.

Afterwards, Freya made sure to check every cadaver – in their respected units.

Freya finished the written tasks. She checked her watch, and still had six hours.

Thankfully, she was allowed to bring her backpack with her, and her black thermos. She poured herself a cup of coffee, swallowed it down, and it woke her up.

Finally, when Freya’s shift was over, Regina entered the room.

Regina began, “How was your first night-shift, sweets?”

“Boring as hell,” returned Freya. “I can understand why you don’t like it.”

Freya reached into the pocket of her scrubs. She tossed the keys to Regina.

Luckily, Regina caught the keys, and smiled sweetly.

“I’ll see you back at the dorm, when you’re done,” said Freya.

Freya kissed Regina on the cheek. She left the morgue with her gear.





Freya stumbled back into her and Regina’s dorm room.

She dumped her equipment not too far from the door.

She shut the door and locked up.

Freya removed her shoes and collapsed on her bed.

She set her alarm on her phone.

Freya couldn’t be bothered to get underneath her sheets.

She lay on her back, eyes closed. She slept peacefully.

Freya’s alarm went off. She sat up and turned off her alarm.

When she put her phone back, she checked her scrubs – they were clean.

She changed into her skinny jeans, her T-shirt and her black socks.

Then Regina had returned from the morgue – her shift was done.

Regina changed into a red tracksuit and her fluffy cherry slippers.

Regina heaved a heavy sigh. She lay down on her bed.

Freya spoke, “And how was your shift sweets?”

“Oh, not too bad, honey... It felt less of a burden than the late shift.”

“So, have you any weird dreams because of working in the morgue?”

Regina knitted her brow. “No? Why, have you started to have weird dreams?”

“Well, I’ve been having weird dreams ever since they put me in the morgue... I don’t remember what I dream, but I remember the feeling.”

“Oh aye...? And could you please describe this feeling to me?”

“Like I was having an orgasm, but it didn’t feel like a wet dream?”

Regina knitted her brow. “Could you explain what you mean?”

“Yeah, it felt like something was fucking me while I was asleep...”

“... Weird,” whispered Regina. “I suggest you stop masturbating.”

Freya laughed, “Yeah, I can’t exactly deny that I flick the bean a lot.”

“Shit, you masturbate more than my cousin, Elena,” laughed Regina. “She tells me she’s always masturbating, and always finding some guy to fuck her.”

“Oh aye...? And what’s Elena up to these days, then?”

“She does music in a different university. She and her friends are on about going to a cabin in the woods for the summer – I’d join them, but I’m too bloody busy.”

Freya got up and stretched. “I’m off to get some food.”

“Bring us back some chips, please,” Regina yawned.

Freya smiled sweetly. She closed the door on her way out.





Freya’s next shift had started. She’d hoped to get her stuff done and leave early.

As per usual, Freya had to make sure the metal cupboard was fully stocked. A chemical was missing, though. Freya painstakingly searched every nook and cranny. Finally, she found the chemical in an empty cadaver container. She returned it in no time.

Freya drank some coffee, and checked her phone.

Again, she still had six hours to go. She groaned.

Freya shivered. She felt an unfamiliar chill in the air.

There were rumours that this morgue was haunted.

Freya giggled. She didn’t believe in the paranormal.

Her eyelids felt heavy. She rested her head on her arms. Freya dozed off.

She breathed comfortably in her sleep, and felt like she was in a deep haze.

Freya felt a sudden spark of arousal. It was intoxicating. It was a forbidden feeling she couldn’t resist. She only had sex a few times, and missed the feeling. That’s why she masturbated. However, not even masturbation could replicate the feeling.

She felt her clitoris being rubbed. Her eyes snapped open in alarm.

Freya looked around in panic. She was alone. No one else was in here.

Worried, she checked her scrubs, and there’s nothing out of the ordinary.

She blew air out of her cheeks, and laughed it off.

Freya made sure she had her keys on her, and thankfully, she did.

She checked her mobile phone, and saw that only an hour remained.

Freya whispered, “One hour, and I can finally get some shut eye.”





After her shift, Freya headed straight to her and Regina’s dorm.

She locked the door and made sure to keep her phone on.

Freya changed into her pyjamas, removed her shoes and lay down on her bed.

She exhaled. Freya couldn’t wait for the two weeks to be finished.

Freya was tempted to ask someone to accompany her.

As she slept, her head felt dizzy and the room felt like it was cloaked in fog.

Freya couldn’t get up. She felt pinned down. It felt like she’d been drugged.

