
Chapter 19: Chapter 19: When We’re Through

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With a cackle that split her wrinkled face she said, “Has this world been treating you well?”

Ursula immediately shuffled Sophia behind her before coolly replying, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Bah, it’s hard to see but it’s there. I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t met another like you two before.” The old lady croaked, her eyes gaining a far-off look.

“Is that supposed to mean anything to us?” The tall teen asked coldly.

“I suppose not,” The wrinkled old lady chuckled with a wheeze. Her piercing gaze met theirs once more and she gave them an enigmatic smile, “You’ve done us a great service ridding us of that manticore.”

“I don-” Ursula began but Sophia spoke up from behind her and interrupted.

“-You can see magic, can’t you?” She asked, her head poking out from behind Ursula’s toned stomach.

She cackled once more and then took a sip of her tea, leaving the question unanswered.

“It has to be that… I think. Or she has sensors in this tent, but we should’ve felt them, unless you can hide them somehow… But shouldn’t we have felt the mana… unless you can hide that as well…” Sophia mumbled to herself, continuing to spout ideas at a sub-audible level.

Ursula’s gaze turned hard, “What are you going to do with that information?”

The prune like lady took another slow sip of her tea, setting it back down with a light clinking sound. The teens anticipation growing.

“Nothing!” She half-shouted with a maniacal grin, “Those fuddies on the council can suck it for all I care. Assholes.”

“The best we can do is hold you to your word, Madam,” Ursula edged out.

The woman waved her hand dismissively at them.

The duo stood there for a minute waiting as the woman continued to occasionally sip at her tea, the cup never seeming to run out.

“Err, is something supposed to happen?” Sophia asked shyly.

“I’m just enjoying my tea dear,” She explained.

“But just a second ago you said that you didn’t have all day?” The blonde pointed out.


Sophia let out an exasperated huff as the woman brought the cup up to her lips once more.

 “Come on Soph, let’s just go – she’s riling you up,” Ursula muttered angrily as she gently nudged her partner towards the door of the changing room.

“Kids don’t understand the meaning of fun nowadays,” The old lady quietly grumbled before raising her voice, “Take your clothes off.”

“Wha…?” The girls stood there stunned at this abrupt change of pace.

“Can’t make your clothes if you’re wearing ‘em,” the crazy old lady said crabbily.

Sophia glanced up at Ursula who sighed and shallowly nodded.

Sophia peeled back the dress that was almost adhered to her curvaceous heart shaped ass, revealing she had forgone underwear. Ursula’s eyes tracked the movement as inch by inch of tantalising pale soft hairless skin was revealed. Her broad childbearing hips transitioning into a thin waist, her huge full breasts defying gravity and sitting proudly on her chest the nipples and areolas puffing out. When she had finished pulling the dress over her head her face was revealed once more as her blonde hair cascaded around her body coming to a stop at the top of her butt. Her face was cute with a button nose and big full lips, capped off by her vibrant green eyes.

Ursula gulped and she could feel her blood pumping faster as just the sight of her. She continued to stare until she felt something cuff the back of head. Glancing around she couldn’t see anything although the old woman’s upturned lips were slightly visible past the cup of tea at her mouth.

With a moment of hesitation Ursula let go of the cinch holding the dress up, although it did get slightly caught on her shapely ass it eventually fell to the ground. Immediately, like a spring-loaded device, her fully erect horse cock sprung free, extending out from her crotch, completely parallel to the ground and bobbing up and down with her strong heartbeats.

While tall teen was focusing on undressing Sophia took a few lustful glances at Ursula’s body as she unwrapped her chest letting her see her sizeable, but not for her frame, boobs, her nipples were a pale pink colour like a strawberry milkshake. Sophia’s eyes then moved up to her sharp but still slightly rounded features and her warm chocolate brown eyes. All-in-all she looked like a valiant valkyrie – her hairless skin having gained a bronzing from one of her ancestors.

“You can fuck each other later, what do ya want?” She asked snappishly.

“Uh, clothes?” Sophia replied a blush highlighting her cheeks as her eyes darted back towards Ursula’s sizable member.

“Obviously a male in your previous life…” she scoffed and rolled her eyes as she turned expectantly to Ursula.

