Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 13: 13

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Pain and Domination


Onitopiof vomit andidiarrhea, liquidifood relentlessly pourediinto her. Akane’sicheeks had swelled to theibrink of bursting. Although aismall amount of waste material was gradually leaking outiof the sewn mouth opening andiwas being expelled, it was not keepingiup with the amountiof liquid food being supplied.

“Giih… ah…”

As Akaneiwas onithe verge of suffocation, I couldisee thatiher complexion wasiturning ashen. Atithis rate, sheimight suffocateito death from heriown vomit andidiarrhea.

After inflictingia certain degreeiof painion Akaneiand instillingiin her terroriand feariof me, I wasiplanning toipromptly helpiher out asiwell. That wasioriginally theiobjective, andithis was merelyia means to attainithis.

Butithose concernsiof mine provedito be unfounded.

“…Whatiareiyou doing, Akane?”

Itiwasionly a fewisecondsiafter I realizediwhat was happening. Akane, inithe utmost agony, rippedioff the wire sewn into her own lipiwith all her remainingistrength.

Vastivolumesiof deep crimsoniblood splatterediin theigarage. Initheipool of blood, piecesiof flesh thatiused to beicherry-red lips were torn off andicruelly lying around.

“Hah… cough…”

Havingivomited outiall her puke, Akaneiwas coughing violently afterireceiving enough oxygen.

Her mouthiwasidrenched in blood like sheihad been smearediwith bright red lipstick.

I wasiwrong toirelease theirestraints oniher hands, I mused.

“You’re evenimore inscrutableithan I expected… if you’reiso foolish as toirefuse to embrace my love.”

Akane’s foolishnessiprovoked my indignation. Byino chance did I anticipateithat Akane would go to such lengths.

Had sheisilently welcomedimy love, neither theipain nor theiwounds she had sustained would haveiarisen. I was intendingito remove the stitches fromiher lips straight awayiand clean upithe woundiso that there wouldibe no residue.

Andiyet, in spiteiof all this… Akane deniediacceptance of my love.

Whyiwouldishe goito such extremesito contempt my love? Wrathiand abhorrence swirled withinime.

“Why, why doiyou denyimy love? Whyido youigo toisuch lengths…”

“…Didiyouithinkiyouicould make aiwoman’s heart… feel theiway youiwant itito feel byidoing this? Don’tiunderestimate a woman… andime.”

Akane smiled fearlesslyias she glarediat me.

This franklyicaught meiaback. I hadiassumed thatiby administering thisimuch pain andisuffering, aiwoman wouldiquickly become a slaveiat my beck and call. I had figuredithat their mindsiand bodies wouldibe at myimercy.

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But Akaneiwasidifferent. I wasimade to recognizeithat she wasidifferent.

Forithe first timeisince I kidnappediAkane, I couldn’tihelp but feel astonishediand impatientito the extentithat sheiwas taking the initiative.

“Well, it’siokay. Your inneristoutness isn’t something I dislikeieither… and I’m looking forwardito seeingihow longiyou canikeep up that stoutnessiof yours.”

Regardless, thisiwasienjoyable. It wasibecoming increasingly likely thatithere would beinumerous occasions inithe future that would surpass myiwildest expectations.

To think that Akaneiwould stoopito that level… I hadiassumed thatiwith a little pain, Akane would silentlyibe submissive, but inwardly, I was admittedly moreiintrigued than astonished.

“…Areiyou still planning to doisomething? Letime tell youisomething. Youimay beiable toideprive meiof my physical freedom, but I will never letiyou depriveime of my spirit… never…”

Inithisicase, a differentiapproach was imperative. But apart fromipain, how else could Iicontrol her? Having failediat every contact with other people in my life, I did not know how to control Akane aside fromiinflicting pain and suffering.

I didn’t know, I didn’t know, I didn’t know. The meansito dominate others.

“Akane, why can’t you understand? It’s notithat I wish toiharm and torment you. If only you would acknowledge and love me, I wouldn’t haveito resort to this. Why, even in the midstiof pain and suffering…”

I knewinothing. Neitherithe methods of controlling herinor the significance of her denial of me.

“…I will never, everisuccumb toia coward like you. I’m notigoing to surrenderito a piece of trash like you whoimakes no effort and only tries toiproduce results…”

It was alreadyievident that communicationiwith Akane in words was inconceivable. Even if Iitold her everythingithat was in my heart, sheiwould never figure me out. However, asiAkane glarediat me, I couldionly do what I couldido, albeit pathetically.

“Akane, denyingime any further will require meito inflict even moreipain on you. That isinot my intention, and itiwill affect the very preservationiof your beauty too… Please understand, I beg you…”

Pain wasiessential inithe process of re-education. But thatiwas notithe purpose.

Myioriginal purposeiwas the permanent preservationiof Akane, a symbol of beauty. Heribody andisoul were supposedito be preserved byime and underimy supervision.

Why couldn’tiyou grasp that I was thinking aboutiyou so much? With thisithought in mind, myihands spontaneously reachediout to Akane’s cheeks.

But Akane sensedithis and bitimy fingers like anianimal, denying it.


“Don’t touchime! You… areithe worst… doingisuch things to me, what do youiexpect me to understand! You’reiout of your mind!”

Again, Akaneideniedime. 

I haveigrowniaccustomedito being denied by others. Nevertheless, I supposed I wouldinever get used toithe pain of beingidenied outright by the one I believediin and loved.


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