
Chapter 44: Chapter 44 – If You Cut It Down Then You’ll Never Know

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Sophia and Ursula woke to the soft crooning voice of Rosalind, the tall woman making the rounds amongst the children – giving a comforting touch and a warm hug to those in need.

The pair leapt up summoning their weapons to hand only for a strong headache to assault their minds.

“Calm down you two,” The matron chided, “Your mana hasn’t recovered nearly enough so you’re not going to be of much help out there. You need to stay inside where it is safe.”

“But people could be dying!” Sophia pleaded.

Rosalind winced, but her gaze firmed as she glanced across the room of sniffling kids, “Your safety is more important to me than someone else’s.”


An almighty crash thrummed through the building.

“Ah, it’s reached the wall.” Rosalind stated, her body and tone the epitome of calm.

“But if the gems could get through then can’t the Ent as well?” Ursula pondered.

The orphanages caretaker took a subtle glance around the room and clocked several worried faces intently listening in on the conversation.

“Of course not,” The woman said, raising her voice to carry to the room, “An enchantment as absolute as stopping all which pass over would block the very air we breathe from reaching us. Those which have messenger birds would find them stymied by the restrictions. Thus, smaller objects are allowed to travel unimpeded – provided they are not moving at great speeds which the gems were not. Of course, changing such a powerful enchantment cannot be merely done on a whim either.”

Rosalind took a deep breath and continued, “Those walls have withstood far greater foes than this. They totally surround the city and delve deep within the earth. And you have nothing to worry about regarding the gems as well. There are more than enough dungeon delvers capable of dealing with such measly combatants.”

“And what about the forest to the north? Will that get grown back or just left alone? And the Ent as well, what will happen to it?” Sophia asked rapid fire.

The owner of the orphanage rubbed soothing patterns into Sophia’s back, “The forest will be regrown of course – over some time. Those in higher places will not want to go long without it for sport.” The woman took a moment to look at all the eyes on her in the room, “Like most manamals with regeneration and magical defense the Alpha Ent will be whittled down over time until its vast stores of energy have been depleted and then killed, its core used for another great project within the city.”

There was a collective sigh of relief at the conclusion of her sentence, several of the children dashing off upstairs while others nodding off to sleep.

“So, I take it that Cardu and Brun are out fighting?” Ursula questioned.

Rosalind nodded, “Yes, however, based on Cardu’s certain temperament I believe he will be focused on killing the Ents for skewers or some other inane reason.” She concluded with a huff.

The blacksmith’s apprentice’s eyes gleamed, “Awesome, great idea Mum! As soon as we’re ready let’s go Soph!”

The blonde rolled her eyes as Rosalind sputtered indignantly.

“You’ll do no such thing young lady!” The irate woman eventually said.

“Maybe we should head back to our house and if we happen to have any of them attack us, we’ll be forced to defend ourselves.” Sophia proposed with a smirk.

Rosalind slumped, “Sophia, you were supposed to be the rational one.’

“Don’t worry, we won’t go out until our mana has recharged… mostly.” The blonde muttered while placing a comforting hand on the hunched over woman.

“Don’t make me use my warhammer,” Rosalind groaned.

“I thought you were a heal…” Sophia trailed off as she spied the giant weapon leaned up against a nearby kitchen bench.

“Holy shit it’s huge,” Ursula muttered in admiration, walking over to it to examine the intricate craftsmanship.

“That’s what she said.” Sophia chuckled.

“No that’s what you said,” The blacksmith quickly retorted with a lascivious grin.

The green-eyed elf’s cheeks went red, and she ducked her head.

“Go back to your rooms you two. And no sex! That will attract the Ents.” Rosalind nudged them both along.

“W-We wouldn’t do that.” Sophia lied, unconvincingly.

Chased away by the baleful glare of their mother, the pair went to their old rooms, finding them no different from when they left it. The ratty state of the bedsheets and countless holes I the thin wooden walls a familiar sight.

Still tired from their foray into the forest, Ursula slumped onto the bed with Sophia crawling on top of her. Yet with how tired they were, sleep still eluded them. The gong-like crashes of the Alpha Ent slamming its roots and limbs into the wall providing an imperfect deathly beat to the city’s inhabitants.

“Do you think we’ll ever get as strong as Axia or Arne?” Sophia mused, twirling a lock of her partner’s auburn hair in her slim digits.

“Of course.” Ursula stated firmly, “We’re still young. And when that time comes, we’ll be in a good enough place to start making our own way back home.”

Whump! Whump!

The soft sound of two gems slamming home into the earth reached their ears, followed by a crackle as the dirt and plant life were desiccated from the area. And yet moments later the characteristic grinding sound of earth being shifted reached them.

“That’s another two to add to the pile,” came the smug satisfied voice of Robert the gnome.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself Rocky.” Eyvor said, the pair hearing the lilting smirk in her tone.

The orphanages defenders walked away, the crunching of dead grass marking their passage.

