
Chapter 27: Chapter 27: There’s Something Out There Far from My Home

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Rosalind, Ursula, and Sophia were making their way along the road towards the markets, a dense cloud cover barely bleeding through the dawn light whilst intensifying the bitter winter chill that had set in over the long night.

“Why’d you get us up so early Rosalind?” Sophia yawned as she stumbled along, eyes half closed.

“She already explained Soph,” Ursula chided gently.

“No matter Ursula.” Rosalind comforted the tall girl before her voice sharpened, “Sophia, are you awake yet?”

At the short elf’s glum nod Rosalind continued, “The Madam requested I bring you both when I was there last.”

“I suppose it has been a little under two weeks since we’ve been, and she did say we’d have it after a week… Wow a lot has happened since then.” Sophia commented, “Is something wrong with the clothes?”

Ursula nudged Sophia with her elbow, “How long weren’t you listening for?”

Rosalind spoke over Sophia’s reply with a wry smile, “I was only told to get to her shop early. I did mention your naming ceremony so that may have altered her plans.”

Sophia yawned again, “Ah okay.”

“Why are you so tired Sophia?” Rosalind asked.

“N-No reason, I’m just a bit tired from the naming ritual yesterday,” Sophia lied nervously.

Rosalind took a quick glance at Ursula who was strolling along bright eyed and a confident lazy smile plastered on her face.

“Do I need to move you two further apart?” The tall matron asked sternly, a knowing look in her eyes.

“I don’t think it’ll matter,” Ursula sheepishly replied.

Rosalind sighed, “You’re right – I’m not sure why I even try. Are you both being safe at least?”

An apple red Sophia gave the woman a few shaky nods.

“Moving on,” Rosalind quickly resumed, “You mentioned the naming ceremony. How did that go?”

“Good!” Sophia answered energetically only for her face to fall, “I’m so sorry Rosalind we didn’t consider asking you for a last name.”

Rosalind winced and brought a pained smile to bare, “You wouldn’t want mine.”

“We chose the name Lifthrasir,” Sophia smoothly continued giving Ursula a worried glance.

Rosalind’s smile turned a little more genuine, “A wonderful sounding name – something from before perhaps?”

“Yup,” Sophia answered happily.

They continued on their way, Sophia happily expounding on the history behind the name – much to Rosalind’s growing worry.

“And these two people survived an apocalypse...” The matron commented slightly dazed.

“Yes, and I think that it’ll – Oh we’re here.” Sophia concluded obliviously.

“Well, I’m grateful we had the time for our talk today,” Rosalind said with fake cheer, “I just need to head back to start breakfast for everyone… and pluck a few eagle feathers.” She finished quietly.

“Thanks for walking us… Mum.” Ursula said warmly, Sophia adding a few nods for emphasis.

Rosalind gave them both a quick nearly bone-braking hug before she scurried off.

Without preamble the pair strode into the tent.

The entrance opened up into a huge room with racks of clothing on the floor and large bolts of cloth hanging off the walls. The crotchety old Madam was sitting behind her service counter lazily sipping at some tea.

“You’re late.” She grumbled.

The pair both gave her a brief glare.

“We’re here now.” Ursula answered unrepentantly.

She looked them both over with a gimlet eye, “Your clothes were ready, but your naming ceremony has changed that.”

“Is there something wrong?” Ursula quickly asked, her eyes flickering over to Sophia.

“I tailor my clothes to a person perfectly.” The woman stated pridefully, “Even their magic is no exception.”

“So, I take it our magic has changed?”

The old lady rolled her blue eyes before replying snappishly, “Of course. Your magics are somehow mixing.”

‘So the frequency of our souls is now fully confirmed to relate to magic.’ Sophia thought.

“So, what’s the point of us coming in if our magic hasn’t settled yet?” Ursula asked, a hint of anger creeping into her tone.

A manic grin grew on the woman’s face creasing it with a multitude of wrinkles, “Because it is interesting. I want to know why.”

The tall, toned teen scowled and with a huff turned to leave, but she was stopped by the small hand of Sophia.

“Information for information,” The blonde said firmly, though her eyes were sparkling at the prospect, “We want to know how to manipulate space – like what you’ve done with this tent.”

