
Chapter 34: Chapter 34: There’ll be Magic, There’ll be Fun

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Sophia woke in the warm comfort of Ursula’s strong embrace. One arm was underneath her circling back around and resting on her flared hip. The other was around her front, the hand resting on one of her generous boobs, the occasional movements eliciting soft mewls from her mouth.

She took a moment to savour her bed partner’s light fragrance, silken smooth soft skin and deep steady breathing. Through the dim morning light, she noticed her stomach had returned to its usual svelte state, having processed the significant cum deposit from her lover the previous night.

This is bliss’ Sophia thought to herself.

It was at this moment she felt the damp heat of Ursula’s giant cock that was nestled between her plump rear and up to her lower back.

Deciding to take the initiative, the small blonde gently pried herself out of Ursula’s grasp, the tall girl lightly frowning in her sleep as she did so, and then crawled between her legs.

As Ursula as still on her side Sophia couldn’t get a good angle at her pussy, so she pushed the woman onto her back and spread out her legs. Scanning from up to down, green-eyed elf saw the horse-shaped schlong standing tall like a pillar of meat, followed by her large cum-heavy nuts which obscured and contained the moist heat of the flushed red cunt behind them.

Sophia lightly hefted the sensitive balls onto the crown of her head and began to trace the contours of her lover’s fleshy cavern with her tongue provoking a soft moan from her lover.

Not wanting to wake up her bed partner just yet, Sophia kept her ministrations very light. Mostly, lapping up the sweet juices that trickled forth.

It was only a minute later when she felt the hot precum, like lava oozing forth from a volcano, dribble down from the tip of her partner’s sizable dick and begin to coat her face with sweet musk. Her tongue began to take large swipes to gather the saccharine fluid and accidently brushed the clit at the apex of the rhythmically squeezing hole.

“Hm-wha?” Ursula mumbled.

The fluid covered blonde peeked out and gave the half-woken woman a sunny smile.

“Mornin’!” She said jubilantly and quickly got back to work, lavishing the pussy with generous broad licks.

Barely conscious, Ursula could only focus on the jolts of pleasure now racing through her body, soft squeaks leaping forth unbidden from her mouth with increasing intensity. She started to roll her hips to try to keep that tongue in contact for even a microsecond longer.

It was a slow but inevitable build, the arcs of pleasure emanating through her body sparking the bonfire burning in her core. Just when she was about to reach the edge, the pleasure withdrew.

“Fuck Soph I was so close!” Ursula growled, she looked up to see the teen poised at her crotch – dick millimetres away from her pulsating core. “Do it.” She pleaded.

Sophia thrusted forward, moaning from the writhing moist walls enveloping her rock-hard cock. Knowing how close her partner was to orgasm she picked up the pace, her broad hips slapping against the others with wet thwaps.

Sophia’s quick thrusts caused Ursula’s long fat dick to pendulously swing back and forth slapping into her large chest and leave a large viscous dollop of precum with every wet smack.

Tired of the heavy mass colliding with her the blonde elf slowed her movements and hooked her mouth around the sweet-scented flared head of her paramour’s horse dick and used her own thrusts to send it in and out of her throat.

Ursula meanwhile was nearly delirious with pleasure, her eyes half open and her loud squeals of pleasure echoing through the room. She wrapped her long legs around her partner trapping them together in this sexual dance.

The intense heat of an orgasm began to finally build once more in the blacksmith’s body, her limbs twitching as her body began to involuntarily spasm – which also caused her wet pussy to clamp down hard.

“Fuck Ursy!” Sophia groaned her voice muffled by the cock. Her thrusts almost a blur as she ploughed into the inviting hole.

With a shout they came together, both pussies flooded their crotches with juices that mixed and soaked through the bed.

Meanwhile cum was being swapped between the two sweaty bodies, with shot after shot of Sophia’s cum being directly ejected into the wet embrace of Ursula’s fuckhole, her body involuntarily spasming and grinding in harder than she ever believed she could.

