
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: You’re Alone and You’re Scared

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Ursula was hidden in the dry grass, a camouflage spell slightly covering her body to deter viewers. However, when she saw Tartok lying there unconscious her fists clenched so hard blood was beginning to seep out of her palms, her breath quickened and she scrambled over to him a pulse of magic flaring in her hand.

Before she could get near him the figure in the cloak grabbed her hand and stopped her, “Stop. You cannot.”

Ursula allowed herself to go limp in the cloaked figures arms, “I’m not going to kill him. I just want to know what he used!”

“We will find out shortly.” They said quietly.

Ursula used her eyes tried to pierce the shadows concealing their face but was unable to do so, she did, however, notice the sword the person was using. It was one she was intensely familiar with, one she had spent cleaning nearly every day for the last three years.

“A-“ she began but was swiftly cut off.

“Don’t. We must move.” The person, now identified as Ursula’s taciturn teacher, said curtly. They picked up Tartok’s unmoving body, hoisted it over their shoulder and started to run away from the industrial district.

“Couldn’t handle an enchanter my ass,” the girl grumbled to herself, and took off after them.

They ran for over thirty minutes avoiding the few people on the road, Axia running slower to allow Ursula to keep up.

Axia led them to a small park which was densely populated with trees and settled Tartok’s body in a small clearing surrounded by tightly packed greenery.

She stripped him of all his belongings, including his clothes, and then conjured a small sheet to cover his crotch for Ursula’s sake. She concentrated some magic into her eyes and looked over his body, removing one more invisible ring from his finger.

She took some handcuffs out of her robe and put them on him, Ursula gave her a questioning look.

“For his magic. Step back and hide now.” Axia commanded.

Ursula followed orders and hid inside one of the nearby bushes and cast her camouflage spell.

The tall woman concentrated for a few moments and a bubble formed around them, blocking the sounds of the forest from reaching them. She then put a hand on his head and with a brief pulse of magic he began to wake.

His eyes fluttered open and then he recognised the figure in front of him.

“HEL-!” He began to shout but Axia quickly punched his face.


“The guards will not stand for this!” He snarled, “When they find me, they will imprison you!”

“Soon they will only find your corpse.” She said flatly.

Tartok’s bat ear’s flattened to his head and he gulped, “What do you want?”

“Why do you potion your students?” She asked emotionlessly.

His eyes widened, “W-What do you mean?” he stammered.

The well-built woman took out her blade and rested it on his neck, “Why do you potion your students?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He said resolutely.

“Very well.”

Axia pulled out the ring she pulled off his hand earlier and laid it flat on her palm. With a thought a gout of white flame burst into existence and enveloped the ring.

“No!” He shouted, “Do you know how many years of research went into that?!”

Axia paused, the ring was smoking but still mostly intact, although the metal was now slightly warped.

“Why do you potion those girls?” She asked once more.

“It’s for their memories!” He half-sobbed half-yelled out, “I steal their ancestral memories for enchanting. It’s how I’ve discovered so much. When they turn ten, they just tell me!”

“Despicable,” Axia’s lip curled in distaste, “How did you choose your targets?”

“I-I usually just picked orphan girls or daughters of women I’ve potioned,” he choked out, “The influence usually happens over a few years. No one notices the changes and when I get what I want I remove it from their system! I’ve been doing it for over eighty years! How did you find out?!”

Ursula burst out of the undergrowth a victorious smile on her face,” Me.”

You.” He spat out, “Of course it was you! I should have never taken on that girl! Too smart for her own good. How she held out for three years I will never know. But you still can’t send me to prison, they’ll never allow it!”

Ursula summoned forth a short blade made of mana, although mostly see through, it made a vicious sound when she gave it a few practice swings, “Who said anything about sending you to prison?”

“Please don’t!” He whined, but Ursula brought her blade to bear, angling it towards his neck, “I swear by the gods if you let me go free I will tell you everything you need to know about the potion. And where hid all my enchanting and alchemy knowledge! I won’t tell a soul and I’ll leave town right now. Just please – please don’t kill me!” He pleaded desperately.

“How do we know you won’t come after us – Sophia included?” Ursula asked menacingly.

“I’ll swear that too! Please!” Tartok shouted, tears streaming down his face.

Axia gave Ursula a slight nod.

Breathing heavily Ursula let the blade dissipate, “I’m sorry Axia but even thinking about killing someone …”

Axia rested a large palm on the girl’s slim shoulders, “You did well.”

Uplifted, but still tired, Ursula sat down heavily onto the forest floor.

Tartok’s eyes widened at the display, “It was a trick?” He asked hollowly.

“Come on. You seriously think a nearly ten-year-old would kill you?” Ursula asked derisively, although her skin paled at the thought.

Tartok opened his mouth to speak but Axia interrupted him, “Swear. Now.”