“Whatever you think is best,” Ursula hedged, “Though we will most likely be adventurers in the future. So, nothing too overboard.”

The woman let off a morose exhale, mumbling “I shouldn’t have expected better from Outworlder’s. Nothing fun nowadays.”

With a resigned expression she clapped her hands, and a veritable army of tape measures flew from the wings of the room and started to measure their bodies. The length of their feet, the legs, the circumference of their boobs, even the distance between their eyes, nothing was left alone as the measuring devices swarmed them.

“Hey, don’t go – Don’t touch – Get out of there!” Sophia blurted out as her breasts were hefted back and forth drawing a quiet moan.

Ursula stoically stood still as she was almost harassed by tape coming close to her intimate places.

The old woman had her eyes closed and appeared to be mumbling something under her breath, her heavily wrinkled face drawn in concentration.

Before they could complain further, the tape measures receded and the old lady spoke once more with a dry chortle, “Now get horny.”

 Sophia’s face went atomic red, “S-Surely you can be serious.” She glanced up at Ursula, “She’s not being serious… right?”

A wicked grin flashed across the old woman’s face, “You think your dick’s going to fit in clothes not designed for it?” She pointed a crooked finger at Ursula, “You think hers is?”

“W-Wh-Wha…” Sophia stood there flabbergasted, “Ursy! Are all girls’ clothes shops like this?! How do they manage? Why do women like shopping?!” She loudly whispered at the tall teen, her eyes pleading for a sane answer.

Ursula looked solemnly at Sophia, a slight twinkle of mischievousness in her eyes, “Yes all clothing shops are like this – including back there are well.”

A look of horror crossed the blondes face before settling into a look of pity, “Ursy it’s alright you can tell me.” She said as she placed a comforting hand on the tall girl’s side.

“Tell you what?”

“That you’re a masochist of course.” The blonde said guilelessly as Ursula started sputtering, “How else could you like this? Wait does that mean that all women are masochists? Wait… Does that mean I’m going to be a masochist?” Sophia started to look at her body in terror as she tentatively pinched her soft skin causing her to jump, “Good – It hurts.”

“I’m not a masochist.” Ursula said hotly, having managed to mostly gather herself.

“As much as this entertains me,” The prune-like woman interrupted, “We must continue with your measurements."

Sophia gently patted Ursula on the arm and mouthed, ‘It’s okay’, to the flustered teen, before turning to the old woman, “What did you need us to do again?”, she asked with a timid smile.

“Get horny,” was the raspy reply.

“I was kind of hoping I misheard her the first time,” Sophia muttered sheepishly to Ursula, “So, uh, do you want me to hit you on the butt or something? I’ve never really done this before.”

“I’m not a masochist! And I’m already erect! Do you need glasses because it’s a bit hard to miss.”

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Sophia said with a sly smile.

Sophia squeaked as Ursula growled and grabbed her close to her front pressing their naked bodies together.

The old lady let out a tired breath and then summoned a book from outside the room, “If you’re going to fuck, please keep my floor clean.” She said simply.

Steam could almost be seen coming out of Sophia’s elfin ears as Ursula held her partner closer to stop her from fainting. In the process of pulling them together Ursula had also sandwiched her long horse dick between them, it sat inside Sophia’s generous cleavage, past the blondes shocked face, stopping at just above the short girl’s head.

Sophia frowned, “Even her bloody dick is taller than me.” Although soon the musky aroma of Ursula’s cock flesh invaded her senses. Her face flushed and her breathing came quicker, she could feel the heat pooling in her gut as fluid trickled down her legs, already forming a small puddle on the floor. Her mind in a haze she opened her full lips and began to tilt her head towards Ursula’s pulsating rod.

With a loud clap the woman shut her book, shocking Sophia out of her trance.

“That didn’t take long at all,” She commented with a grin, “Now unwrap yourselves so I can make the measurement.”

Ursula let out a disappointed groan as Sophia shyly stepped back.

The tape measures flew out again, although this time they were much more subdued, gently taking the measurements and keeping a respectful distance.

“You’re a bit bigger than last time,” Sophia mumbled.

“I haven’t – you know – been able to relieve myself since then, it hurt too much to move and then when I tried…” Ursula replied at a whisper, her face warm.