While at the same moment for the second time within half a day Sophia’s throat was being expanded by cockflesh and her stomach was being pumped full of a steady pulsating flow of semen, the thick white man cream easily settling in and padding out her midriff. Her breathy moans blocked by the large tool lodged within her mouth.

Several minutes later, the blonde slumped back onto the bed, the dick dislodging from her throat with a loud schlock. Taking in greedy gulps of air she could feel her mana slightly increasing, looking over she could see Ursula doing the same.

When her breathing had finally settled Ursula spoke up with a wistful smile, “I sure as fuck wouldn’t mind getting woken up like that every morning.”

Sophia rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a loud belch. Completely mortified she dove under the threadbare blanket.

“Wow – that was really something.” Ursula snickered.

“Shut up!” The embarrassed elf whined, drawing out the words.

The tall teen grinned and wrapped up her partner even further in the blankets, “Don’t worry Soph! I’ll still love you.”

“You’d better! Especially if you want me to continue doing that.” Sophia groused half-heatedly.

Ursula began to rapidly nod, taking no risk in sabotaging future morning excitement, “…Right – will do, message received. Um, we’d better get ready for school.”

Sophia shucked off the blanket revealing her still flushed face and a raised eyebrow, “It’s barely sunrise, we’ve still got an hour or two.”

“Ah. Okay. Uhh, wanna cuddle?”

Sophia’s responding smile lit up the room.




“That will be all for today, I expect you all to have proficiency in the mana detection spell by this time next week. Additionally, I will require half a page on inventive uses of such a spell in the same timeframe. Good day.” Professor Virding’s Germanic accented voice resounded through the classroom, over the chorus of groans from the students.

When the rest of the students had departed Sophia and Ursula walked up to the average sized man.

“Hi Sir, we were actually wondering if would tell us about the next step after adept level for magic?” Sophia asked.

 “I assume you’ve both already made a spell for you to be asking that question?” He replied blandly.

“Yes Sir, several.” Ursula answered, the blonde coughing “hundred” behind her.

A glimmer of respect flashed in his eyes before it was ruthlessly crushed, “Good. Following the adept level is a journeyman. For the sake of brevity, I’ll rely on your mentors to explain this level for your profession. It is the class which contains the majority of people due to its open-ended nature – most, after all, do not train their magic beyond making a single spell. During this stage you need to train your power, control, and speed of casting to a sufficient level.” The professor explained.

Sophia’s face scrunched up, “So what is the point where it is considered sufficient?”

The man shrugged, “A method of determining mana control and the spells efficiency has only recently been determined and added to the requirements to become an expert. At this current stage we only have our own proficiency for comparison. Due to their recent ascendance to the rank of expert eleven years ago one of my co-workers will provide that standard.”

“Wait – we’d be compared against someone eleven years older than us?” Ursula questioned incredulously.

The average man shook his head negatively causing the pair to perk up, “He’s sixteen years your senior.” The teen’s shoulders slumped, “Additionally, you still have to demonstrate you have satisfactory spell power, which somewhat comes with age, and casting speed in tandem with a suitable level of control prior to becoming an Expert.” He lightly admonished.

“You still haven’t told us what we need to aim for.” Sophia muttered accusingly.

The teacher scoffed, “If I tell you what you need to get to you will never think to go beyond. Choose a minimum which you want to surpass and when you believe you are capable only then will I test you.”

The shriek of the bell filled the room.

“Good luck.” He gave them a short nod and returned to his paperwork.

Knowing they’d been dismissed the duo scurried off to maths class, arriving with plenty time to spare for the first time.

“Well that was almost useless,“ Sophia groused, having sat down in her favourite spot at the back of the classroom.

“He’s not wrong,” Ursula said thoughtfully, but soon acquiesced with a sour look, “But it’s a bit of a dick move with that mana control stuff.”

“I realise that were just doing what he wants but let’s go so far past what he expects or wants and then set the stupid measurements for the next level up.” The blonde grumped.

Ursula shook her head in wry exasperation, “He’s probably just doing what happened to him.”

“He’s still being a butthead,” Sophia said dismissively, crossing her arms under her generous bust.

