
Chapter 14: Chapter 14: The Dreams That You Wish Will Come True

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In a single leap the manticore crossed more than half the distance between it and the children, its landing producing a small tremor through the earth. Now that it was this close, they could see the sadistic grin on its face as its human mouth began to liberally slobber onto the ashy earth beneath it.

It readied another leap its eyes shining with manic glee as it did so. But Sophia and Ursula had already reacted. It a flash Ursula conjured a huge ethereal sword and shield, the swords sharpness and the shields durability reinforced by her iron will. She took a step forward and reinforcement magic thrummed through her moderately small but toned frame causing her to glow, and then another step as white hot flames started cascading around her body and sword in a whirlwind.

Sophia was not being idle either, she cast a kinetic conversion barrier around them both, smoothly transitioning into conjuring a recurve bow. As she drew her bow back an arrow appeared on the string humming with magic as the girl layered spell after spell in it.

The manticore leapt up into the sky the claws on its lion feet fully extended.

Sophia took a small breath, held it for a moment and then let it out slowly, focusing all her energy and concentration on the beast before her. When she was completely still, she let the arrow fly from her bow.

It let out a keening noise as it flew like a missile towards the apex of the manticore’s jump, glowing brighter and brighter until it impacted with the beast’s face releasing an explosion of light and sound like a magical flashbang.

Taking advantage of its current state the pair then converted the earth at its landing point into a giant metal spear, its length was littered with barbs and embedded within the centre of its tip was a small hermetic glass sphere holding a few grams of the simplest most explosive, non-radioactive item Sophia knew of – caesium.

Blinded and confused the three tons of almost pure muscle tried to turn its body in the air but its momentum was too great, and its right shoulder collided directly with the spear, provoking a pained groan as it penetrated deep into its flesh.

The manticore growled as it activated its mana reinforcement and tried to push the spear out of its body but the barbs made the task painful and difficult. Using its mana, it compressed the metal which caused the glass sphere within the tip to crack and allow blood to seep in.

The muscles, strengthened by mana, were barely able to withstand such a huge amount of force and with a muffled boom a huge chuck of the beast’s shoulder blew off, the wound instantly cauterizing from the heat. The manticore fell forward as it lost the support of one of its forelegs.

Sophia’s features fell, “How fucking tough is that thing?!” she screamed.

Ursula tightened to grip on her ethereal sword and the vortex of white fire circled faster as she circled the beast and sliced at its back legs. As the blade reached the skin it was simply repelled jarring Ursula's arm.

The manticore still dazed whipped its dragon tail around and caught Ursula right in her stomach. The kinetic conversion barrier absorbed most of the blow before shattering and sending her flying back.

“It has magic resistance! Use physical attacks!” Ursula half shouted, winded from the blow.

Sophia nodded grimly and pulled back her bowstring, conjuring a thin metal arrow with small spines at the tip notched onto the string. She started to layer magic onto the arrow, and it started to lightly glow, sweat standing to drip and steam from her body as she emptied most of her magic.

The manamal finally started to focus its eyes and saw Sophia standing there bow at the ready. The round pupils in its red eyes turned cat like as it prepared to jump out of the way. But Ursula charged in with her shield, the reinforcement magic supplying a much greater force than she could typically exert, straight into its hind leg briefly stunning it.

In that moment of distraction Sophia let loose.

The arrow travelled like a beam of light straight into the right eye of its face, stopping at the bone behind, and lodging itself into its eye.

The beast let out a pained roar as it stumbled back, it tried to use its magic to force the arrow out, but it only caused it to whimper as the spines dug into its flesh.

Sophia conjuring another arrow on her bowstring, almost stumbling as she did so, and pulled her arm back.

The manticore’s single eye narrowed, “I’ll be back,” the manticore spat out, its voice hoarse from pain and disuse, and started to bound back towards its lair, missing Sophia collapsing onto the ground.

“It can talk?!” The girls uttered in surprise.

Ursula dismissed her conjured weapons and ran over to the exhausted girl.

“I take it the arrow didn’t have any caesium in it?” Ursula asked.

Sophia gave her a half-hearted glare, “That single gram took more than half my mana.”