“Soph, have you checked the library?” Ursula asked the stalwart blonde quietly.

“Yes, and whatever she’s done is not there.”

The old lady frowned, “That knowledge is worth more than you could possibly imagine. You two of all people should know that.”

“Everything is sold based on what the buyer is willing to pay. That information is our price,” Ursula interjected, “We can assure you that it, alongside what we make of it, will go no further than us. Provided that what we tell you, stays with you.”

She grumbled and gave them both a look of begrudging respect, “Very–”

“Oh, and your name!” Sophia interrupted excitedly, “I – We want to know your name.”

“Cheeky little buggers always asking for more…” The old tailor muttered before she raised her warbly voice, “Okay.”

With a flick of her wrist a book appeared in her hands, the yellowed pages and ratty cover betrayed its old age. The duo could barely make out the front cover reading, “Controlling Common Controversial Cosmic Containers.”

Sophia’s green orbs glittered gleefully, she reached out to take it, but the old woman shifted it before she could grab it.

“This book will not leave this store,” The tailor said with a tone of finality.

The small elf nodded without hesitation and held out her hand again. The second it was in her hands Sophia conjured a bean bag, sat down and opened up to the first page. Soon she was flipping through the pages with increasing fervour.

“You might want to ask me the questions, when she gets like that there’s no hope of getting her to stop,” Ursula concluded fondly.

The woman’s intelligent blue eyes rounded onto Ursula, “Why is your magic changing to match each other’s?”

“We think it’s because our essences touched during that ritual,” Ursula answered.

The old woman’s breath hitched for a moment, “And Magic let it happen?”

“Yes, it felt – curious,” Ursula paused to find the right word.

“It has never let it happen before,” She stated seriously, “Did you two share a connection prior?”

Ursula blushed as images of her pumping Sophia full of cum that morning flashed into her mind, ‘It’s probably why it acts as a catalyst.’ The thought struck her.

“We were – intimate in the morning,” Ursula stated sheepishly.

The tailor rolled her eyes once more, “You think you’re the only pair who’ve fucked before a naming ceremony?” She scoffed, her warbly old voice tinged with derision, “No – what else was there?”

Ursula sighed, “One of my ancestors shaped the manticore’s mana and gave it to us as a pair. That’s the only other thing I could think of.”

The tailor’s old eyes sharpened, “You’ve been good to keep that information quiet. That kind of knowledge lost to the ages would be heavily sort after.”

“Great, another thing to worry about.” Ursula glowered.

“But you are correct in thinking that event is what caused this,” The old crone spoke slowly.

Ursula waited for a few seconds, but the woman did not continue, “Well? Are you going to tell me why?”

“That wasn’t part of the deal,” she smirked, “You should be smart enough to find out.”

The tall girl nearly growled, “Is there anything that can go wrong? Is Sophia safe?”

The smirk shifted to a more enigmatic smile as she lightly shook her head in the negative.

Ursula let out a frustrated sigh before she collected herself, “You still haven’t told us your name.”

Sophia somehow dragged herself out of the book as Ursula’s words filtered through to her brain and looked to the woman.

“My name is…” She drew out the sentence, drawing them in, “Chanel.”

“You’re the daughter of a person just like us, aren’t you?” Ursula quickly questioned, “The name and using metric units – it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

The smile on her face remained as she took a long sip of her tea.

“If you’re just going to fuck with us then let’s get this over with. Have the changes to the clothes been done?” Ursula asked brusquely.

With a small shift of her hand four small bundles contained within thin brown paper flew out from behind her landing in front of them

Ursula raised an eyebrow, “I thought it was just one set of clothes.”

“I will not condone you wearing that in front of hundreds of students, including nobles.” She sneered, gesturing to their dresses.

“You gave them to us,” Ursula frowned.

“Rudimentary outfits that distract me from the now,” She waved her hand dismissively.

Ursula shook her head in bewilderment as she took one of the parcels to a changing room, tore it open and quickly put it on.