Head bowed, the sullen bat animan spoke, “I swear by the gods that provided the pair in front of me do not kill me I will furnish them with the information on how to get into all locations within my shop without placing harm towards them-”

“Stop. You could still contact the guards. Reword it.” Axia commanded.

Tartok gritted his teeth, “Without placing them in any harm, directly or indirectly. Furthermore, I will leave town tonight-


“I will leave town as soon as possible and will not harm or divulge any information on the two people in front of me directly or indirectly that may lead to their harm, in addition to their friends and family.”

“I do so swear.” Axia gruffly replied.

Tartok scowled, “There. Happy?”

“Yup,” Ursula replied glibly.

He then told them both about the secret passage into his work room from the back of his shop and how to access his hidden lab. After he finished, he held up his hands, “The cuffs please, and my ring.” he said curtly.

Axia tossed the ring back and then removed the cuffs. The short man juggled the still warm ring for a few seconds before sliding into one of his pockets which soon started to smoke. With a venomous glare he stormed out of the clearing.

Once he was gone Axia withdrew a small thimble like device from her cloak and spoke a few words into it. Ursula tried to use her sharp elven ears to listen in however the words were muffled.

“Come. We must go back. The cure is prepared.” Axia commanded, her alto voice resonating through the area.

Ursula’s brown orbs widened as a bright smile bloomed across of face, “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”




The pair walked in silence back to the orphanage. Although Ursula impatiently rushed ahead every couple of steps in a vain attempt to get her mentor to move faster. By the time they had arrived the sun had fully set, allowing the bitter winter night chill to sweep through the streets of the city.  

“We will speak in full tomorrow. I will take care of Rosalind” The hooded woman said while taking off her cloak.

Ursula nodded and then they both headed inside to the sound of raucous children eating their dinner, Rosalind sitting off to the side a fond smile lighting up her face. She soon spotted the pair as they entered the room and walked over.

“Is everything alright?” She asked her voice full of concern, “Ursula what’s wrong? You look terrible.”

“Rosalind come with me I must speak with you.” Axia interrupted before the girl could say anything.

You are reading story Vivimus at

The matron nodded and they left towards her bedroom.

Ursula quickly ran past them to reach her own room, Eyvor was standing guard out the front. She brightened as Ursula approached.

“Hey Ursula, Soph’s inside. Some cloaked person brought me a vial a while ago and got me to stand watch. I offered to give it to her of course but they said that you would prefer to do it. Is everything okay now?” Eyvor rambled.

“I never asked to be the one…” Ursula let train of thought drop as the small thimble device of her mentor briefly flashed in her mind, “I think everything is going to be,” the girl replied, a relieved smile on her face.

The buxom teen nodded, handed Ursula a small glass vial filled with a bright red liquid, and left the door walking towards the mess hall, her stomach rumbling.

Ursula opened the door to see Sophia looking angelic as she slept on the bed her long blonde hair fanned out beneath her. Upon hearing the creak of the door’s hinges Sophia’s green eyes opened.

“Ursy, you’re back I was so worried. Tartok’s shop got blown up and now he’s just gone!” Sophia shot out.

“I know, Axia was the one that did it – she was so awesome! Anyways, we had to erase your memory of the other day. I’m really sorry about that. But Tartok potioned you to just lose your filter for secrets so that he could steal your ancestral memories when you turned ten – that’s how he had so many inventions by the way–”

Sophia’s eye’s continued to widen as her jaw dropped lower and lower.

“–And then we went to talk to a bald eagle animan, and then he told Axia who wrecked Tartok. And she must belong to some super-secret group with the cloaks and everything!” Ursula concluded with a burst of energy.

Sophia sat there stunned.

Ursula took a few steadying breaths, “It’s so good to get that off my chest Soph. I’ve been wanting to tell you since this whole thing started.”

“I could tell,” Sophia said dryly, but then he fully processed what his friend just said, “Hey you erased my memories!”

Ursula hung her head, “I know. I’m still feeling terrible. But you acting weird around Tartok may have made him do something drastic. I would rather you hate me for removing those memories than you being gone.”

A moment of silence passed as Sophia processed what her friend said.

“I’m not happy Ursy. But I think I understand your perspective. But you owe me.” Sophia said, her voice stern to which Ursula glumly nodded, “Um, did I say anything weird that morning?”

Ursula opened her mouth to answer but shut it soon after.

“No.” She said hoarsely, turning away from Sophia, internally wishing the boy across from her wasn’t potioned while he confessed.

“Oh, shit what did I say?”

“You… you said that you liked pineapple on pizza.” Ursula replied dramatically.

“Oh, fuck you, it belongs there! Just wait, I’m going to invent pizza’s then find something like pineapple just to put it on there!” Sophia ranted, “And if there isn’t, then I’ll make one!”

“You wouldn’t!” Ursula gasped.

Sophia grinned and let out a light giggle, “You’ll never stop me.”

“I think I wi- Oh,” Ursula perked up, and held out the vial, “Here’s the cure for Tartok’s stupid lavender shit.”