Yet, she felt the familiar feeling of stroking all over her body.

Freya gasped and panted. She couldn’t stop whining softly.

She wanted to tell these invisible offenders to stop what they were doing.

Yet, she felt strangely aroused. She unconsciously opened her legs wide.

Her tiny hands gripped the sides of her mattress, and her body trembled.

Freya’s fearful cries were replaced by soft whimpering.

The forbidden feeling was back. It was more intense. It was addicting.

Freya felt a gentle stroking up her inner leg, her inner thigh and pussy.

Instead of a voice of protest, Freya whimpered, softly, and submissively.

Thankfully, Freya’s alarm woke her up, and she sat right up to silence it.

She buried her face within her hands, and took in a deep breath.





When her shift was over and done with, Regina came in the dorm and got changed.

Regina, now in her orange pyjamas, sat on her bed and faced Freya with a smile.

Regina began, “How’re you doing? Did the shift go well last night?”

Freya groaned, “No. I fell asleep, and something weird happened.”

“Something weird happened...? Could you elaborate on that?”

“I thought something had, um, felt me up, and I’ve had a weird dream recently... I was in this room, it felt like the morgue, and it felt like invisible fingers felt me up.”

Regina briefly placed her hand on her mouth. She got her mobile phone, and typed up a text. “I’ve just sent the doc a text, to get our shifts swapped.”

After several minutes, Regina’s phone beeped, and she’d received a text.

“Unfortunately, she says you need to stick it out until the schedule can change.”

“Shit,” Freya cursed. “Okay, I’ll try and stick it out as long as possible.”

Regina beamed, “Good! After all, they’re just nightmares – they can’t hurt you!”

Freya smiled too, and hoped the next shift would fly by.

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Freya was in the morgue. She made sure that every chemical was in its place. She ensured the bodies were in the right place. She’d locked herself inside. She was no longer safe.

Tonight, it seemed as if the entire room was alive.

Freya blamed it on her imagination. She wanted the shift to end.

Then, Freya heard some violent rattling noises.

She looked around and saw the doors to the cadaver cases rattled.

Freya was frozen to the spot. She silenced a gasp with her right hand.

The drawers opened – one after another – and disembodied hands emerged.

As the floating hands approached, Freya opened her mouth and screamed.

Freya ran towards the exit, but a lot of the disembodied hands stopped her in her tracks.

One hand entered her pocket – it stole her keys, unlocked the door and left the morgue.

Freya heard the door close, and it was locked from the other side.

The disembodied hands circled Freya and stroked her.

Fruitlessly, Freya batted at the grey disembodied hands, and screamed.

The hands tore at her work shirt and ripped the fabric to shreds.

Freya’s red bra was exposed. She covered her chest with one arm. She batted the hands with the other. She failed to run away as the hands restricted her movements.

One hand unclipped her bra at the back; the others pulled down the straps and removed it.

Freya’s tits were now exposed. She shrieked. She lost the fight in retrieving her bra.

Next, several hands untied her shoelaces, and removed the laces from her trainers.

The hands grabbed her ankles; they yanked hard and caused Freya to fall.

Freya landed on her back with a loud grunt, and the world spun around.

The hands removed Freya’s converse shoes and socks – uncovering her lovely feet.

The disembodied hands removed her work trousers, and they removed her panties.

Eventually, Freya was totally naked and vulnerable to the caresses of her attackers.

Before she could react, Freya’s arms and legs were pinned down to the floor.

Many of the ghostly hands stroked every inch of her, with their long fingertips.

Freya closed her eyes and clenched her teeth. She unwillingly whimpered.

Freya felt like she was going to pass out. She couldn’t stop the waterworks. She felt a slight pain in her chest. She was frustrated that her body reacted to the illicit touches. Her need for escape had increased tenfold. She trembled beyond her control. Her heart raced in her chest. Her throat felt a little tighter. She found it difficult to breathe. Freya couldn’t help but sweat profusely. Her legs felt like jelly. The morgue felt like it was shrinking.

Freya wasn’t naive. She had been stripped and pinned by disembodied hands. The perverted ghosts caressed every single inch of her. Her body was becoming aroused against her will. She knew these disembodied hands planned on raping her. She was frightened they wouldn’t be satisfied. She was scared the hands wanted to rape her to death. Her nude, dead body would probably be found in the morning. She’d have a smile on her face.

Two of the hands stroked Freya’s lovely bare feet with their long fingers.

Freya giggled unwillingly. The perverted hands stroked her lovely feet.