“Even then this seems, a little too big… Normally they don’t grow much after the first week.” Sophia explained her cheeks dusted in pink.

"Actually, this trait can be traced back to thousands of years ago,” The wrinkled crone interrupted, “Males with larger penises and testicles generally got to mate more, add some magic, and now they both slowly grow between ejaculations – roughly a centimetre every day. Receding once they had orgasmed.”

“Finally, something she has to deal with,” Sophia mumbled to herself as she grew a little vindictive smile. Ursula’s shoulders slumping with each word.

“Does it have a limit?” Ursula asked hopefully.

“It does.” She stated simply, Ursula’s face coming alight with a relieved smile, “After seven days it stops although by that point it also has an additional effect,” she continued, focusing her sharp blue eyes onto Sophia with a cheeky smile highlighting her face, “Over the week males found they were increasingly unable to orgasm by their own hands, at five days it was almost impossible, at seven they were constantly aroused and their genitals stayed erect at all times. Therefore, they ferociously chased after the women, making them more attractive in their eyes than those who did not. Once they attained their prize, they found they still needed to get to a completion every day to get back down to their previous size and feeling.”

“That does explain some things…” Ursula said, bashfully rubbing the back of her neck, a wry smile flitted across her face as she thought of something, “An orgasm a day keeps my penis at bay.”

“I’ll just shut up from now on,” Sophia sulked.

“Bah, enough of that.” She waved her hand dismissively, “I have your measurements do you want to hear them?”

“Yes,” ”No.”

“Ignorance is bliss Ursy,” Sophia said with half-dead eyes.

“You’re going to learn it sooner or later Soph, you need to rip off the Band-Aid,” Ursula consoled.

Sophia looked into Ursula’s eyes beseechingly, but the tall teen remained steadfast. With a deep morose sigh Sophia looked up at the old seamstress and gave her a shallow nod.

“You’re one-hundred and forty-nine point nine centimetres tall,”1 she stated brutally.

“Guh,” Sophia folded in half like she had been punched in the gut.

Ursula, grinning like a loon, couldn’t help but open her mouth to speak but she was stopped by Sophia’s intense green eyes staring up at her from her lowered position.

“Don’t,” The blonde whispered softly, the word edged with an intense promise of pain.

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Ursula struggled but managed to stifle her smile and look back at the old lady.

“You’re two-hundred and three point six centimetres tall.”2

A look of triumph grew on Ursula’s face, but she flinched when she glanced down and saw the hungry look in Sophia’s eyes.

“Just a centimetre… just half a centimetre… give it to me,” Sophia was mumbling fervently, her eyes focused solely on the top of her head.

The old lady continued on clinically as if reading from a list, “Sophia the length of your genitalia is about sixteen and a half centimeters3 while Ursula, excluding your growth, you’re looking at around forty-four centimeters4, I could go on about breast size, and body measurements but that would just go over your head.”

The words managed to pass through the height induced daze for the blonde making her nearly feint just hearing that number, “Forty-four?! That’s a ruler and a half… Something like that would reach up from my crotch to my boobs! That’s not even counting the extra stuff.”

“Already thinking about putting it in you Soph?” Ursula asked with a lewd grin, her slowly deflating dick giving off a weak twitch at the thought.

“O-Of course not! I’m just providing an example!” Sophia stuttered in reply, her long ears bright red.

“Move along you two I haven’t got all day,” the seamstress cut in and growled from behind then, “Your clothes will be ready in a week.”

“Do you have anything we could wear back home that could fit us?” Sophia asked tentatively.

The old woman rolled her eyes and summoned two pairs of simple adult sized cloaks and dresses and shoved them in their arms, “Kids these days, always asking for more,” she grumbled as she pushed past them and back into the shop.  

The duo quickly got dressed and followed after her, arriving just in time to hear Rosalind talking.

“Thank you so much for your help, Madam, the usual time I take it?”

The grouchy old woman gave her a sharp nod and gestured for them to leave.

Without another word, the matron grabbed them both and dragging them towards the entrance flap of the tent.

“She was really weird,” Sophia commented.

“Yup… wait, why did she use metric units?” Ursula replied.

Just as they were passing through, they looked back to see the prune-like lady give them a cheeky grin accompanied by a small wave of her hand.