“I know, I’m sorry. That thing was just ridiculous. Come on I’ll get you out of here,” The blacksmiths apprentice said with concern.

Before Ursula could move, she saw small motes of light coalesce into the caped gnomish ancestor of Sophia. He stood there for a moment just staring at them and then turned, cape magnificently flaring as he did so, and started to walk away from them his footsteps leaving small impressions in the blanket of ash covering the floor of the dead forest. Though they were quickly covered up by the slow breeze.

Seeing no other choice, Ursula picked up her partner in a princess carry and followed the small man.




They walked for a few hours with no change in the scenery. By now the few flakes of ash that were carried by the wind started to coat their nude bodies, their perspiration then causing it to smudge onto their skin.

Sophia in Ursula’s strong arms was being gently rocked back and forth. She could feel Ursula’s steady heartbeat resonating through her body as the tall girl's heavy breaths caressed her sensitive skin.

She looked up at Ursula’s stoic face as she marched on through the desolate landscape, and her cheeks flushed a touch before she turned her head away skittishly.

Ursula noticed the movement and looked down at the short girl in her arms, a small blush adorning her cheeks. Her heart warmed and she quickly gave Sophia a quick peck on her rosy cheek.

“W-What was that for?” Sophia asked nervously.

“Oh – just you being you.” Ursula replied with a happy lilt to her voice.

“What did I even do?” The blonde muttered to herself.

Ursula’s sharp ears picked up the muttering and a fond smile adorned her face as she hugged Sophia to her chest a little tighter.

The gnome finally led them to a small outcrop. As the girls crested the hill, they found three of the remaining five ancestors that were supposed to visit them. The slight noise of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh could be heard from behind a large rock that sat to the side of the hill.

The wolf animan was sitting hand-in-hand with Sophia’s cow woman ancestor. While Ursula’s dwarven relative sat off to the side looking up into the black expanse of stars.

The gnomish enchanter finally sat down, gesturing for Ursula, who was still carrying Sophia, to sit as well releasing a small cloud of ash into the air. The gnome relaxed for a moment and then stared intently into Sophia’s eyes.

Suddenly as if she were in her ancestral dreams Sophia heard the small man's voice echo in her head. Each word was disjointed from the next as if plucked from different sentences and strung together, for the words he had not spoken in the lessons he individually pulled each letter forth in her mind. He gave Sophia a few seconds at the end of every sentence to relay the information to Ursula.

“I cannot speak to you directly. But while you are on the fringes of death and I near life, I can influence my memories given to you to circumvent this issue,” his face showed a smug smirk before morphing into one of concern, “the manticore feeds on us echoes drawing in the magic, while we are here, we can only just barely feel the world again and we are very vulnerable.”

“How did it get here?” Sophia asked.

“I don’t know,” the gnome grimaced, “there is something nefarious afoot, it should not be here. The longer it stays the more it corrupts, its malice and hatred has seeped into the land and caused only destruction.” He tried to scoop up some of the ash sitting on the ground but only a few flakes were lifted, “The fog of forgotten ancestors has tried to protect those who come here, but recently the beast has grown strong enough to challenge it.”

“So, what happens now?” Ursula asked fearfully, already expecting what was about to be asked.

He looked imploringly at them both, “Right now you two have a choice. We give you our blessings now and you leave. Or… you try to kill the manticore.”

“I’m sorry but we only got a few lucky hits in, it’s too dangerous.” Ursula said haltingly.

“I know more than most what it is like to take on a battle too large for your size. But you will have help. We can guide your movements and the fog of forgotten ancestors will be able to provide you mana when you enter the battle.” He tried sending persuasively.

“I just don’t think it would be wise. What would happen to us in the world of the living if we were to die here?” Sophia asked, her voice laced with worry.

The gnome remained silent.

Ursula’s dwarven blacksmith ancestor spoke out into Ursula’s mind using the memories, “I would be able to shape the power the manitcore has gathered to provide a boon for you and your companion.”

Having been relayed the information, Sophia sighed and with a tremulous grin she said, “Well I’ve always wanted to be taller…”

Ursula gave her a mock glare, “We both know that would be a complete waste, right?”

“No – it would be well worth it,” Sophia pouted before refocusing her gaze on her small ancestor, “What happens if we don’t do anything?”