The foot-loving hands picked up the pace of stroking Freya’s feet.

Freya shook her head with dismay, and her undesirable laughter increased.

The foot-loving hands now tickled every inch of Freya’s feet.

Mouth wide open, Freya laughed, “Oh fuck! Oh no! Please stop tickling me! Stop tickling me, dammit! No! No! No! Please! Have mercy! – Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Stop...! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! – Help! He won’t stop tickling me! Please stop it! Have mercy! – Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

The horny hands showed no mercy. They tickled Freya over and over again mercilessly.

Freya thrashed about. She attempted to kick her legs. She balled her hands into fists. Uncontrollable tears rolled down her cheeks. It really hurt to smile. There was no escape.

Freya giggled, “Stop tickling me! Stop it! Please! Stop it, you bastards! – Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! – Please stop that! Stop it! Stop! – Ha! Ha!

Stop it! Stop it! That tickles! Please stop tickling me! I can’t stop laughing! Help! Someone help me! He’s tickling me! Please stop! Stop tickling me! Stop that! Stop! Please!

Oh fuck! Oh no! Please stop tickling me! Stop tickling me, dammit! No! No! No! Please! Have mercy! – Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! – Stop! Stop that! Please! Please!

Stop...! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! – Help! He won’t stop tickling me! Please stop it! Have mercy! Stop tickling me! Stop it! Please! Stop it, you bastards! Please stop that! Stop...!”

Eventually, the perverted hands had stopped tickling her and allowed her to rest.

Freya lay there. She gasped, whimpered, moaned, and cried uncontrollably.

She panted, “Please... Please... No more... No more... Just...! Let me go!”

Next, two disembodied hands shoved two of their fingers into Freya’s mouth. They stretched her mouth wide open – as if making way for an unwanted guest.

Freya gasped and whimpered for the nightmare to end.

Suddenly, a large, grey ghostly cock entered Freya’s mouth.

The ghostly hands freed Freya’s mouth and vanished.

Freya felt the ghostly cock penetrate her brain, and felt it thrust back and forth.

Then, Freya released an inhuman grunt from the bottom of her lungs.

Freya’s eyes rolled into the back of her skull, and drool dribbled down her chin.

Her arse smacked hard against the floor. She trembled, and her hips bucked. She couldn’t help it. The brain penetration gave her strange orgasmic bliss. Freya moaned incoherently.

An orgasm slammed hard into Freya which had knocked her senseless. She gasped for air – as if she resurfaced – and her mouth formed a capital O. Her brain throbbed hard with a pounding ache. Yet, she had just experienced ecstasy beyond her wildest dreams.

After ejaculating hard, the ghostly dick entered Freya’s brain and delved deeper.

Freya convulsed. She moaned. The world spun like a merry-go-round. She stopped.

Freya opened her eyes, which were now purple. She grinned and giggled.

The disembodied hands helped Freya stand, and she staggered to a gurney.

With caution, Freya climbed onto the gurney and lay down carefully.

Carefully, the disembodied hands fastened straps around her limbs – restraining her completely, and even had her spread-eagled. They fastened a strap over her eyes.

The disembodied hands now gently stroked every single inch of Freya.

Freya whimpered tenderly. She became hornier. Her heart pounded.

Two of the hands massaged her shoulders, gently, working out the knots.

Freya's lips trembled while her body relaxed, and she wept softly.

Two disembodied hands massaged Freya’s feet. They rubbed her heels, then they attended to the arches and balls beneath her toes, and they also massaged every inch of her toes.

Freya opened her mouth wide, and her whimpering groans escaped.

Freya jolted and wept. Something thick and moist had penetrated her anus.

The mysterious anal-invader was a ghostly tongue: It further defied logic by being thicker than a cock. It delved deeper and deeper, within Freya’s arsehole, until it reached its limit.

Gradually, the ghostly tongue slithered backwards and forwards, like a serpent.

Freya's legs quaked. Her hands formed fists again. The girl was completely brainwashed. She wanted these perverted spirits to have their wicked way with her. She needed it.

Freya moaned, “Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Keep going! Keep going! Don’t stop! Yes! Yes! Fuck my arsehole! Fuck my arsehole! Oh shit! Oh crap! Shit!

Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me! Fuck my arsehole! Fuck my arsehole! Fuck my arsehole! Fuck my arsehole! Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me!

I can’t stop crying! I can’t stop crying! This is so fucking hot! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck my arsehole!

Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Give it to me! Give it to me! Give it to me! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Shoot your load in my arse! Shoot your load, baby!

Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, baby. Oh, Christ. Oh, Christ. Oh, Christ. Shoot your load. Shoot your load. Shoot your load. Give me your semen. Give me your semen. Oh, baby. Oh, baby.

Yes! Oh fuck! Oh, Jesus! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Keep going! Keep going! Give it to me! Give it to me! Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Oh yes! Oh yes! I’m gonna orgasm! I’m gonna orgasm!

Freya's body shook with forbidden rapture. Her arse smacked against the gurney, and her hips trembled and bucked. Her head felt light. She was struck by another orgasm.

The disembodied hands decided to play with Freya's breasts: they started from her nipples – they slipped outward, smoothing the chest and using slight pressure.

Freya grinned broadly. She loved having her tits fondled with. She willingly moaned, “Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Please! Please! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

The hands continued slowly touching the circumference of Freya's tits. Then, they lifted Freya's breasts up a little and massaged her tits like moulding clay.

Slowly, the hands used gentle massage movements to twist Freya’s breasts in a clockwise motion – which caused Freya to whimper and moan sensitively. They alternated between the moulding and torsion of Freya's breasts clockwise and counter-clockwise.

Freya whimpered, “Oh shit! Oh, Christ! Oh, Jesus! This is the greatest night of my entire life! Keep going, sweetheart! Don’t stop! I can take it! I need this so goddamn much, babe!

The ghost hands stroked and rubbed Freya’s turgid nipples. They toyed with her nipples, slowly, driving her wild. They gently squeezed Freya’s nipples as if they were milking her.

Unexpectedly, Freya was muted. She felt a disembodied dick go into her mouth.

The disembodied cock moved back and forth, against Freya’s tongue, past her uvula.

Freya helped the disembodied dick – she eagerly sucked it.

Finally, the disembodied cock grew warmer, and ejaculated its sticky cum.

Eagerly, Freya swallowed the slimy ghost sperm.

The ghostly cock left her mouth. Another ghostly cock took its place. The ghost cock wasted no time thrusting back and forth against Freya’s tongue.

Freya didn’t resist. Her head swam around. She even licked the ghost dick, too. Her tongue mainly focused on the bulbous tip – aiding the cock’s ejaculation.

Soon, the disembodied cock grew warm and ejaculated its sticky semen.

Freya slurped and swallowed it greedily, and even purred like a satisfied kitten.

This ghost cock left her mouth, rubbed her lips, and then vanished into thin air.

The ghost hands spread their fingers and thumbs – they continuously massaged Freya’s tits like moulding clay. Ghostly mouths latched onto Freya’s erect nipples and sucked sweetly.

Freya moaned, “Ah! Oh fuck! Oh shit! Yes! Yes! Play with my tits! Play with my tits, Masters! Suck my nipples, Masters! Keep sucking my nipples! Don’t stop! Give it to me!

Freya’s hips bucked and trembled, and her arse cheeks smacked against the gurney. Another orgasm had slammed hard into Freya. Her self-restraint was non-existent.

One ghostly hand used its smallest finger to rub Freya’s belly button, slowly.

Freya whimpered, “Oh God! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Please! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! I’m yours! I’m yours! Give it to me! Give it to me good, Masters! Don’t stop! Oh fuck!

A ghostly tongue licked up her inner thighs, briefly licks her pussy lips, and her thighs. The thick ghostly tongue repeated this pattern, over and over again.

Freya whimpered, “Keep licking! Keep licking! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck!

Make me come! Make me come! I wanna come! I wanna come! Oh fuck! Fuck yes! Oh crap! Oh shit! Oh, Christ! Oh, Jesus! Oh, God! Oh, Masters! Oh, Masters! Yes! Yes!”

Finally, the mysterious tongue licked Freya’s wet pussy; it focused on her clitoris and labia – over and over again – in slow circles, not missing a single inch.

Freya groaned, “Oh fuck! Oh shit! Eat me out! Eat me out! Please! Please!

The horny tongue lovingly licked her clitoris and labia. It drew different shapes.

Eventually, Freya’s body trembled and another orgasm slammed into her. Her hips bucked repeatedly, her arse smacked against the gurney, and she moaned provocatively.

Freya came down from her orgasm – she puffed and panted, and she moaned.

Freya moaned, “Fuck me. Fuck me into a coma. Fuck me hard. I really want it.

Finally, the large tongue entered Freya’s wet pussy and began licking her G-spot.

Freya’s body jolted and shuddered as if she had just been electrocuted. Her mouth opened wide and formed a capital O. Her rapturous moans escaped and deafened the room.