A quick look in the mirror showed her a white low-cut blouse, giving a generous view of her cleavage. This transitioned into a set of tan of soft leather pants. It didn’t escape her notice that both pieces clung to every curve of her body showing off her trim waist, bubbly ass and muscled arms and legs.

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With a sigh Ursula pulled the simple but thick, dark-brown cloak over her shoulders, hoping it would provide some protection from wandering eyes and hands as they so often did around her. Finally, she tugged on a pair of sturdy leather shoes.

Ursula quietly stepped out of the room to display her clothes, only to find Sophia still intently focused on the book.

“Soph,” Ursula softly called out.

The blonde continued reading, oblivious.

“Sophia.” She said once more.

No response.

“Sophia!” The tall teen exasperatedly shouted.

“Huh?” The teen in question briefly took her head out of the book to glance over.

Ursula struck a small pose, pushing her arms together to emphasize her boobs.

“Wow.” The word tumbled out of Sophia’s mouth.

Ursula’s cheeks-tinged pink with pride as she flaunted her figure for her lover.

“That is your standard adventurer garb,” Chanel said distastefully, “It has the usual enchantments, liquid proof, comfortable temperature and mana infused repair.”

“You can’t wear that! Y-You’ll be mobbed or… or – I don’t know but it won’t be good!” Sophia squawked, her face red.

“Is someone getting a little jealous?” Ursula teased playfully.

“No!” Sophia denied, a little too quickly, “Just merely concerned about how others will react to your beautiful looks…”

Ursula sauntered over, a deliberate sway to her hips, causing Sophia to loudly gulp. The taller teen leaned over and stuffed Sophia’s head into her boobs by giving her a tight hug.

“You know you’re the only one for me,” Ursula whispered suggestively into Sophia’s ear, drawing forth a light shiver from the girl.

Sophia shyly nodded in response which only pushed her face further into the marshmallow-like valley of the breasts she found herself in.

“Come on you get to try out the other outfit she gave us,” Ursula lightly coaxed.

Sophia looked wistfully at the tome in her hands, “B-But the book.”

“You can read it later,” Ursula patted Sophia on her well-formed rear giving her a little push towards the change room.

Reluctantly leaving the old tome by Ursula’s side, Sophia entered into the change room and opened up her own package.

“You’ve got to be shitting me.” Sophia exclaimed.

“What? What’s wrong Soph?” Ursula called out.

The blonde elf popped her head out from behind the curtain, “How is that even considered clothes?

“Come on, it’s just us here…”

Sophia looked pointedly at the old lady sitting behind them.

“Don’t mind me.” She said, the tea cup once more at her quirked lips.

With a fortifying breath Sophia disappeared back inside the changeroom and moments later stepped back out.

“Holy shit,” Ursula exclaimed lustfully, her blood quickly beginning to flow southward.

The blonde, red faced, stood demurely as Ursula drank in the sight of her. Simple heels leading into a pair of sheer white stockings. Her crotch just barely hidden by a sinfully short skirt which showed off the bottom half of her round ass. Even the smallest shift of her hips would cause the skirt to flare up and expose her underwear. The white shirt was somewhat more practical with its long sleeves, but it still had a very large window into Sophia’s mammoth mammaries and had a small gap at its base to show off her trim stomach.

“I can’t wear this – I won’t get any peace!” Sophia whined, she stamped her foot in indignation, but it set her butt and boobs rippling hypnotically.

“I would like to get a piece of tha–” A flash of cold travelled up Ursula’s spine, she whipped her head towards the tailor, “Is mine like this as well?”

“Of course.”

“Fuck.” Ursula cursed, “Why are they like that?”

“The material it’s made from to hold the enchantments is not cheap,” The old woman replied indignantly, but then the corners of her mouth twitched upwards, “But I thought you two might want to get used to being admired.”

“We can just wear the other adventurers outfit all the time Ursy,” Sophia interjected.

“That’s what we’ll do–” Ursula started.

“–It’s a shame my new enchantment will never get to see the light of day.” Chanel said idly.

The words hung in the air.

“What kind of enchantment?” Sophia asked tentatively.

“It just assists the transferal from short term to long term memory.” The tailor explained, a small shark-like grin forming on her face. “To summarise, it helps you learn.”