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“You two are the most powerful children we’ve seen in many years, we would have little hope of stopping it once you left. It would soon grow to be able to consume the entire plane and ancestors would no longer bestow their knowledge to future generations. My only guess is that whoever has transported it here would then use it somewhere else,” the gnome’s voice echoed in the blonde’s head.

Sophia’s head dropped low, “Fuck – we’re going to have to do this Ursy.”

“Well at least we’re going to get something out of this, and it’s already injured,” Ursula replied, her voice quivering.

“I take no pleasure in asking children to take part in this fight but thank you. Conjure some weapons and then gather your mana, we will set off when you are ready. The beast will wait for us to come, and your mental fatigue will only worsen so best do it quickly.” The gnome smiled thinly, as his voice resonated in Sophia’s head.

After being told the plan Ursula soon conjured a proper sword and shield for herself and then a set of daggers, a bow and a few arrows for Sophia.

“Though they are not nearly the quality that I would usually make it will have to do,” Ursula said glumly.

Sophia stored the arrows along her forearm before she snuggled into her tall friends lap and they both settled in to refill their mana. The quiet sounds of sex still echoing through the area.

A few hours later and the pair were mentally fatigued but fully prepared for action. The gnome stood and walked behind the large rock were the sounds originated from. He returned seconds later rolling his eyes.

It still took a few minutes for the horseman come out from behind the rock and the pair were shown the sight of Sophia’s bunny animan ancestor completely impaled on his dick. Her limbs were slack aside from the occasional twitch; her head lolled to one side with an expression of complete ecstasy on her face. Her pussy lips were spread to their limit around the huge invader only barely allowing a small trickle of sexual fluid to leak out onto the earth below before disappearing. Her stomach was obscenely bulged around the dick with copious amounts of cum inflating her midriff, the flare of his dick could be seen clearly in between her breasts. With rough jerky movements the horseman was simply manhandling the woman and using her to get off.

Sophia’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped, her voice just slipping out “Oh – so I guess that’s porn physics.”

“Yeah Soph, that’s a pretty good example…” Ursula trailed off.

The gnome glared at the horseman who was still casually moving the woman up and down. With a non-audible huff, the horseman grabbed the bunny animan by her waist to speed up his movements. This caused the cum to squirt out of her in pressurized jets in the few milliseconds her lower lips were not taut against the giant horse dick.

Five minutes later she had all the cum squeezed out and he finally sped up his movements to unload one last deluge of semen into her insensate form. The horse animan gently lifted the woman off his dick and laid her on the ground cum oozing out of her very well used pussy before it vanished into the ether.

All of their ancestors surrounded the pair, five standing and one dozing on the floor, and, instead of a shade of themselves splitting off, in a flash they all disappeared fully into their respective great-grandchild.

Almost unbidden the most recent experiences of their new mental companions flashed through the girl’s minds and one thought came to the forefront for both of them.

“Does it really feel that good?”




They began the slow walk back to where they entered the plane. Sophia taking the occasional wistful glance at Ursulas strong arms as she trudged forward in front of her. Soon they arrived at the lush dewy green grass sitting atop a small hill and took a moment to rest.

The pair readied their weapons and set off, as they neared the cave the mist began to gather around them. The deadened silence of the burnt forest got quieter as the wind tapered off and the air became stagnant.

“Help.” The pained yelp of a small child’s voice was weakly carried on the wind, “Please someone help. I-I can’t move. Why am I still here?”

Sophia immediately felt her cow animan ancestor compel her to find the child through the, now dense, mist, and so she did.

“Wha- Soph, stop no!” Ursula shouted desperately.

Sophia ran as fast as she could towards the source of the sound Ursula trailing, but gaining, behind her.

The short girl neared where the noise originated from daggers at the ready, and then she just felt impending doom. She looked up and obscured in the fog was the one-eyed chimera, the blown-out shoulder now fully healed.

With a savage grin it opened its mouth and said in a childlike voice, “Help me,” and then it sprang from its perch.

Ursula ran as hard as she could and when she heard the words her blood went cold, Sophia was only a few meters away from her.