Looking out the window, the two teens could see a slight red haze had settled over the building and most likely the whole city. The afternoon sun dyed a deeper crimson blood red as if it had been consumed by the Alpha Ent’s fury.

Taking comfort from the other’s presence the pair fell into an uneasy slumber.





The deep base of the heavy blow crashing against the fortifications rumbled through their bodies. The flickering lights of spells casting dancing shadows through the window enabling Ursula and Sophia to see through the curtain of darkness that had befallen the town with the sun’s departure.

“I thought with the sun gone the attacks would stop or at least slow down.” Sophia grumbled. “I’m good for mana. You?”

“Full. Let’s go check on Eyvor.” Ursula said, her body shifting from half-asleep to awake in an instant.

With a thought and a small injection of mana into their necklaces they were both covered in their adventures gear and armour, striding out of their room with purpose.

“She must be asleep,” The blonde said as they walked into the kitchen and past the huge warhammer they had seen the matron wield.

Ursula opened the door, and they were delivered a choaking wave of dust. The once lush and verdant surroundings now reduced to a barren wasteland of cracked earth.

“It’s like we’ve been in a drought for the last fifty years.” Sophia muttered in horrified awe.

“There!” The tall elf shouted, pointing towards a small but bright magelight in the distance.

 Running over when they reached within a few meters of her a shrill trill filled the air. Eyvor, who was leaned up against Robert asleep, jolted awake toppling over a small pile of gems beside her.

Upon seeing them she relaxed, “Oh it’s you two. Wait! Get back inside!”

“Eyvor, you’re exhausted go inside and rest, we’ll take care of it until morning.” Sophia pleaded. “You’re wounded as well!”

The short elf rushed over and gently tended to the exhausted Eyvor and Robert, small gashes oozing a light film of blood closing after a few moments.

“But I’ve got to protect everyone.” The buxom woman pressed, her head dipping as she drifted in and out of sleep.

“You won’t be able to help if you’re dead Sis. Now get inside.” Ursula whispered, ushering them both towards the door.

“Thanks,” The gnome mumbled, his gait upset from the huge sack of gems at his side while the remainder magically tottered after him.

With a protesting groan the rusty hinges of the front door levered open to allow Eyvor and Robert to pass through and when the door slammed shut the elven pair were hit with a near complete absence of sound. The faintest whispers of wind as it swirled the dusty surfaces of the city the slight reprieve from the powerful palpable silence.

The duo huddled into each other back-to-back and waited.

“Wait, what about the-”

A geyser of earth shot up from the ground, the dirt sloughing off to reveal a giant gnarled root. It speared towards them at lightning-fast speeds, intent on sucking them both dry. They could hear several other similar eruptions occurring only meters away.

In the fraction of a second they had; Ursula wrapped Sophia up in her embrace.

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A blinding bright white fire encircled them, raced up the roots with startling speed and followed them back down into the holes from whence they came.

“Trouble often seems to find you both easily.” The aged voice of the headmaster commented wryly.

“Thank you, Sir,” Ursula said stoically, though her body was shivering, “But I hate that were always having to be saved.”

The flying bald man nodded, “I have no doubt that you do. We can speak of this later, I must be off – my spell will only go so far before it is halted.”

“Did ringing not work Sir?” Sophia asked quickly before the man could leave.


A frown crossed the blonde’s face, “Did Axia not tell you?”

“No – she fell unconscious when I arrived. Such a large spell took its toll on her.”

“Trees carry their nutrients through their roots, and we found out yesterday that it’s the same for mana as well. That transportation system is around the circumference of the tree so if you cut off that connection in an instant…” The elf trailed off leadingly.

“It will lose its command over its roots and the inherent magical protection.” The eagle animan concluded. “Show me the spell you used.”

But before they could continue a rumble began to build beneath them.

“It’s not trying to be subtle now!” The man shouted as another wave of fire burst forth from his hand.

When the roots shot up once more, the fire engulfed it and raced back down the holes.

Suddenly, the young pair couldn’t move as they were magically manhandled up into the air.

“I will take you both with me.” The eagle-eyed man bellowed.

“What about the orphanage?!” Ursula screamed.

“The protections should cause it to avoid the building – Rosalind took a risk in not leaving for the city.” The eagle-like man said, concluding with a mutter.

“It’s just a simple cutting spell!” The blonde groaned, “Why do you need us?!”

“The tree would’ve continued to attack you.” The man explained, but his voice then took on a grim demeanour, “But I also want to teach you a lesson.”

The closer he flew towards the wall, the denser the red mist of the alpha manamal grew. It’s cloying pervasive wisps encircling them menacingly. Then they felt a presence that chilled them to their cores. Their bodies instinctively recognizing a blood curdling, menacing existence of pure hatred.

“Holy fuck,” Sophia croaked. “The manticore was bad but this… this is much worse.”

The giant form of the Ent loomed through the red fog; its frame occasionally illuminated by intense explosions rocking its form.

He left them on the wall, his body glowing with magical power as he floated away with two spells manifesting into existence beside him. The second he left the enchantments of the wall roots swarmed at him, several smaller trees fully uprooting themselves in the attempt to kill him.