They soon arrived back at the rickety old orphanage, Rosalind quickly walking over to a group of kids running around the room and knocking over chairs and tables, but not before leaving them with a parting remark.

“You two have school tomorrow so enjoy the rest of your day.”

Their shoulders dropped but the nodded and heading back to their rooms. Moulding the wood of the extremely thin wall between their rooms out of the way, they lay down with their heads adjacent but their bodies facing the opposite directions. The heat of the warm summer day forcing them to discard the ratty bedsheets to the side.  

“So, this is us…” Sophia said pensively.

“I’m sure you could make a potion or something for your height Soph,” Ursula said, going straight to the heart of the matter.

“It’s most likely possible but making such a big change to the body like height is fraught with danger. Bones, ligaments, muscles, hormones, blood, nerves… and that’s just the start! Small changes outside the bodies internal structure, like making boobs grow? Easy.” Sophia ranted.

“Well, you’ve got to start somewhere. A journey of a thousand miles and whatnot.” Ursula consoled.

“I know,” Sophia sighed, “But right now I have to face what’s happened. I am a alright looking short stack and you are a gorgeous valkyrie. Although I wish I was in the same boat as you I’m not.”

“Sophia you are not just ‘alright looking’…” Ursula trailed off.

“You know,” Sophia turned her head towards Ursula’s, “people usually say a compl – mmf.”

Ursula kissed Sophia hard on the mouth.

A small tingle of pleasure from their sensitive lips caused them to start moaning into the kiss, their heads moving rhythmically together. Although soon they ran out of breath forcing them to part.

“Does that answer your question?” Ursula asked, breathing heavily.

Sophia dove back into the kiss this time bringing her dainty hands up to start caressing the sides of Ursula’s head and along her long ears, the tall teen soon copying her. They soon separated once more panting heavily, their lust lidded eyes roaming down each other’s bodies.

Just as they were about the start moving, they were interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Sophia,” Rosalind voiced echoed out, “There’s just a few more problems I have to talk to you about. May I come in?”

“Just a second!” Sophia shouted as she scrambled back through the hole. As Ursula was fixing the hole, she grabbed her balled up sheets and draped them around herself, moving to physically cover the gap in the wall with her body.

“Come in.” Sophia warbled nervously.

Ursula just managed to get the hole small enough to fit behind Sophia as Rosalind walked through the door.

“Sophia, I just ha- If you are busy, I can come back later.” Rosalind said, her eyes focused on the ceiling as the tips of her human ears started to redden.

“N-No it’s fine,” The blonde mumbled.

“Very well,” the matron turned a little to face the door and started to talk.

Ursula on the other side of the wall, let out a quiet exhale of relief, but as she started the spell back up to shut the hole, she noticed Sophia’s blood engorged puffy pussy completely exposed to her. A thin stream of fem lube running down past her clit and down onto her side of the wall.

With a mischievous grin she brought a finger up and traced the skin around the plump lips of Sophia’s hole causing the teen on the other side of the wall to jump.

“Sophia, you’ve become rather beautiful, and while Ursula has her size, and wits, to intimidate suitors you, on the other hand, do not.” Rosalind said carefully.

Sophia, distracted by the finger prodding around her most sensitive area, missed the unintentional insult.

Ursula brought her finger up and placed it directly on Sophia’s opening and left it there, letting the blonde decide on the outcome. With almost no hesitation the blonde tried to push back onto the questing finger, her voluptuous rear and thighs slamming down and causing the wooden wall to buckle from her strength.

“When you go back to school tomorrow, I must warn you to be careful of the men – and women as well I suppose.” The matron advised.

Ursula plunged her finger into the wet fuckhole and immediately she felt Sophia’s muscles clamp down and try to suck it further in.

Sophia covered her mouth to stifle the moan and when she tried to reply she let out a small squeak of pleasure before asking, “Why?”

“Because men are after only one thing and it’s disgusting. The number of times I was wooed only to be discarded once they had relations with me.” She shook her head to try and clear the memories, though Sophia could see her hands clench.

Ursula was happily pumping her finger in and out of Sophia’s wet pussy, so she decided to add another. Just feeling the warm flesh writhing around her digits caused her still erect cock to throb with an intense need.