 Ursula brought her partner in for a brief hug. “Never change Soph. Never change.”

The teen in question looked cluelessly back at her, “What?”

Ursula’s answer was interrupted by the thunderous footfalls of their mathematics teacher followed by the sound of deep heavy breathing.

Sophia’s sigh matched the volume of the teachers breathing, “Another two hours of fun.” She said in a dull monotone.

Their pair were glassy-eyed when they left the room two hours later. Their lifeless expressions lasted well until they were situated in the library in their usual positions.

“Hello again!” An excited voice sounded out from behind them.

Ursula’s head jerked up, “Oh – it’s you Mel.”

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“Yup, and this time I’ve already got a book.” The red-eyed girl said with a victorious grin.

“Pull up a seat I guess.” Ursula answered.

With a speed belying her stature she raced into a chair and cracked open her book, her eyes soon skimming across the pages.   

“So, uh, you mentioned your family are enchanters?” Sophia began tentatively. “Are you interested as well?”

“Oh yes, I have a bit of a knack for it,” she said, a smug smile creeping onto her face, “I’ve already made several magical items. “But my Dad’s a lot better than I am – he’s a master enchanter.” She concluded by puffing out her large chest. She also waved her book in front of them, the title reading, ‘Runic Rundown Two: Revising Ruinous Runes by Runius Carvit’.

The brief conversation petered out, leaving all three awkwardly sitting there waiting for an interruption.

“So, um, what do you guys like reading?” Mel quietly said with unease.

“I don’t really read much but this one,” Ursula squeezed her arms a touch “She’s a bit of a bibliophile.”

Mel tilted her head quizzically.

“I mean she loves reading.” A fond smile grew on her face, “The first present she got was a book.”

“’She’ can speak for herself,” Sophia said blithely, although she did press her body back into her human shaped seat. “And I prefer to read books about enchanting – even if I can’t do it that well.”

Mel’s eyes gleamed with fanatic fervour, and she leaned in almost too close to comfort.

“If you’re interested, I could help you! But maybe you should read some books before we begin… The book before this one is great for starters. I’ll go look for it.” She said with zeal before racing away.

Sophia pouted, “Great, now I have to preten-”

“I’m back!” An enthused voice called out from behind them before she dropped a book onto the table next to them. As expected, it was the book the blonde had read over eight years ago.

With a small inaudible sigh, Sophia dropped her much more advanced book and started to flip through the pages, barely paying heed to what was written there. In the few moments she looked up she caught Mel glancing over while vibrating in her seat from happiness.

“Wow,” The short elf said with all the enthusiasm she could muster, by Ursula’s snort it wasn’t much, “This’ll really help.”

If Mel had a tail, it would have been wagging a thousand times a second, her red orbs shining with happiness from the praise.

“So, this competitor that disappeared – was it Tartok?” Ursula asked tactlessly.

Mel nodded, “Yup, how’d you know?”

“Oh, we walk by the shop he used to work in every day and a while back it just disappeared.” The blacksmith explained.

“Well even if my family did benefit from it, him leaving was a bit of a shame. He did train some of the best enchanters in the city.” Mel commented.

Sophia pushed the urge to scoff down hard, she went to speak but couldn’t help some vitriol leaking into her voice, “From what I saw most of the students actually looked happy to leave.” She then felt one of Ursula’s hands gently rubbing soothing circles over her own.

Their enthusiastic acquaintance shrugged, “Either way, I’ve heard the city guard is still looking into it. They’re still angry that their main supplier disappeared – even if they have us now.”

She opened her mouth to speak further but the bell drowned out what she was about to say. She used her magic to send the book flying back into place and with a quick “See ya!” she was running out the door to her next class.  

The pair sat there for a few moments, contemplating their most recent discovery before shrugging negligently and going towards their next class, there wasn’t much they could do about it after all.

After a boring language class, the intrepid duo decided to take a small detour on their way home, arriving at Eyvor’s house. Finding it empty they turned to leave only to see the woman in question plodding her way along the road.