One of the floating spells pulsed and a wave of fire consumed most of the roots leaving only the Alpha’s forcing him to dodge out of the way – the wooden tentacle scraping by his skin.

With a mental command the two orbs rocketed forth, the first exploded into dazzling light that raced around the giant lumbering tree gouging deep into the tough wood. Milliseconds later the second orb shot down and directly impacted against the base of the manamal.

Then there was an intense heat.

Like the fury of the sun’s surface had visited, sweat tried to bead onto their skin but it evaporated in an instant. Their mouths went dry, nearly glued to the inside of their cheeks.

When the fire had finally dwindled, everyone was greeted to the sight of the huge tree toppled over, its branches feverishly swinging in a desperate attempt to stop any magic from hitting it. Where it once stood a huge, blackened hole remained, reaching deep within the bowels of the earth. Small glittering patches of quartz reflecting the dying light from the fire.

Cheers rung out from the warriors and mages. Several casting their own cutting spells only to have them hit the flailing limbs or hardly mar the surface of the dense tree.

The mist began to thin, swirling into the tree as it righted itself. Its wooden eyes locked onto the headmaster with a baleful fury as the earth beneath it groaned in protest as it was shoved aside by the regrowing network of the tree’s roots.

Completely ignoring everyone else on the field the giant Ent attacked. A wall of branches and roots determined to end the life of the one who damaged it so.

Only for another gleaming silver spell to race across its exposed trunk followed by an intense localized whirlwind that sent the loose dusty earth spiralling away as it burrowed into the earth.

“Impeccable timing as always – Alhistair.” The headmaster’s wry voice rung out.

The blood drained from Ursula and Sophia’s faces.

“I do believe I just saved your life and don’t think I will forget your disregard for my title, I am a councilman.” Sophia’s father sniffed, his eyes flickered over to where the young elfin pair were standing on the wall, “Headmaster has your mind become senile? Why would you bring two weak children to a battle such as this?”

“They are my apprentices.” Was the curt reply.

The councilman’s eyes gleamed as a shark like grin spread across his face, “Of course they are.”

With another wave of his hand the same two spells from before were catapulted into the tree – the red fog weakened even further.

“I trust they will be in the upcoming tournament? Naturally, they’ll need to see who their betters are.” He chuckled, sending a ripple through his long straight golden hair.

The old eagle took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, “That choice will be left up to them.”

“It truly is a good day when I get to talk down to you. Though I must admit I do not recall a time when I ever haven’t.” The regal elf needled.

His hand negligently flicked again; the dense red cloud reduced to a thin vapour.

“If you talk to me from such lofty heights, you will miss what happens down below.” The eagle-man replied, a grin teasing at the edges of his mouth.

“I don-”

The earth shook as a deep guttural rumble tore through the land.

The Alpha Ent had finally managed to stand up once more. Although the wounds were no longer visible, its aura dimmed; sucked into the large body.

Then its form exploded outwards, going from large to colossal in a single breath. Countless growths appeared across its surface, people catching the slightest hints of new green shoots before they darkened into the long deadly wooden appendages, they had become so familiar with.

Its new limbs sprung forward seeking out all the nearby living beings – even its own creations. Screams rung out as they tore through magical defences like paper, dozens being turned into desiccated husks that dispersed into clouds dust when they fell to the ground.

Alhistair and Arne had the worst of it. Magical resistant limbs tore through the air after them, any they destroyed returned with two more, hungry for their blood.

They ducked and dived through the mess of wooden limbs; their magic stretched to the limit as they shielded against several hundred blows. When they finally returned to the safety of the wall, their breathing was haggard, and their clothes torn.

The Ent’s new limbs clanged against the magical shielding, a constant roar of collisions as it furiously battered away.

“How dare you not warn me of that!” Alhistair screamed, his once beautiful face marred with anger.

“I did – you were too ignorant to see it.” Arne spat back, a silencing spell flicking off his fingers and surrounding the group.

“Husband, calm yourself.” A gentle voice sounding like soothing windchimes in a soft breeze interrupted them.

“Alondra, why are you here? You’ll get dirtied by their presence.” Alhistair’s expression softened a touch.

She shot him a glare, “We will discuss this later. For now – leave.”

Cowed, the man left, Sophia and Ursula immediately noticing the headmaster stand tall, a mending spell quickly repairing his clothes, although his expression only got grimmer.

“Greeting’s Alondra.” The eagle animan said stiffly, “What brings you here today?”

“If I did not answer my husband, I will not answer you, Arne. You are dismissed.” She answered coldly.

“Very well. I will ensure the Ent does not burrow under the walls again. Sophia, Ursula, prepare yourselves.” The old man answered, a spell already wrapping around the pair.

“Arne, you may take-” She paused for a moment as a flash of disgust tweaked her lips, “-Ursula. But the other will remain.” Her piercing emerald green eyes bored into Sophia’s, “I wish to speak with my spawn.”


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