“That’s not mentioning him,” Rosalind hissed, as she continued her rant, “And then the only other good men are forced into vows of celibacy by their religion!”

Sophia started to bite down on her finger as the other hand started to tweak a nipple of her sensitive chest. Her hips starting to rock back and forth driving Ursula’s fingers further into her needy snatch.

Rosalind’s rant came to a stop, and her face fell, “I’m sorry Sophia, I shouldn’t have taken that out on you. Just please, be careful around others.” She turned to look at the girl who had just managed to move her spit-soaked finger under the covers.

“I-I’ll be sure – mmf – to listen – mmf – to you!” Sophia said with a strained smile.

“Thank you, if there’s any trouble, please come back to get me.” Rosalind offered, and then mumbled, “Although with how Ursula is looking at you, I do worry how she may react.”

With a small shrug of her shoulders and a warm smile Rosalind left the room, though only a second later she popped her head back through, “Oh and Sophia? Please don’t masturbate when I’m talking to you next time.” With a wink, she closed the door.

With the last of her mental faculties Sophia hastily cast a sound barrier spell and let loose a whorish moan. “Gods those fingers feel great in my pussy!” She squealed and started to slam her hips back down onto the wall.

Ursula leaned in and started to lap at Sophia’s clit, her tongue occasionally flitting up onto the teens dick. Sophia’s arm that was keeping her propped up collapsed, dropping her face right into the bedsheets and causing her breasts to rub against the coarse fabric with each slam of her hefty hips on the wall.

All Ursula could see right now was the wet fuckhole in front of her, entranced, she hefted her dick up and pressed it against the pulsating opening. But in a brief flash of clarity shifted her trajectory a fraction down, aiming between the girl’s thighs.  Sophia could feel the intense heat pressing on her sensitive cunt and initially she pressed her hips down, but she was still cognisant enough to quickly slightly shift her hips up. The two movements just allowing Ursula to thrust forward gliding in between Sophia’s shapely thighs, the flood of pussy juice providing more than enough lubrication to glide through.

Ursula slammed her body into the wall, her pelvis harshly rubbing against Sophia’s clit as her dick got sandwiched between Sophia’s heavy milk laden mammaries. The dual pressure of Sophia’s legs and breasts, in addition to abstaining for nearly a week, had her on a hair trigger as her cum laden softball sized testicles slapped into the wall with a meaty sound.

Sophia, in a pleasure induced haze, idly looked down to see what felt like a red-hot bar between her breasts. She parted them and forced her head between them.


With one more quick thrust Ursula came with a howl of pleasure, severely testing the limits of the sound barrier spell.

Unfortunately for Sophia, the tip of Ursula’s dick was trapped between her huge boobs and her face as let loose a deluge of cum, the fluid soon travelling down the path of least resistance – straight into her open mouth.

Over a litre of fluid was shot out and forced down Sophia’s gullet before she could begin to move her head. Sophia immediately came the second the cum touched her mouth, her muscles locking up forcing the next pressure hose like stream into her mouth as well.

Sophia orgasmed again, although this time the stinging pressure forced her head to the side allowing for the cum to hose down her bedroom floor. Her head continuing to flop down only to get another mouthful of cum and be pushed aside again, orgasms constantly rocking her body. Surprisingly, none of it went down the young enchanter’s airways, her body innately using magic to divert the flow to its proper home, her stomach.

Nearly fifteen litres of man cream was ejected before the flow finally start to taper off, Ursula weakly slumping back on her bed, spent, and was asleep in moments. The tip of her dick giving one last pass on Sophia’s overly sensitive love button as it slithered back through the hole.

Every breath for Sophia was just a moan as her body continued to tremble for another minute. Eventually, her mind booted up and she was inundated with the smell, touch, sight, sound and taste of cum, her face just a blank white mask of the thick cream. She weakly cast a cleaning spell and over a minute the white fluid gathered together like creeping frost. With another wave of her hand it disappeared, but she could swear she could still feel an echo of the heat still slathered across her face.

Cradling her slightly distended stomach, Sophia went to sleep with a content smile on her face.



14 Foot 11 Inches

26 Foot 8 Inches

36.5 Inches

417.3 Inches

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