As she neared, they noticed her bedraggled state, her body was caked with grime to the point that her whole body looked to be dyed the same dull brown.

“Eyvor! Are you okay?!” Sophia asked, running up to the dirt-stained woman. As she neared the faint scent of blood wafted into her nose.

“Soph, uh hello. Just coming back from going to the dungeon,” she muttered, her eyes drooping.

“I realised that” Sophia snapped back, “Do you need help?”

Eyvor waved her off, “Nah, all good. Just need-” she yawned, “-Just need a wash and a nap. And then I can give you a present.”

With that she opened the door to her house and stumbled in, dirt flaking off her onto the floor, the pair now noticing several tracks of a similar style weaving across the floor. They followed her as she meandered towards her bed and fell, face first, onto it. The mattress letting out a dull crunch as white powdery cum broke off and disintegrated.

They gave each other a contrite grimace.

Without any words needing to be said Ursula walked off to the kitchen while Sophia started to wave her hands, the copious clods of dirt and spurts of dried cum smudged across the walls and ceiling lifted up and vanished exposing the wood underneath for the first time in many months.

A few minutes later she was finished with the floor as well, the pleasant scent of Ursula’s cooking now wafting through the building.

After checking on her pseudo-sister and finding her still nearly comatose, Sophia left the room and began cleaning the rest of the house. Furniture lost a patina of grease and shone with a lacquered lustre and even more dirt was scrubbed clean from the floor and walls.

Finally finished, the short blonde relaxed her arms and walked over to her partner to embrace her.

Ursula, focused on the cooking, wrapped an arm around her companion and held her close.

After a beat of silence Sophia spoke up, “What’cha cooking hon?”

“Just a stew dear,” the tall girl answered.

They both ruefully chuckled.

“You know, years from now I could see us like this,” Sophia mused.

Ursula ruffled her partner’s hair smiling at the scowl her action generated, “’Till the end of the line.”

They stood there for minutes enjoying each other’s embrace, the stew merrily bubbling away releasing its fragrant meaty scent, the few windows in the house fogging with crystalline dew as the sun dipped beneath the horizon.

Eventually, a groan emanated from Eyvor’s room, and the paramours rushed in to find its occupant gingerly propping themselves up in the bed, leaving an imprint of dust on the mattress behind.

“Why didn’t you clean her?” Ursula muttered.

“It’s rude to use magic on someone without permission,” Sophia lightly chided as she homed in on the woman in the bed.

“Soph, Ursula, what are you guys doing here?” Eyvor asked feebly.

“We thought we’d visit you. Eyvor what’s happened? Why are you running yourself ragged?” The blacksmith questioned.

“Tyr’s missing. We’re not sure where he’s gone but he was last seen in the dungeon a few days ago. We’ve been searching for days, someone as strong as him just don’t disappear.” Eyvor sighed.

“But surely searching for someone isn’t worth it to get into that kind of state?” Ursula criticised. “And how’d you even get so much dirt on you?”

Eyvor weakly raised her hands in surrender, “Your right, I’ll slow down a little. The reason for all the dirt is one of the guys that’s helping me search for Tyr focused on earth magic and he can use it to move around faster. It’s good but I’ve been finding dirt in places – a lot of places.”

Ursula winced, “Well get cleaned up – dinner is ready.”

The teenagers left the room and set up the table with cutlery, as they sat down to eat their sister walked out in new clothes and her body bereft of dirt.

They each got a portion and dug in.

A few seconds later Sophia’s shovelling got faster, barely giving herself enough time to swallow before the next spoonful was at her mouth.

“Soph, are you crying?” Ursula asked incredulously.

Big fat drops were cascading down her face, it took a few seconds for Ursula’s words to percolate through her mind before she surreptitiously wiped her face.

Sophia turned to her partner, eyes red and sniffling, “No? Of course not, why would I be crying. It’s not because this meal tastes amazing or anything.”

Ursula rolled her eyes, “You’re such a dork.”

“I’m your dork.” Sophia stated proudly, her tear streaked cheeks slightly marring the look.

Her partner just sighed in response.

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