Sophia’s face immediately furrowed in concentration. After a few moments she looked over to Ursula and shook her head in the negative.

“No. We’ve been told to lay low. Those outfits won’t do that.” Sophia decided, “I’m sorry, we appreciate the effort – but we won’t take them.”

“Fine.” Chanel harrumphed, “Don’t appreciate several thousand gold worth of clothes.”

Both their hearts clenched at the sheer number, but they forged onwards, Ursula sitting down on the floor waiting for Sophia to quickly getting changed back into her dress and sitting down in her lap with the book in hand.

The blacksmith’s apprentice lazily caressed Sophia’s golden blonde tresses sometimes switching targets to her curvaceous hips.

They continued to sit there as Sophia finished off the book, drawing a few ponderous gazes from customers that came and went.

Finally, when she was finished, without a word, Sophia placed the book back onto the table next to the tailor, Ursula grabbed both sets of adventurer’s gear and they began to walk out of the store.

Just as they were leaving through the gap in the tent, they felt the other two packages flying towards them.

“Take them. They were woven specifically for you both,” Chanel’s grumbly old voice said from within the store.

They paused for a second.

“What are we going to do with them?” Sophia asked.

Ursula smirked as she looked over Sophia’s body lasciviously, “I can think of a thing or two…”




They left the markets several hours after they had arrived, the typical heat from the midday sun partially obscured by faint wisps of cloud. They headed back to their holey home to be greeted by an empty room save for Axia waiting at one of the tables.

“I have been waiting for some time. Put on your clothes we must go.” The well-muscled woman commanded.

They both lingered for an explanation, but the woman pushed them towards their room.

One quick change later and they were both garbed in a figure-hugging adventure’s outfit. The enchantments working hard to provide a suitable temperature.

As soon as they in eyesight of the master blacksmith she left through the door and started to build up for a run, forcing them to sprint to catch up.

“What’s happening?” Ursula asked without preamble, her tall frame easily able to keep up with the loping strides of her teacher.

“It’s time for your first real manamal kills.” Was the curt reply.

Sophia was glad that magic existed, otherwise her large, milk dense tits would be destroying her back muscles as she had to move a little bit faster to keep up. Even without the support from the new clothes she hardly felt a twinge as they swayed pendulously due to their weight.

They continued to run for fifteen minutes, passing small homesteads surrounded by fields rich with fruits and vegetables. Even spying one farmer kneeling in his field as he cast a spell triggering a few plants to spring up, surrounding him with vibrant coloured foliage and fruits.

“Fuck. Does this city have any walls at all?” Ursula asked, “We must have come quite a long way.”

Just as she said that a large stone wall began to come into view, looming ever larger as they approached. The imposing crenulated stone walls shimmered with potent magic, the pair just making out several ballistae spread out along the wall’s summit.

It was still another five minutes before they neared, coming to a stop at the end of a long line. Most had a small wagon pulled by a horse or bull, some even had a person strapped into a harness, their muscles gleaming.

“The walls must be a hundred meters tall. And to circle the whole city…” Sophia trailed off in awe.

“Sometimes they’re not tall enough,” Axia grunted.

“Wait, what?!” Sophia shouted. “How tall can manamals get?”

Axia thought about it for a moment, “Twice the height of the wall. Their size usually being their only strong trait.”

“At least they’re stupid.” Ursula let out a relieved exhale.

“There are always exceptions,” Their mentor said quietly, causing them both to shiver.

They soon made it to the base of the wall where Axia subtly flashed a badge at one of the guards who quickly waved them through.

As they entered the tunnel the teens realised that it was at least ten meters long, the heavy sounds of hooves striking the cobblestone path reverberating into their long ears.

“How come there’s no gate – Never mind, the answer’s magic.” Sophia muttered.

 They exited out of the gate, the cobblestone path abruptly ending as their feet planted on well-trod dry earth.

The wind picked up, the dark grey-green leaves of the vast forest in front of them beginning to rustle. With the wind the wispy clouds began to coalesce, swiftly blocking the sun from view, and began to weakly weep over the grim landscape.

“Well – that isn’t ominous.” Sophia commented.

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