The wolf animan took over, she dove shield outstretched and just barely pushed the small girl away before the beast’s paws slammed into her shield forcing her to tumble tens of meters away, her reinforcement magic unable to prevent her bones from cracking as she let out a guttural groan.

Sophia used the momentum from the push and rolled mid-air while smoothly taking the bow from around her body to land on her feet. An arrow leapt from her forearm as she pulled the string back and settled neatly at the notch.

The manamal seeing the bow at the ready narrowed its eye and lowed its centre of mass. Sophia let the arrow go and the beast closed its eye, the arrow just bouncing off the magically supported skin.

By the time its eye opened Sophia already had another arrow ready, the manticore cautiously took a step forward. Sophia now realised that the upkeep for her mana reinforcement was immediately filled back up.

Right – the fog gives me mana,’ she thought.

With a smug smile she began loading the prepared arrow with a few spells. The manamal seeing its prey distracted lunged forward eye closed.

It was almost too simple to roll out of the way, and as it charged past her, she fired. The arrow split into three, all heading straight for its exposed asshole. Just as they were about to hit the skin a delayed spell went off causing the arrows to let out a brief high pitch whine as the natural rotation of the arrow was amplified a hundred times over forcing them a few centimetres into its bowels.  

Sophia already had another arrow nocked before it let out a pained growl. The human face glared balefully at the source of its major discomfort. Outraged, it inhaled deeply and let loose its thunderous mana infused roar right at her.

Sophia was caught unprepared and blindly let the arrow loose as her hands went up to protect her ears. She saw Ursula stumbling as she continued trying to get up from the powerful blow she received earlier. Seeing her in pain she ran over blood streaming from her ears as she cast her sound protective bubble, it only lasted for a few moments before it was blown away. The blonde hastily recast it and started to pour her mana into the spell, the rate of use far exceeding regeneration.

It was too much however as the roar continued to blast out of the manticores mouth and Sophia collapsed unconscious, her mana spent.

The manticore feeling its greatest threat fall ended the roar and with a victorious smile began to saunter over.

Ursula desperately looked around for anything to help and she saw that the arrow Sophia had blindly fired earlier had sunk deep into its back leg, the manamal oblivious to the pain from the relatively small wound.

She grabbed the bow from Sophia’s limp hands and pulled an arrow from her bracer using mana to harden her arm to allow her to hold it. It only took a few seconds to cast the spell she needed.

The beast was now only a few steps away and seeing the bow ready it used its most successful tactic so far, its roar.

It deeply inhaled, closed its eye, and raised its mouth up to the sky.

Ursula used this moment to strike.

She dropped the bow and grabbed her sword in one hand, a single step was all it took to get within reach for viciously swung her sword through the lower half its mouth chopping it clean off as the mana gathered in its mouth. Stunned the beast tried to backpedal but Ursula pressed forward.

“Block this,” she whispered with quiet vehemence as she grabbed the arrow at its base and rammed it up through its mouth and into its skull.

The manamal stumbled, its one eye glowing red, it had one last moment to glare once more before the delayed spell went off and the arrow tip exploded into fragments inside its head.

It slumped to the ground dead.

Ursula immediately scrambled over to Sophia laying on the ground. Putting her cheek next to the girls open mouth she felt the light movement of air against her cheek. Relieved she lay down next to her and focused on healing her broken arms.

A few minutes later Sophia came conscious immediately wincing from the pain in her bleeding ears. She used her partially filled mana to heal them and then wordlessly began healing Ursula.

The next few minutes passed in a dull haze for the duo as the fog slowly cleared from around them as the body of the manticore started to disperse into mana. Grass began to sprout from the ashy ground as a breeze once more picked up, the cool wind chilling their sweat slicked bodies.

When they were finally finished healing themselves, they sat there hugging as their ancestors floated out from their bodies. They all gratefully nodded as the female dwarf shaped the manticores mana and then pushed it into the pairs chests.

An echo split off of each of them and entered into the children’s bodies and then they burst into thick clouds of mana that floated away. The fog slowly entered back into view and encircled them, edging closer and closer around their tired bodies.

Suddenly they were back in their bed at the orphanage.

Exhausted and sweaty they lay there quietly in the pre-dawn darkness as their eyes began to droop and within seconds, they drifted off to sleep hand-in-hand.

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