Soon enough, Freya’s trembling body was rocked by another orgasm. Her hips bucked and quivered. Her pussy squirted her orgasmic juices. Her head swam with wonderful ideas.

The large tongue ate her sticky juices out of her love canal, before disappearing.

Finally, a large cock entered Freya’s pussy and it somehow reached Freya’s A-spot. Slowly but surely, the ghostly cock thrust back and forth. It abused Freya’s A-spot.

Freya tightened the walls of her pussy to trap this phantom member. She chanted, “Please don’t stop fucking me! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me long! Oh, hell yeah! I love it!

I might need crutches when you’re done! Don’t stop! This is your pussy! I can handle it! I can it take! I’m your bitch! I am your slut! Do anything you want with me! Yes! Yes! Yes!

God, that feels so good! I can’t believe you’re getting me so wet! Your cock feels amazing inside of me! Oh, I like getting screwed by you! Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

Fuck me! Fuck me! Give it to me! Let me have that! Turn me into your whore! Let me be your bitch! Oh shit! Oh crap! Oh fuck! Fill me up! Fill me up! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh crap!

I want you to come so hard I can feel your dick beating inside me! I want to be fucked to death! Fuck me hard! Fuck my brains out! I’m fucking dripping wet for you! Yes! Yes! Yes!

Pound my little pussy with your big cock! You can do everything to me! Fuck me like your precious whore! Wreck my pussy! Fuck my pussy, sweetheart! I belong to you! Fuck!

I’m all yours! You can have me! I love feeling that big dick of yours! That dick of yours is huge! Don’t let it leave my wet pussy! My pussy feels wet for you! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!”

The ghostly cock shuddered hard as it ejaculated its sticky ectoplasm cum. However, it was still as stiff as a board. It was able to thrust continuously; fucking Freya relentless.

Freya excitedly moaned, “Oh, God! I can feel the sperm! I can feel your sperm, honey! I want more! I want more of your cum! Keep shooting your sperm inside me! I need more!

Harder...! Harder! Harder! Faster! Faster! Faster! You make me so fucking wet! You make me feel like screaming! I love being your slut! I’m your whore! I’m your whore! Yes!

Fuck me with your cock! Treat me like your sex toy, Daddy! You’re perfect for fucking me! Fuck me hard! Fuck me rough! Don’t quit screwing me, babe! Fuck me to death!

Fill me with your semen! Fill me with your spunk! Shoot your entire load in my pussy! Fill me up with your sticky love juices! Fuck me with that fat cock! I want it! I need it!

 “Come on, baby, come on! Make me come! Make me come, baby! Make me squirt! Make me come with your massive cock! Make me come! Please make me come! Make me come!

Ejaculate your semen in my pussy, baby! I want to feel you ejaculate inside me! I want to feel your sperm fill up my pussy. Fill me up! Fill me up so it comes out of my fucking mouth!

Your moans sound so fucking hot! You smell so fucking wonderful! You feel so fucking soft, too! Your cock gives me such pleasure! Please don’t stop! Don’t stop! Please! Please!

I’m your dirty little cum slut! Fuck me so hard that you hospitalize me! Fuck me into a coma! Give me brain damage! Oh shit! Oh crap! Oh Shit! Oh fuck! Oh! Oh crap! Oh yes!

Again, the ghostly dick ejaculated hard – filling Freya’s pussy with more of its sperm. And yet, even after shooting a torrent of its sticky substance, it was still able to thrust.

Freya whined, “Don’t stop! Please keep going! Make me come! Make me squirt hard! Blow my mind! Give it to me, babe!  I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come...!”

She squirted violently. Her arse cheeks smacked hard against the gurney. Her limbs trembled beyond her control. Her body trembled from the aftershock.

 “Oh...! Crap...! Oh...! Fuck...! Oh...! Shit...! Oh...! Masters...! Oh...! Masters...! Oh...! Yes...! Oh...! Yes...! Oh...! Masters...! Thank...! You...! Thank...! You...!

Freya lost consciousness. Her face was the perfect picture of ecstasy. Freya was theirs...





Regina called, “Hello? Freya? Freya? The keys are outside!”

Slowly, Regina unlocked the door and she stepped inside.

Regina silenced a gasp with her hand.

Freya was bound to the gurney, unconscious, and smiling.

Regina ran to Freya. “Freya? Freya? Who did this to you?”

Suddenly, Regina heard a loud bang, and quickly spun around...


The End

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