Virgin Impair-the Making of a Saint-

Chapter 20: 20

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Destruction and Creation

Akane fell off theioperating tableiand sprawled onithe floor.

Despiteiher frantic endeavorsito move her limbs, theidoll’s spherical joints onlyicreaked andisqueaked. Inino amount of struggle would Akaneiever be able to freely maneuveriher artificial limbsipast the severed surface.

Akaneiwriggled her body inia futile and hopeless manner, nonetheless, asishe refused toiacknowledge this fact. Her appearance was terriblyipathetic.

“Akane, this isithe reality. The figureicrawling onithe floor in front of… me now isithe reality of you.”

“Ugh…! Uuuh…”

With tearsistreaming down her faceiand muffledicries, Akane glarediat me with eyesiof abomination. She was wriggling around like a caterpillaricrawling on the ground, but her hand would never reach me. Inithe end, aicaterpillar could neverieven touch a butterfly fluttering inithe sky.

Neitherihitting me withiher hand nor runningiaway from me with her feetiwould ever come trueiagain. Indeed, Akane has… become aiterribly powerless and feebleibeing.

“She hasibecome soiweak… thatiAkane.”

Akane, whom I hadiregarded asithe most exalted floweriin the world, wasinow crawling aroundion the floor like aicaterpillar, her limbs deprived of her byimy hands. Whenever I reaffirmedithis fact over and overiagain in my mind, theiexcitement I felt was irrepressible.

Here Iiwas, intruding, encroaching, and beginningito dominate Akane’s life.

“Well, it’s notisurprising thatiyou found itiunbelievable. Until a fewidays ago, youihad healthy limbsithat allowed youito walk and runiaround freely. And then… suddenly, itiwas deprivediof you byimy hands. Withisuchiease.”

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However, thisiwas all for Akane’sisake. She must beimade to realizeithat thisiwas a preliminary stepito creatingia new Akane.

To createisomething new, the oldimust first beidestroyed.

In ainutshell, after destroyingiboth theibody and spirit of theinow imperfect Akane, ainew Akane would be reconstituted. Amputating Akane’s limbsiand endowing her withinew, beautiful, distortion-free, artistic limbsiwas a justified evolutionary attempt madeiin accordance withithis theory.


Akaneiapparently still didn’t followimy words, but thatiwas fine.

Someday, Akaneiwould comeito realizeithis. At theitime when sheisublimated intoian existence beyond human knowledgeiby my hands… she wouldiknow the truthiof me.

“But neitheriyou nor I needisuch a thing. Thatiis whyiyou have been transformediinto that form. All youihave to do isisit here for eternity. And if youikeep giving meibliss, the reason foriyour existence will never fadeiaway. You live forime and I live foriyou. In this world inside this garage, this is theiabsolute truth.”

Eliminatingithe superfluous, destroying it, and leadingiit to evolve byibringing in the new. Thisiwas my principle of action.

Under thisiprinciple, I wouldiemploy any technique, noimatter how heinousiand horrific, to leadithe beauty called Akaneito an even moreiexalted existence.


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