In a flash Sophia swiped it out of his friend’s hand and scoffed it down.

“Huh, I don’t really feel anything different.” The boy commented.

“So uh, did he ask you about anything weird?” Ursula asked.

“Nah not really. Mostly if I noticed anything weird happening around me or if you were acting different. Though now that you mention it, I remember complaining a few times that the lavender scent in my room was disappearing. So, I guess when it finally got through to me it all hit me at once making me act weird.” Sophia said thoughtfully.

“Anyways, there is one thing left to do Ursy. And we need to do it right now.” Sophia said with conviction.

Ursula’s brows furrowed, “What do we need to do?”

“You’re gonna give me a hug right now.”

Ursula sat down on the bed and they squeezed each other close relishing in the contact. Ursula, feeling the fatigue from the day’s exertions, allowed herself to fall back onto the bed.

“I’m so glad you’re safe Soph,” Ursula mumbled.

Sophia somehow managed to hug Ursula even tighter and nuzzled into her chest. The soothing warmth of each others body gently lulling both of them to sleep.




They both woke late the next day to their stomachs rumbling. The quickly got dressed and ran downstairs to see if there was any food remaining. Sitting in the tattered wooden mess hall was Rosalind, Axia and Eyvor with two bowls filled with gruel beside them and a sound concealing spell setup around the table. Eyvor was sitting there fidgeting and when she saw the pair her eyes lit up. Sophia strode over oblivious to the upcoming conversation, but Ursula was trudging behind him her head hung low. Sitting down at the table they quickly ate as Rosalind spoke.

“Good morning you two,” She said with a bright smile that turned to a frown upon her next sentence, “Now, I just wanted to apologise for not being there for either of you. I-I should have seen something going wrong over the years.” Axia patted the woman on the shoulder as she stopped for a few moments to dab at her tears.

“It’s alright Rosa, he’d been doing it for a while – at least eighty years. You couldn’t have known.” Ursula said consolingly.

She gathered herself, but her voice was still hoarse, “Nevertheless, I have asked some old colleagues of mine to stop by every now and then to check on all the children – and me – to stop things like that happening in the future.”

“Is there anything we need to do to help?” Sophia asked mid-chew.

Rosalind gave her a watery smile and shook her head, “No, Axia is helping me. But when my friends come by you might be able to learn a thing or two from them.”

Eyvor at this point was shaking in her seat, “Come on. Tell us what happened five years ago!”

Sophia just gaped at her, “What?”

“We got memories from our previous lives,” Ursula stated bluntly, causing Sophia’s jaw to fall even further.

Both Axia and Rosalind simply nodded while Eyvor copied Sophia’s expression.

Eyvor turned to the older women, “You knew about this?”

“It has happened before. Nearly all died to assassination.” Axia explained.

Rosalind nodded, “Yes. Most tried social reformations to prevent slavery, though they were killed by the various slavery rings. Others tried to start a technological revolution which resulted in the same outcome. The remaining were mostly killed or were killed by manamals. Only a few lived to see old age and they did not tell a soul of their changes until their deathbeds.”

“Do you know what happened to the Sophia and Ursula from before you, er – arrived?” Eyvor asked.

“Sorry we were just told that we would arrive when these bodies turned five,” Sophia said apologetically.

“So you just dropped into their bodies without a care in the world? They had their own dreams-“ Eyvor ranted only to be cut off by Rosalind.

“Eyvor you did not know those girls. If you had you would have realised they before they turned five they were merely shells, children just existing for the simple sake of existing. Additionally, I doubt they had any control on where they were placed. Correct?” The matron explained, the duo nodding at her question.

“Oh – I’m sorry you two.” Eyvor apologised which the pair waved off.

“Eyvor. You must promise to keep this quiet.” The Blacksmith master instructed.

“Of course I will. But they’re from another world. Think of all the knowledge they have! What was it like? Did you have it better or worse than here? How did you get here in the first place?” Eyvor asked in a flurry of questions.

“Well act-“ Sophia began but was quickly cut off.

“-No. People have been killed for less Eyvor. The information they hold is too dangerous in even our hands.” Rosalind cautioned as Axia nodded sternly beside her causing Eyvor’s shoulders to slump, “Now run along you two. Unsurprisingly, you both mostly have the next of the month off until school starts so I expect you to actually enjoy it. No practicing okay?”

“I expect you to do your exercises and teach Sophia.” Axia grumbled causing Rosalind to glare at her.

The children ran off towards the outside and as the pair ran out of the door, Rosalind let out a deep sigh.

“Were they shells?” Eyvor asked softly, her hand creeping around Rosalinds’ shoulders for a hug.

“No. But I’m glad the matter has finally been put to rest. Before those two came Ursula and Sophia did not truly exist.” Rosalind said softly

She glanced out the window towards the pair. Sophia gesticulating wildly as he showed a smiling Ursula a new spell, magic flaring around him.

“But now they do.”

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